Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1663 Blood-red eyes

"That's Yijiaoyan!" Jing Tian smiled and told the children about the legend of Yijiaoyan, "A long time ago, there was a sea dragon named Yijiaolong with a big long strip, because its child was caught by fishermen. , the angry horned dragon stretched out its horns to the surface of the sea, and it is still guarding its habitat..."

Hui Yuan Ai heard this kind of legend that seemed to exist everywhere but with different stories, and thought that she was also a 'forest princess', and looked up at Chi Feichi, the instigator, but couldn't help being stunned.

Under the setting sun, everything was covered with a layer of warm color, and the light shone on people's faces, making everyone's facial contours soften a lot, and their expressions looked much gentler.

Looking at Yijiaoyan, Chi Feichi's face was also covered with a soft and warm light, and the outline was softened a lot, but the sunset light shone into those eyes, dyeing the original purple pupils into red, with a layer of glow on the surface. The blood-red transition to orange is probably because the light is too hazy, and those eyes seem to have no focus, like...two pools of blood calmly deposited in the sun.

Coupled with Chi Feichi's habitual indifference, even if the outline was softened by the setting sun, there was a sense of treachery and horror, as well as an indescribable sense of strangeness.

Ayumi noticed that Hui Yuan Ai was staring up at Chi Feichi, followed her, and also froze in place.

Combined with the corner of the rock over there, she actually imagined a red-eyed dragon, which floated up from the sea viciously, looking at their red-eyed brother Chi...

Uh, what a weird picture.

"So, it is said that fishing boats will sink as soon as they get close to it. Fishermen only dare to worship at a place far away from Yijiaoyan..." Ida bent down and asked with a smile, "So, do you want to go and have a look? It's easy to get close to that rock, and watch the sunset there, and you should be able to see it more clearly!"

Okiya Subaru noticed that Haibara Ai and Ayumi had been staring at Chi Feichi with their heads up. Curiously, they turned their heads to look over, but they were a step too late like Conan.

Chi Feichi had already turned his head and didn't look at Yijiaoyan again. Only a little sunset light hit the side of his face, adapting to the clear vision again.

He didn't want to watch the sunset, not at all.

Mitsuhiko was attracted by the story Ida told, and didn't notice the abnormality of his little friend, he hesitated and said, "But, won't the boat sink when it approaches?"

"It doesn't matter, the one-horned dragon likes children the most!" Ida said with a smile, "It is said that as long as the child gets close to it, the one-horned dragon will bestow the power of the sea, and the swimming will be even better!"

Yuan Tai suddenly became happy, "Really?"

"Go and have a look!" Mitsuhiko said with a smile.

The boat sailed towards Yijiaoyan, and as it approached, Yijiaoyan, which originally only had a sharp corner, gradually became larger, revealing the original appearance of the bare rock.

Before arriving at Yijiaoyan, a yacht drove by.

The three young men on the yacht were dressed casually but also stylishly. The man with the blond mid-length hair stood on the deck with his mask pulled down to his chin and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing? There's a corner rock over there, approach it If you do, you will be punished by Hai Long, and the ship will sink!"

Next to him, a square-faced man with a pink turban on his head and a band-aid on his chin turned his head and said to his companion, "It's okay, they are all children..."

"That's right, that's right..." the blond man with medium long hair said, lowering his head and coughing.

The man wearing the turban turned his head and looked at the blond man with a cropped head who was driving the yacht, "Kai Tian, ​​it seems that there is no one around here!"

"Then we can't help it," the inch-cut man put on a white blindfold over his right eye, and turned around speechlessly, "Let's go look elsewhere."

After the yacht left, Mitsuhiko looked away, "What do those people do?"

Ayumi looked puzzled, "I seem to be looking for something..."

"Recently, some divers appeared here, all day long to please a certain president's daughter, and started diving around here, which made it difficult for us to fish. Although the sea belongs to everyone, it should be considered for us. Ida complained, seeing that he had already reached Yijiaoyan, he laughed again, "However, Yijiaoyan is a rock that belongs entirely to children!"

The boat docked at Yijiaoyan, and Ida got off the boat and tied the rope to a raised rock. Watching Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru take care of a group of children and get off the boat, he said with a smile, "Have fun!"


The three children responded happily, looking around at the rock wall.

Mitsuhiko reached out and touched the rock wall, "Looking closer, it's not so much a horn, it's better to say it's an uneven rock."

"Yeah, it seems they were all washed out by sea water," Conan looked at, then turned his head and asked Haibara Ai in a low voice, "What were you and Ayumi looking at just now?"

"What?" Hui Yuanai was puzzled.

"Brother Chi, didn't you and Ayumi stare at him for a long time just now?" Conan looked at Chi Feichi who had walked down the rock wall, curiously, "What's wrong with him?"

"Red..." Huiyuan Ai paused, deliberately showing off, and said in a leisurely tone, "However, it's not an important matter."

Conan was speechless, "Hey..."

Appetite is the worst.

"Hey, everyone, take a look!" Ayumi pointed at the setting sun on the sea and said with a smile, "Before it goes down, let's take a picture together..."


Under the suspicious gazes of others, Ayumi walked up to Chi Feichi, stretched out her hand and pulled Chi Feichi to where she was standing just now, with a serious look on her face, "Brother Chi comes too!"

Chi Feichi waited for Ayumi to let go, then leaned against the rock wall, lowered his head and took out the cigarette case, and directly refused, "I won't shoot."

"But..." Ayumi hesitated, and turned to look at the setting sun behind her, "The back is facing the setting sun, and Brother Chi is here, and his eyes won't turn red, but if Brother Chi doesn't take pictures, but goes to help When we take pictures, we will face the sunset, and those eyes may turn scary red again..."

Chi Feichi paused with his cigarette finger, raised his eyes to look at Ayumi, "Terrifying red?"

"Probably because of the color of your pupils. When you were watching the sunset just now, the rays of the setting sun shone into your eyes, and your eyes seemed to turn red," Huiyuan Ai explained and stepped forward, unable to help but tease, " It's kind of scary like a horned dragon with red eyes."

Conan was even more speechless.

It turned out that what Huiyuan was talking about was the 'red', and that really wasn't an important thing. Who made his friend's pupils have a special color?

"Really, really?" Guangyan ran up to Chi Feichi in surprise, raised his head and carefully looked at Chi Feichi's eyes, "Will it really turn red?"

Genta hesitated and asked Ayumi, "Is it scary?"

Ayumi smiled awkwardly, "No, no, but brother Chi with red eyes feels so strange."

Chi Feichi put the cigarettes back into the case again. After packing the case, he took out his mobile phone to look at his eyes through the black screen.

Guangyan asked curiously, "Brother Chi, doesn't he know?"

"I don't know." Chi Feichi replied.

"It's not surprising that you don't know. When you don't look directly at the sunset, it doesn't seem so obvious." Hui Yuanai stepped forward and turned to look at the orange-yellow sea, "And the sunset is actually different every day. Probably not every time this happens at sunset, it’s a rare and special sight.”

As soon as Ayumi heard it, she suddenly felt no fear, and said with a smile, "Ayumi met twice, the last time was on Doll's Day!"

"Is it the last time we took pictures in the sunset?" Mitsuhiko asked in surprise, "No wonder you suddenly wanted to take Brother Chi to take pictures just now, but what a coincidence!"

"Then how about this," Okiya Subaru took out his mobile phone, "I'll take pictures for you, just use my mobile phone, and I'll pass it on to you when I get back."

"Before taking pictures..." Chi Feichi saw that he could not see the changes in his eyes while looking through the screen of his mobile phone. He put away his mobile phone, squatted down in front of the rock wall, and looked at the notches on it. Look at this? The notches are still new, from the last few days."

Conan immediately leaned forward, looked at the engraved content and muttered, "Mackerel, carp, snapper, flounder..."

Okiya Subaru also leaned forward curiously, bending down to look at the notch.

"Did someone engrave the fish he caught?" Mitsuhiko guessed.

"It's too much!" Ayumi said.

"You can't catch carp in the sea," Chi Feichi stood up, "That's why I find it strange."

Next to it, Yuan Tai pointed to the rock wall and said, "Hey, come and have a look! Something is stuck here!"

"What?" Conan took the lead and ran over.

Yuan Tai directly grabbed the thing, gritted his teeth and pulled it out, "It's so tightly stuck, it can't be pulled out at all!"

Mitsuhiko looked at the thing stuck in the rock wall, "It seems to be flippers for diving..."

This place is far away from the coast. If someone dives here, it is impossible to leave without flippers, and it is unlikely that someone will dive with an extra pair of flippers. Combined with the brand-new nicks on the rock wall, Conan suddenly has a bad feeling. Guess, turn around and run around a corner of the rock.

If someone stays here, but they don't respond to such a big movement, then...

The premonition experience of the elementary school student of death.

On the other side of Yijiao Rock, a woman in a white diving suit was sitting against the rock wall, without flippers on her feet, with an oxygen cylinder beside her, her head leaning against the rock feebly.

"What's wrong with this man?"

Yuan Tai followed and found Conan standing in front of the woman, and stepped forward curiously, "Are you asleep?"

"No, she's dead..." Conan reached out and probed the side of the woman's neck, frowning and observing the woman's face.

On the side, Okiya Subaru turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, the mirror on one side reflected light, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised slightly.

Although some people died, it seemed a bit too much for him to think so, but he kept hearing that Chi Feichi's reasoning ability was very strong, and Judy also said that Chi Feichi was like Sherlock Holmes, and he wanted to see it for a long time, and imagined it , on the same starting line, a little comparison with Chi Feichi...

Thinking about it is really exciting!

The strange aura of staring at people or things made Huiyuan Ai feel a familiar sense of oppression, and he was startled, and looked up at Okiya Subaru with an ugly face under the shadow of Chi Feichi's side.

This guy's expression...

Okiya Subaru found that he had accidentally leaked his breath again, and quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and the corners of his mouth drooped again.

Chi Feichi also noticed that Okiya Subaru was looking at him, and turned his head to look over, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." Okiya Subaru narrowed his eyes at the woman sitting under the rock wall, his tone was as gentle and elegant as before, "I was just surprised by Mr. Chi's sharpness, those scratches just now may have been left by her, and Haili If the carp cannot be caught, her death will be very suspicious."

Ayumi also moved to Chi Feichi's side, and looked at the woman's body with her head, "Didn't you get trapped here by accident?"

"No," Conan squatted in front of the corpse, put his hands on a handkerchief, and picked up the mouthpiece of the oxygen bottle next to her, "She put on lipstick, but there was no trace of lipstick on the mouthpiece of the oxygen bottle, it might be something People left her here and put the oxygen tank here after she died."

Mitsuhiko's face changed, and he said in surprise, "Isn't that murder?!"

"In short..." Conan put down the oxygen bottle and bit his mouth, stood up, turned his head and said seriously, "Let's call the police first, let the police come over!"

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