Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1665 You see, he has changed again

"Do you want a simple test?" Hui Yuanai whispered, "For example, to see if there is any problem with his thinking ability and whether he can concentrate..."

"It seems that he has no interest in answering our questions at all, and he probably won't cooperate with us. It's not good to force him to cooperate." Conan sighed helplessly, cheered up again, and looked at Okiya Subaru. "By the way, did brother Chi show any unusual emotions on the way here?"

"On the way here, he didn't look abnormal, and we stood on the deck and chatted from time to time," Okiya Subaru thought seriously, "He didn't say anything depressed and pessimistic, it seemed the same as usual."

"When we got to the seawall, Brother Chi seemed to be the same as usual." Guangyan said.

Conan also recalled, "Did that start after the body was discovered..."

Ayumi looked guilty, "Could it be because I said that Brother Chi's eyes turned scary red?"

"No," Haibara Ai explained sternly when she saw Ayumi, "After that, didn't he still remind us that there were words on the rock wall? It was the same as usual at that time, right?"

"That's right," Guangyan raised his head and looked at Yijiaoyan, which cast a shadow in front of him, "It must have been after the body was discovered, but Brother Chi said he didn't know Miss Chifeng..."

"Brother Chi doesn't look like someone who will be frightened by corpses." Yuan Tai added.


The three children were thinking seriously.

Okiya Subaru thought about it for a while, and felt that Chi Feichi's abnormality was indeed caused by the discovery of the body, and he couldn't see the specific reason for it, so he couldn't help sighing, "I... never thought that Mr. Chi's situation would be so serious. serious."

Seeing Okiya Subaru's serious expression, Haibara was stunned for a moment.

This guy seems to be having a headache as to how to find a breakthrough. Will the people from that organization act to such an extent?

Okiya Subaru finished feeling, raised his eyes to look at the sea, and didn't speak any more.

A normal person's attitude towards a person is either positive, friendly and enthusiastic, or repelling and disgusting, or ignoring him.

Shirley belongs to the category of repelling and unwilling to pay attention to him. The boundaries of attitudes of other people he meets are also very clear. If there is no major event, there will be no change.

And Chi Feichi's attitude towards him is more difficult to figure out. Sometimes he seems unwilling to pay attention to him, sometimes he is extremely friendly, and sometimes he seems to want to stare at him and seem to doubt him. Before Chi's attitude changed, nothing strange happened between them.

At first, he thought it was Chi Feichi's weird personality. After all, many people were in a bad mood and were not willing to deal with others, but Chi Feichi's attitude just changed more violently and extreme, and the reason for the change was unknown.

Thinking about it now, if you look at Chi Feichi with the eyes of a normal person, Chi Feichi's changes are very strange, but if you realize that Chi Feichi is a snake maniac, then Chi Feichi's usual state is indeed 'stable'.

At least before today, he had never thought that someone would be socializing normally one second, and reject social activities for unknown reasons the next second, and enter a state of autism.

Mitsuhiko was silent for a while, looked up and saw a boat approaching not far away, pointed to the boat and reminded, "Ah! The police are here."

This is in the territory of Kanagawa, and the policeman is an old acquaintance, Shigeno Yokomizo.

After taking over the scene, investigating Yijiaoyan, and confirming the situation, Henggou Shigeno walked to a place where Yijiaoyan was not covered by the sunset light, raised his head, and looked at the group of little ghosts on the boat with disgust.

"You are the first to discover the corpse, right? What a coincidence, why are you again..."

"Yes," Mitsuhiko scratched his head and smiled, "Officer Henggou, long time no see."

"Conan and I only met twice a few days ago, so it's not too long since we haven't seen each other, right? Then, the situation is that you came to fish, and on the way back, you came to play at Yijiaoyan, and found the body, yes Right?" Henggou Shigeno looked down at the records reported by his subordinates in the manual, "You didn't come here because you knew there was a corpse, did you?"

"How is that possible?" Conan laughed dryly, leaned out while leaning on the railing, "However, when we were on Yijiaoyan, we did realize that someone might have had an accident, so we went to find the body."

"Oh?" Henggou Shigeno looked up at Conan on the boat.

"It's because of the flippers stuck on the rock wall." Okiya Subaru looked at the rock wall behind Yokomizo Shigego, "He probably thought of that when he saw that... No one would just do it just because of a prank. Bring an extra pair of fins when diving? Then you can make a normal reasoning of 'the owner of the flippers is still here', but we are so noisy, but no one came to check the situation, so Conan wanted to see where the other party was and what he was doing. What, are you in trouble?"

"Then have you pulled out the fins and looked at them?" Henggou Shigeno took out a ballpoint pen and prepared to record, "Is there any special writing or marks on it?"

"No," Guangyan said truthfully, "We found the other flipper in the crevice on the other side of the rock, and pulled it out to look at it. We didn't find any writing on it, but..."

"Speaking of strange words, brother Chi has seen it before!" Ayumi enthusiastically pointed to the rock wall behind Henggou, "Look, there are strange words engraved on the rock wall behind Police Officer Henggou. "

"Mr. Chi?" Henggou Shigeno turned his head to look at the rock wall with a black line on his head, "Mackerel, carp, snapper, flounder...Maybe these are left by a certain angler?"

"That's impossible, Mr. Chongwu!" Ida smiled and walked forward, holding on to the railing and explained, "Mackerel, snapper, and flounder are better said, but carp cannot be caught in the sea."

"Brother Ida?" Henggou Shigeno looked at Ida in surprise, "Did you bring them here?"

Ayumi looked at the two curiously, "Do police officer Henggou and Mr. Ida know each other?"

Ida briefly talked about the past.

The Henggou brothers came here on his father's fishing boat in order to swim better when they were young. After that, he and Henggou Shigego became bad friends, and Henggou Sango was also afraid of going into the water because of that time on the boat. Landlubber.

Soon, Henggou re-awakened and turned the topic back to the engraved text.

Conan threw the watch he found, together with the evidence bag, from the boat to Shigego Yokomizo, and talked about the process of looking for the watch.

Henggou Zhongwu quickly reached out to catch the evidence bag, looked down, "I didn't expect you to use the evidence bag to pack it, but kid, even if it is packed in the evidence bag, this kind of evidence can't be thrown away casually." ah……"

They are because...

Conan turned his head to look at the cabin behind him, only to find that Chi Feichi had already walked behind them, he forgot to react for a moment, and could only stare blankly at Chi Feichi walking past them.

Chi Feichi didn't stop, got off the boat, walked up to Henggou Zhongwu, and looked at his watch with his head.

Henggou saw that it was Chi Feichi who came, and he was not surprised. He didn't even say hello politely, and looked at the wear on the back of the watch dial without looking up, "AKA fan NEANGLE... C dew B? The letters behind ANGLE are worn out." It's gone, so I can't see clearly."

"AKA fan NE refers to the surname 'Chifeng'," Chi Feichi stood beside Henggou Zhongwu, looked down at his watch and said, "C Lu B is the club, it should be the name of a club organized by Miss Chifeng, Watches are also custom made."

On the side covered by the shadow of the rock wall, he has no problem seeing things, so solve this incident quickly, and he wants to go back early.

"Hmm..." Henggou looked at his watch and questioned, "AKA fan NE is indeed Chifeng, but when it comes to Chifeng, I remember that it is a financial company recently developed in Kanagawa. The chairman is this surname, so maybe It's a benefit for the company's employees, not necessarily a club organized by the eldest lady, right?"

"The deceased is Miss Chifeng." Chi Feichi said.

"So, if the deceased is Miss Chifeng, then it is impossible for the company to issue something to the staff, plus 'C Lu B'..." Henggou paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at Chifeng in astonishment. Feichi, "What did you say?! The deceased is Miss Chifeng? Do you know her?"

"I don't know, Mr. Ida said it." Chi Feichi looked at Ida on the boat calmly, "Mr. Ida also said that she took some divers to dive in this area recently."

"Then, those who dived with her are very suspicious..." Henggou Shigeno nodded thoughtfully, and found a group of people standing by the railing on the boat with a dazed expression, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?" ? Why are you looking at us like that?"

"Uh, no," Mitsuhiko raised his hand and scratched his head, not knowing what to say, "No, nothing."

Conan: "..."

It was because Chi Feichi suddenly became normal... No, he suddenly left the 'autistic state' and became similar to usual, but not normal. In short, Chi Feichi changed again.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Mr. Chi floated out suddenly, and discussed the case with police officer Henggou as if nothing happened...

Haibara Ai:"……"

The change is too fast, people are caught off guard.

Seeing a group of people just laughing, Henggou was even more puzzled, "Speaking of which, you have been standing on the boat talking to me since just now, is there something wrong on the ground here?"

"No, it's not." Conan smiled dryly, and got off the boat with the others.

They were worried before that after they disembarked, no one would guard Chi Feichi, what if Chi Feichi suddenly couldn't think of jumping into the sea?

But he didn't expect Chi Feichi to get off the boat first.

"Miss Guangli!"

On the side where the body was found on Yijiaoyan, there was the sound of an approaching yacht's engine, as well as a surprised cry from a man.

"Huh?" Henggou Chongwu poked his head out of the rock wall.

The yacht approached, and the three men on the yacht looked at the forensics personnel who were investigating beside the corpse, surprised and wary.

"Who are you? Police, police?"

"Why are the police here? What happened to Miss Guangli?"

"Anyway, lean the yacht against the rocks first, if it's really Missy, it's really amazing!"

Chi Feichi endured the setting sun and glanced at it. He vaguely saw the yacht docked in front of the rock, and the three figures wanted to run directly in the direction of the corpse. He reminded Henggou Chongwu, who was still stunned beside him, "Hey, I got to work."

"...I don't need you to remind me!" Henggou Chongwu became angry with embarrassment, and looked at the three people who were frightened over there, turning into a big head and yelling, "You three stop for me, and you are not allowed to approach the corpse!"

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