Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1684 Conversation Between Mothers

In the back seat of the black private car, Koshimizu Nanatsuki held a mineral water bottle and drank. He felt that the intensity of running the stairs, pressing the elevator button, and climbing down the wall had eased a lot. He raised his head, and his eyes were covered with window film through the car window. glass, and looked curiously into the exterior rearview mirror.

She heard a rustling sound from behind just now, and now there are many fallen leaves falling under the tree, did a cat jump on the tree...


A figure suddenly jumped out of the shade of the tree, and landed straight on the roof of the car she was in.

In the next second, the window glass was directly smashed violently.

Before Koshimizu Nanatsuki could react, a gloved hand reached into the car window holding a small bottle.


The white mist from the small bottle filled the car in an instant. When Koshimizu Nanatsuki was surprised, he inhaled a lot of white mist. Seeing that the other party seemed to have jumped off the roof of the car and wiped it with his hands, it was a pity that the other party left the car. The window was near, and her vision was blurry, and she could only see a vague shadow.

In the next second, the eyes were plunged into darkness.

Outside the car, Chi Feichi cleaned up the footprints on the roof, reached into the shattered window, unlocked the car door from the inside, opened the car door and hugged the unconscious Yueshui Nanatsuki to help him up. Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out Koshimizu Nanatsuki's cell phone from his pocket, turned it on and threw it on the seat.

The operation was quick and irritable, and Feichi came back to his senses, and found that his master had gone around the path to the parking lot with Yueshui Nanatsuki in his arms, a little dazed.

"Master, your actions just now seem to be kidnapping..."

"It was kidnapping."


in a minute.

A vigorous figure turned out from the window on the second floor, and the high-heeled shoes landed lightly, making a soft 'click'.

The short-haired woman took out her sunglasses and put them back on her face. She turned around and looked at the parking place. When she found that the rear window of her car was broken and the door was opened, her expression changed and she hurried forward.

There was no one waiting for her in the car. Not only was the rear door opened, glass shards left by the violently broken window were scattered between the seats. An opened bottle of mineral water fell under the seat, and most of the water inside flowed out. .


The shattered glass was still stuck to the car window film, and the screen of the mobile phone thrown on it lit up.

The short-haired woman regained her senses, bent down to pick up her mobile phone, and checked the newly arrived text message.

[Don't call the police, or she will die...]

Because the phone is not unlocked, the content behind cannot be seen, and the sender also shows a string of anonymous asterisks.

Of course, there is no way to reply.

After seeing the anonymous asterisk, the short-haired woman was silent for a moment, turned her head to look at the fallen leaves piled up at the foot of the tree next to her, put away her mobile phone, turned around to the driver's seat, opened the car door and got in the car. Cell phone call.


It took a long time for the prompt to be answered before the call was answered.

The female voice on the other side of the phone was gentle and gentle, showing some doubts, "Qianying? Why did you call me all of a sudden?"

Chikage Kuroba drove the car to the parking lot with a solemn expression, "I'm sorry, Kana, I called you at this time..."

"It's okay, I'm not in the UK. Kazunosuke came to China two days ago. The time difference is only one hour. It happens to be nine o'clock in the morning here..."

Chikana Kuroba's slow speech made Chikage Kuroba anxious, but she didn't know how to explain what happened to her.

"We were watching giant pandas just now," Chi Kanai shared happily, with a rare touch of excitement in his tone, "there are many giant pandas in the panda park here, and we also saw a large group of baby pandas running on the grass. They are all black and white and round..."

Chikage Kuroba imitated the picture of a group of small groups running on the grass, her thoughts were distracted, her eyes lit up, "Really?"

"I took a lot of videos and I'll send them to you later," Chi Kanai said with a smile, "I also sent them to Feichi just now. He likes giant pandas the most."

Chikage Kuroba suddenly remembered the business, "Well...he may not be in the mood to watch giant pandas right now, and neither am I."

"What's the matter?" Chi Kanai stayed away from the noise, "Didn't you go to Japan to look after your children? Did something happen soon?"

"It's not Kaito," Kuroba Chikage was sorting out what to say in his mind, and his speech speed slowed down, "I was worried that Kaito would not be able to deal with the police as a phantom thief, so I wanted to come to Japan to see him, and help you get the diamond I gave it to Feichi, and I wanted to see Kaito's seriousness in investigating, so I gave the diamond to the museum for exhibition..."

"You mentioned this to me," Chi Kanai paused, "If the diamond is lost, then there's no need to worry, right?"

"The diamond was not lost. After I lent it to the art museum, I specially asked the art museum to exhibit only during the day and to close at night, so that Kaito would attack the diamond. I mingled with the guests every day to find suspicious people. As a result, Seeing a girl seems to be very interested in that diamond," Kuroba Chikage explained, "It should be said that she is interested in whether the phantom thief will target the diamond, and she is also a detective."

"Could it be that your Kaito has provoked another girl?" Chi Kane teased.

"It's not my Kaito," Kuroba Chikage said, "it's the girl Feichi provoked by your family."

"Huh?" Chi Kane was a little surprised.

"At first I thought my Kaito was picking on a girl again, but I followed it out of curiosity and found that she doesn't seem to know Kaito, but she has a good relationship with your little girl," Chikage Kuroba saw a red Lexus from the parking lot After driving out of the field, he decisively drove off to keep up, "You also know that your little girl doesn't just give things to people casually, or Fushahui's latest bag, which is not cheap, and is a luxury for ordinary friends. , she will also consider whether the other party will feel pressured, yes, so I became more curious, and asked Kaito, and found out that it might be the girl Feichi provoked by your family..."

"But Feichi and Xiao Ai..." Chi Jianai recalled, "Xiao Ai mentioned to me that they met a capable and cute female detective, who seemed to have known Feichi since childhood, it was... Yue Shui Mademoiselle?"

"That's right," Kuroba Chikage said with a dry smile, "I was followed by her and she found out by accident. I have no choice but to say that Feichi's aunt is also a friend of Feichi's mother. In the end, she invited me to dinner warmly and considerately." , I will give her special training in return..."

"Special training?" Chi Kane wondered.

"You also know that Qingzi usually doesn't run around, and she doesn't have dangerous hobbies. Influenced by her father who is a policeman, she doesn't like strange thieves either," Chikage Kuroba said depressedly, "And some of my escape techniques are only applicable to In special circumstances, there is no way to give it to her..."

"So you taught Miss Yueshui?" Chi Kane helped Kuroba Chikage to complete the supplement, and then asked, "You don't want to teach her theft skills, do you?"

"Compared to Kaitou Kidd, I don't have any stealing skills." Kuroba Chikage couldn't help but smile, "Besides, as a detective, she also has some lockpicking skills, I just told her the simpler and more convenient tricks." ..."

Chikana: "..."

Isn't that still teaching?

"Don't worry, I can see that she really likes Feichi. The Tang Dao that Feichi gave her is not allowed to be touched by her in the room. I believe she will never turn around and cause trouble for us in the future. Kuroba Chikage paused, "I asked her to hide it from Feichi. I was planning to surprise Feichi. Today, I plan to kidnap her and ask Feichi to find her according to the code I left behind." she……"

Chikana: "..."

This is a surprise?

Qianying's understanding of 'surprise' is somewhat problematic.

Besides, other parents played very vigorously with their children, but she didn't dare, and watched Qianying play with her own son, and suddenly felt so disappointed.

"But here comes the trouble," Kuroba Chikage said awkwardly, "It seems that the girl was really kidnapped."

"What, what?" Chi Kane was a little confused by this turning point.

"Feichi arrived earlier than the agreed time, so I split up with her to make preparations and asked her to wait for me in my car parked outside the hotel first." Chikage Kuroba frowned, "But when I arrived, I found the car The windows were smashed, the doors were opened, there were bottles in the car and her cell phone was turned off, she must have been abducted."

Chi Kanai's tone became more serious, and he asked slowly, "Then did you call the police?"

"Not yet, when I got to the car, her mobile phone seemed to be opened by the other party, and she also received an anonymous text message saying 'If you call the police, she will die', I don't know the unlock code of the mobile phone , I didn't see the content behind it," Kuroba Chikage said, "Since it's an anonymous text message, I can't unlock the reply..."

"What about Feichi?" Chi Kanai asked, "Does he know?"

"I haven't told him yet, but he seems to have driven to the place I indicated in the signal," Chikage Kuroba said quickly, "When I got to the car, the other party just sent a text message to the mobile phone, indicating that the other party may Knowing my whereabouts, or if there are accomplices nearby staring at me, then it may be aimed at me, and it is unlikely to be aimed at Feichi or Chi's family, so I don't want to rush to meet Feichi , leave the place as soon as possible, and wait for the non-arrival to park at the place designated by the code, and then I will explain the situation to him according to the situation. In addition, since the other party sent an anonymous text message, indicating that he did not intend to reply to me, I have already brought my mobile phone. Next, the other party If you have any requests, you should contact me again."

"Did you find any other clues?" Chi Kanai asked.

"The other party should be lurking in the big tree near my parking place. After Xiao Yueshui got on the car, he suddenly jumped off the tree, smashed the car window violently, used hypnotic gas or something to make Yueshui unconscious, and then took her away. ," Kuroba Chikage paused, "I'm not sure if the other party followed me, but the other party seems to know my whereabouts very well, so that they can know that I have been with Xiao Yueshui recently, and find this opportunity to kidnap her. "

Chi Kane asked, "Do you have any suspects?"

"Not yet," Kuroba Chikage frowned suspiciously, "I've been following me for so long, I shouldn't have noticed, but looking at the traces at the scene, there are very few traces left, and there are very few people on the other side, no more than two, There are no footprints near the car, and he is a very careful person. I was only two minutes late to the car when Xiao Yueshui was there, but the other party had already left. He was able to kidnap me so quickly and without leaving too many traces with so few people. The children I have taught must be very troublesome people! I am already wondering who can have this ability..."

"You don't have to worry too much, go find Feichi and rendezvous first," Chi Kanai reassured, "Umbrella has an intelligence monitoring network in Tokyo, if someone was taken away in Tokyo, I should be able to find him as soon as possible."

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