Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1701 Is this world crazy?

Conan looked up and saw the bruise on Ryosuke Oling's arm, and remembered that Ryosuke Oling had pulled himself before, and couldn't help being dazed.

Chi Feichi had already climbed out of the ventilation window first, reached outside, and stretched out his hands downward, "Don't you guys still want to leave?"

Ryosuke Oling picked up Conan, stepped on the box to the window, and handed Conan to Chi Feichi, "Your skills are really good, you can climb up without stepping on the box."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up." Chi Feichi pulled Conan out, and stretched out his hand to pull Ryosuke Oling out.

"Uh..." Daling Ryosuke saw that Chi Feichi was still willing to pull himself, he was stunned, stretched out his hand to Chi Feichi, borrowed his strength to climb out of the ventilation window, and muttered in a low voice, "I'm praising you, you are not at all are you happy?"

Chi Feichi dug out the bag of gauze and wound cleaning lotion from his pocket, and threw it to Ryosuke Oling, "Treat the wound yourself."

He is not sure if this is a plot event, but the probability of Conan getting involved is very high.

Ryosuke Oling was not a bad person, and he was quite funny. It's a pity to die. Anyway, he was involved in a murder case. If he didn't solve it for a day, he couldn't get rid of the fate of being called by the police to recognize people from time to time. It's better to solve the matter quickly.

"Thank you..." Oling Ryosuke moved a cardboard box to block the ventilation window, sat down on the ground, put the gauze and medicine on his knees, rolled up his sleeves, and tilted his head to clean the wound, "But why do you carry this with you? ? Are you often injured?"

"That's right," Conan answered for Chi Feichi, and asked, "Do you know the person who shot just now?"

"I don't know him at all!" Ryosuke Oling tilted his head and wrapped the gauze around his arm, "I didn't see that guy's face at all..."

"Then who do you think it is? How did he know we were there?" Conan turned into a problem baby, "And why did he shoot?"

"How would I know?" Ryosuke Oling was annoyed by the question, and said angrily, "Why do you have so many questions!"

In the alley not far away, Gao Mushe looked around and walked by.

The three squatted or sat behind the sundries box, but Gao Muwa didn't notice.

Oling Ryosuke held his breath, and after Takagi She walked over, he breathed a long sigh of relief. He looked suspiciously at Chi Feichi and Conan, who were also silent, "Why didn't you make a sound? Was it the police who passed by just now?"

"Huh?" Conan looked at Ryosuke Oling with a puzzled expression on his face.

How could the kidnapper ask the hostage why he didn't ask for help?

"Have you forgotten that you are a hostage?" Oling Ryosuke whispered bitterly, "If you encounter the police, you should ask for help!"

"Really..." Conan turned to look at the entrance of the alley.

"Ordinary people would be like this," Ryosuke Oling felt that he had encountered two mentally abnormal snake spirits today, and said with black lines, "Do you have common sense, kid?"

"You, a kidnapper, don't look like a kidnapper," Chi Feichi squatted aside, and said something that Conan agreed with very much, "He suspects that you are not the murderer who killed Mr. Entian, at least not behind the scenes. He asked you those questions just now. I also want to confirm whether you are being used by someone, and whether the other party is planning to kill you now."

"Do you suspect that I'm not the murderer?" Ryosuke Oling pointed at himself in bewilderment.

"Yeah, big brother, wasn't it good that you ran away by yourself just now? Why did you save me and get injured, and then ran with us?" Conan looked at Ryosuke Oling suspiciously, "So I was thinking that you really killed someone Are you guilty, you don't look like that kind of person..."

"You were brought inside by me, what's going on without you and running away by yourself? Didn't he pull me out just now?" Ryosuke Oling tried to keep his voice soft, "And why am I not a murderer? I I don’t know why someone came over with a gun, but even I, the one who fired the gun, admitted it, so could there be a mistake?”

"Last night, I felt a little strange," Chi Feichi looked at Ryosuke Oling, and said softly, "The shot that killed Mr. Ontian hit the heart directly. After Mr. Ontian fell down, he died almost without struggling. It feels very accurate Neat, but you were flustered when you fled last night. With your mentality at the time, it was impossible to fire that shot. Although after watching the surveillance, it was confirmed that you accidentally let the pistol go off when you tripped on your back , Where the bullet hits has nothing to do with your mentality, but a random shot can hit the heart exactly, the chance of such a coincidence is not high."

Ryosuke Oling looked at Chi Feichi's overly calm eyes, felt that he was enveloped by the emotionless gaze, and subconsciously responded, "Yes, yes..."

Conan asked suspiciously, "Brother Chi, why do you know so much?"

It is impossible for the police to say this to unrelated people before the case is closed.

What he knows is the situation broadcast to the outside world, such as the death of Onda and Mimi in Shibuya Park last night, the suspect Ryosuke Oling is at large, and he hopes that the public should pay attention to safety and actively provide clues.

He didn't know the details at all.

If the police can't find a clue to solve the case, they may quietly seek help from detectives, but this case was quickly locked on Ryosuke Oling. It is said that there are still surveillance videos, so detectives are not needed.

And even if he wanted to find a detective, Police Officer Mu Mu would probably go to a professional detective like Uncle Mao Li, and would not find Chi Feichi directly.

Knowing so much, unless Chi Feichi is a person involved in the case...

"Yes, yes," Daling Ryosuke replied blankly, dumbfounded, "It's as if you saw everything last night."

"I was the first person to discover it," Chi Feichi explained to Conan, "After the party parted last night, I drove Xiao Ai and Yue Shui to the road past Shibuya Park. When I was outside the park, I happened to hear The sound was suspected to be a gunshot, but at that time the tram was passing by, and it was a little hard to hear. Soon, we saw Mr. Daling running out of the park in a panic with a gun in the car. We went to the park to check and saw We arrived at the body of the deceased, so we called the police, and then went to the surveillance cameras in the park with Officer Megure.”

"You were outside the park last night?" Ryosuke Oling expressed shock. "Are you the first to find the body? You also called the police?"

"That's not the point," Conan interrupted with disgust in his heart. There were so many questions, but none of them got to the point. "The problem is..."

At the entrance of the alley on the other side, Chiba Kazunobu walked by looking around.

The three of them remained silent in the alley again, until Chiba and Shinobu left, Ryosuke Omine said in a low voice, "But, I was the one who stood in front of that guy Onda last night and shot, the surveillance captured it, you I also saw the surveillance, who else could the murderer be?"

Conan looked at the entrance of the alley, raised his head and said to Chi Feichi, "Anyway, let's leave here first."

Chi Feichi nodded, took out his mobile phone and called Dr. A Li.

"The police are all around, how do we get out of here?" Ryosuke Oling was in a complicated mood.

He is a murderer and a kidnapper, but the witness to the murder and the kidnapped hostage are actually planning to take him out of the police circle.

He was a murderer and a kidnapper, and he admitted that he had killed, but the witnesses of the murder and the kidnapped hostages kept suspecting that he was not the murderer.

Is he crazy or are these two people crazy? Or is the world crazy?

Why does he feel that what happened in the past two days is like a dream, which is going to be weird and unreasonable like a dream.

After Oling Ryosuke asked 'how to get out of the police encirclement', here, Chi Feichi talked on the phone in a low voice on his own, while there, Conan frowned and thought, and no one responded, making Oling Ryosuke even more speechless.


The police cast a net nearby to search, and it was difficult to leave without transportation, and they might be found as soon as they got out of the pile of boxes.

And since the police were able to find this place, it meant that the police had found two cars nearby, and Chi Feichi couldn't go back to drive his own car.

Therefore, Dr. Ali, a foreign aid, was pulled into the action team.

"The doctor will be there in about half an hour." After Chi Feichi hung up the phone, he put away his phone and looked towards the alley. "The car can't come here. Let's wait there."

"It's really troublesome. It would be terrible if the police found out..." Ryosuke Daling complained and stood up, handed the remaining cleaning solution to Chi Feichi, looked around and walked forward, not forgetting to turn his head to remind him Chi Feichi and Conan said, "Hey, there are a lot of ventilation windows and electric meter boxes here, and there are also a lot of debris piled up on the road, so be careful when walking!"


When Ryosuke Oling turned his head, his face came into close contact with the electric meter box on the wall, and he kicked over the iron bucket containing the garbage in front of him.

Conan was sweating, stepped forward to hold the trash can that was about to fall down, and couldn't help but whisper, "You should be more careful!"

"It hurts..." Ryosuke Oling stretched out his hand to cover his nose.

"Now is not the time to cry out for pain, the police must have heard it," Conan reminded in a low voice, "Hurry up and hide!"

Chi Feichi looked around and climbed up the drainage pipe installed on the outer wall.

Conan and Ryosuke Oling followed immediately, squatting together with Chi Feichi on the narrow platform of the outer wall on the second floor.

Down below, Tsutomu Takagi and Chiba and Shinobu surrounded the alley from both sides, looked at each other, looked around, winked, and walked lightly to the next alley.

"Huh..." Daling Ryosuke breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat off his head, saw Chi Feichi crawling down again, and asked in surprise, "Hey, can't we just wait here? Why not?" Want to go down?"

"There are only two alleys ahead to search," Chi Feichi analyzed in a low voice as he climbed down, "The police can look through the two alleys ahead in five minutes, and when they find no one there, they will search carefully, such as Go into the alley, check behind the box, and for example..."

"After entering the alley, observe whether there are suspicious footprints on the ground. The traces after you kicked into the trash can and our footprints nearby may be found. When they look up, we can't hide at all. We have to change places. Conan followed and climbed down, raising his head and urging Ryosuke Oling, who was stunned on the platform, "Hurry up! We must arrive at the entrance of the alley in five minutes, and when Officer Chiba and Officer Takagi enter the alley at the end to search , Move to another alley."

"Ah...Okay, okay." Ryosuke Oling climbed down in a daze.

Chi Feichi walked lightly along the wall to the entrance of the alley, confirmed that Takagi outside had entered the alley at the end, counted silently for two seconds, pointed to the alley diagonally opposite, and said softly, "Go to that alley, Don’t panic, and be careful not to make any noise.”

Conan pushed Ryosuke Oling, and said in a low voice, "Follow up, I'll help you cut off the back, if the police see me, I will go forward to hold them back, you follow Brother Chi to find Dr. Meet with the doctor's family."

Daling Ryosuke nodded in a daze, walked lightly, and followed Chi Feichi step by step towards the diagonally opposite alley. Looking at Chi Feichi's leisurely and calm steps, he looked nervously to the left from time to time, feeling extremely anxious.

He is very grateful that there are two more helpers on the way to escape, but can you hurry up?

There is no shelter on the left and right sides of this section of the road, and the police can see him as soon as they come out. He is so scared!

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