Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1711 Sure enough

Chi Feichi looked down at the 'Midnight Jackdaw' in his hand, "Is it too exaggerated?"

He watched the death of most people in this world, just like watching a paper man show, and his mentality tended to be peaceful, so it shouldn't have such a big impact.

Or is it that he was also affected by the atmosphere of 'killing red eyes' because yesterday's action killed one after another?

"It's a little exaggerated, but it's only limited to the fact that you're not holding a corpse," Koshimizu Nanatsuki complained honestly, "As far as the coldness in his eyes is concerned, it will scare strangers, but it's okay , The curator has met you before, and knows that your personality is usually cold, but today he probably just thinks that you are not in a good mood, so he wants to try not to disturb you as much as possible, and even the small talk is much easier."

"There's nothing wrong with that," Chi Feichi said, "It's very worry-free."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was speechless for a moment, looked at Chi Feichi, and said hesitantly, "Are you going to..."

"Brother Chi!"

A child's excited shout came from outside the car, interrupting Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words.

The yellow Beetle slowed down and stopped beside it to join the traffic jam.

The window glass of the rear seat was lowered, squeezing the bright smiling faces of three elementary school students.

In the front passenger seat, Conan also looked over his head, and when he saw Chi Feichi turning his head indifferently, he knew what was going on.

If nothing else, the next step should be...

"Why are you here?" Chi Feichi asked. .

Conan laughed inwardly.

it is as expected……

It's this kind of attitude of "Why are you here in the eyes?" Although it is very shocking, he is used to it.

The others were also so used to it that they couldn't get used to it anymore. Through the window glass affected by the sun, they didn't notice anything wrong with Chi Feichi's gaze.

Hui Yuanai poked her head in the back seat, "They won the doctor's lunch by playing games, and wanted to invite you to go with them. They wanted to call you in advance, but..."

"Because I heard from the doctor that your car was crashed after chasing the kidnappers and sent to the repair shop," Mitsuhiko Masaki took over and explained, "So we want the doctor to drive to Kashido-cho first, if you want to go, You don’t need to rush to Mihuacho to meet us, and you can just get on the bus in Kubotocho.”

"What a coincidence," Ayumi said with a smile, "I didn't expect to meet Brother Chi on the road!"

"But, we've been stuck in traffic three times along the way," Genta Banyueyan said, "The traffic in Kubado-cho is really terrible. Looking at it this way, it will take us a long time before we can eat the doctor's meal. It's better to let brother Chi run over faster..."

"Genta..." Ayumi and Mitsuhiko smiled awkwardly.

In fact, after careful calculation, they also felt that during the time of traffic jams, with Chi Feichi's physical strength, they could even run to the doctor's house by running. Then, they can start from other routes, which is faster in terms of time, but Asking Chi Feichi to go from Kudo-cho to Mihua-cho to meet them is too cruel...

"Okay, it's only past ten o'clock in the morning, we have enough time to rush there, you don't have to worry," Dr. A Li smiled and reassured, "On the way to Feichi's house, you either pass by a busy business district or pass by a park. It’s a holiday again, so it’s unavoidable that there will be many cars on the road, but the traffic in this area is already very good, and it will be cleared up soon, so you won’t have to wait too long!”

Yueshui Nanatsuki sees Chi Feichi watching the children's eyes gradually return to the same as before, although the calmness is too much, but at least the vague feeling of "I want to kill you" is gone, and he moved closer "The one I just said... got better after meeting the children, and now it's about the same as usual..."

"When you meet children, always be careful." Chi Feichi replied in a low voice.

He didn't think the three children would be able to detect the anomaly, but Conan might not, and his sister had her own radar. If she was not careful, not only would she find the residual murderous aura on him, but she might also find the aura of the organization, so it's still Try to restrain yourself.


Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who appeared in sight.

"I said..." Yuan Tai asked in surprise, "Who is this big sister?"

"It's Detective Yueshui. Have I told you before?" Conan said speechlessly, "When Haibara was sick, she went to the doctor's house to see Haibara, but you just went there after school that day, so you happened to miss it."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu smiled and greeted a group of people, "I'm Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and I'm currently working as a private detective!"

"Sister Yueshui, hello! I'm Ayumi..."

"I'm Mitsuhiko."

"I'm Yuantai!"

The three children greeted each other obediently.

Chi Feichi remained silent.

If nothing else, the next step should be...

"Plus Conan and Xiao Ai..." Ayumi looked at the other two, and shouted in unison, "We are——boy detective team!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

it is as expected.

Conan: "..."

Ha ha ha ha ha……

Amused by the three children, Dr. Ali asked again, "By the way, Feichi, why are you here? Are you planning to go out?"

"Yue Shui called me in the morning and said that he had something to discuss with me. When he drove to my place, he knew that the exhibition time for the gems that my family had lent to the museum was up, so he sent me to pick them up." Chi Feichi explained.

When the three children heard about gemstones, they immediately became interested.

"Gem loaned to a gallery show?"

"Is it a big, big gem? It must be worth a lot!"

"I really want to take a look..."

"That's it." Chi Feichi reached out the window and threw the black diamond into the back seat of Dr. Ali's car.

Dr. Ari and Haibara were sweating, and Conan's face changed slightly from fright.

Hey, even if you want to show it to the children, at least find a place to sit down and talk about it. Just throwing it over on the road or in the pile of cars is really... heroic!

"Master, I want to go over and say hello to the children!" Feichi couldn't wait to crawl out of his collar.

Chi Feichi understood in seconds, picked up Feichi and threw it into the opposite car window.

Even though the three children were used to Feichi's existence, seeing 'a snake crawling' was different from seeing 'a snake flying over', and they were still taken aback by Feichi who suddenly flew into their sight.

"Ah... Feichi!" Ayumi hurriedly reached out to catch Feichi before he landed.

Feichi rubbed Ayumi's hand with his chin affectionately, then continued to rub Huihara Ai, Genta, and Mitsuhiko, and after hearing the children greet him one after another, he twisted his waist in an S shape and climbed to the front seat, rubbing against Conan...

"Uh, Feichi, hello," Conan reached out and touched Feichi as a response, "You seem to be in a good mood today!"

Dr. A Li saw that Feichi was also leaning towards him, and said with a smile, "Morning, Feichi, Feichi is really a good and polite boy!"

"Of course," Ayumi smiled and rolled her eyes, "Feichi is the best!"

"Cough..." Feichi was serious for a second, and soon rolled around in the front seat.

Conan saw Feichi rolling wildly on his lap, and quickly stretched out his hand to pull it, "Wait, wait a minute, Feichi..."

The three children in the back seat laughed, and then looked down at the black diamond in Yuantai's hand.

"What a big gem," Ayumi reached out to touch the gem, and said with a smile, "and it's black, so special!"

Yuan Tai looked at the big diamond in his hand, "I don't know what kind of gem it is..."

Conan grabbed Feichi who was tumbling, turned around and lay down on the seat to look back, "This is a very rare black diamond, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the world's largest black diamond 'Midnight Jackdaw', right? It can become a top collection in any country, and its value is difficult to estimate in terms of money."

Yuan Tai looked down at the black diamond, "It's hard to measure with money? So how much is it?"

Haibara Ai used a way that Yuan Tai could understand, and teased in a leisurely tone, "If you replace it with eel rice, it would not be enough to fit ten ships, probably that much."

"Ten ships..." Yuan Tai looked up at the roof of the car, imagining the eel meal by boat.

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi also tried to imagine, looking down at the black diamond.

I understand, this black bump is very valuable, much more valuable than they imagined.

Brother Chi threw it over with a swish before, and they thought it was a common gemstone that was just bigger...

"However, Brother Feichi..." Huiyuan Ai passed Yuanta and Ayumi, leaned his head to the car window, looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly and said, "I called my godmother yesterday, and she told me that she wanted to watch Midnight Jackdaw can go to you. This is something left by her mother, that is, your grandmother, right? Are you being too careless about throwing it around like this? If bad people notice it, they might be snatched away. !"

"Don't worry," Chi Feichi replied calmly, "No one can snatch it from under my nose."

Hui Yuanai was speechless immediately.

Very good, what her brother said is quite domineering!

"So it's not too late," Dr. A Li asked, "Would you like to have lunch with us? If Detective Yueshui is free, let's go together!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hesitated, looked at Chi Feichi, "Will that be too much trouble for the doctor?"

"It's nothing to worry about," Dr. A Li said with a smile, "Last time Xiao Ai was ill and asked you to take care of her, just take it as a thank you!"

"Brother Chi, let's go together!" Guangyan also said, "It's very lively for everyone to eat together, isn't it?"

"I can do whatever I want here," Chi Feichi turned to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "However, you said you wanted to discuss something with me..."

"It doesn't matter if we talk about it later." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile.

Chi Feichi nodded, and said to Dr. A Li, "Doctor, please drive ahead and lead the way."

"No problem, just follow me with your car in a while!" Dr. A Li said, then turned his head and smiled to remind the three children, "Okay, the traffic ahead will be cleared up soon, please return the Midnight Jackdaw to Feichi first. If you want to see it, find a place where it is not easy to lose it. I heard that not long ago, there were strange thieves from abroad who were eyeing this gem and almost stole it. Fortunately, the strange thief Kidd stopped it, but A few days later, Kaitou Kidd issued another notice to steal this gem, and it seems that he almost succeeded..."

Conan raised his hand and yawned.

Based on the thief's behavior, he should have returned it after he succeeded. Because the item was not lost in the end, it was implicitly reported as 'almost succeeded'.

But he didn't expect that this gemstone actually belonged to Chi Feichi's family. If he had known earlier, he should have asked Chi Feichi to take him there to meet the thief...

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