Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1714 It's because the case is calling

A meal was lively and lively.

After Feichi secretly ate three plates of squid sushi, while the other diners were not paying attention, he crawled contentedly into Chi Feichi's clothes and hat to digest.

"I'm full, I'm full..." Yuan Tai stretched out his hand to pat his belly, but accidentally knocked over a stack of plates piled up beside him to the ground.

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko next to them quickly squatted down to help clean up.

"Really, Yuantai, be careful!"

"I'm sorry……"

"Huh?" Ayumi looked at the QR code on the back of the plate in her hand, "There are strange patterns on the back of the plate..."

"Ah, this is a mark for automatic discarding," Conan took the plate and looked at it, explaining, "After the detector reads this mark, if it shows that the sushi has been turning around for a long time, the machine will automatically discard the sushi, because there is no sushi. The way to judge whether sushi is fresh is by naked eyes, and the sushi maker can’t remember all of them, so it will be much more convenient to have this.”

"Hey, you little brats..." Beside him, a short and thick man wearing glasses asked, "Could it be that you deliberately knocked over the plate, so that you can fish in troubled waters when you wait for the check?"

"How could we do such a thing!" Yuan Tai couldn't help but stepped forward and said.

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at the man, and seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the other children get up, he also got up and picked up the towel on the table to wipe his hands, and was about to leave.

When the deceased appeared, although the person was sitting on the left side of Nanatsuki Yueshui, it would be a little troublesome for Nanatsuki Yueshui after a while, but after a little investigation, Nanatsuki Yueshui would be able to clear up the suspicion. .

In comparison, rebounding is more troublesome.

But if he had known earlier, he would have changed places with Koshimizu Nanatsuki before...

"I'm sorry," Dr. Ali stepped forward to explain to the man, "It's the first time for these children to eat revolving sushi..."

"Oh? It's my first time here. Do you usually go to eat high-end sushi?" The man didn't notice that Chi Feichi was sizing him up. He looked sideways at the tall and thin man in a baseball cap on his left, and stretched out his hand to pat him with a half-smile. Pat the other person on the shoulder, "It's completely different from you poor man, isn't it, Brother Flounder?"

The tall and thin man had his hat pressed down very low, his face was unshaven, and he looked a little scruffy. He gritted his teeth with an ugly expression, "What did you say?!"

"Huh? This is your wife's favorite flounder sushi! Don't you want it?" The man smiled and pointed to a plate of sushi on the turntable, and then reached out to take it off, "Oh, it's sea bass sushi..."

"Please don't do this, customer!" The store manager in a chef's uniform walked behind the man, "You will affect other customers' dining, if you keep arguing, it will be a bit..."

"It's so noisy!" The man turned his head and said to the store manager with a bad attitude, "How long do you want to be the store manager in this kind of store, what right do you have to say about me!"

The store manager still said patiently, "These are two different things..."

"Be careful that I will ruin your store!" The man stood up and approached the store manager, "I am a famous food reporter, as long as I write a report about the bad food in your store, your store will survive for a week." If you don’t go down, it will close down, just like that aunt’s shop who secretly sits in the corner and eats sushi!"

In the corner, the fat woman wearing a pink top hat suddenly called the name, was stunned, and looked up at the man with a livid face.

The man noticed that the diners on the opposite side of the revolving table were looking at him, and shouted with a bad attitude, "What are you guys looking at!"

The diners on the opposite side were taken aback, and in the spirit of not causing trouble, did not respond.

"How about it, guest," the store manager said, "Your food is free today, please leave as soon as possible..."

"Give me a free order?" The man glanced at the store manager with a smile, and sat back, "Then let me eat enough before going back!"

Chi Feichi put down the towel, opened the chair and got up, and looked at the man again.

In this world where the rate of manslaughter is very high, you dare to be so arrogant and die unjustly.

Yueshui Nanatsuki, who was waiting at the side, looked at Chi Feichi sideways, was stunned for a moment, then quietly touched the back of Chi Feichi's hand with the back of his hand, reminding him in a low voice, "Your eyes."

Concentrate, the kind of cold eyes that want to kill people appeared again.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, trying to ease his gaze.

He didn't think of anything dangerous, and his gaze was wrong again?

It's all the fault of yesterday's assassination and killing!

Ayumi looked at the domineering man, and whispered, "Suddenly I feel unhappy."

Mitsuhiko turned to Dr. Ali and said, "Doctor, let's go back!"

Eight people, big and small, ate a total of more than 10,000 yen. Dr. Ali went to the front desk to pay the bill, looked at the almost empty wallet, and sighed melancholy.

"Doctor, bring us here again next time!" Yuan Tai said unsatisfactorily.

Hui Yuanai agreed, "It's best to find a time when there are no people you hate."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki felt a little embarrassed that he ate and drank with Chi Feichi every day, and suggested, "Then I will treat you next time!"

"Yeah!" the three children cheered.

"You guys..."

Dr. A Li had no choice but to open the door, but before the group of people had time to go out, there was a low moan full of pain behind them, and soon the sound of chairs falling to the ground suddenly.

The man with the bad attitude fell to the ground, his eyes rolled up almost to the whites.

The store manager stood aside helplessly, "Customer? Customer, are you okay?"

There was a commotion in the store, and the diners were whispering, not daring to eat any more.

"Huh? Could it be food poisoning?"

"Hey, don't eat any more!...Put the things back quickly!"

"It's scary... let's change the store!"

"Uh, okay..."

"Don't move!" Conan yelled loudly, ran to the fallen man and squatted down, and said in a stern tone, "I will tell the police whoever leaves here!"

"Police, police?" The store manager asked nervously, "Little brother, you..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki also followed, squatted down, and when he got closer, he smelled the almond smell from the man's mouth. He was startled, and then said, "There is an almond smell in the mouth, it should be poisoned by cyanic acid."

Brother Xiao Qi looked at this guy just now with a strange look, is it like this today, or...

"What?!" The store manager's face changed drastically.

"Besides, there are two or three grains of rice on his fingers. The poison is likely to be in the sushi. Here, there are many opportunities for poisoning." Conan looked at the revolving table, "Anyway, doctor, hurry up and hit the sushi." Call the police and an ambulance!"

"Okay, I see!" Dr. A Li quickly took out his mobile phone and went to the side to make a call.

Conan looked at the store manager who was stunned, "Manager, please stop the conveyor belt of the sushi carousel immediately!"

The store manager came back to his senses and immediately followed suit, "Ah, good!"

After Yueshui Nanatsuki got up, she walked to the side of Chi Feichi who was following, and moved her head closer, "The way you looked at this man just now..."

"Don't think about it," Chi Feichi interrupted, speaking softly, "Even at that time, I didn't mean anything to him."


Half an hour later, Mu Mu Shisan led a team to arrive, directed his subordinates to start an investigation, and asked the people in the store to question him.

Chi Feichi looked at Mu Mu Shisan who was busy, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

Officer Megure must be very tired recently.

But having said that, the red and black parties should almost take over half of the major cases in Tokyo.

"The victim's name is my wife Liuzao. He is 43 years old and a food blogger who updates his blog on the Internet," Takagi looked at his notebook and reported, "The cause of death should be cyanic acid poisoning. Where did the poison be placed? We can only judge after investigating the remaining food in the victim's stomach, as for the last thing the deceased took, it should be the bottom edge of the plate."

"That is to say, the murderer probably smeared poison on the edge of the plate, let the victim reach out to touch it when he was holding the plate, and then ate the poison when he ate the sushi." Megu Shisan nodded, turned around speechlessly, Walking in front of Chi Feichi and the others, Ban Yueyan said, "Brother Chi, it seems that you are not weaker than Brother Mao Li in attracting cases..."

Chi Feichi thought that Mu Mu Shisan should have run to the scene yesterday, so he ran too badly, and suddenly understood Mu Mu Shisan's temper, and looked down at Conan who was standing aside, "I think it's because of Conan."

Conan turned around in astonishment: "???"

"Isn't it because the case is calling?" Ayumi said.

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko nodded, "There is nothing to do if something happens."

"We don't want to either!" Yuan Tai said.

Mu Mu Shisan didn't bother, looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Then Brother Chi, after the incident, no one should have left the scene, right?"

Whether there are detectives or plague gods here, the best thing is that these people may prevent the possible perpetrators from leaving the scene in time, and their investigation will be much easier.

"No, Conan stopped him, and no one left even the kitchen." Chi Feichi looked at the sushi turntable, "The turntable also stopped within three minutes after the deceased fell down."

Mu Mushisan nodded, and said seriously to Takagi, "Then start the body search! If the prisoner smeared poison on the edge of the plate, he should still have a poison container or a handkerchief with poison on him. Let’s start with the person sitting in the same row as the victim, and the sushi chef who is in charge of making sushi in this row should also check carefully!”

Apart from Chi Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Dr. Ali, and the five children who sat on the same row of revolving tables with the deceased, only the man wearing a peaked cap mentioned by the deceased and the man sitting in the corner eating sushi were left. The fat woman, the two diners opposite.

Although the two diners, like Chi Feichi and others, got up and left their seats after the deceased had made a noise, preparing to pay the bill and leave, but like Chi Feichi and others, even if the chance of committing a crime is not high, it is still necessary to check need to check.

Even five children were scheduled to be checked.

Of course, no one thinks that children will be poisoned, but before everything is clear, it is not ruled out that the murderer will sneakily put the poison container on the children in an attempt to get away with it.

In addition, after testing the clothes, palms and other places for poisons together, it can also prevent other people from accidentally getting poison on their hands and accidentally poisoning another one.

A group of police detachments acted, and Takagi and two appraisal officers were in charge of a group of old acquaintances.

"This is..." Takagi looked suspiciously at the medicine box and small bottle that Haibara Ai took out.

"Cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, antiallergic medicine, antibacterial medicine, digestive aid medicine, heatstroke prevention and cooling medicine, antipsychotic medicine, and two sleeping pills," Haibara Ai opened the medicine box by herself and showed Takagi Tsutomu , put it back with a calm face, and looked at the small bottle again, "Chili powder, you can throw it out when you meet bad people."

Chi Feichi looked sideways and stared.

What does Xiao Ai do with antipsychotic drugs?

Hui Yuanai looked up at Gao Mushe calmly, trying to ignore Chi Feichi's gaze.

She was just worried that Brother Feichi was in the same condition as when he went to Yijiaoyan last time, and he didn't have any medicine, so she thought it should be added to the medicine box...

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