Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1741 Huiyuan Ai: It looks normal

"It's very rare," Joji Miura said seriously, "He is a descendant of Baron Field in England, and he is also of noble origin. It is normal to look down on Elizabeth's inheritance and be a little arrogant."

Mori Kogoro was sure when he heard it, it was his own apprentice, he said with black hair, "No, it's not so much arrogance..."

Mao Lilan took the words with a dry smile, "It's better to say that it has always been like this. He is relatively rude when he speaks, but there is absolutely no evil intention."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled, "Before we went to Hyogo Prefecture a few days ago, I called him and heard the sound of chanting on the phone. He also said that an old friend passed away, and it must be Ms. Elizabeth... "

"Do you know him too?" Miura Joji asked in surprise.

Mori Kogoro said speechlessly, "I can't get any more familiar."

"Where is he now?" Conan got up and supported the table, and asked repeatedly in surprise, "Do you know?"

Let’s not talk about the fate of meeting here, let’s say that Chi Fei came earlier than him and knew Elizabeth, so he must know more than them. Then ask in the past, maybe you will get more clues than you know from Miura Joji More.

"This..." Miura Joji said uncertainly, "Miss Koizumi left yesterday, Mr. Chi seems to have left Egamibara today, it seems to be a cruise ship returning in the evening, and now he may be at the herbal medicine hall, maybe at the port hotel, or Maybe visit Elizabeth in the cemetery, or hang out somewhere else."

Conan: "..."

It is better not to say this!

"Okay, you little brat, sit down for me!" Mori Kogoro carried Conan back to the sofa, and said disgustedly, "If you want to find Feichi, you have to wait until I finish asking."

Conan thought that Chi Feichi would not leave for the time being, and there would be time to go later, so he sat down obediently.

Only then did Joji Miura remember his original intention, and said seriously, "I think Mr. Chi and Ms. Koizumi are not ordinary people. They refuse to accept the inheritance. Apart from not being short of money and not wanting to be tarnished by money, maybe they also think that the witch It belongs to the witch."

"Do you suspect that they are the ones who sent the threatening letter?" Mori Kogoro asked.

Mao Lilan frowned, "Father, how could Brother Feichi do such a thing..."

"Ah, no, I don't doubt them," Miura Joji said hastily, "I think they might have realized that accepting the inheritance would encounter such troubles, so they refused, the curse of the witch must exist!"

"That kid is not someone who will be scared away by troubles," Mori Kogoro muttered in a low voice, and then said, "I think this might be a prank!"

Joji Miura insisted that it was done by a witch, but when asked if he suspected the target, he faltered for a while, and said ambiguously for a while, without any clue at all.

Mori Kogoro thought it was a prank, which gave Conan a headache.

Fortunately, Conan inadvertently found a clue, and found some black debris in the innermost part of the envelope.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki noticed Conan's small movements, sniffed it closely, and frowned slightly, "It seems to be the smell of rust, but it cannot be ruled out that it is blood that has been coagulated for a long time."

Conan nodded, quietly wrapped up a little crumbs with a handkerchief, and put them in his coat pocket.

After entanglement for a long time, Mori Kogoro agreed to help Miura Joji investigate the witch, and then led a group of people to escape, regretting why he left earlier because he didn't use the reason to go to Chi Feichi.

Mori Kogoro stopped a taxi at the intersection, cheered up, "Okay, let's go to Chinatown first, pick up Dr. Ali and those three little ghosts, and then meet Feichi!"

"Don't you need to go to Brother Chi and ask about the witch first?" Conan asked with his head raised.

"Please, do you really believe in the existence of witches?" Mori Kogoro opened the car door, threw Conan into the back seat, and said casually, "The old man must have been confused and took the prank as some kind of witch's curse."

Conan really wanted to refute, if it was a prank, why would someone attack Miura Joji, "But..."

"Okay, stop rambling, there are a lot of delicious food in Chinatown, it is absolutely right for Yue Feichi to meet and have dinner there!" Mori Kogoro got into the front seat, turned to the driver and said, "Go to Chinatown."

Conan didn't say any more.

He gave up on exchanging clues with his uncle, now it's lunch time, he might as well go to China Street to meet Chi Feichi, and he can communicate slowly while eating.

"But Dad," Mao Lilan asked doubtfully after getting into the car with Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Since you don't believe what Mr. Miura said, why did you agree to him to investigate the witch?"

"If I don't say that, will he let us go?" Mori Kogoro said perfunctorily, "I think he is old-fashioned, I will just perfunctory, wait a week, then call him and tell him, I have already investigated , but got nothing, and the inheritance matter will be almost handled by then, so he won't pester me anymore."

"You..." Mao Lilan dissatisfied, "You are too much!"

"Think about it, if the person who attacked him was because of that will and those inheritances, and he was at the end of all the names in the will, how could the gangster not attack other people, but attack him?" Mori Kogoro said seriously , "This is not reasonable at all, so he must have offended someone, and the other party deliberately frightened him!"

Mao Lilan pondered for a while, "That makes sense..."

"And he thinks that Feichi and that Miss Koizumi refused to inherit the inheritance because they knew there was trouble with the will. I don't know that Miss Koizumi, but that kid Feichi is not even afraid of bombs. He used to dare to go there alone. How could you be afraid of a witch or gangster when dismantling the bomb?" Mouri Kogoro continued.

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly remembered something, "Maybe I know the Miss Koizumi he mentioned."

"Eh?" Conan immediately turned to look at Hui Yuanai.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also cast a concerned look.

"I only knew her when I played the game "Magic Continent" with Brother Feichi. After that, Brother Feichi didn't go online very often. I played with her a lot, and I met her once in private. She seems to be in Jianggutian, Tokyo. A high school girl in high school," Huihara Ai explained, with the corners of her mouth twitching slightly, "she is usually a little strange, the game name is 'Magic Pretty Girl', she has called herself a witch more than once, and occasionally said something like 'witches don't care Comparing with this kind of person', it seems that I really think of myself as a witch, so I have been wondering if she is a friend I met when Brother Feichi was hospitalized before."

Conan Doudouyan, "Is this..."

A female high school student treats herself like a witch all day long, speaks strangely, does things strangely, seems to be a little more serious than Chi Feichi's situation, is she actually playing that computer game?

Snake patients... No, no, these people with mental or mental illness seem to have a colorful life, and they don't know what whimsical topics they will talk about when they get together.

He suddenly became a little curious, what should I do?

"Although she sometimes speaks strangely, she is still a very nice person," Huiyuan Ai added, "I often help everyone in the game. Apart from being a little arrogant and disdainful of dealing with ordinary people, she is also very protective of her own people. When we met, she looked normal, but she gave me a gift and left quickly, and she didn't smile strangely, or have any intention to attack."

Conan: "..."

Huiyuan's requirements for 'normality' are too low, he felt that it was not very normal after hearing the experience of meeting.

"That can also explain why the old man thinks they are not ordinary people, of course they are not ordinary people," Mori Kogoro said with emotion, "How could there be a witch?" Moori Kogoro said with emotion, "If there were, I will ask the witch to help transform me into a young and beautiful woman..."

Mao Lilan was very angry and turned her head away.

"Uncle, what if the gangster wants to kill everyone?" Conan asked with a frown.

Mori Kogoro was taken aback, "What?"

Conan thought about it, "In that case, the order of succession doesn't matter, does it?"

Hui Yuan Ai was just about to call Chi Feichi with his mobile phone, when he heard what Conan said, he turned to look at Conan in surprise.

Mori Kogoro also said in astonishment, "There are six people in that will, you mean to say that all six of them might be killed? How is that possible!"

"It's also possible," Conan said, "After dinner, we'd better check to see if anyone else has received a threatening letter."

"I want you to talk too much! Of course I..."

Kogoro Mouri said, when he heard the phone ringing, he took out the phone and looked, "Could it be that old man calling?"

It was indeed Miura Joji who called, telling Mori Kogoro that he heard that the first heir in the will, Toda Jiro, had an accident, and even the police rushed over.

Hearing that someone had an accident, Mori Kogoro finally took the matter seriously and diverted the taxi to Egamihara Elementary School where Toda Jiro had an accident.

Egamihara Elementary School is not far from Miura Joji's office. It was originally a rich man's mansion, but it was bought by Toda Jiro and turned into a school.

According to what Miura Joji said on the phone, a group of people went directly to the basement of the elementary school. The basement was cold and dark, the floor was soaked in water, and there was warm moisture seeping into the clothes. Not far away, there was something in the pond. There was a sound of stirring, and the atmosphere was very strange.

A group of people followed the sound, only to find that the police led by Mu Mu Shisan were investigating the scene.

The basement is not simple. It was converted into an audition room by Jiro Toda. It is filled with retro furniture and audio equipment. There are sofas, wooden desks, and thick carpets. The door is a thick soundproof door.

However, not only was water accumulated on the floor, but the ceiling also seemed to have been soaked in water, and the glass shades of antique-like old-fashioned lamps on the walls were also dripping water.

For fear of electric shock, the police had asked people to turn off the electric switch, so the room could only be illuminated by flashlights one by one.

Toda Jiro's body was lying on his back on the carpet. In the light of the flashlight, it could be seen that Toda Jiro was wearing a suit, completely soaked, his face was stiff, his pupils were dilated, and his mouth was half-open, but his posture was very Relaxed, no signs of being tied up or struggling.

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