Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1744 All mouths make gold, accumulate and destroy bones

Chi Feichi saw that Tsurumi Yezi was unwilling to say anything, but everyone else looked at him, put down the lunch box again, and explained, "The fragrance you smell should be the fragrance of elderflowers. The place where Jiangshenyuan planted elderberries is Only here, and when it comes to elderberry, people in Egamibara can only think of Montgomery's family. In fact, elderberry has a little relationship with me, but apart from Elizabeth, maybe even Ms. Tsurumi doesn't know about this relationship. Ms. Jian probably wondered if the murder had something to do with Montgomery's family. She hesitated for the sake of Elizabeth's reputation. Of course, she didn't lie. I have a box of flower-based ointment in my hand."

With that said, Chi Feichi took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Moori Kogoro next to him.

After Kogoro Moori opened the box, he took a close breath and said, "It smells so strong of traditional Chinese medicine!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki applied a little ointment, put it under his nose, carefully distinguishing the complex smell in the ointment, "After the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a little sweet floral fragrance."

"Do you have it?" Mori Kogoro tried to smell it again, and felt that the smell of the medicine was too strong, so he put the ointment box on the table.

Conan stepped forward and sniffed it, "It's similar to the medicinal wine that brother Chi gave to Mr. Jingji before, but elderberry is a very popular medicinal material, so it's not strange to use it in ointment."

"Is elderberry a popular medicinal material?" Ayumi asked curiously.

"The whole plant of elderberry can be used as medicine. Depending on the prescription, it can be used in many ways, such as treating rheumatic edema, bruises, fractures or traumatic bleeding. I mainly use it as medicine for bruises," Chi Feichi read. Look at the ointment on the table, "This ointment is similar to the medicinal wine I gave Jingji, except that the medicinal wine has a relatively stronger pain-relieving effect. It is suitable for shortly after being injured in a fight, and this ointment is suitable for joint sprains, such as previous sprains. Conan with a broken leg..."

Conan: "?"

He was called out all of a sudden?

"It's amazing," Ayumi sighed with sparkling eyes, "Different medicinal materials can be combined to produce different therapeutic effects, just like magic!"

"I thought so too at the beginning," Tsurumi Yezi's eyes softened, "Elizabeth is like a kind witch, using herbs from the herb garden to mix up various medicines to help the injured or sick, and to help Prevent disease."

"Dad, I told you before," Mao Lilan raised his eyebrows, and said to Mao Li Kogoro, "The herbal tea made according to the recipe in Elizabeth's book is to help you regulate your body, so don't show that kind of drinking in the future." The expression of something strange."

Mori Kogoro muttered softly, "I don't think it's useful..."

"It can be seen that Ms. Tsurumi admires Ms. Elizabeth very much, and she has a very good relationship with her," Dr. Ali said after finishing his emotion, and then asked, "But Ms. Elizabeth has passed away, Ms. Tsurumi said that what they smell is Elderflower scent, it doesn't matter, does it?"

"If the news of elderflower fragrance at the scene of the crime gets out, it might be like what I said," Chi Feichi said, "From elderberry to Montgomery's house, and then to the witch, guess what. Could it be that Elizabeth was resurrected to harm people, passed around, if more people think so, Elizabeth will change from a kind lady to a vicious witch..."

Hearing Chi Feichi say 'vicious witch' in a cold tone, Sakuragi Gong's eyelids twitched, his face darkened, and soon he lowered his eyebrows again, and continued to sit quietly by the side.

"In addition, on the day when everyone kept Elizabeth's wake, I mentioned the legend that cats cannot enter the mourning hall," Chi Feichi continued. Turned into a half-human, half-cat monster, it gradually lost its mind. At first, it ate live mice at night, and soon ate its own little granddaughter, and hunted many people in the city. Due to the bloody story, everyone seems to be If you are so frightened, it will be easier to think of Elizabeth, and I am sorry for that..."

Conan: "..."

When his little friend was watching someone else's spirit, he said something about the story of the old lady resurrecting and cannibalizing people. Would he be "terribly scared"?

Moreover, he suspects that Chi Feichi's words of "more bloody" are the same as "Feichi generally doesn't bite people" and "I'll tell you a less scary story" are based on Chi Feichi's own subjective consciousness His judgment did not take into account the true feelings of those who heard the story!

"You didn't know that this kind of thing would happen. It was just to refresh everyone that day," Tsurumi Yoko expressed his understanding and said gratefully, "Thank you for understanding my thoughts and feelings."

"And once the rumor spreads, even if it can be proved that Mr. Toda's death has nothing to do with Elizabeth in the future, if the people in Jiangshenyuan tell their children about Elizabeth's story, it will no longer be a respectable figure, but will have some horror, even It might be used to frighten naughty children," Chi Feichi paused, looked at Dr. A Li calmly and said, "All talk makes money, and accumulation destroys bones."

"Ah?" Yuan Tai looked bewildered, "Why do you want to destroy the bones?"

"It's 'All mouths make gold, accumulate and destroy bones'," Conan explained to the three children speechlessly when he saw Chi Feichi's words that the children didn't understand, "It means that if many people criticize, Even things as hard as iron and stone can be melted, and constant slander can make it difficult for people to survive."

"That is to say, public opinion plays a very important role," Chi Feichi continued calmly, "One word from one voice can add up to nothing, and rumors can be terrifying. They can turn right and wrong, and put people to death."

Conan: "..."

Hey, hey, if the children ask how to understand things like 'accumulation is not success', he won't help Chi Feichi explain it!

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he looked at the ramen on the table that was already a mess, and didn't move his chopsticks again.

He didn't say that to the children.

From the fragrance of elderberry to the house of Montgomery, there is nothing wrong with this idea.

Outsiders think that the Montgomery family has no descendants, so they may think of "Elizabeth's resurrection".

But he knew that there were actually two other members of the Montgomery family, one was Elizabeth's grandson, Sophia's son, Isao Sakuragi who had changed his name, and the other was Elizabeth's great-granddaughter Tsurumi Yoko.

One of these two people may have known his own life experience and killed Jiro Toda.

When he mentioned the 'vicious witch' before, it was easy for insiders to think of Sophia. At that time, Yoko Tsurumi was just frowning, and Gong Yingmu looked unnatural for a moment, and then quickly recovered calm, showing signs of deliberately covering up. When it comes to 'all mouths make gold, accumulate and destroy bones', I just want to try Yingmu Gong again and see Yingmu Gong's reaction.

Sakuragi Gong looked as usual, and Tsurumi Yoko's reaction was even more normal. This time the temptation seemed to be avoided skillfully, but it didn't matter. If one of the two was the murderer, he would definitely care about how much he knew. , Sooner or later, he will avoid other people looking for him.

He wasn't in a hurry to find out the murderer, but he just wanted to take the situation into his own hands as soon as possible.

Whether the murderer can continue to kill or go to jail immediately, it should be up to him to decide.

"Ms. Elizabeth is already dead, and it is impossible to die again..." Mori Kogoro noticed that Yoko Tsurumi was frowning worriedly, and immediately patted his chest and said, "But Miss Tsurumi, don't worry, there are such details at the scene of the crime, Whether it is the police or us, it is impossible to spread the word casually before the case is solved, and I can assure you that no one will damage Ms. Elizabeth's reputation!"

Tsurumi Yezi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and turned to look at the tea room, "I almost forgot, I made herbal tea for everyone!"

Mitsuhiko saw Tsurumi Yezi going to serve tea, and returned to the topic in doubt, "But then again, why did the murderer leave the fragrance of elderflowers at the scene of the crime? Could it be that he just wanted to discredit Ms. Elizabeth?"

"Maybe he wants to put the blame on Brother Chi," Ayumi said with a serious and dissatisfied expression, "That's really disgusting!"

"Sister Tsurumi is the same," Yuantai added, "She also has the fragrance of elderflowers on her body."

Have the same smell?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked up at Tsurumi Yoko who came out with a tray, and unconsciously thought of Akiba Reiko, Chiga Ling, Kuraki Mai and others, silently comparing.

Regardless of their personalities and specific facial features, those women who were rumored to have a good relationship with Chi Feichi seemed to have some common characteristics - long hair, fair skin and long legs, and a first-class figure.

Although those were all entertainers and idols, and it was not surprising that they had good looks, she still wondered if Chi Feichi was particularly fond of this type of women.

Among those conditions, Tsurumi Yezi has long hair, a pretty face, and is tall and tall as a mixed-race person, with a better figure than everyone else, a soft-spoken voice, and a good relationship with Chi Feichi. Know Herbs...

Tsurumi Yezi went out and lined up hard to help Chi Feichi buy lunch. Chi Feichi immediately knew what Tsurumi Yezi was worried about. In the early morning, the two of them stayed in the herbal medicine shop, and they both had the same smell...

"It might be a coincidence, right?" Dr. A Li joined the guessing team, "The murderer might just like the scent of elderberry flowers, or have something like a sachet on his body."

Conan didn't say anything, just bowed his head and thought silently.

No, the murderer used a very special method to commit the crime, and sent a threatening letter from the "witch" in advance, clearly guiding everyone to go to Montgomery's house, and it is impossible for the entire underground audio-visual room to stay for a long time with sachets and the like. It smells like elderflower, so it can't be a coincidence.

As for whether it was to discredit Elizabeth's reputation, he could not judge for the time being.

Because the murderer may have wanted to kill a long time ago, after listening to Chi Feichi's story that night while guarding the spirit, he suddenly had an idea and made this kind of murder plan, just to make everyone think it was done by a witch, so as to mislead the investigating police , to facilitate his exoneration.

And because Elizabeth voluntarily gave the inheritance to the person in the will, the murderer said that "the witch's is the witch's", as if those people should not inherit the inheritance. This is very contradictory. If the murderer wants to mislead the police, he can first follow the According to Elizabeth's will, it is more reasonable to point out the reasons for 'repentance' and leave the words 'find these people unworthy', right?

Therefore, it is most likely that the murderer specially left elderflower fragrance at the scene of the crime, not to mislead, but a special 'mark' when committing the crime, which is what the murderer himself wanted to express...

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