Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1748 The consultant is absolutely frightened

"Yes," a bodyguard hesitated, "but you can go alone for this kind of thing, your safety..."

"The two of you go there together, and pay attention to the safety of the children and girls over there," Chi Feichi walked up the stairs without looking back, his tone was calm but unquestionable, "Let me keep an eye on them all, don't put anyone in danger."

The two bodyguards looked at each other, thinking that the hotel is full of awakened people, there shouldn't be any danger, but it is very dangerous for children to run around, so they didn't insist anymore, and immediately turned and ran to the west corridor of the hotel.

Dashan Mi followed Chi Feichi and walked downstairs quickly. Looking down from the stair guard, the first floor was already in chaos. Looking around, he saw a figure running into the burning room, and reminded him aloud, "Consultant, that kid from Conan ran away!" Into the burning room!"

When Chi Feichi turned the corner of the stairs, he suddenly felt that he had kicked a thin line in front of his foot, and there seemed to be a slight crisp sound in the room in front of him, and he stopped immediately.

"Master, there is a mechanism..."

As soon as Fei Chi opened his mouth, a bright silver spear more than one meter long had pierced through the wooden door with a bang, and the end was still stuck in the door panel. The front part with the sharp side blade lay across Chi Feichi's body.

Dashan Mi only looked at the other side of the stairs, and before he could stop, he bumped into Chi Feichi's back. He raised his eyes suspiciously and saw the metal spear lying in front of Chi Feichi, and his face turned pale with fright, "Advisor... "

Feichi breathed a sigh of relief, and spoke very quickly, "Master, there is no mechanism, but there are people in front of the window of that room."

On the stairs on the west side far away, Mori Kogoro raised his head and shouted loudly, "Feichi, what's going on with you? Is something wrong?!"


Chi Feichi replied, stepped forward around the spear, and reached out to try to open the door, but found that the door seemed to be stuck because of the spear mechanism.

Dashan Mi walked forward, avoiding the spear, and seeing Chi Feichi twist the door directly, he said in a cold sweat, "Consultant, be careful, there may be other things here..."


The door panel was kicked flying by Chi Feichi. .

Oyama: "..."

It's over, his consultant is so violent and reckless, he must be overly frightened!

The window in the room was wide open, and there was originally a candle on the table, but after Chi Feichi opened the door, the convective wind immediately blew out the candle.

In front of the window, a man in a black robe stood facing the door. The hood on his head was blown by the wind, and the hooked nose with the brim of the hat could be vaguely seen, as well as the lower half of his face that had been burned out of shape.

When Chi Feichi and Dashanmi looked up, the man in black immediately jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night sky.

"That, that person's face..." Dashan Mi was astonished at the other person's terrifying appearance, and found that Chi Feichi was walking towards the window without hesitation, and hurriedly followed, "Advisor, let's not take risks, wait Let's talk when the police come!"

Chi Feichi ignored it, went to the window and looked, and smelled the strong fragrance of elderflowers in the room, then turned his head to look at the candle on the table, and found that there was a letter left on the bottom of the candle with solidified wax. Pick it up with the letter.

This room is on the second floor, the window opens to the outside of the hotel, and the pier is outside. It was originally surrounded by anti-theft iron grids, but the iron grids were destroyed. The edges of the iron grids in front of the window frames were broken neatly, but not Make sure it was cut with something.

Jumping from here, as long as you are prepared, the possibility of falling is very small.

There was a lot of dust on the ground downstairs, and he glanced roughly, but didn't see any obvious footprints.

In other words, after the other party jumped, he didn't land on the ground?

As for the letter on the table...

"Feichi, are you alright?!"

Mori Kogoro ran to the door panting, followed by a large and small group of people and two bodyguards.

"It's okay." Chi Feichi looked down at the contents of the newspaper clippings on the letter, saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki approaching, and handed over both the letter and the envelope.

"This is..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki accepted the letter in doubt, and looked down, his face instantly became ugly.

A paragraph was assembled from the cut-out blocks of the letter:

[The witch's things are the witch's. If you help people who delusional to get those things, no matter where you are, you will be pierced by a spear through the heart and die】


Not long after, the firefighters came to put out the fire in the room on the first floor, and Mu Mu Shisan also arrived with people.

Motomachi Seizo's room was in a mess. Not only were the furniture destroyed and blown away by the impact of the explosion, but many things were also shattered and mutilated by the fire. In addition to the burnt smell, there was also a faint scent of elderflower in the air.

The guard guarding the door of the room was injured and was taken to the hospital by ambulance, but Seizo Motomachi himself had already died in the blast when Conan rushed into the burning room.

When Conan ran in, he saw Motomachi Kiyozo leaning against the wall with blood on his head dying. Because the fire was getting bigger and bigger, he could only evacuate the room first.

After the fire was extinguished, the police found the body of Motomachi Seizo in front of the wall. The hem of the clothes and both feet of the body were burned by the fire. It's a bathrobe.

There was no smell of gasoline in the room, and Conan saw the fireball at the time, which is not what happens when a bomb explodes. After the firefighters communicated with the police, they could only judge that the cause of the explosion might be gas——When Motomachi Kiyozo came out of the bathroom , Lighted a cigarette with a lighter, but did not know that the room was filled with gas that would cause an explosion, so he ignited it with his own hands, causing an explosion.

It's just that there is no gas in the room. Although there are gas lights on the wall, they are just electric lights with the appearance of the lamps preserved.

At the time of the explosion, there were guards guarding the door, and patrols patrolling the hall on the first floor. The windows in that room had anti-theft iron grids, and the iron grids showed no signs of damage. Conan did not see any suspicious people near the room. , is another secret room that no one else can enter except Motomachi Seizo.

Then there was the room where Chi Feichi was attacked. When Mori Kogoro arrived, there was still the smell of elderflower in the room, which was blown away by the wind until the police arrived.

The scent of flowers came from the burning candles. Except for putting down the letter, lighting the candles and setting up traps, the man in black didn't touch anything in the room much, and didn't leave too many traces.

The police originally guessed that the murderer sneaked in from this room on the second floor. After setting up traps, putting down the letter, and lighting candles, they somehow managed to deceive the guards at the door of Seizo Motomachi's room, and then injected gas into Seizo Motomachi's room, and then Go back to the room on the second floor and wait for Kiyozo Motomachi to come out of the bathroom to smoke and cause an explosion. Wait in the room on the second floor and ambush Chi Feichi who went downstairs after hearing the noise. After Chi Feichi broke the door, he jumped out of the window and escaped from the pier outside .

Although this still cannot explain how the murderer avoided the guard at the door, it is the most reasonable guess at present.

Only after investigation, the police discovered something even more mysterious - under the window of the room on the second floor, there is an open space at the corner of the pier, which is hidden from the eyes and ears, but it is also leeward. As Chi Feichi saw at the time, there were no footprints left on the ground.

Before the police investigated the open space outside the window, Conan, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Mori Kogoro and others had already visited. After finding no footprints on the ground, they did not approach the wall and only shone the flashlight through the outer wall.

During this period, Chi Feichi and Dr. A Li took the children and stayed in front of the window of the room on the second floor. No one was seen, no matter whether it was the people in the room or the people outside with flashlights shining on the outer wall. There were no traces of people climbing in another direction on the wall, that is to say, the man in black did not temporarily hide on the outer wall, nor did he climb along the outer wall to other places before leaving.

After the man in black jumped out of the window, he seemed to disappear out of nowhere.

After Mu Mushisan arranged the manpower to investigate carefully, he called the others to leave the room on the second floor and went to the lobby on the first floor, "In the room where Brother Chi encountered the trap of the trap, the scent of elderflower came from burning candles..."

"But in Mr. Motomachi's room on the first floor, there were no candles or traces of burning candles," Mori Kogoro frowned and thought, and looked up to see the hotel manager standing slumped in the messy lobby, guessing, "Could it be Someone recently sent explosives to Mr. Motomachi through a package?"

Mu Moshisan immediately looked at the hotel manager, and asked seriously, "Have Mr. Motomachi received any strange packages recently?"

"No," the hotel manager replied affirmatively. Seeing doubts in other people's eyes, he hurriedly explained, "There used to be a toy collector with an abnormal mind who threatened us, saying that if we don't give him all the toys collected here, he Just blow up this museum. Since then, all packages sent here will be handed over to the front desk and the security personnel first, and they can only be accepted after they have carefully inspected them. But not to mention the recent ones, I have not encountered any Something suspicious."

Mu Mu Shisan looked at a group of guards waiting aside, and a group of guards nodded in affirmation.

"None of us have ever found a package like this."

Taking advantage of the time when other people were chatting, Conan reached out and took the letter and envelope in Takagi Tsubasa's hand, opened the envelope and checked it, and found that there were no small black spots like rust inside, and lowered his head in thought.

"So, has anyone entered Mr. Motomachi's room recently?" Mori Kogoro touched his chin, "It may be that someone directly brought the explosives into his room."

"The only people who went to Mr. Motomachi's room yesterday were Mr. Dashan and..." the hotel manager said, looking up at Joji Miura, who had been following Mu Shisan since he came.

Joji Miura wiped the cold sweat off his head, saw Mekushisan turned to look at himself, and quickly explained, "I was very worried about the other people whose names were on the will yesterday, after I asked Mr. Mori to visit Ms. Tsurumi, I will be there Mr. Motomachi is here."

Yesterday Miura Joji did come to look for Motomachi Seizo. The police, Mori Kogoro and others knew this, and Oyama Ya was present at the time, which can prove that Miura Joji came to ask about the threatening letter.

"What about the other people in the will?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the manager and asked, "Ms. Tsurumi, Mr. Isesaki, and Mr. Sakuragi, have they been here recently?"

"Miss Tsurumi came to deliver herbs the day before yesterday, but she left after leaving the herbs at the front desk." The manager looked at Chi Feichi, "Mr. I haven’t been able to attend the dinner here, and I haven’t been here for a long time, and the same is true for Father Sakuragi. Father Sakuragi came here once a long time ago, and he never came here again.”

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