Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1754 The Notebook with Missing Pages

"Then what about Xiao Ai?" Ayumi turned her head and asked Haibara Ai, "Will you go with us?"

"Either side seems to be important," Huihara Ai was a little embarrassed, but thinking about it, he didn't particularly care about solving the case, so he looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "I'll follow Miss Nanatsuki."

"Then it's the same for me," Mao Lilan asked with a smile, "So, Miss Nanatsuki, where do we start our investigation? If you don't have a clue, can you go to the library with Brother Feichi? There should be a lot of books in the library. We have more people, and we can investigate faster."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hesitated for a moment, looked at Chi Feichi and said, "I want to see Ms. Tsurumi first, she might also be the murderer's target, and Elizabeth and Sophia are the key to this case, I want to go and see Miss Tsurumi first. Ask her about Elizabeth and Sophia, you go to the library first, after we go to the herbal medicine hall, we will help you look up information."

She really wanted to follow Chi Feichi to check the information, but everyone was investigating so seriously, she felt that she should put aside her selfish desires and try to take all aspects into consideration.

Chi Feichi also didn't want someone to stare at him all the time, so he nodded and said, "I'll wait for you in the library, please pay attention to your own safety."

Conan pondered for a while, and felt that such an arrangement was no problem.

Although he felt that Isesaki Masahide's suspicion was not as good as Tsurumi Yoko and Sakuragi Isao's, but there was always a suspicion. Let Dr. Ari and the children keep an eye on him, and any clues could be found in time, and no matter what happened, Ari The doctor can also stop the children first, so as not to let the children act recklessly.

He went to find Isesaki Riki with his uncle, in fact, he wanted to find out a little bit about this case. The murderer appeared with a burnt face, alluding to Sophia, so many people in Egamihara, Toda Jiro, and Motomachi Kiyozo. Was it because of the will that the murderer targeted him? Will there be other inside stories in this? If these people give up the inheritance will, will the murderer stop there?

If possible, he would like to persuade Isesaki Riki to give up the inheritance of the will and test the murderer. It would be even better if he could learn some clues from Isesaki Riki.

It’s okay for Chi Feichi to go to the library. He believes that Chi Feichi should have more clues than them. Going to the library is a purposeful verification. If he solves some doubts, the final reasoning is the same as Chi Feichi’s. , they will meet at the library.

In addition, Yoko Tsurumi is one of the suspects. Although the children seem to have no doubts, nor are they willing to suspect Yoko Tsurumi, they must also pay attention to the fact that Yoko Tsurumi looks the same as Sophia in the photo in the herbal medicine shop, which makes him vaguely It is a guess that Elizabeth is not without descendants.

In this way, Tsurumi Yoko is the most suspicious, and it is a bit dangerous to let the girl group go, but Tsurumi Yoko is a woman, so it is more appropriate for girls or children to get in touch.

Detective Yueshui has the sense of smell and reasoning ability as a detective. Xiaolan sometimes notices details that girls only notice. Haibara has meticulous observation skills and strong intuition. Tsurumi Yoko seems to be a delicate person. It is also appropriate to let their meticulous girl group go, and these three people, one knows kendo, the other knows karate, and the other probably wears a small bottle of hypnotic gas. .


After breakfast, Ayumi gave Chi Feichi her detective armband as a communication tool. Afterwards, the group of people divided into four groups, each heading towards their target...

After listening to Chi Feichi, Dashan Mi assigned a bodyguard to the girl group, brought another bodyguard and Chi Feichi to the Jiangshenyuan Library, stood at the front desk, and watched Nuoda's library filled with rows of Looking at the bookshelf, I couldn't help but be stunned by the huge collection of books, "Consultant, where do we start to check?"

"Using the war as a time reference, it should be between 1943 and 1944 when Sophia was insane until she died. The body of the missing boy was found in the third year after the war," Chi Feichi said, "You start with 1943, Investigate Jiang Shenyuan's local reports within five years, and find out the reports about Sophia."

"No problem, it can be done this morning." Dashan Mi nodded and assured, even Chi Feichi didn't ask anything when he was going to check, and took the bodyguards to the librarian to ask for newspapers.

Chi Feichi didn't ask the administrator for the location of the target he was looking for, so he walked around the entire library to find out the divisions of each area, and after Dashan Mi and the bodyguards carried a pile of newspapers to the reading area, they also went to the reading area. When I arrived at the area where the newspapers were placed, I found the newspapers of Egamihara in 1952.

The approximate year when his grandmother came to Jiangshenyuan can be determined, so let's check whether there is anything special happened to Jiangshenyuan around this time...

Wuming and Dashanmi obediently stayed in the reading area, watching Chi Feichi who was flipping through the newspaper quickly under the wary gaze of the administrator from time to time.

Chi Feichi set his reading speed to the fastest, and flipped through the newspapers one after another, only to find that there was only the report of "Field Group Investment Wharf" in it, and he was not disappointed. The names of the people mentioned more or less on the website began to flip through the notes.

Some people became celebrities after making contributions to Jiang Shenyuan, and they would write some notes for themselves, and some people were reported by newspapers because of their notoriety. Such a famous villain would also be analyzed by someone. With the signature of the work, all the relevant notes in those years can be dug out.

There are hundreds of related books, and Chi Feichi didn't intend to sift through them all by himself. He secretly linked to the ark with his left eye, took a book, held the spine of the book with one hand, and pressed the pages with the other, like shuffling cards, letting his hands The pages in the book turned quickly.

The corners of the pages were almost connected together, and was quickly scanned into the Ark system by the left-eye camera, before continuing to the next book...

It took a long time to flip through hundreds of books, but when Chi Feichi was halfway through the pages, he suddenly noticed a strange notebook.

The person who left the notes was a certain policeman from the Egamihara Police Station at that time. Because of his conscientiousness, responsibility and enthusiasm, he became a man of influence in Egamihara during the Meiji period. He died in the line of duty in 1953, as reported in local newspapers.

This is a thread-bound notebook, which has been well preserved without any torn edges. However, there should be more than one note in the notes of the policeman from 1952 to 1953 before his death in the line of duty. Missing pages.

The reason why he noticed that there were missing pages in the book was because the pages of the book were thick, and the whole thing was also thick. When the policeman wrote on a previous page, there was a thin ink line that went beyond the edge, leaving behind the edge of other pages. After closing the book and taking a quick look, the ink line is not long and there is no abnormality. Only by turning the pages like he bends the body of the book can you see some breakpoints in the ink line.

After discovering such a book, Chi Feichi waited for his left eye to take a picture of the contents of the book, then temporarily stopped the act of 'sweeping the book', and flipped through the notes by himself.

This is a half-diary and half-account book note. At the beginning, there was nothing worth noting. I joined the job on a certain day in a certain year, settled disputes on a certain day in a certain year, and on a certain day in a certain year. It also records promotions and salary increases and some neighborhood chores.

The first missing page was in the spring of 1952, and three pages were missing. At the same time, the Field family donated the pier to Jiang Shenyuan. With the character of this policeman who likes to pay attention to and record everything, such a big thing, there is no record.

Because this police officer has irregular records in Japan, sometimes he does not remember once in more than ten days, sometimes he remembers twice a day, sometimes he writes a long speech, and sometimes he just says "the weather is good, we must work hard today", he can't judge the missing What is more is a few days of records, and how many records.

The pages of this kind of book are not unreasonably thick, but the words written on the previous page cannot leave marks on the next page unless they use a lot of force, and he can't restore the words left on the previous page through the pages below .

After these two pages, the missing pages became frequent and irregular. In the summer of 1952, there were five pages, and in the autumn, there were three pages. They were in different places, and there were no consecutive missing pages.

Before and after that, there seemed to be no major events worth noting.

After that, the notebook was only available in the autumn of 1952. From the winter of 1952 until his death in the line of duty, the policeman did not seem to make any more records.

is it possible?

After Chi Feichi closed the book, he looked at the sealing line on the spine again.

Judging from the diary, this police officer is very curious and has a strong sense of justice. Even if it is a small matter such as a neighborhood dispute, he likes to investigate it thoroughly before making the best mediation. Humanoid.

Looking at the notes after the summer of 1952, the content became shorter and the intervals longer and longer, it seems not surprising that the policeman gave up writing the diary, but according to some details in it that have become sluggish, such as "Sunny day, flowers on the side of the road Opened, thinking of that child, the mood is even worse', he is more inclined to make another guess

The policeman found out what happened, and he was under a lot of psychological pressure, and he was no longer so positive about life.

The seal on the spine of this book is old, at least 40 or 50 years, that is, not long after the policeman died in the line of duty, this diary was opened by someone, and the pages that did not want to be found were carefully selected. It is likely that a large number of notes from the winter of 1952 until the death of the police officer were taken and rebound.

In other words, the clues left in it have already been cleaned up...

"Huh? Conan? Why did you come here?"

Oyamami's voice came from behind the rows of bookshelves. Since the library is very quiet, it can be heard from a long distance.

Chi Feichi quickly checked the books again, and after confirming that there were no hidden pages, he took down the other books in the same row, put them back in a random order, and started to pick up the books in other places.

Anyway, the situation of the books has been photographed, so he can find clues slowly, but before that, he wants to destroy the traces of which books he found.

The death of the police officer is not suspicious. The newspaper said that he was shot by the robber while he was on the way to track down the robber. A colleague testified to this incident, and the robber was arrested later, but there were not many reports. The handling of the case was also very rough. Are the colleagues of the police officer sure that there is no problem?

However, the events that happened after 1952 may have something to do with the Field family. He didn't want to attract Conan to track him down.

"I'll come to the library to take a look..." Conan's voice came from the front desk, "Mr. Dashan, where is Brother Chi? Isn't he with you?"

"I asked Mr. Dashan to look up the newspaper reports about Sofia, and I went to read the celebrity notes by myself." When Chi Feichi walked out of the bookshelf, he took out a notebook he had prepared before and walked to the front desk, "The young detective who investigated Sofia back then There are three people in the regiment, Mr. Toda Jiro, Mr. Motomachi Seizo, and Mr. Isesaki Riki, who are now known as the Three Sages.”

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