Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1756 The priest is worthy of being a priest

The others looked at Isesaki Masahide who was safe and sound, and their fear from the shrill meowing eased.

"By the way, let me use this sawn tree to burn this witch to death!" Isesaki Masahide stared at Tsurumi Yoko, "Using this magic tree to burn the witch to death is the most suitable Already!"

In an instant, Chi Feichi's face darkened again, feeling that he was seriously offended.

"Leave it to me, he was my target."

Ying Mugong said in a low voice, walked towards the crowd with a livid face, and when he passed by Chi Feichi, he heard Chi Feichi say something in a soft but determined voice behind him.

"If things come to light and you want to leave here, just step into the fire by yourself, and I will protect you from death."


"You scoundrel, don't hurt sister Tsurumi!"

In front of the crowd, the three children blocked Tsurumi Yoko, and Genta even pointed at Isesaki Masahide and shouted 'bad guy'.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood beside Tsurumi Yoko, folded his hands and held the knife in front of him, stared at Isesaki Masahide, and said coldly, "We have already called the police, and the police will come soon. Using lynching, do you really think you are a witch-seeking general living in the Middle Ages?"

"Mr. Zhenxiu, you have to think about it carefully. Murder is a very serious crime." Oyama looked at Isesaki Zhenxiu solemnly and said.

Masahide Isesaki was a little guilty, but seeing that there were all foreigners there, he was so cowardly if he didn't want to, and shouted forcefully, "Police? If the police can investigate this incident quickly, I won't do it myself." Come and catch this witch!"


Isao Sakuragi walked through the crowd, staring at Masahide Isesaki angrily, but his eyes were not as cold as before, but righteous and sincere, "The truth is not obtained through torture or bloodshed. If you do this, will your soul be at peace? ?"

Isesaki Masahide saw that the aborigines of Egamihara ran out to speak, while the others were silent, and their attitude softened, "I..."

"No one can obtain stability and happiness through injury. Only those who are willing to sacrifice themselves in times of crisis can obtain true peace," said Sakuragi Gong, his expression softened, and he looked at the silence Cai continued earnestly among the crowd, "Although I haven't worked in the church in this city for half a year, I have always heard that Ms. Elizabeth dedicated her herbal knowledge unreservedly to help the people of Egamibara. She Ms. Tsurumi, a student of mine, also dedicated herself to everyone, am I wrong?"

In the crowd, many people looked relieved, and some people sighed softly.

Chi Feichi walked through the crowd and arrived beside Yueshui Nanatsuki and the others.

The priest is worthy of being a priest. When he said these words, his face didn't blush and his heart skipped a beat.

He kept silent and watched Isao Sakuragi perform.

"I think there are not one or two people here who have been helped by Ms. Tsurumi, right?" Isao Sakuragi slowed down his tone again, with a heartbroken look, "Don't you think that everyone, like Mr. The murderer who killed two people?"

"That's right," a boy said, "Sister Tsurumi won't be a witch!"

In the crowd, other adults also spoke out one after another.

"Yeah, Miss Tsurumi is so kind, how could she kill someone?"

"You still talk about burning Ms. Tsurumi to death, it's really nonsense..."

Isao Sakuragi also looked at Isesaki Masahide and said, "Mr. Masaki, two of the people in Ms. Elizabeth's will were killed. As the person whose name is on the will, I can understand your feeling of restlessness now, but with just one Is it too arbitrary to say that Miss Tsurumi is the murderer without an elderberry?"

Isesaki Masahide saw that everyone was standing opposite, his face turned pale, and he stared at Tsurumi Yoko fiercely, "Hmph, for the sake of the priest, let's do it like this today, but if I catch you If there is any substantial evidence, I will definitely send this witch to the gallows!"

After Masahide Isesaki left in his black sports car, the crowd apologized and appeased Yoko Tsurumi before leaving one after another.

The three children directly regarded Isao Sakuragi as a hero.

"Father Sakuragi, you are really amazing!"

"Fortunately, you stopped him," Dr. Ali also breathed a sigh of relief, "Sophia's tragedy almost happened that year."

Thinking of Sakuragi Isao's words before, Conan couldn't help but smile with emotion.

A priest deserves to be a priest, and his ideological consciousness is high.

"The tragedy of that year would not have happened." Mao Lilan clenched her fists and said with a firm expression, "Even if there were no Brother Feichi and Sister Nanatsuki, if he dared to mess around, I would not let him go easily."

"If that guy dares to mess around, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing for us," Yuan Tai said bluntly, "Brother Chi and Mr. Dashan didn't like that guy in the first place, so we can beat him reasonably."

Chi Feichi looked at the elder tree lying deep in the yard, and felt that what Yuantai said this time made a lot of sense.

"Okay," Dr. Ali was sweating, and corrected Yuantai's three views with a dry smile, "Someone will definitely be injured in a fight, so how can it be considered a good thing? Let Mr. Zhenxiu have nothing to say, let everyone believe sincerely Miss Tsurumi, this is the best way!"

Isao Sakuragi smiled, turned to Tsurumi Yoko and said, "Maybe Mr. Zhenxiu will come to make trouble, Ms. Tsurumi, you might as well go to the church to rest for a night tonight."

Mao Lilan discussed with Koshimizu Nanatsuki and decided to accompany Tsurumi Yoko to church for a night of rest.

Before parting, Yueshui Nanatsuki, Conan and Chi Feichi whispered clues outside the door.

"In other words, the murdered Mr. Toda, Mr. Motomachi, and Mr. Isesaki who are in the hospital are likely to be related to the fire at Sophia's house, and this incident may be revenge for Sophia, right? "Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about it, "Miss Tsurumi and Sophia look so similar, but we tested her, and her reaction didn't look like a murderer. I also raised the issue of her appearance, and she said that because she looks too Like Sophia, she also doubted her own life experience, but she didn't know who her parents were. Elizabeth said it was because they were destined, but she just happened to look very similar to Sophia..."

Wuming nestled in Chi Feichi's arms, and found that Chi Feichi was looking in the direction of the elder trees in the yard again. He leaned his head next to Chi Feichi's ear, and meowed in a low voice, "Master, really leave the matter to Yingmu Gong, don't worry about it. Shall I teach that guy Isesaki Masahide a lesson?"

"No need..." Chi Feichi replied in a low voice, and handed Wuming to Yueshui Nanatsuki. Seeing that Yueshui Nanatsuki looked puzzled, he said foolishly, "Take Wuming with you. If something like this happened today, there are some With pets here, you can feel better sooner."

"Thank you," Koshimizu Nanatsuki reached out to take Wuming, and found Wuming obediently lying in his arms without struggling, and instantly rolled his eyes with a smile, "Wuming is so good, you don't want to leave it to us to take care of it so that you can investigate it yourself Bar?"

"Is it a detective's instinct to doubt everything?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Yueshui Nanatsuki smiled a little guilty, and suddenly remembered something, freed up a hand to take out a letter from his jacket pocket, and handed it to Chi Feichi, "By the way, this is Ms. Tsurumi received it this morning. I have read it. It contains the same content as the previous threatening letters. Please pass it on to Police Officer Megure and Mr. Mori. I will pay more attention to Ms. Tsurumi’s situation. You have clues Also tell me in time."

The police and Mori Kogoro came late, and they didn't even need to clean up the scene. They just came here to provide transportation and take Dr. Ali, Chi Feichi and others back to the hotel.

And a group of people had just returned to the hotel for lunch, and Megushisan received another call-Isesaki Masahide died.

After noon, the thick fog covering Jiangshenyuan has not yet dissipated.

In the white mist, Masahide Isesaki was burned to death in the telephone booth in the park, and the black sports car was still parked nearby.

After the police went to investigate, they found that the telephone booth in the park could not be opened from the outside if someone was inside. After Isesaki Masahide entered, it was impossible for someone to open the door to attack Isesaki Masahide. In the open-air park, the telephone booth also became a secret room.

Through investigation, the cause of the fire was household gas, but after the gas company staff was called, they said that there was no gas nearby.

Miura Joji also arrived in a daze, and said that Isesaki Masahide called him in the morning and told him that he had also received a threatening letter.

Furthermore, Conan noticed that there was no smell of elderberry at the scene, but Meguro Shisan and Mori Kogoro guessed that it was because of the open air and the smell dissipated too quickly, so they didn't take it to heart.

Soon, the police received another news—Isesaki Rik was dead.

Isesaki Riki died in the hospital, and the tragic photos of Isesaki Masahide's death were scattered on the ward floor. The cause of death was a heart attack.

In this way, only Tsurumi Yoko, Miura Joji, who also received the threatening letter, and Sakuragi Isao, who has received the threatening letter, are left in Elizabeth’s will.

After Chi Feichi saw the scene of the phone booth, he said goodbye to Mori Kogoro on the grounds of 'going back to rest', and went back to the hotel first.

Conan listened to Megushisan and Mori Kogoro discussing for a long time about whether Tsurumi Yoko is the murderer or not, and found that it was useless to stay any longer, so he quickly proposed to go back to the hotel first, but before going back, he went to the library to ask After taking a copy of the newspaper about the Sophia incident, and bringing it back to the hotel, I asked the hotel manager to find a room for me because I didn't want to be pestered by the children asking questions.

The manager of the hotel heard that Conan was helping Kogoro Mori investigate the case, and immediately took Conan to the library in the hotel. Seeing that Conan was surprised by the amount of books in the library, he couldn't help laughing, "Will you prepare afternoon tea for you? Little detective."

Just as Conan put the copy of the newspaper on the table, he hurriedly replied, "Ah, no need..."

"If it's convenient, I'd like a cup of English black tea," Hui Yuanai opened the door and walked into the room, raised his head and said to the hotel manager calmly, "Anything for dessert is fine, if it's troublesome, it doesn't matter if you don't have any. "

"Uh, no trouble," the manager Khan said, "Then sit down, and I'll get someone to prepare it."

Conan stared at Hui Yuanai dumbfounded, "Hey, why are you..."

"When you came back, Yuan Tai happened to be buying drinks in front of the vending machine on the first floor, and saw you carrying a bunch of things and sneaking up the stairs following the manager," Hui Yuanai pulled up a chair and sat down. When he got to the table, he turned to the administrator and said, "Sorry to trouble you."

The administrator looked at Hui Yuan Ai's always cold and calm expression, didn't feel much 'sorry', and said with a dry smile, "It's okay, no one will come here anyway, only Mr. Chi has been here recently, someone This library is only meaningful if you can come here.”

Conan looked around at the bookshelves and found that they were all old books about Jiang Shenyuan's history. He asked curiously, "Has Brother Chi been here recently?"

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