Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1761 The rhythm of the conversation has been out of control


Chi Fei responded late, wondering what would happen to the Nagano County Police looking for him.

The Chi family has a pet product manufacturing factory in Nagano, and there is also a shopping mall system managed by Oyama Mi, but if there is an accident in those places, just contact the person in charge in Nagano. At most, you can find Oyama Mi, and the police will not go directly to Chi Shinosuke or find him.

If it's a big deal, his dad should make a phone call to communicate with him first...

Zhu Fu Gaoming: "..."

The rhythm of the conversation was different from what he had thought in advance.

The other party's attitude was too cold, and after he got the contact information, he waited ten minutes before calling, just to let Chi Shinosuke call his son to talk about it first, and then he called to talk about the meeting. no phone call...

After Chi Feichi came back to his senses, considering that this is the brother of Amuro's undercover agent and good friend, he explained one more sentence to ease the atmosphere, "He probably thinks you can call me and tell me, and you know he's busy. "

"When I called, Mr. Shinnosuke seemed to be busy going to a meeting. I didn't think carefully," Zhu Fu Gaoming said with a slightly relieved smile, feeling in his heart, chatting with such a person, he felt calmer "Then, I think it's better for us to meet and talk."

"When?" Chi Feichi asked bluntly, "Do you want me to go to Xinye Police Station?"

"Because of the case, I came to Tokyo today to find someone to understand the situation. It is just over now. I need to drive back to Nagano at 6 pm. I have free time for the remaining three hours. If it is convenient for you, we can make an appointment at a certain place." Let’s meet at another place,” Zhu Fu Gaoming said in an orderly manner, “If it’s not convenient for you, I hope you can find time to come tomorrow, and I will rush to Tokyo again.”

"From your current location, how long will it take to reach Kanda Division 1-chome?" Chi Feichi asked.

After chatting with Zhu Fu's brilliant communication mode, he felt more at ease.

"Is it Kanda Division 1-chome..." Zhu Fu Gaoming estimated, "I'll drive there, and it will take about half an hour to arrive."

"Then, in half an hour, we will meet at Kanda Division 1-chome intersection."


On the street near Dongdu University, Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at the hung up phone, swallowed the polite words, and turned silently to the parking place.

He called Mr. Chi Shinosuke before, and it was the same. After chatting, he left a sentence, "Then I will email you my son's contact information, please check it carefully." 'Thank you', I heard the busy tone on the other side of the phone.

He can tell that the other party is not impatient. If he is an impatient person, after he reveals his identity, he will definitely rush to ask him why he came. The father and son both said, "You can speak slowly, I'll listen." His attitude can be called calm and stable; similarly, he is not arrogant or impatient with him, otherwise it would be impossible to listen to him to finish the cause and effect before discussing a settlement plan.

But when the discussion is over, people hang up the phone. It's not considered rude, after all, the matter has already been discussed, but the link of politeness and mutual humility is missing.

This is probably the performance of vigorous and resolute, right?


Rice Flower Town.

Chi Feichi put away the phone and untied Sawada Hiroki from the rope, "I'm going to visit Kanda Division, do you want to follow me, or stay here?"

Sawada Hiroki thought of the enthusiastic uncles and aunts downstairs, his scalp was a little numb, and his small face was serious and decisive, "Godfather, I will go wherever you go."

Chi Feichi went downstairs with the baby in his arms, and when he heard that the studio didn't seem to be discussing the opening of the firm, he didn't bother the group of people who were chatting enthusiastically, went out with Sawada Hiroki in his arms, got in the car and drove away.

Half an hour later, at the intersection of Kanda Division 1-chome.

Zhu Fu Gaoming stopped at the intersection, looked at the road section where there were not many vehicles in front of him, and took out his mobile phone to call Chi Feichi.

At the rear, when the red Lexus SC drove forward, it slowed down, honked the horn, and a word "keep up" floated out of the car window, and then accelerated to drive forward.

The two cars turned two streets all the way, drove to a more secluded villa residential area, and stopped in front of a wide copper-colored gate.

The copper-colored gate is fairly clean, but dust has accumulated in the keyholes and pattern depressions. Looking through the hollowed-out railings of the gate, the courtyard with stone paved roads inside is fairly tidy, and the plants and landscapes are trimmed and arranged exquisitely, but there is a sense of silence. breath.

After Zhu Fu Gaoming parked the car, he looked sideways at the house that gave him a lifeless feeling. After seeing the closed windows of the building, he looked away thoughtfully, opened the door and got out of the car.

This is a house that has been cleaned regularly but has not been lived in for a long time. There must be a reason for choosing to park here...

After Chi Feichi got out of the car, he carried Sawada Hiroki out from the back seat, held the baby in one hand, and closed the car door with the other.

Zhu Fu Gaoming was somewhat surprised to see Chi Feichi bringing a one or two-year-old child over. As soon as he stepped forward, he found that Chi Feichi was holding the baby in one hand and digging out a bunch of keys from his pocket with the other.

Chi Feichi opened the copper-colored door neatly, pushed the door into the courtyard, and looked back at Zhu Fu Gaoming.

Zhu Fu Gaoming was stunned for a moment, and after following up the door, he always felt that this kind of social mode of non-verbal communication made him feel strangely disobedient, so he took the initiative to speak up and seek communication, "Mr. Pay attention, Mr. Shinosuke seems to have only your son, and you are not married, so, this child is...?"

"My godson, Xiaoshu," Chi Feichi led the way with his baby in his arms, and went to the door of the main house. He transferred the previous statement, "His parents have something to do, so ask me to take care of him for a while."

Zhu Fu Gaoming smiled, "Mr. Chi can do things with a child in his arms so proficiently, isn't it the first time he has been entrusted by someone?"

"I helped bring him up before." Chi Feichi replied.

"I'm sorry to ask you to take the child for another trip..." Zhu Fu Gaoming said with apologetic eyes, "If I interrupted you so suddenly this time that you couldn't find someone to take care of the child for a while, I would like to apologize. "

"It's not that I can't find someone to take care of me," Chi Feichi said, "It's just that this child is more clingy to me."

Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at Sawada Hiroki who was lying in Chi Feichi's arms watching him, and after meeting the clear, intelligent, quiet eyes of a certain young child, he smiled and said with emotion, "I looked at him. The child's eyes only think of one sentence - 'As far as the mind can reach, it is as wise as an adult'."

"Cao Chong died at thirteen..." Chi Fei arrived at the door late, held the baby in one hand, and opened the door of the main house with the key in the other. "This metaphor is not very auspicious."

"Wisdom as far as the mind can reach is like an adult's wisdom" is a description of Cao Chong, the son of Cao Cao. It means that when Cao Chong was five or six years old, knowledge, wisdom and judgment were no longer adults.

Cao Chong was clever and deeply loved by Cao Cao, but he was also short-lived, dying at the age of thirteen...

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Hiroki Sawada was smart, precocious, and talented in computers since he was a child, and he died once before. His fate is indeed comparable to that of Cao Chong.

Zhu Fu Gaoming was stunned for a moment, and found that Chi Feichi had already unlocked the door, he stretched out his hand to help open the door, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile, "My metaphor is wrong...but does Mr. Chi also read "Three Kingdoms"? "

"Read it," Chi Feichi carried Zetian Hiroki into the door, walked to the sofa covered with a cloth to keep out dust, put Zetian Hiroki down, and lifted the cloth covering the furniture, "Officer Zhufu, you first sit."

Zhu Fu Gaoming took a look at the surrounding furniture, but all covered the layout, and became more and more sure of his previous speculation that no one had lived here for a long time. He went to the sofa and sat down, looking at Chi Feichi who was going to open the window for ventilation. , "I'm curious, why did Mr. Chi choose to meet me here?"

Chi Feichi opened the window to the maximum, and the wind blew into the room in an instant, bringing the always soft and calm voice to Zhu Fu Gaoming's ears.

"This is the house where my grandfather lived."

Zhu Fu Gaoming was startled again, and after realizing that he seemed to be a little surprised today, he looked at Chi Feichi who turned around and came back with a more energetic and cheerful look in his eyes, and asked, "Why did I come to Tokyo this time? Has Mr. Chi already guessed it?"

"First of all, the Nagano police found my father directly, not the local person in charge of the group in Nagano, and my father asked you to contact me, explaining that the police want us to help, it has nothing to do with the group's affairs, it is a family matter," Chi Feichi said. Sit down on the opposite sofa, reach out and grab Sawada Hiroki, who is struggling to climb the sofa, "Besides, you mentioned on the phone before that if I don't have time today, if I find time tomorrow, you will come to Tokyo again, For a police officer who is busy investigating something, this behavior of repeatedly driving long distances is either taking the opportunity to be lazy, or he has to come to Tokyo again because of business, and there is absolutely no reason why he must come in person and you are busy contacting me and my father, and you are very patient in the phone communication without any perfunctory. Obviously you are not the kind of person who wants to be lazy, which means that you have to come to Tokyo by yourself instead of letting The reason I went to Nagano, all I can think of is that your police need something located in Tokyo, which must be obtained with the cooperation of me or my father..."

Zhu Fu Gaoming recalled the process of himself and Chi Feichi, and followed Chi Feichi's thinking.

"There are not many people in the Chi family. My grandfather lived in Nagano when he was young." Chi Feichi looked at Zhu Fu Gaoming and conjectured, "What the police want is one of his relics, or, I want to find useful clues from his relics."

"Did Mr. Chi directly ask me to meet at the intersection of Kanda Division 1-chome because he guessed this?" Zhu Fu Gaoming smiled and exclaimed slowly, and soon his expression became more serious, "To be honest, The reason why I came to Tokyo this time is indeed related to Mr. Kenichi Ike, do you know the "House of Hope"?"

"have no idea."

Chi Feichi answered directly.

Zhu Fu Gaoming and Chi Feichi looked at each other for two seconds, finally lowered their heads in frustration, raised their hands and rubbed the center of their brows.

The rhythm of the conversation today has been out of control, whether it is surprise, wonder, appreciation or speechlessness, it all comes so suddenly, it always catches him off guard...

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