Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1765 Yamato Dare to Help: Unbelievable...

Chi Feichi praised Yueshui Nanatsuki's speech in his heart for being more perfect. You can tell by the smile on Zhu Fu Gaoming's face. No one can resist the joy of bringing up old friends by new friends and discovering that everyone knows each other before. It is easy to brush out the sense of intimacy.

And if you think about it carefully, the Nagano trio do have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they can fill in each other's vacancies, so they are very suitable for working together.

Take Zhu Fu Gaoming as an example, although he is smart and quick-witted, and can listen to his words, it is impossible for him to have no temper at all, but his character and habits are destined to pay attention to demeanor and politeness when getting along with others, and he will not shout loudly, and when he encounters When it comes to suspects who are louder than gangsters, they probably really can't handle it, and Dahe has to help to suppress it.

"Miss Yue Shui, is this saying that I am not direct enough?" Zhu Fu Gaoming smiled, "Although three of us are walking together, there must be my teacher, choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones, but if you Believe that your personality is helpful and make yourself and others more comfortable, so it is not "bad". In other words, if everyone is exactly the same, then this world would be too boring, just be yourself and leave your own deficiencies so that others can make up for it.”

"You speak very tactfully, and you also like to reason with people," Koshimizu Nanatsuki suddenly became interested, and teased, "Officer Yamato also thinks he has a good personality, and we are worried that he will pick up crutches and fight Mr. Chi desperately." good."

"You can be more confident," Chi Feichi said, "Get rid of your worries."

"Hahaha..." It was rare for Zhu Fu Gaoming to laugh out loud. He caught a glimpse of Ze Tian Hiroki who was sleeping in Chi Feichi's arms next to him, and tried his best to control his laughter, but he still had an unstoppable smile on his face. "Actually, Ganzhu-kun and I are elementary school classmates. I also worked at the headquarters of the Nagano Police Station before. I was transferred to Xinye only because I disobeyed the orders of my superiors. I didn't expect you to know him. It seems that the relationship is not bad. , but as far as I know, although Mr. Ganzhu looks ferocious and grumpy, he seldom assumes a desperate posture to his friends, unless he is really angry, so I am a little curious, what is going on with Feichi and him. .”

"We were entrusted by the client before. When we came to Nagano, we happened to meet them handling the case. Everyone was investigating the same thing, so we would inevitably encounter one another. He yelled at us violently at the scene of the crime, and used The eyes frightened Mr. Chi’s sister, so Mr. Chi told him, “If you are obscene and slow, you can’t stimulate your energy, and if you are aggressive, you can’t cure your nature.” This is the sentence from Zhuge Kongming’s "On Precepts". As a result, Officer Yamato became even more angry Yes," Yue Shui Nanatsuki recalled actively sharing, "Speaking of this, Sister Yuyi seems to have said at the time that Police Officer Yamato has a friend who competed with him since he was a child, and his name is similar to Zhuge Kongming..."

"She's talking about me. She and Mr. Ganzhu are also childhood sweethearts who grew up together. When Mr. Ganzhu and I were in school, we had been bickering all the time, and it was all thanks to her to mediate in the middle," Zhu Fu Gaoming also confessed, "But I don't think our relationship is bad."

"Sister Yuyi thinks so too. She said that Officer Yamato actually admires you very much." Said Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

"This is definitely not what Dare Zhujun said, but her personal feeling." Zhu Fu Gaoming paused, and thoughtfully said, "However, I also think the sentence in "On the Ring" is very suitable. Dare to help you study carefully..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the two tepid people in the front seat, thinking that they were two black-bellied monsters with a calm appearance, and fell silent for a while, "We won't meet Officer Yamato when we go to the Hope Pavilion, right?"

"Not sure," Zhu Fu Gaoming said uncertainly, "He and Yuyi seem to have gone to other places to investigate, and maybe they haven't come back yet, or maybe they have clues and returned to the scene to investigate again."


When the car arrived at the Hope Pavilion, the sky had completely darkened.

Two cars were parked outside the fence, the gate was wide open, two lights were on at the gate of the western-style building behind the courtyard, and two police officers were guarding the gate.

Zhu Fu Gaoming saw the license plate of a certain car outside the courtyard, and knew that Dahe Dahe was coming to help, so he drove the car directly into the gate, and after stopping, he was not in a hurry to go upstairs to find old friends, waiting to bring the baby and children's supplies Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki.

On the second floor of the House of Hope, Yamato Kansuke and Uehara Yui have brought Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran and Conan into the crime scene room, introducing the wall that was spray-painted red.

"How is it?" Yamato dared to wait for Mori Kogoro to look at the wall, and immediately urged, "Mr. Mori, do you understand the meaning of this red cliff?"

"Do you still have to ask? Of course it's red, that's Akashi Shusaku with red in his name!"

"Unfortunately, it was Mr. Akashi Shusaku who died tragically and shriveled in this room!"


"By the way, that Mr. Akashi Shusaku's wife, Aoi Kohashi, changed her husband's surname after marriage. She was also found dead in the warehouse here three years ago..."

"Yes, was he killed?"

"No, her heart was not good. She had a myocardial infarction while looking for things in the warehouse, and she just passed away. Her husband, Mr. Zhou Zuo, was concentrating on painting in this room at the time. It seems that she didn't find out until half a day after her death... "

"why is it like this……"

Outside the door, Chi Feichi and others listened to the movement and went upstairs, and saw a group of people busy talking about the situation without making a sound.

"Then, this red is not a name, red... red..." Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin, thought for a while, and then asked Yamato for help, "By the way, is the criminal a stranger who has nothing to do with him?" !"

"Hey, hey," Yamato dared to help growl at Mori Kogoro dissatisfied, "I specially brought you here from Tokyo, is it just for this kind of answer?"

The loud roar woke up Sawada Hiroki, who was in a deep sleep, and looked up at the door in front of him in a daze.

Zhu Fu Gaoming, who took the initiative to help hold the baby, looked down at the awakened child, sighed, and said, "If you want to see a virtuous person but don't follow his way, you want him to enter and close the door..."

In the room, Mori Kogoro and others turned their heads in doubt, and looked at Zhu Fu Gaoming standing at the door.

"So that's how it is," Zhu Fu Gaoming glanced at Yamato Dare help unhappily, ignoring the speechless eyes of the other party, "You said you left because you had something to do, so you came to invite this famous detective in person, not by phone. , This is a good job, but your attitude towards Mr. Maori just now was very rude. As an old friend of yours, I feel ashamed for you and dare to help you..."

"What are you doing here?" Yamato dared to turn around and shouted impatiently at Zhu Fu Gaoming, "Go back to your place!"

Zhu Fu Gaoming looked down at the little one in his arms who was staring blankly at Yamato Gansuke, frowned, expressing his dissatisfaction with his friend's loud voice, and quickly calmed down, raised his head and said to Yamato Gansuke who was staring at Sawada Hiroki , "This is the area under the jurisdiction of my Xinye Bureau, how can I just walk away?"


Yamato Kansuke and Uehara Yui stared at the little child in Zhu Fu Gaoming's arms in disbelief.

Mori Kogoro, Mao Lilan and Conan also stared blankly at the child in Zhu Fu Gaoming's arms.

Why do they feel that this child looks familiar the more they look at it?

Seeing that Yamato Ganzhu finally noticed that there was a one-year-old child here, Zhu Fu Gaoming seriously reminded, "And Ganzhu, with such a small child present, it would be better for you to be gentler. Otherwise it is easy to scare children..."

"Wait, let's not talk about that first," Yamato Dasuke interrupted, looked up at Zhu Fu Gaoming, pointed at Hiroki Sawada with disbelief, and said, "Aren't you married yet? Where did this child come from? "

"Yeah," Uehara Yui returned to his senses, and complained, "I didn't hear that Gao Ming was married either."

As friends, how to hide this kind of thing from them? Too much.

"Gao, Gao Ming?" Mao Lilan was surprised by Zhu Fu Gaoming's name.

Zhu Fu Gaoming realized that the two had misunderstood, and said speechlessly, "Why do you think this is my child? I haven't been away from the Nagano Police Headquarters for so long, how could it be possible to marry secretly, and have a one or two-year-old child?" child."

Uehara Yui calmed down, "It seems so."

Zhu Fu Gaoming introduced himself to Mao Lilan and others, "My name is Zhu Fu Gaoming, but everyone likes to call me Gaoming by the sound of 'Kong Ming', so we will know each other from now on."

"Boom boom."

Yueshui Nanatsuki raised his hand and knocked on the door panel, and when Mao Lilan and others looked over, he smiled and joked, "We are two big living people here, and you have been ignoring us, isn't it too much? "

"Sister Nanatsuki? And Brother Feichi?" Mao Lilan greeted in surprise, and then looked at Hiroki Sawada who was stretching out his hand towards Chi Feichi in Zhu Fu Gaoming's arms, "It's really a small tree, I still I thought I was wrong."

Conan looked at them with astonishment.

How could Chi Feichi and Detective Yueshui be here? Also, why is Xiaoshu, the brat, here again?

Chi Feichi stepped forward and took Zetian Hiroki from Zhu Fu Gaoming's arms.

Hiroki Sawada just woke up from a doze, and yawned, thinking that he should be called Nanatsuki Koshimizu 'Auntie', so he couldn't call a similar girl 'Sister'. Say hello spiritually, "Aunt Xiaolan."

Mao Lilan: "..."

This "auntie" made her feel complicated.

"This is Police Officer Yamato Dare, you can call him Uncle," Chi Feichi introduced the other two to Hiroki Sawada, "Also, this is Officer Yui Uehara."

Zhu Fu Gaoming quickly grasped the point, and said slightly dissatisfied, "Xiaoshu has never called me 'uncle'."

Sawada Hiroki looked at Zhu Fu Gaoming, and greeted the two over there, "Officer Yamato, Aunt Yui."

Yamato dared to help with a black thread, couldn't help pointing at Hiroki Sawada, and looked at Chi Feichi in disbelief, "As far as I know, you're not married either?!"

He always thought that he and Chi Feichi had a good relationship after their quarrel, but he didn't know about it?

"This is my godson," Chi Feichi introduced, "Xiaoshu."

On the side, Mao Lilan lowered her head and thought, "Xiaoshu has become brother Feichi's godson, so there's nothing wrong with calling me auntie..."

Yamato Gansuke raised his head to look at Chi Feichi with a calm face, and at Zhu Fu Gaoming who was calm and calm, pointed at Zhu Fu Gaoming, and continued to yell at Chi Feichi in disbelief, "Didn't you say you don't know this guy? ?!"

"Before yesterday, we really didn't know each other," Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at Dahe Ganzhu and explained, "But Dare you, don't you know that the House of Hope originally belonged to the Chi family? It used to be Grandpa Feichi, The former residence of old Mr. Chi Jianyi, the year before Mr. Chi Jianyi passed away due to illness, the ownership was transferred to the residents living here."

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