Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1768 The most reasonable guess

"Then Guo Jia died of illness, was it because of the helpless Yingcai's early death, or was it his or Cao Cao's tricks?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki curiously joined the topic of suspected murder.

"At that time, the north was just settling, and when Guo Jia was on his way back, due to unacceptable water and soil, bad weather, and day and night, he was overworked and died of illness," Zhu Fu Gaoming thought, "There are still strong enemies in the south, and Cao Cao still needs Guo Jia. , if Guo Jia’s death is really a problem, I don’t think Cao Cao did it on purpose, even though Guo Jia’s strategy has repeatedly made great achievements at that time, and his reputation in the army is already loud enough.”

Chi Feichi thought for a while, "It's hard to say. At that time, Cao Cao was on an expedition, and the journey was difficult. As long as he was ill, he would have murderous intentions towards Guo Jia."

Dahe Dahe saw that Chi Feichi and Zhu Fu Gaoming were discussing vigorously, and the others also listened enthusiastically. They looked at Kogoro Mori with a dazed face, and retreated away in disgust.

He had a premonition that these two people would definitely get along very well when they met, but he never expected that the two would get along so well, even Zhu Fu Gaoming talked so selflessly, regardless of whether others could understand or not.

And outside the scene of an unsolved case, these two people are still in the mood to discuss whether there is an inside story about the death of a person who has died for more than a thousand years, and what the inside story is.

"With Cao Cao's resolute and ruthless heart, it is not impossible," Zhu Fu Gaoming nodded his approval, and then sighed, "Regardless of whether Guo Jia's death has an inside story or not, Cao Cao still lost his arm after he died. In that way, the outcome of the Battle of Chibi in the next year may also change."

"Such a result may not be bad. The legend of the virtuous minister Ming can continue to be passed on. Guo Jia's son has also become the prince's teacher. Although he died young, he is also an excellent minister." Chi Feichi paused, "And Throughout history, Guo Jia's death is not that important, and Cao Cao's defeat is mostly due to suspicion."

Among those people in the Three Kingdoms, he actually admired Cao Cao the most.

He also felt that under the circumstances at the time, Cao Cao would not be so conceited that he thought the south was easy to be peaceful, and pride was nothing but pride. Cao Cao was more nervous than anyone else when he was careful.

It's just that once there is an accident, Cao Cao is worried that the situation will be difficult to control, so he will still kill Guo Jia cruelly.

Leaving aside the final success or failure, a ruler should not be soft-hearted because of morality and friendship.

Zhu Fu Gaoming smiled, "I would rather believe in another possibility. The two of them discussed it. Guo Jia retired, and Cao Cao released Guo Jia free, and promised him to take good care of his descendants. We will meet again , can still be a confidant, after all, whether it is Guo Jia's design to retire due to illness, or Cao Cao's suspicious and murderous intentions, or Guo Jia's true death of illness, for future generations, it is a shortcoming in the relationship between the two, although this is not true. Too likely, but since the truth is unknown, give yourself the best result."

"Do you want someone to bring some supper over by the way, so that you can sit and chat while eating?" Yamato Gansuke glanced at the two speechlessly.

These two people are never finished, and the case behind them still doesn't matter?

Zhu Fu Gaoming immediately said, "It's not impossible", and turned his head to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu and Hiroki Sawada who was yawning beside him, "Speaking of which, Mr. Feichi, Miss Yueshui and Xiaoshu haven't had dinner yet. , It’s okay for adults to bear it, but it’s bad for children to starve.”

Amid Yamato Kansuke's gradually darkening complexion, the banquet was still not served after all.

The key is that the police from the Nagano prefectural headquarters arrived with the equipment, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki still had snacks in his backpack, so he sent a copy to Hiroki Sawada, and he didn’t forget to send a copy to Conan, so the two little devils would put it first. Stomach pad.

Under the light of each instrument, the 'Red Cliff' in the room also showed a different side.

The red paint on the surface turned orange, and at the height of a person, there were arc-shaped overlapping traces, and the color was darker.

The signature is orange-red, and there are also a bunch of pseudonyms after 'Chibi'.

"NAOKI..." Mao Lilan spelled out her pseudonym and asked in surprise, "Is it Mr. Suikawa Naoki's Naoki?"

"Naoki Shiro's'zhimu' has the same pronunciation," Chi Feichi reminded the group of people again, "However, in the letter sent to my grandfather by the deceased Mr. Akashi Shusaku, he always referred to Naoki Shiro as Bai Jun, only Cuichuan Shang Shu, Mr. Akashi Shusaku has always called him Shang Shu."

"I see," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, staring at the red cliff with bright eyes, "If the murderer is Mr. Suikawa Naoki, then the third person is likely to be Mr. Naoki Shiro, and Mr. Akashi Shusaku is trapped in the house At that time, he left the pseudonym of 'NAOKI' to testify that the murderer was Shang Shu. He was worried that after his death, the murderer would come back here to destroy the scene, and threw paints and spray paints of other colors out of the window, and arranged the two chairs into an international scene. Chess reminder, because if there is only the bottle of red spray paint in the room, the murderer wants to cover up the pseudonym on the wall, so he can only use red spray paint to cover it up. It’s the reminder that white comes first and then black in chess, using colors to indicate that the murderer is Mr. Naoki Suikawa..."

Conan Zhengse took the words, "After the death of Mr. Akashi Shusaku, Mr. Naoki Shiro came here by accident, saw the pseudonym 'NAOKI' left on the wall, and mistakenly thought it meant his surname 'Naoki', plus Akashi Mr. Zhou Zuo was sitting on a white chair, he was even more disturbed, so he used red spray paint to cover up the pseudonym on it..."

"And wiped off the fingerprints on the spray paint can and the inside of the doorknob of the room," Dahe Daosuke took the words, and said with a look of disgust, "Since I am not the murderer, I shouldn't have done such a thing!"

"At present, this is the most reasonable inference," Zhu Fu Gaoming rubbed his chin, "Whether Mr. Zhou Zuo mentioned Mr. Cuichuan Shangshu in his letter, and he has always called him 'Shangshu', or the reminder of chess, Correspondingly, Mr. Suikawa Naoki is the most suspicious person."

"But we don't have evidence now, right?" Mori Kogoro looked at the wall, "Because a third person came in at the scene, they can also say that they didn't know about it and were framed by others. Based on this alone, it may be difficult for the murderer to plead guilty. Bar?"

"Then arrest those two guys!" Dahe Daosuke said with a look of anger, "Anyway, they are the most suspects now!"

"It's not a wise move to startle the snake," Zhu Fu Gaoming said after thinking, "I think it's better to test the reactions of the two of them first, and if we can get some key points that only the murderer or a third person knows, it will save trouble." too much."

"Then you take the old and the weak, women and children! Mr. Chi, Detective Yueshui and that child, as well as this brat and Miss Mao Lilan, don't interfere with my work!" Dahe Dasuke began to divide the team forcefully, "I'll just Go find other people with Mori-san to confirm whether Mr. Akashi Shusaku likes chess the most, and whether Mr. Suikawa Naoki has always been called Naoki, if these cannot be confirmed, then everything is just speculation!"

Mao Lilan's peasy eyes, "Old, old, weak, women and children?"

Zhu Fu Gaoming didn't refuse. Of course, Yamato dared to drag Mori Kogoro and Uehara Yui into the car and left, and he didn't give him a chance to refuse.

A group of soldiers was divided into two groups. One team sought out two key figures, Naoki Shiro and Suikawa Naoki, and the other team asked Morose Takuto and Yamabuki Shoji to find out about the situation.

It was confirmed that the deceased Akashi Shusaku liked chess the most, and it was also confirmed that he always called Naoki Suikawa "Nakaki", but the trial did not go well.

Cuichuan Shangshu firmly insisted that he left six years ago and never went back. Even if his fingerprints were left on the outside of the door, they were blocked by "I didn't expect the fingerprints to be still there after so many years". In addition, as an actor, His expression was well concealed, he didn't talk much, and the temptation was basically fruitless.

As for Naoki Shiro, even if Gao Ming Momofuku deliberately mentioned, "Speaking of which, your surname Naoki is the same as Mr. Cuichuan's name Naoki, could it be a mistake?", and deliberately led Naoki Shiro to realize that he might have misunderstood the message before death. Naoki Shiro did not confess that he had concealed the message before his death, but when he learned that his fingerprints were on the outside handle of the door, he suddenly panicked and said that he had gone back to play half a year ago, and then he closed the door to see off the guests under the pretext of "taking a rest".

Due to the ineffectiveness of the test, a group of people met again at a noodle shop near Naoki Shiro's house, and communicated with each other while having a long late dinner.

"Mr. Naoki is acting flustered?" Mori Kogoro lowered his head and ate his noodles, and said vaguely, "Could we be thinking too much? In fact, Mr. Naoki is the murderer. Mr. Shusaku Akashi left behind him before he died to facilitate the investigation of those who found out." His pseudonym is his surname, and the chair he sits on refers to the white color in his name."

"Then, why did you put the black chair at the back?" Zhu Fu Gaoming temporarily stopped his chopsticks, and said seriously, "I think Mr. Feichi's analysis is correct."

Uehara Yui also sat in a row with a group of people eating noodles, "But Mr. Naoki is not a murderer, why doesn't he admit that he covered up the traces of his alias?"

"Could it be that you want to use this to blackmail Mr. Cuichuan?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki guessed, then turned to ask Hiroki Sawada who was eating noodles from a small bowl, "Xiaoshu, are the noodles too hard?"

"Don't worry about him, a two-and-a-half-year-old child can already eat noodles," Chi Feichi replied, and then turned back to the case, "Officer Yamato, when you went to ask the other two people, did you ask Mr. Naoki?" Have you had any financial difficulties recently?"

"How could I have thought of this at that time... But if Mr. Naoki intends to blackmail Mr. Cuichuan, they should meet tonight or tomorrow morning. Our people are watching nearby. We just need to keep an eye on them..."

Yamato Gansuke lowered his head and slapped the noodles, ate up the noodles three times and five times, and put the bowls and chopsticks away with a 'boom'.

Zhu Fu Gaoming looked helpless and said, "Dare to help you, there are other colleagues on duty at night, even if you want to monitor, you don't have to be so anxious, right? Inviting Mr. Mori and the others to Nagano, we should have treated them well, but the situation is special, so let's accompany them to taste Nagano's special soba noodles are considered to be entertaining as much as possible, wouldn't it be better for you to accompany everyone to eat slowly?"

"Sorry," Dahesuke lowered his eyelids, "I just don't like eating slowly like you guys!"

"The cow chews the peony." Chi Feichi summed it up succinctly.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Mr. Chi is more vicious than the police officers.

Conan: "..."

Sure enough, an interpreter should be provided for Chi Feichi and Officer Zhu Fu.

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