Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1771 The Scariest Person

When the baby group arrived on the second floor, they pretended to be a drunkard who was unhappy in the workplace, Yamato Kosuke, who was disguised as a violent drunk, Yui Uehara, who was disguised as the wife of a violent drunk, Conan who was disguised as a blond boy, and Kogoro Mori, the underwear thief, had already met at the door of Room 202 where Shiro Naoki lived, and caught Naoki Suikawa who was sneaking in to find shoes.

Detectives and the police were in charge of the reasoning, and neither of them could say a word. Chi Feichi was too lazy to get involved, and took his baby to watch the excitement in the corridor.

He was arrested at the scene, and there is reasoning evidence. When he heard that the police were waiting for him to come, Naoki Suikawa had already checked the contents of the memory card in the car. After learning that there was a previous conversation between him and Shiro Naoki, he confessed his guilt.

The reason for killing Naoki Shiro is naturally to kill people to silence the mouth, and the reason for killing Akashi Shusaku is because Suikawa Naoki used to like Kobashi Aoi. After finding a portrait of Kobashi Aoi, he bought it. In doubt, After using X-rays, I realized that it was the portrait of Xiaoqiao Aoi, but it was covered with white and painted other paintings. A few months before that, Xiaoqiao Aoi went to the warehouse to find her portrait before her birthday. He died of a heart attack only if he had to paint a portrait...

"Zhou Zuo's paintings began to attract people's attention, that is, in the past two or three years. When he painted that painting, he was so poor that he couldn't even afford canvas... But why didn't he just tell Xiaokui directly?" Cui Chuan With tears in the corners of Shang Shu's eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you tell Xiaokui, Xiaokui won't go to the warehouse to find paintings, maybe she won't die, but that guy Zhou Zuo only cares about painting..."

Zhu Fu Gaoming sighed, and said, "The second day after Xiaokui passed away, when I went to that house, I saw a burning painting in the yard, and it was a painting that hadn't dried completely. Xiaokui's portrait."

Mao Lilan was taken aback, "Then the painting that Mr. Zhou Zuo hid in his room is..."

"I'm afraid it's this painting," Zhu Fu Gaoming sighed, "He locked himself in the room and rushed to paint day and night, just to give her a surprise on Xiaokui's birthday the next day."

"W-how could this be..." Cui Chuan Shangshu held his head in both hands, sobbing in pain, "How could this be, Xiaokui, Zhou Zuo..."

"As the saying goes, 'We can't be close'. Those who are far away should not interfere with the affairs of those who are close." Zhu Fu Gaoming finished speaking, then turned to Chi Feichi and said, "Mr. Feichi , Do you want to say a few words to Mr. Cuichuan?"

Dahesuke saw Suichuan Naoki's body stiffen, and said, "Do you remember Mr. Chi Kenichi? Mr. Chi is his only grandson. When Mr. Chi Kenichi passed away, he was still young, but you should all I attended Mr. Chi Kenichi's funeral, so when he came to the door, you should have already guessed it."

"A person with such a special pupil color is easy to recognize by looking at his eyes." Zhu Fu Gaoming looked at Shangshu Cuichuan, with a hint of helplessness and regret in his tone, "I remember that at that time, Zhou Zuo wanted to be a painter, and you wanted to be the best actor , It’s just that the economy is not optimistic. While working part-time to pay rent and meals, he still has to squeeze out time and money to work hard for his dreams. After Zhou Zuo found the House of Hope, he recommended you to stay. That year You happen to be 20 years old, Mr. Kenichi said, the house can be allocated as you like, and you don’t need to spend too much money to buy meals to cook. I hope you can be full of hope for the future. In the year he passed away, in the letter you sent him , also mentioned that everyone is very happy together, and will always be full of hope for the future. Until the day you succeed, you will definitely share with him. I really don’t want to find his descendants because of this kind of murder, but if you If you were full of hope for the future when you discovered that portrait, when you attacked Zhou Zuo, even if Aoi has passed away, there will always be hope in the House of Hope."

Cuichuan Shangshu thought of the old man who had talked to them with a smile, buried his head deeply, and broke down in tears, "I, I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter, my grandfather has a good vision. You have persisted in your dreams for so long and have never given up. Counting Miss Xiaokui, if you are not famous, at least you have strength and fame," Chi Feichi stepped aside, It’s convenient for Dahe to dare to help and take people away. It doesn’t matter, “It doesn’t matter how the house is, anyway, no one lives in it now. If the current owner of the house doesn’t mind, it can be used as a legendary place in a few years, and children can go there. Explore."

Yamato dared to help a black thread, they were here reminiscing about the past and full of emotion, Chi Feichi had already considered how to use the house, and let the children explore this way of use.

Zhu Fu Gaoming was also a little speechless, but he quickly laughed and said, "That can also be a memory for many children. Feichi Jun, like Mr. Kenyi, takes care of the younger generation."

Chi Feichi nodded perfunctorily, and asked directly, "We're going to taste Nagano delicacies tomorrow, can any of you ask for leave to be a guide?"

Zhu Fu Gaoming: "..."

His sensibility and emotions that have nowhere to rest and are constantly being pushed back into his heart.

Uehara Yui: "..."

Mr. Chi is really concerned about this matter, which also shows that their previous saliva was not in vain, and the food in Nagano is really exciting, right?

Conan: "..."

Chi Feichi was so motivated tonight, and if he cheated once and then tried again, it must be for this reason, right?

If it were Hattori, he believed that Hattori was definitely obsessed with reasoning and wanted to solve the case as soon as possible, but for Chi Feichi, he thought it was more likely for travel and food.

"What tasting food?"

Yamato Gansuke, who went to wait in the car early after dinner, expressed his incomprehension, and asked with a frown, "Did we promise to be guides?"

"I seem to have mentioned it," Zhu Fu Gaoming smiled helplessly, "Then let me do it. This case will be taken over by the Nagano County Police Headquarters. I can ask for leave tomorrow."

Yamato Gansuke frowned tightly, and roared, "This is a case that happened in the Xinye District. You guys are too lazy if you let it go!"

"I've made up my mind," Zhu Fu Gaoming said, with a more serious look on his face. He stared at Dahe Dahe and said, "I understand what you mean, but my greatest contribution to this case is to take Fei Chi to justice. I brought it here from Tokyo, I really dare not take credit for it, and you are also bothering to investigate, find help, and other colleagues run around and monitor, even if I were to write the closing report, I would truthfully explain the situation, not to mention , I have experienced this incident and have gained a lot.”

The scariest person here should be Chi Feichi, right?

He thought that Chi Feichi didn't read the letters sent to Mr. Kenichi carefully, but Chi Feichi was able to capture the two important keys of "chess" and "saluting", solved the mystery of Chibi, and proposed to use the instrument Check the walls for this useful offer.

On the phone call before, Yamato dared to help with a loud voice, and Uehara Yui was communicating with people in a noisy manner. Although what he said could be heard clearly, it was necessary to capture the key of "Lecce, Italy" from those noisy words, and then think of Naoki Shiro It is not so easy to think that the evidence is hidden in the shoes and has not been taken away by the murderer, but Chi Feichi did it.

It was the first time he realized that he was a little out of step with the rhythm, but it was not the first time he felt the surprise brought by Chi Feichi, and Chi Feichi was able to talk to him about the Three Kingdoms, and he also had unique insights... Knowing such a person , it feels really good.

"I didn't want you to take the credit for it! But I advise you to think again, Mr. Chi may not be willing to do the record," Yamato dared to help with a dark face, and asked his subordinates to leave with Suichuan Naoki, and turned to follow, " If you insist, then stay in this place for the rest of your life!"

He wanted Zhu Fu Gaoming to follow the case more, make more contributions, and mention this guy more in the case report. As a result, he would rather ask for leave to accompany someone to travel, eat and drink, and was not in a hurry to be transferred back to the Nagano County Police Headquarters... Very soon Annoying!

Uehara Yui saw that Yamato dared to help and left angrily, smiled helplessly, and looked at Chi Feichi curiously and asked, "However, is the legend we heard in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department true? Mr. Chi hates taking notes. The officers are also very afraid of taking notes on you."

"It's true," Chi Feichi admitted without blushing, "so it's best to treat me as a tourist and not mention me."

Zhu Fu Gaoming frowned, and said in disapproval, "Have you ever thought about becoming a policeman, Mr. Feichi? If you were four years old when Mr. Kenichi passed away, you are only 20 years old this year. Even if you didn't go to the police academy, if you didn't Before employment, you have such excellent experience in solving crimes. If you want to be a policeman in the future, you may be able to directly enter the headquarters of the prefectural police stations or the criminal department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Of course, given your family background, you probably would not choose to do so. Police, with your ability, no one can stop you from being promoted after becoming a police officer. I just think it’s a pity that your keenness in information and reasoning ability in cases don’t work. I graduated from the Faculty of Law of Dongdu University Yes, after that, I entered the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters as a NON CAREER without passing the National Public Service Qualification Examination, so I hope you can think about it.”


Mori Kogoro, Mao Lilan, and Conan couldn't help but analyze the possibility of Chi Feichi becoming a policeman.

Uehara Yui remembered all the rumors he heard when he went to the Metropolitan Police Department to hold a search meeting before, and looked at Zhu Fu Gaoming hesitant to speak.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki didn't think much about it. From a young age, she knew that Chi Feichi had an evil spirit when he was a child, but when he grew up, he just restrained himself so that no one could find it. So she never thought that the criminal police would be Chi Feichi's choice, and Chi Feichi Feichi secretly confessed to her...that he had killed someone.

"So, we are alumni." Chi Feichi walked towards the stairs with a calm expression, "I graduated from Dongdu University ahead of schedule, Department of Veterinary Medicine."

Zhu Fu Gaoming was stunned for a moment, seeing the other people followed silently, he said speechlessly, "Are you a veterinarian..."

His law department is somehow related to the judicial system, but the animal medicine department...

I can't figure it out, how could Mr. Fei Chi choose such a major? Not only is it a waste of reasoning talent and ability to solve cases, but it can also inherit the family business, right?

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