Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1774 He chooses to hurt each other

"Dead, commit suicide," Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Nanatsuki Koshimizu who walked out of the glass door, quickly retracted his gaze, looked down at Conan and Haibara and mourned, "Dr. Fukuyama once asked other members of our family Whether there is a history of mental illness, he asked so to confirm whether my condition is genetic, my mother has been reluctant to mention my uncle, I am not sure if she has told Dr. Fukuyama. "

Hui Yuanai didn't expect to get such an answer, and confirmed with a worried frown, "In other words, is there a possibility of heredity?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "Very likely."

Conan thought about the boy in the photo, and Chi Feichi standing in front of them, and his heart became heavy.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stepped forward, and said softly, earnestly and soothingly, "Mrs. Kanai should be very sad when she thinks of her brother, and she also hopes that you can get better."

"I know."

Chi Feichi noticed that Mao Lilan and the others had come out, turned his head to look over, and sighed inwardly.

Has Yue Shui noticed that what he wants to express is 'inheritance'...

"Sister Nanatsuki, Brother Feichi," Mao Lilan stepped forward with a smile, and looked at Kogoro Mouri who was following, "My father has made an appointment to meet the client in the morning, and we have to hurry there, so we will leave first Now, Conan, do you want to stay here, or go with us?"

Conan wanted to accompany his poor little friend with a snake spirit, but when the client mentioned the 'threat letter', he was worried that Kogoro Moori would go alone. After hesitating, he chose to be a follower. Uncle Goro go together!"

"Then I won't delay Mr. Mori's work," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "Mr. Mori, if you have time, please enjoy the dinner three days later. Even if you are busy, you can also bring Xiaolan and Conan Go for dinner."

"Don't worry," Mori Kogoro said with a laugh, "I will definitely be able to solve that simple commission within three days!"

Today Yueshui Nanatsuki is destined to be busy, and acquaintances are very considerate and do not disturb. Dr. A Li did not stay long, and took his three children to bid farewell, and even Hui Yuanai did not stay.

In the afternoon, Toshiya Odagiri and Chrysanthemum Mori came over, gave gifts and had a meal of ramen with Chi Feichi before leaving contentedly.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu helped clean up, and when he was done, he found that Chi Feichi had taken Sawada Hiroki to the elder tree again, so he couldn't help laughing and followed, "I wanted to bring you to see the elder tree earlier, and I would give you a surprise. I didn’t expect everyone to be so enthusiastic, and you discovered it first.”

"What I found was also a surprise." Chi Feichi didn't think about whether Yue Shui Nanatsuki had noticed what he wanted to express. Anyway, he had already confessed to Yue Shui, and Yue Shui knew it. Elderberry coming?"

"Since you like elderberry so much, it's not bad to plant one in your yard..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki touched the thin trunk of elderberry, and sighed with a smile, "It's a pity that I didn't find a tree that was too big to move. Planting, this tree is still too small, it needs to be taken care of more to support it, I don’t know if it will bloom next year, but it looks very healthy and adapts well to this place, it will grow luxuriantly after two more years of cultivation, It's sure to produce lots of creamy florets, too."

Chi Feichi looked at the elderberry, "The branches and rhizomes are more suitable for medicine than the flowers."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki choked, she thought that Chi Feichi liked elderflower flowers and would look forward to it, but she didn't expect Chi Feichi to think about how to use them as medicine, so she couldn't help reminding, "Don't mess around, I I also hope that it can grow tall and full of flowers in the future."

"Then let's wait until it grows up a bit, and keep the medicinal materials when it needs to be pruned," Chi Feichi determined the fate of 'providing medicinal materials in the future' for the elder tree, reached into his coat pocket, and took out the bone jade that was changed into the shape of a small flute , and handed it to Yue Shui Nanatsuki, "By the way, this is for you."

Before he kept the bone jade necklace, he was still thinking about whether to give it to A Fupo or Joshua, but he has not decided who to give it to, so he doesn't have to worry about it now.

If Yue Shui planted an elder tree for him, he would give Yue Shui the bone jade necklace.

Now he can't let his consciousness stay in the bone jade, the bone jade itself has nothing special about it, and it's not bad for Yue Shui as an ornament.

Yueshui Nanatsuki reached out to catch the necklace, looked down at the white flute pendant, "Is it jade? You gave me Tang Dao before and rented the house to me at a low price. I'm already very embarrassed. Elderberry is also considered to be borrowing your place, and I will give you a return gift, how can I let you give me such a valuable thing again?"

"It's not jade," Chi Feichi said, "It's your opening gift."

"It's really a reason that people can't refuse," Koshimizu Nanatsuki held the necklace in his hand with a smile, "Then I won't be polite to you."

The next day, Chi Feichi did not take Sawada Hiroki to disturb Nanatsuki Koshimizu, but let Nanatsuki Koshimizu rest well. He took his children and pets out for a walk in the morning and drove for a drive in the evening.

As soon as the morning passed, the temperature dropped sharply, and by dawn, there were already snowflakes in the sky.

During the New Year's holiday, passers-by wore thick cotton clothes and walked slowly through the streets. Many people held umbrellas. The usually bustling streets of Tokyo seemed to have a more leisurely atmosphere.

The audio shop on the street also chose a slow-paced song, but I don't know if it would spoil the atmosphere. After the clerk played two songs, he persistently played "Let It Be" repeatedly.

A black Porsche 56A was parked on the side of the road, the driver's window was opened with a gap, and wisps of smoke floated out from the gap in the driver's window.

The person in the car was wearing a pure black windbreaker, with silver hair covering most of his eyes, calmly smoking a cigarette, and staring at the front window.

In the back seat, a blond-haired, blue-eyed young man was also dressed in black. After putting away his mobile phone, he looked sideways at the people passing by on the street.

"We become adults, become heroes of justice, and protect the peace of the earth..."

The sound drifted out of the audio shop, attracting passers-by to stop.

Elderly people, men walking down the street with a downcast face, couples cuddling together, car owners stopping at traffic lights, young people traveling together...

No matter who they are, they seem to stop at the entrance of the audio system for a while. The time may be long or short, and the expression may be melancholy or nostalgic. What song is this.

No one paid attention to the two people in the car next to them, nor did they pay attention to the smoke that drifted from the car window from time to time.

"Broken feelings will eventually erase your existence, you will gradually disappear, and the lights will gradually go out..."

After Gin Jiu lit the fifth cigarette, Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone to check the time, and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case expressionlessly and bit it.

He hasn't smoked much recently, but Gin has been in a daze and distracted. He lights a cigarette in less than three minutes, and the car is often filled with second-hand smoke.

With the dangers of second-hand smoke, if this continues, he will definitely get lung cancer before gin.

So, he chose to hurt each other.

Gin was like a stone statue resurrected in an instant. He suddenly reached out and took the cigarette lighter that had just been put back in the car, and handed it to the back seat, "The locker at the station suddenly broke down. Vodka is waiting outside for the locker to be repaired. , and then put the money there, it is not surprising that I did not come back on time, if there is an accident, Kiel and Chianti will contact me..."

"I don't want to see how late the vodka is." Chi Feichi reached for the cigarette lighter and lit a cigarette, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm counting how long you've been a melancholy young man."

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu let out a low chuckle, chose to hurt each other, and jokingly said, "I was wondering what you were thinking when you sang this song. Your voice is much gentler than your usual speech, Luke."

Chi Feichi was so chilled by Qin Jiu's suddenly weird tone, he handed back the cigarette lighter, and changed into a gentle and refined male voice, "It's not impossible to be gentle."

Qin Jiu felt that he was being chilled, and his scalp was numb.

But can he be cowardly at this time? cannot!

After two people disgusted each other, twice tried to get out of the car to get away from the snake spirit, and twice tried to throw something at each other's face, the vodka finally returned.

"Brother, the things have been put away." After adding vodka to the car, he found that Gin's face was not right when he drove away from the original place. "Your face is ugly. Did something happen elsewhere?"

Gin's face was ashen, and his voice was cold, "I'm disgusted by Lak!"

"Lack?" Vodka was about to turn to look at Chi Feichi in the back seat when he heard a hoarse voice from the back seat who was in a bad mood.

"It's disgusting without you!"

Vodka: "..."

He left here for more than an hour, what did he miss? Why do two people look like they want to kill each other?

Also, he felt that these two were hovering on the verge of losing their minds, was it safe for him to sit here now?

In the next second, the two started calling and sending emails, contacting people nearby to evacuate, and contacting the person who released the wind to the next trading place, communicating a few words from time to time, as if nothing happened.

Gin Jiu hung up the phone, finally stopped doing the dangerous thing of calling and driving, and said, "Chianti will keep an eye on the vicinity for you, and she will arrive near the bank in about five minutes."

"The two people who came to the bank early also sent a message back, and there is nothing unusual," Chi Feichi sent an email, asking without looking up, "Where are you going?"

"Turn left to the intersection when you get the things," Gin said, "After I receive the news from Chianti that you are coming out, I will drive over to pick you up."

Seeing that the two of them had returned to normal, Vodka wanted to ask what happened before, but worried that the two of them were not normal again, so he could only resist the urge to ask questions, looked at the traffic outside the window, and said with emotion, "The current situation is really serious. Trouble, overseas transfers of more than five million yen need to be approved by the foreign exchange management center of the bank, and many banks have also upgraded their management systems, so we have to go around to get what that guy left behind."

"As long as nothing goes wrong over there, it doesn't matter if we go to two more places," Qin Jiu said in a deep voice with a gloomy look in his eyes, "Luck, once you get to the place, if you find something wrong, get out, with your observation skills , shouldn’t fall into the trap, right?”

Chi Feichi put away his phone and said hoarsely, "Of course not."

"During the holidays these days, there are a lot of people going in and out of the bank to deposit or withdraw money, and there are also many people on the street," Vodka said with a relaxed tone, "If there is a trap, as long as Lark gets in the crowd, he can evacuate quickly. There are so many people here, the police don’t dare to come here with great fanfare, right? And Rum seems to have arranged for people to go there to guard, and if there are any abnormalities, they will let us know in advance.”

He sums it up: Everything is well prepared, and today is a day of easy errands! (to be continued)

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