Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1789 His sister is still playing games?


Chi Feichi listened to the voice waiting to answer on the other end of the phone, picked up his glass and took a sip of wine.

"Hello... Mr. Chi?"

When the phone was answered, Okiya Subaru spoke gently with a hint of hesitation, "It's so late, why did you call me suddenly?"

He had very little contact with Chi Feichi on the phone. Even on the ul chat software, he only added friends and hardly talked.

In the middle of the night, Chi Feichi called him suddenly. He couldn't help but wonder if Chi Feichi had encountered some troubles. The phone dialing was restricted for some reason, so he could only call him for help...

"Mr. Okiya, are you asleep?"

"I went to bed early tonight and didn't read a book... Did something happen?"

"It's okay, I just can't sleep."

"Yes, is it..." Okiya Subaru tried hard to think about how to answer this topic, "Then you called me because you wanted to..."

"I just want to ask if you're asleep. I'm sorry to bother you. Go on sleeping and leave me alone."


Mihua Town 2-chome.

Okiya Subaru sat on the edge of the bed, looked down at the phone, raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, and quickly regained his energy and called back.

Knowing a guy who may not be mentally normal, he has long been mentally prepared to encounter such strange things.

Considering that Mr. Chi lives alone and his current mental state may not be very stable, he thinks that he should make a call to find out the situation, and if he finds something wrong, he can stop Mr. Chi from making any dangerous moves in time.


The phone rang, and a 'busy' notification came out.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Mr. Chi won't call late at night to harass others, right?

He wanted to ask other people he knew if they had received a call from Mr. Chi, but thinking about the time now, he felt that it was not good to call to wake them up.

It's almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night!


Rice Flower Town 5-chome, Maori Detective Agency.

With a dark face, Conan kept dialing Chi Feichi's number on his mobile phone, and listened to the busy notification tone over there, guessing that Chi Feichi might be harassing others again, feeling as annoyed as he was woken up at the beginning , Gradually turned into worries about whether the little partner will lose friends, whether he will become abnormal and encounter danger.

In the middle of the night, should he call the doctor and ask Chi Feichi if he has called...


Kuboto Town.

After Chi Feichi called Kaito Kuroba and Nagisa Isogai late night wake-up calls, he looked at the cell phone that had been busy all the time, didn't make any more calls, got up and went back to the house from the balcony.

Pranks have to be measured, people like Conan, Kuroba Kaito, and Fenmao who have time to rest tomorrow, it’s okay to harass them late at night, but it’s inconvenient for people like Sato Miwako and Oda Kirito who may have a job tomorrow disturb.

In addition, I heard that the doctor and Xiao Ai are busy with research recently, and there is a high probability that they are still awake at this time, and it is useless to wake them up; Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi are three real children, he does not want to bully, bullying children is very boring; Xiaolan has to take care of two people, one big and one small, life is not easy, and it is inconvenient for him to disturb people's dreams; Yue Shui ran around to investigate for a day today, and will continue to investigate tomorrow, he can't bear to disturb Yue Shui's sleep.

Belmode and Undercover Amuro have been doing things mysteriously recently. According to the night owl attributes of the members of the organization, they should not be asleep at this time. Either they are discussing what to do next in a certain bar, or they just met somewhere and separated. .

In fact, many people in the organization have outstanding ability to stay up late. Even if they don’t take action, they may still stay up late at 11 o’clock in the evening. For example, Takeo Takatori has not taken any action in the past two days, and the light in the living room is still on.

In this way, there are almost no targets he can choose to wake up.

Fei Chi was sitting on the table, watching his laptop and playing games. He looked up at Chi Feichi who was carrying a cup into the room, and took the initiative to send out an invitation, "Master, do you want to play games? Magic Continent has newly launched a battle mode. Twenty people are randomly assigned to participate in the game, and five people form a group to attack each other's camp. You can also form a five-person team to enter the game. Feimo, Wuming, and Xiaoai are all playing. We have played several rounds, although Sometimes if you grab too many flags, the situation will be one-sided, but sometimes there will be a change in the reversal, which is very interesting!"

Chi Fei became interested, handed the wine glass to Xiaomei, walked to the sofa and sat down, "You play a game, I'll take a look first."

His sister is not researching drugs, but playing games?


Feichi typed immediately to get the crows over there ready for a serious game.

Chi Feichi watched the round silently.

He is no stranger to this kind of pvp game mode, and it has already existed in this world.

After Umbrella acquired and took over "Magical Continent", he adjusted the balance of professional roles. There will be no situation where a certain character is particularly strong. In this mode of competition, they all start with zero equipment and zero level. The small monsters that appear in a certain amount can get experience upgrades and gold coins to buy equipment...

The more he looked at it, the more it looked familiar. It was the prototype of "League of Legends". He couldn't help but think of the proposals he had passed to Umbrella before. He had mentioned this kind of competitive game.

At present, this pvp mode is attached to Magic Continent, but it needs to download an independent running software. Conversely, you can also only run the independent software and log in to the ul account to play the game, without having to log in to the main game of Magic Continent.

Although it is mainly a melee mode with 20 people and four teams, at the beginning of the game, he also saw the '5v5' mode, but due to the influence of the previous group dungeon in Magic Continent, it seems that no player has discovered the '5v5' mode yet It's also very interesting, and when the situation is less chaotic, it can strengthen the use of tactics and strategies.

From this point of view, Wilson should take advantage of the opportunity of buying the Magic Continent to attract the PvP that Umbrella wants to launch.

Not many people currently play online games. Magic Continent is already a mature IP, and it is indeed a good choice to use it to attract traffic.

With the development, this kind of pvp game, which can be experienced in a single game time without long-term missions to accumulate experience and upgrade, will definitely become popular. But starting from the magical continent, we must consider the negative impact brought by the magical continent.

For example, how to change the profession into an independent hero in the future, how to add new characters...

Thinking about it, Chi Feichi saw that the phone was still busy, took his computer, logged on to the official website of Magic Continent, and found the announcement related to this pvp mode. After reading it, he didn't plan to worry about it anymore .

E-sports activities also started simultaneously.

In the official announcement, it has been hinted that this pvp mode will become an independent new game, and a competitive ranking will be set up. In the end, the online battle will be broadcast live based on the ranking, so that the player who wins in the end will get the naming right of a certain profession.

Take the hunter profession as an example. In the final battle, the person who wins as a hunter can turn his character into a "hero" recorded in the game. The image is designed based on that player's character, and the simplified skills are determined by that player. The skills are determined, and the character story and naming are also determined by that player. As long as it does not violate the rules or is not particularly nonsensical, it will be used.

This can greatly enhance the player's sense of participation. Those who can win the game in the end also have certain game talents or strategic and tactical minds in this regard. As long as they have the ability, they will also attract fans in the game industry. We invite these people to write new games. The history of e-sports has also been established.

When adding new characters in the later stage, as long as there are some wonderful "hero stories", it will be easy for people to accept the new heroes, and a little transition will not make the original players of Magic Continent feel awkward.

And compared to the League of Legends in his previous life, this pvp has more than one competitive map, and the character operation is more free. Not only can there be multiple battle environments to choose from, but also the tactics can be changed according to the flexible operation of the character. Even he wants to try it. try.

Since Umbrella has a plan, he also has confidence in Wilson and Ark. Even if there are some small obstacles in the middle, they can be resolved, so he doesn't have to worry about them.

During the operation of the game, Feichi did not forget to type from time to time to communicate tactics with his teammates, and his 'tail speed' reached the extreme.

Chi Feichi looked at it for a while, and found that his sister and Feichi were in the same group. Apart from discussing tactics and expressing "Why can't voice, voice will be more convenient for communication", what Hui Yuanai talked about most was "naming rights". question, "Do you want naming rights?"

"Of course I want to," Feichi explained while playing the game seriously, "The Feimo Legion wants it, and the Royal Knights want it too. In addition, Xiao Ai also wants a naming right. The members of the legion have discussed it, and everyone will take turns to play the game online to earn points, at least three accounts must be allowed to enter the final battle, and then select people with strong abilities or crows to fight the final battle.”

Chi Feichi: "..."

No wonder his sister was still playing games in the middle of the night. It seemed that she was serious about getting a naming right.

Moreover, the police actually wanted the right to name a game character. As a consultant, he seemed to be a little sorry for the Japanese police. Isn't this what makes people addicted to games and loses their minds when they play with things...

"And Wuming and Miaomiao also want a naming right. Although they haven't played Magic Continent for a long time, they already have the African-Mexican Legion, and they also want Wuming to name the characters," Feichi added, "We still have To strive for the fourth spot, it would be even better if we could get the naming rights of more characters."

"Does the game have a mechanism to prevent scoring?" Chi Feichi asked.

From the perspective of a game developer, for the sake of the longevity of the game, he will only maintain the fairness of the game and will not give water to acquaintances.

If there is no mechanism to prevent scoring points, a large army like the non-Mexican army is a 'tumor' that destroys the fairness of the game.

He said he didn't worry about it, but he still had to pay attention and give feedback in time if there were any problems.

Although seeing Feichi playing so hard, it doesn't look like there are no corresponding restrictions...

"Yes, our couples are rarely matched in the same game. Even if they are matched in the same game, the other three parties deliberately lose the game, and they will not get points in the end," Fei Chi said, "Otherwise we and the Royal Together, the knights can get all the naming rights, and don't have to play games so hard to accumulate points..."

It is your group of cancers that are being guarded against.

Chi Feichi said something silently in his heart, and said, "Actually, you don't need to put too much pressure on you. If you want the naming rights, you can give your new characters the naming rights when they release new characters later, and you can also announce them to the public. Just say thank you." The support of the two legions for the game."

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