Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1791 Do You Want To Say It So Cute?

"No, it's very suitable," said the hunter's gin, "whether it's a career choice or a situation, it's very suitable."

Chi Feichi acquiesced in Gin's opinion.

He and the druids of Belmode can choose two of the four aspects of treatment, tanks, melee, and long-distance combat to develop, which is consistent with their positioning in organizational operations-super glue, and decide how to allocate positions on the spot. Which aspect is lacking and which aspect is made up for.

Compared with the rough-skinned and thick-skinned fighters and knights, druids can't gain an advantage in blood volume no matter how much they adjust their outfits. Before they are sure, they should try to avoid being involved in "fair and honest" frontal group battles. This is also consistent with the organization's consistent mode of action.

But it's not impossible to fight.

Regardless of their personal judgment and operational ability, in terms of team configuration, the hunters selected by Gin can use pets as temporary meat shields to increase their lack of blood volume, and their team has long-range attacks, short-range Attack, magic attack and physical attack are all available, and it has an advantage in attack power.

"Chianti, I didn't expect you to pay attention to professional advantages in advance." Belmode teased.

Chianti instantly became angry, "What do you mean!"

"I said, shouldn't we discuss what to do next?" Rena Mizumura said in a relaxed tone that she wanted to lie flat, "Let me tell you first, I don't know much about this type of game, today is the first time I play this game game."

Gin directly threw the question to someone who should be very experienced, "Luck, do you have any suggestions?"

"The disadvantage of our team lies in the low HP. This point has already been mentioned by Chianti, and I will only add three points," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "First, our strengths lie in 'attack power' and 'flexibility' , I suggest not to make up for the disadvantages, but to use the advantages. Tactically, it is suitable to fight in the form of ambushes and encirclement. You can consider targeted strikes and try to abolish one or two people in the opponent's camp in the early stage. Even if team battles are required, It is also necessary to concentrate firepower to eliminate the opponent with offensive power. In terms of strategy, the commander needs to spend more time organizing the ambush and encirclement operations, and the others pay attention to the speed of order execution and coordination. In addition, there must be an emergency strategy in a crisis..."

"Secondly, it is a suggestion for personal development routes. Belmode and I choose the healing and long-range attack routes, and the other chooses the life value and short-range attack routes. Once you choose, don't change it arbitrarily. The specific choice can be decided later. The assassin chosen by Kiel pays attention to accumulating instant explosive skills, but also reserves stealth skills, and informs the commander of the cooldown time of the stealth skills. Chianti mages and Kiel assassins need a stable environment to develop in the early stage, and the ambush action is controlled by Gin To take charge of the organization, everyone should have no objections..."

"Finally, some reminders. Don't ignore the little monsters from other camps. They can act as vision, and can also provide experience points and gold coins. Whoever makes the final blow will get more benefits. When there are no teammates around, pay attention To get the maximum benefit, when there are teammates around, don't compete for resources, allocate according to the situation..."

As Chi Feichi said, he suddenly found that in the loaded game page, the mini-map did not show the situation of other three-way alleys, "Do you remember the map?"

"I remember a general idea," Chianti said, "but I will not remember the general direction of the alley and the connection points!"

"It's the same here." Belmode said.

"Me too." Shui Wulian said.

"Then there's no problem." Chi Feichi said.

The alleys in the urban street fighting map are very complicated. After entering, the other three directions are all black. This is out of his expectation, and it also makes the game more challenging. It is very worry-free to be with teammates who can memorize maps like this.

"I can develop in any direction, Luke, you can choose, and the rest is up to me, but, should we check the situation of the other three teams first?" Belmode said, "Try to find out their general situation. Whether there is a conflict between strength and the team, our team is in the lower left corner of the map, and the other three teams are on the upper left and lower right opposite us, the teams on the left and right can slowly contact and observe, and the team on the opposite side may not be easy to observe.”

"Do you need me to go?" Mizuruna suggested, "I can hide and sneak over to observe."

"No, it's up to me and Belmode, Belmode, you are in charge of healing and long-range attacks, the opening skill chooses to transform into a bird, and I am in charge of health and melee attacks," Chi Feichi hissed, and chose to transform into a flying bird. Leopard's skill, let your character become a leopard, operate it to run out, and mark it on the map, "Gather first, catch a robot dog for Gin Jiu."

Chianti: "..."

Rena Mizumura: "..."

Belmode: "..."

Gin: "..."

The other four game characters followed suit, but the chat channel fell into an eerie silence.

After a while, Gin mumbled in a deep voice, "Luck, why don't you speak so cutely..."

Chi Feichi had no expression on his face, "I'm sorry, that's what people in this game say about pets."

Belmode began to gloat and tease, "Speaking of which, gin with a baby is cuter!"

Gin: "..."

Rena Mizumura remained silent, feeling a little weird in her heart.

Didn't you say 'training camp'?

Looking at the current atmosphere, she felt that today was more like a team building activity during the break.


At the entrance of a certain alley, the patrolling robot dog was ambushed, beaten up by five people who jumped out, and soon became the pet of the hunter Gin Jiu.

There are three main roads on the main road of the map. Chi Feichi chose the "double-playing wild" mode similar to his previous life. Gin, Chianti, and Kiel guarded one main road, striving to fully obtain experience points and gold coins. Mod's two druids, one turned into a leopard and the other into a bird, got into the alley, quickly entered the territory of the local camp, and teamed up to steal the mobs in the opposite field.

On the whole, the team has also become a 'dual command'. Chi Feichi is in charge of general direction planning and intelligence collection and transmission, while Qin Jiu is in charge of adjusting the three-way alignment, receiving and analyzing intelligence, and waiting to arrange an ambush plan.

When Chi Feichi and Belmode traveled far away, the other three members of the team were under a lot of pressure in the lane. However, Gin Jiu took the risk of organizing two ambushes, and tried his best to maim the opponent's laners. The two, taking advantage of the opponent's return to the main camp, temporarily gave up the guards of the other two routes, and tried their best to suppress the development of the opponent's mage.

And when it came to this time, the team was full of voices of instructions from different aspects, so Chianti and Rena Mizumus needed to pay attention to identify and respond as soon as possible.

"Chianti, Kiel, prepare for the third ambush..."

"Bermod, you come to make up the last blow, and then go to observe the top lane, and I will go to the bottom lane. After watching, we will gather at this point..."

"Chianti, within half a minute, let your blood volume drop to one-third, so that the opponent feels that you have the upper hand..."

"Luck, the Warlock's ability to obtain income is below the normal level, much worse than Chianti and Kiel, and they mainly follow the mage to act..."


Listening to the chaotic communication command, Shui Wurenai consumed a lot of the other party's HP according to Gin Jiu, and when the other party's HP was running low, she quietly approached Chianti, but she was a little distracted.

It's not really a training camp tonight, is it?

She and Chianti are fine, they only need to accept orders, respond, and cooperate with actions. Belmode has two more points of 'observation' and 'feedback information', while Gin and Lark are in charge of one side, observing the overall situation, doing This is almost the mode of action for organizing intelligence teams and action teams.

However, why choose the game as a training method?

Train them to catch and execute orders in chaos?

When Chi Feichi and Belmod retreated, they called Gin for the first time, "Gin, Belmod and I brought two people back, which two do you want?"

"Our ambush has been completed, and we will go home soon to recover, and bring back the combination of assassin and knight from the team on the right," Gin Jiu became excited with a bit of mischief, and marked it on the map, "We gather here."

Chi Feichi still insisted on stealing wild monsters from other camps on the way of the character "Remote Homecoming". After the blood volume was less than half, he deliberately showed up to let the two targets see him, pretending to be in a panic, and led the other party to run into the alley .

The two targets had been ambushed by Gin before, and they were a little bit cautious, but watching a leopard druid whose health gradually bottomed out under the attack fled, he couldn't resist the temptation and chased into the alley.

"Oh, Lark, you really look like a down-and-out little animal being chased by a bully now!" Belmode hid in the alley, teasing viciously, and his movements were not slow. blood.

"Shouldn't you praise me for controlling my health well?"

The leopard druid with increased blood volume changed his previous downcast appearance, and suddenly turned around and flashed his paws at the two enemies.

At the same time, the figures of hunters and mages jumped out from other directions in the alley, and the assassin of Rena Mizumusi also appeared behind them.

The two enemies were instantly submerged in the attack, and died before they had time to react.

"Continue to ambush," Gin Jiu marked a new point on the map, "The opponent's mage and the other two should come from here!"

Reina Mizumu continued to follow her actions, and also continued to be distracted in her thoughts.

The training camp seems to be working.

Whether it's because of eyesight or order execution, their team is obviously more tacit than other teams.

This is especially true for Gin, Lark, and Belmode. Sometimes the three of them can reach an agreement tacitly without communicating or hinting.

The other is the training of predictive ability and situational analysis ability...

But she still felt something was weird.


After this round of ambushes, the five-man team was fully manned.

Since the main attackers on the left and right sides had been targeted by Qin Jiu in advance, and their development was severely stunted, a group of people did not choose to ambush them anymore, and they just passed them head-on, and they were almost red-eyed.

Before the camp on the right could react, the base was occupied and the game was cleared.

The left camp and the opposite camp were oppressed by the sense of crisis and united together. However, under the pressure of economy and experience, coupled with some targeted tactical ambushes, the two camps could not resist for long when they joined forces, and they were quickly defeated. .

After the victory, Gin Jiu, Chi Feichi, and Belmode withdrew from the team, and were dragged into another team channel by Rum for communication.

"I can't tell why it's so strange," Belmode said thoughtfully, "The training probably has some effect, but it's not that big."

"I made a mistake in my prediction, and the improvement of tacit understanding is not that great." Chi Feichi also thought about the feasibility of the training seriously, "The order execution speed is not a problem for Gin's team. There are more trainings on judgment ability and planning ability.”

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