Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1794 Gin, shut up

"Those players who like to play games include your sister, right? If I remember correctly, her Christian name is Elise, and she is still a primary school student." He said jokingly, "Students have to go to school after dawn, but your sister is still playing online games at four o'clock in the morning. How do you feel now?"

Chi Feichi's face darkened, "Is today a school day?"

Obviously he needs to go to school, but his sister stays up late... No, it should be said that she plays games all night.

The elementary school courses are dispensable to his younger sister, and it’s okay to skip class if something happens, but his younger sister is different from Conan who occasionally gets distracted in class, even in elementary school, she will pretend to be a "three good students" , actually played games all night on the day of school, if it was found out, it would definitely be a stain!

He can now make up the picture of Xiaolin Chengzi calling his parents and communicating with him about education issues with heartbroken...

Fei Chi Snake's body tensed up, and secretly broke into a cold sweat for Hui Yuan Ai.

Today is not a rest day, it already knew this, but it is okay to think that Xiao Ai will not attend elementary school, so I deliberately covered up for Xiao Ai, and did not mention this matter to the master...

Now it was Gin who caught Xiao Ai off guard, it had no choice but to mourn for Xiao Ai for a second.

"It's not a holiday, there is no change of vacation, of course elementary school students have to go to school," Qin Jiu said, remembering that someone has a problem with time perception, "You don't know that, do you?"

Chi Fei calmed down, "Now I know."

"I'm curious how you feel?" Gin asked gloatingly, "Can you share with me?"

"How can I feel?"

"That's right, you took her to play games, right? And you, who also stayed up late to play games, don't seem qualified to say anything..."

"Gin, you shut up."

"Luck, can you be more polite to me? If you do this again, the next time that person asks about your situation, I can suggest that person to help you find two psychiatrists."

"Gin, please shut up, are you polite enough?"

"Hmph... your politeness is really refreshing."

The game was loaded successfully, and the four teams entered the four corners of the dark night forest.

Most of the people who stayed up until now are hardcore players of the game.

Although the new mode has not been started for a long time, these people have also explored a lot of ways to play. When there are hunter teammates in the game, they seem to default to help the hunter teammates catch a pet first.

However, Qin Jiu did not accept the kindness of the other three teammates. After marking the retreat, he retreated to the bottom lane next to the right camp.

Chi Feichi also went to the bottom lane, and made two rally marks in a row, signaling his teammates to come over.

The camp on the right is [Royal Knights]. The lineup of two priests and three knights is very weird, but he knows how shameless this lineup is. It is difficult to take advantage of the early stage.

Conversely, based on the [Royal Knights] lineup, Gin guessed that these people would group up to ambush the wild area, or advance in groups from the nearest bot lane, and his judgment was very accurate.

He gave up catching pets at the beginning, and the first person guarded the bottom road, which also coincided with his idea.

It's a pity that the teammates obviously couldn't understand the thoughts of the two of them. In addition, it was not a black game, and the other three had no reason to listen to the two of them. After hesitating, they separated and went to guard other areas.

Seeing that the other three teammates didn't intend to come over, Qin Jiu was not in a hurry, and silently chose the opening skill as 'trap', and set up traps along the road.

Chi Feichi didn't bother to explain on the team channel, so he chose the opening skill of 'Incarnation of Birds', flew to the side, and attacked a team of two wolf cubs from a distance.

When the blood volume of the wild monster dropped to the lowest point, the hunter swayed over, and the bird druid also retreated in time.

Since the hunter chose 'trap' at the beginning, he couldn't tame the beast, so he simply threw a trap and killed the two small wild monsters released by the bird druid.

Soon, the five members of [Royal Knights] appeared along with the little beasts that appeared in the bottom lane.

"Sure enough," the gin operator stayed behind, watching the bird druid remotely harvest the experience and gold coins for fighting small wild monsters, "judging from the time they appeared, they did go to ambush before. Seeing us They didn’t show up, so they rushed to the main road here... kill one first!”


The hunter got the experience of two small wild monsters before, quickly rose to two levels, and activated the shotgun.

And the bird druid gained more experience by killing wild monsters on the road, and it was upgraded almost at the same time, adding the feather detonation skill.

On the way, a priest fell into the trap after getting out of the trap. When he moved slowly and continued to lose blood, he was hit by shotgun bullets and feathers.

Immediately, the feather detonated, the priest died, and the healing spells released by his teammates failed to keep up.

"It's broken." Qin Jiu said.

Chi Feichi gave an 'um' to express his approval.

Their experience level has now surpassed the opponent's by nearly two levels, and their long-range skills have been activated. It is no problem to hold the front line, but when the opponent comes in a group, the experience gain is not as good as them, and the leveling up is not as fast as them.

If the opponent didn't change their tactics, the two of them could kill five opponents in less than three minutes.

[Royal Knights] I am not a rookie, I immediately changed my tactics when I saw a hard stubble, and the remaining four people withdrew two people, leaving only two people.

"Hmph...they're going to lose," Qin Jiu said with a sarcastic sneer in his voice, "you keep guarding, I'm leaving, don't be bullied!"

"If you want to go, go quickly."

Chi Feichi returned, and continued to operate the bird druid to replenish troops.

When Gin is gone, his experience level will always be ahead of the opponent, and he will be able to gradually widen the gap. Druid is a character who can transform and fight, so he can completely deal with the opponent's two people.

The opponent also left only one person to line up with him?

When his level is leading, the enemy will either be consumed by him or hide under the defensive tower. Worse, he may be killed by him. Maybe he took advantage of him.

He has confidence in his own operations, and also believes that he will not be attacked by a surprise attack. He seizes this advantage in the beginning, continues to carry forward, and suppresses the opponent to death. He can handle three or four [Royal Knights] by himself.

When Chi Feichi took the opportunity to expand his advantage and forcibly killed the opponent's duo twice, Qin Jiu also manipulated the hunter role to wander around, either sneaking on the main route and cooperating with his teammates to harvest heads, or relying on his own analysis and prediction Ability to fight in and out of the wild areas of both the enemy and ourselves.

Chi Feichi broke through the opponent's siege by "destroying four with one", and then broke through the opponent's first layer of defense tower. While waiting for the character to return to the main camp, he raised his eyes and saw the kill display.

[ydifhj123 killed the good kitten! 】

Looking again, Gin's hunter character ran to the opposite camp farthest from their camp, left behind the body of a black-haired little loli, turned around and sank into the grass with two pets.

"Where did you go?" Chi Feichi asked out loud.

This kind of four-team, twenty-person match, the more it drags on to the later stage, the more important the lineup and coordination are.

They don't want to communicate too much with their teammates, which means they have to end the duel as soon as possible.

The best way is for Qin Jiu to find him in the bottom lane after he has helped the other three teammates gain an advantage and he has almost developed himself, and join forces with him to send the troublesome [Royal Knight] out first.

Afterwards, by taking advantage of the bordering route between [Royal Knights] and [Non-Mexican Legion], with the strength of the two of them, as long as the characters are well developed and a few more traps are set, the team members will probably be able to cooperate with the second-best [Non-Mexican Legion] The Mexican Legion] was also sent out.

The cooperation degree of the remaining miscellaneous team is not much different from theirs, and the development of the players is not as good as theirs. As long as they are not held back by [Royal Knights] and [Non-Mexican Legion], they can solve the two problems of [Royal Knights] and [Non-Mexican Army]. Big trouble, that miscellaneous team can't make any waves.

So, why did Gin go to the camp of the [Non-Mexican Legion] at this time? Are you not afraid of being surrounded by other three-party enemies?

Gin's tone was full of malice, "I'll teach you a lesson for my sister who stays up late playing games, you're welcome!"

"Don't bully children."

Chi Feichi gave a reminder, moved the character to the line, and continued to bully the [Royal Knight].

Going to kill his sister specially, Qin Jiu definitely has that serious illness!

two minutes later...

[ydifhj123 killed the good kitten! 】

The black-haired loli in the game was ambushed again not long after she went out. Accompanied by her teammates, knights, she was surrounded by insidious hunters with pets, divided into support, and died under the shotgun.


"She is a mage, and it is difficult to deal with it in the later stage. It is better to suppress it as soon as possible."

five minutes later……

[ydifhj123 killed the good kitten! 】

During the large group battle between the African-Mexican Army and the bordering miscellaneous army, a certain hunter who had been watching secretly for a long time was killed, and the black-haired loli with little blood died instantly under the shotgun.

The hunter took advantage of the situation and killed two more people. When he was besieged, he turned around and ran away. When the enemy who was chasing him stepped on the trap, he turned around and attacked again. Just like flying a kite, he pulled a group of enemies and ran away, taking the opportunity to kill one person from time to time.

Seeing that the other three teammates came to help Chi Feichi, he decided to continue to bully the [Royal Knight].

Since Gin also killed other people, he assumed that Gin wasn't targeting his sister on purpose.

Three minutes later...

[ydifhj123 killed the good kitten! 】

The black-haired little loli mage died in a violent shooting.


"Just happened to meet."

Another three minutes later...

[ydifhj123 killed the good kitten! 】

Under the protection of her teammates, the little black-haired loli was killed by a hunter who was in ambush.

"Gin Jiu, give me enough." Chi Feichi warned silently.

He managed the [Royal Knights] by himself, and his teammates over there were of course also very strong, completely suppressing the other two teams, but it's fine if Qin Jiu doesn't come to help, what's the matter with arresting his sister and killing him?

"Are you angry?" Qin Jiu manipulated the hunter role to get rid of the pursuit, and said in a leisurely tone, "I'm sorry, who made her brother treat me so politely, I can only kill her to vent my anger."

Chi Feichi: "..."

When he was Shirley, it was bad enough for his sister to be hunted down by Qin Jiu. Don't you think it was too much for his sister to be hunted down by Qin Jiu when they didn't know each other's identities and were playing a game?

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