Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1799 A wall at home

The three of them sat in the coffee shop until the evening.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki invited Chi Feichi and Huihara Ai to eat pasta for dinner on the spot, as a reward for helping with the investigation. Hearing that Huiyuan Ai also planned to look at western clothes when he came to Akihabara, he took the two of them there. The dress shop, as a customer, is interested in helping Hui Yuanai choose a loli dress.

At night, there were no less customers in the dress shop than during the day, and the short-haired girl who commissioned Koshimizu Nanatsuki to investigate was very busy. After hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki's introduction of "a friend and a friend's sister", she let Yuemizu feel apologetic. Nanatsuki accompanied the two to look at the clothes first, then turned around and was busy entertaining guests with her colleagues.

"Xiao Ai really don't want to try the pink one?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki held two sets of children's clothes and put them next to Haibara Ai for comparison, "The pink set looks very cute, and I have to try the immature color once in a while." Well."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at the two sets of children's clothes, and felt that they were too childish no matter what they looked at, she turned her head to look at the busy girl with short hair, "I think the gothic loli dress she is wearing is very good, there is no old European style dress The dress is procrastinated, although the skirt has complicated layers, but overall it is very refreshing, and it looks very elegant with gloves."

"Gothic..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki still had two sets of children's clothes in his hands, and turned to stare at the rows of clothes displayed on the shelves, looking for new targets.

Chi Feichi got up and said hello, "I'm going out to get some air."

According to his understanding, after women choose the color and general style of the clothes, they will also consider details such as the neckline style, the material of the clothes, and even whether there are buttons, and then try it on the upper body to see the effect. set……

If two or more women choose together, the above time will be doubled.

Seeing Yue Shui and Xiao Ai's serious attitude of "I have to choose a suit tonight", they will definitely not be able to leave this store in less than half an hour.

He understands, but it's hard to understand.

The last time he paid attention to the buttons on a woman's clothes was probably when he was looking at the dead body at the murder scene...

I can't say such honest words, otherwise I will definitely be accused of 'disturbing the scenery', so I might as well go out for a stroll by myself.


In Akihabara at night, the lights are bright everywhere, and the streets are full of people, the flow of people is much more than during the day.

Feichi poked his head out of Chi Feichi's collar, put his head on the edge of Chi Feichi's collar, and looked around at the street scene.

"Master, there seems to be no float parade today..."

"Master, look, look, there are two super cool girls on the opposite street!"

"Master, there is a doll bear selling ice cream in front!"

Chi Feichi looked up at the ice cream shop where the employees were wearing doll costumes, and walked over.

"Master, look, this ice cream looks delicious..." Feichi stretched his neck, watching the ice cream getting far away from him reluctantly, and looked away aggrieved.

"Go shopping first, and then buy on the way back to the store," Chi Feichi said in a low voice as he walked through a group of young men and women, "By the way, I'll buy one for Xiao Ai and Yue Shui as well."

The young man and woman next to him turned their heads and looked at Chi Feichi curiously, as if wondering why the young man in black who walked past them was talking to himself.

"That's right, let's taste it when we go back." Feichi became more excited, "Master, those three girls were watching you just now! By the way, those two boys were watching too. Wow, it's so far away, I'm still watching..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

If Feichi hadn't made him talk, he believed he wouldn't have been stared at for so long.

Feichi had been quietly watching the group of young men and women. After Chi Feichi turned into the next street, he looked away and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, "Master, master, it's a new doctor! Look, it's just across the street." In front of his comic shop, he was caught by a girl from Teidan High School on a date with Ms. Hakamoto Hikaru!"

Attracted by Feichi's description, Chi Feichi turned his head and looked over.

At the entrance of the comic shop opposite, Hikaru Homoto was holding a stack of comic books, standing behind Tomoaki Niide, watching Tomoaki Niide talking to two girls in Teidan high school uniforms.

The two sides were chatting and laughing, and a girl even patted Xinchu Zhiming's shoulder proudly, talking so much that Baobenguang couldn't stop laughing, the atmosphere was harmonious and friendly, how could Feichi talk so much about gossip?

However, seeing that Xinde Zhiming was so busy, he didn't go over to say hello, lest he be dragged to chat again.

When passing by a model shop, Chi Feichi took Feichi into the shop and walked around.

There are warm yellow chandeliers in the store, and most of the products are Japanese retro style, which looks very atmospheric.

The cutely dressed female shop assistant in maid clothes followed along the road, sneaking a glance at Chi Feichi from time to time, and paying attention to Chi Feichi's dark purple pupils when the backlight was on. Seeing Chi Feichi staying in front of Kendama, she immediately enthusiastically introduced the products, "Guest, the toys and models here are all old objects that have gone through the years. Although they are not as valuable as antiques, they are no longer available for purchase. For example, these kendamas were purchased by our shopkeeper from some wealthy merchants. It's been a long time, it's been a hundred years!"

Chi Feichi nodded and continued walking.

He just didn't expect that Kendama would be sold in this store. As for Kendama, he and Feichi didn't lack this collection.

The century-old goods obtained from rich merchants, he believed that there were not many wealthy merchants who could compare with the Karasuma family a hundred years ago.

The female clerk asked curiously, "Did you come to Harajuku alone?"

"I came with my girlfriend and sister," Chi Feichi glanced at the items on the display stand, "They went shopping for clothes."

A hint of disappointment flashed in the female clerk's eyes, she cheered up quickly, and said with a smile, "So, you're bored of waiting, so why don't you go out for a stroll? Then, would you like to buy them a gift? We also have a lot of small items that are popular with girls here, such as very beautiful Temari, Japanese umbrellas and Uchiwa fans, which are very suitable for gift giving. After a while, we will go out to enjoy the cherry blossoms. There are beautiful girls with beautiful Japanese umbrellas and beautiful kimonos. The happiest~!"

A handsome guy can live up to it, but only making money can never let him down.

Chi Feichi: "..."

He suspected that the clerk was trying to empty his savings...

Wait, calculate his savings, probably not empty.

But the things in this store are not usually used, and the antique collection is not up to standard, at most it can be regarded as handicrafts. If he buys a bunch of them and carries them as gifts, Yue Shui and Xiao Ai will be very confused and suspect that others have a lot of money.

And as for presents, don’t give too much, just choose carefully and choose the right one.

Two minutes later, the female clerk put a temari and two old records into cartons with the store name printed on them, and packaged them skillfully. When she found that Chi Feichi was still in front of the shelf, she introduced with a smile, "There are all kinds of records over there." Figures and models of traditional shapes, such as the old man wearing a mask, a lucky cat, a geisha..."

Chi Feichi looked at the sets of small items, lowered his head and asked Feichi, "Is there anything you want?"

"Huh?" The saleswoman raised her head in bewilderment, and saw a snake emerging from Chi Feichi's collar, her smile froze a bit.

snake, live...

After getting out of his collar, Feichi climbed onto Chi Feichi's shoulder, looked up at the shelf, stretched out his tail, and patted the spot where the beckoning cat was with the tip of his tail, "Buy a beckoning cat, master, come on!" I told Feimo last time that you can hang a lucky cat on the wall of the doll, and bless Umbrella to make more money!"

Without thinking too much, Chi Feichi guessed that Feichi would be interested in 'expanding the doll wall', looked at the row of lucky cats on the shelf, turned around and said to the female shop assistant who was stupefied by Feichi, "This Please help me put up the lucky cat set as well."

There are seven lucky cats that are not red fingers. They are made of ceramics, only half the size of a palm, but the details are very delicate, and the corners are very smooth.

And it seems that the seven lucky cats are a set.

Those who raise their left hand, right hand, gold ingots, and a stack of Japanese yen all have different postures from common lucky cats. Caimao's posture is even more strange. One of his left and right hands is raised, and he is still posing with a standard smiling face. One directly tilts his head to kill, and the other twists his waist and holds two open fans in both hands.

Such a unique thing, the price is quite weighty.

The previous temari were considered exquisite handicrafts, and the records were second-hand items that were already difficult to buy. The price was about 10,000 yen, and this set of beckoning cats was priced at 850,000 yen.

However, he had long thought that hobbies like Feichi and Feimo would cost a lot of money, and he also made preparations for "one wall at home, one apartment in Tokyo" in the future.

After the female clerk came back to her senses, she speeded up the packing in her hands, and took out a small wooden box, stepped forward and carefully took down the beckoning cat, "This is a master who is famous for making beckoning cats in modern times..."

"I know," Chi Feichi didn't want to listen to other people's nagging anymore, so he took out his mobile phone to check the time, "Please hurry up."

This is the work of a certain master in modern times. Of course he knows this, but it is an early work, and the shape is relatively skinny. Many businessmen feel that it is not serious and has no sincerity in asking for money, so the reputation is very small, and the price is not high. If Collect patiently. A set of authentic products can be collected for about 800,000 yen. It is not a loss for him to spend an extra 50,000 yen.

Even if the set of Lucky Cats on the shelf is an imitation, it is a very close imitation of the real one, and the price will not be less than 700,000 yen.

Besides, Feichi and Feimo don't care if it's a masterpiece or not, they just go back and hang it on the wall. As long as their pets are happy, he doesn't bother to care if it's genuine or not, just don't be a fool.

The female clerk didn't bother anymore, it was just that the things were bought by Chi Feichi, and she always felt something was wrong without explaining. When Chi Feichi paid for the things and went out, she couldn't help but smiled and said, "This is ours. The treasure of the store, since they came to the store, the business in the store has been very good, I hope they can bless you in the future!"

"I'll borrow your good words."

Chi Feichi said politely, turned around and went out with his things in his hands.

To really improve the business, there should be a salesperson who can fool... no, it must be a salesperson who is very good at talking. (To be continued.)

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