Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1805 Gin: I want to extend my vacation

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Conan felt the 'indulgence' from Chi Feichi, but when he looked at the crowded streets, he felt that the indignation was too much. Not only could he not leave, but he had to help Chi Feichi keep an eye on the other three little ghosts. If you accidentally missed it, you will have to search for someone all day today. If you encounter something like kidnapping, it will be even worse. Immediately raised your head and smiled, "Brother Chi, no need, I don't have any special thoughts." Places to go."

"Then I'll go to the sporting goods store next door." Hui Yuanai greeted, turned around and left, not forgetting to wave his hand, "Just keep an eye on them, even if I fall behind, you don't have to Worried, I wear a detective armband."

Conan Banyue watched Haibara Ai enter the store.

Hey, he thought that Hui Yuan would help keep an eye on the children, but unexpectedly he also ran away.

Chi Feichi lowered his head and said to Conan, "There's a coffee shop in front that serves very good drinks. Let's go sit for a while and wait for them."

Conan had the urge to vomit blood.

We agreed to play together, why do you all like to act alone?

And even Chi Feichi did the same, aren't you worried that everyone gets separated?

After struggling, Conan still used the detective armband to tell the others to meet at the coffee shop, followed Chi Fei to the coffee shop late, found a seat by the window, sat down and waited.

When the coffee and two ice creams were brought to the table, Chi Feichi brought an ice cream and put it in front of Conan, and brought another one to Feichi who was lying on the table next to him, comforting Conan, "Relax, it won't be so easy for them Get lost."

Conan sighed, picked up the scoop on the ice cream, and kept his eyes on the street outside the window, "They won't get lost, but I'm worried that they'd be so engrossed in playing that they'd forget that other people came with them."

"You may also encounter some incidents, and follow up regardless."

As Chi Feichi said so, he took out his phone and unlocked it, showing no sign of worry.

"Please, it's best not to encounter such a thing..."

Conan was worried about Chi Feichi's crow's mouth. Seeing that everything outside was as usual, he was relieved. He laughed secretly that he was too nervous, and then he relaxed his mind, watching the streets outside with people coming and going.

During this relaxed time, he sometimes suddenly felt anxious.

With the days going on day by day, when will he turn back into Kudo Shinichi?

Xiaolan is waiting for Kudo Shinichi, his family is waiting for Kudo Shinichi, his high school classmates are also waiting for Kudo Shinichi, he himself is Kudo Shinichi, and he will change back no matter what.

At that time, Conan will also fade out of everyone's sight. He is no longer a classmate that the three children are familiar with, nor is he a second-grade boy that Chi Feichi is familiar with.

A person like 'Kudo Shinichi' is unfamiliar to these people, but he believes that they will become friends again.

He will return to his own home, and when he sees the three children, he will also take care of them as a 'big brother', so that the children can feel his sincerity and become familiar with him again.

He would also often go to the Maori Detective Agency. After meeting Chi Feichi, everyone would solve the case together. Feichi was sitting in the coffee shop to kill time.

As long as you show patience and sincerity, all friendships can be rebuilt, but the built friendship has nothing to do with the "Conan" in everyone's memory.

For a while, he didn't know whether he would feel more melancholy when thinking of Conan again in the future, or if others would be more melancholy.

Alas, this kind of blunder is all the fault of that organization, and it's all the fault of the guy who gave him the gin.

Another day of scolding gin every day.

Sooner or later, he will get rid of the organization that caused him and many people!


On a street somewhere in Tokyo.

Gin sat in the car, smoked a cigarette in silence for a while, took out his mobile phone, and lowered his head to send an email to that person.

The nose is a little itchy, can't it be a cold?

The last time Lak was working while sick, he took the opportunity to tease Lak. He also knew that if he continued to work while he had a cold, Lak would never let go of all kinds of opportunities to mock him maliciously.

He's not going to let that happen, he's going to apply for an extended leave.

Anyway, with Luke around, if you can move slowly, let Luke stare first if you can't.


Akihabara, coffee shop.

Conan was still distracted looking out the window.

But that organization is difficult to solve.

One by one is either cold-blooded or ruthless, or unpredictable.

The gin and rake that he came into contact with now were quite cautious and sharp enemies, and they were also very ruthless.

Ambush opposite the twin skyscrapers, block him in a locker, accurately snipe Uncle Kogoro, and plan to kill him too...

He himself encountered many dangers, and he also witnessed the death of Pisco and Ireland. Pisco and Ireland were also very smart and capable people.

Even Huiyuan was captured by Pesco...

Wait, that time when Pisco took Huiyuan away, but Huiyuan was rescued by someone, and when he woke up, he returned to the doctor's house inexplicably. Could it be Chi Feichi who did it?

Chi Feichi was there at the time, maybe he would accidentally discover that his sister was locked in the wine cellar, and Pisco had just left. Chi Feichi was the bounty hunter July, so opening the door and picking the lock should also...

It's not right, if that's the case, Chi Feichi can find a staff member to open the door, and won't take Huiyuan away secretly, and Chi Feichi was there all the time, so he didn't have time to send Huiyuan to the doctor's house.

So, who will save Huiyuan?

He originally thought that no matter what the other party's purpose was, since they had saved Hui Yuan once, they would definitely appear by their side again, but after all this time, no one suspected of that mysterious person appeared by their side.


On the opposite side of the table, Chi Feichi turned his head to one side, coughing softly.

From just now, his nose has been itchy, and it turned into a cough after holding back. Who on earth has been nagging him?

Opposite him there is a suspected target who has been distracted, but he is sitting opposite Conan, so Conan won't be talking about him for a long time in his heart, could it be...Conan is cursing Lark in his heart?

Startled by the sound of coughing, Conan looked back and said, "Brother Chi, do you have a cold?"

Chi Fei hesitated for a moment, and found that his nose was no longer itchy, and continued to stare at the phone and type, "Probably not."

"Be careful, although the weather has been warmer recently, the temperature is still very low in the morning and evening," Conan reminded, curiously looking across the table, "You have been looking at your phone since just now, what are you busy with? "

"Advertising." Chi Feichi did not avoid Conan's gaze, and finished typing the email to Oda Kirito Toshiya, and sent it out, "I told Minya, let him pay attention to the advertisements that can feature stray animals in the shelter, and the income will be 100%. to feed them."

Conan smiled and said, "We passed by the stray animal shelter center in Mihua Town not long ago. For those animals who help search and rescue stray animals, and shoot advertisements to help earn living expenses, the staff seems to have made medals for them. We saw that day When there were unnamed medals on the wall, Yuantai and the others went to ask the staff if we could make medals with our names on them and hang them on the wall.”

Seeing that the mail was sent, Chi Fei put away his mobile phone, "Not only the medals for the animals, but also the medals for those who have contributed to the shelter of stray animals. At the same time, a copy will be sent to those people and left in the shelter. It will also be posted, and the list of contributions and what has been done will also be stored in the data room, but the medals for humans are hung separately from the medals for animals."

"Yeah, the staff also showed us." Conan looked at Chi Feichi, who was holding up a coffee cup, and remembered something, "But we didn't see your medal, you were the one who proposed to build the shelter. People, can they be regarded as the real person in charge? We thought we could see it."

"What do I want that for?" Chi Feichi drank his coffee with downcast eyes.

Conan smiled again, that's what he said, but they didn't see Chi Feichi's badge at the time, so they weren't too surprised, "By the way, look at the email you sent to brother Minye just now, is there no suitable advertisement recently? ?”

He caught a glimpse of Chi Feichi's phone screen just now, and it seemed that he said something like, "It's not just the advertisements for pet products that can be shot. Let the planning department look for it. If it doesn't work, just send me the list of recent clients and their requirements."

Chi Feichi gave a 'hmm' and explained, "Recently, pet product manufacturers have not had any new products."

"Is the shelter short of funds now?" Conan helped to figure out, "If we don't regularly euthanize the adopted stray pets, more and more pets will be taken in, and it will cost a lot of money to treat them. The situation of those animals It’s very troublesome. It’s good enough that the doctors in the pet hospital are willing to help. It’s impossible to let them work for free, right? In addition to medicines and disposable medical supplies…”

"It's not a matter of funding. If they weren't neutered, they would each have two litters of animals, and the shelter can afford it," Chi Feichi responded quite proudly, but his expression was always calm. "I have communicated with them, and they also want to You know, they are working hard, not just relying on handouts and giving nothing."

"Is that so..." Conan froze for a moment, his little friend was definitely delusional when it came to communication, and he didn't quite understand animal dignity, "You don't plan to do advertising planning, do you? "

Chi Feichi nodded, "I want to try."

Having seen so many animal advertisements in his previous life, he couldn't believe that he couldn't come up with one or two good advertisements.

Not only because Wuming told him that those star animals were a little restless after being idle for a while, but also because he found that the thinking of THK's advertising planning department was not broad enough. I want to find one or two classic plans to guide those employees to change some too old ideas.

For example, the kind of advertisement that broadcasts a large section of product information, this kind of language brainwashing method is sometimes necessary, but it is not suitable for all types of advertisements...

Seeing that Chi Feichi seemed to be distracted, Conan was worried that his little friend would either be forced into superhuman powers, or be forced into a more serious snake spirit disease, "Don't force yourself, if you can't help it, you can ask everyone to help you think about it." think."

"What do you want to help?"

Ayumi poked her little head over from the sofa, her face full of curiosity.

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