Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1810 What did Gin do?

three hours later...


In a dark warehouse in Kawasaki City, Vodka was on the phone with a surprised face, "That guy ran out of that square box, but you didn't hear anything?!"

On the side, Chi Feichi looked at the vodka with Lak's disguised face on his face, and then continued to stare at his mobile phone.

Cohen is about to take his place.

Rena Mizumusa is about to take her place.

At the threshold when the operation is ready to start, there should be no problems with the target, otherwise these two people will send him an email.


In the UL chat software, Shiratori Ren Saburo sent a message.

[Mr. Chi, I just sent Mr. Kobayashi and the children back to Mihua Town. Thank you for what happened today! (laughing emoji)]

[You can still be happy, are you sure it's Teacher Xiaolin? 】


New information: [Of course, the first time I saw her, I was sure that she was right. Her eyes and expression have not changed much from back then. If I met her earlier, I believe I would not admit my mistake Damn, by the way, Ms. Kasakura has pleaded guilty. Her motive for killing is because her boyfriend of six years dated another girl two years ago, not only kept asking her for money, but also cheated her, Give the girl her mother's relics as a gift. Of course, no matter what, it is wrong for her to kill someone. Even if she is not the person I am looking for, I will try my best to let her come out of the hatred and find her again. self……】

【Then go ahead. 】

After Chi Feichi replied, he didn't continue to fish, and returned the email to Shui Wurenai, telling Shui Wurenai to continue following the target.

After Vodka hung up the phone, he turned his head to look at the indifferent expression on a certain blond face, hesitated for a moment, and said in a heavy tone, "Luck, something happened. Generic disappeared from the laboratory..."

Chi Feichi paused with his fingers, passed the email, and then looked up at the vodka, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Disappeared?"

It's not surprising that something happened. He should be taking over the work of the guy from Gin. Apart from killing people, he deals with all kinds of accidents. It's strange that there is no "something happened".

But Juneric disappeared...

Generic defected?

Maybe it's because the warehouse is too dark, and the blue eyes that are illuminated by the light of the mobile phone screen are a bit gloomy, or maybe it's because the surroundings are too quiet, and the low and hoarse voice is a little scary, but Vodka always feels the atmosphere is dignified, and I'm worried that someone will get mad and sweat , "Yes, yes, at noon today, Generic went out for lunch, but until just now, another guy in the lab didn't see Generic going out, and wanted to ask him if he wanted to eat Dinner, but found that he disappeared, and the peripheral members who lived near the laboratory did not find out when Generic disappeared... That guy Generic disappeared without a word, the situation seems to be very bad .”

Chi Feichi looked down at the phone, and quickly sent an email to that person, "What did Gin go to do?"

Of course the situation is not good.

Generic was nowhere to be seen from the afternoon to 11 in the evening, and it was impossible to confirm when and how people left the laboratory. For such a long time, if Generic contacted the police or someone from the intelligence department, the laboratory The neighborhood is now surrounded.

If there is no one with keen insight and organizational ability to arrange for the evacuation and destruction of the laboratory, the remaining people, those research materials, and drugs are likely to be wiped out, and worse, there may be some traps waiting for them. Go to one and get caught in one of those fishing traps...

Among the people he knows, only Gin, Belmode, and Rum can see through whether there are traps near the laboratory, and can quickly and carefully arrange the evacuation plan of others, and keep the traces of the laboratory away. Clean it up, making sure not to leave any traces of tissue behind.

It's just that Belmode was busy doing things mysteriously, and he hasn't been with the team for a long time. Rum also doesn't know where he is. Even Gin suddenly dumped his actions to him, wondering if he left Tokyo.

According to the area of ​​responsibility, it is the job of the intelligence personnel to track down the whereabouts of Generic. It should be Gin's job to arrange the evacuation and clean up the traces. Let's work?

"Brother Gin?" Vodka was also a little puzzled, "I don't know, that guy sent an email in the morning, asking me to tell you the transaction status and progress here, and cooperate with the action."

"Call back and tell the people guarding there to evacuate from the lab and go to a nearby safe house. All stay together. No one is allowed to leave orders or go out. If there is any situation, contact us immediately," Chi Feichi sent the email Go out, and send an email to two peripheral members who live near the laboratory, "Then go drive, let's settle the matter here first, and I will arrange people to monitor the intersection nearby."

"Okay!" Vodka took out his mobile phone and made a call, then started to walk to the parking place next to him.

After a while, a black car drove out of the warehouse, and Vodka drove towards the agreed tram stop.

Chi Feichi had just finished contacting the person who had arranged to be at the intersection of the Tokyo laboratory when a call came in.

"Buzz... buzz..."

The phone rang twice and was picked up.

On the other side, Rena Mizumura's voice was very low, "Luck, the train to Tokyo has already departed, the target is the same as mentioned in the information, seat A6 in carriage 3, next to the window, his secretary is sitting beside him , No suspicious person or unusual situation has been found so far.”

Chi Feichi replied in a hoarse voice, "Keep watching and be careful not to be discovered. According to the plan, the train will make contact five minutes before the first stop."


Next, is to contact Cohen...

"Cohen, the train has left."

"I still need ten minutes to arrive at the designated place."

"Don't worry, the train will pass by in about forty minutes. The target is the same as the information said. It is located in seat A6 of carriage 3. Get ready and I will contact you again."


After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi continued to read the email.

Staying in the organization, he was either so idle that he had no tasks to run every day, or he was so busy that he was numb.

The disappearance of Generic is a major event. If the person does not reply in time, it means that the person has other matters and did not see the email, then he will send an email to Rum to explain the matter.

Fortunately, that person replied, saying that he was asked to finish the matter at hand, and the Tokyo matter would be handed over to other people, and asked him to pass on the contact information of the person who had already arranged it.

That's good, he doesn't need to be distracted to pay attention to things over there.

Their task here is not difficult, that is, to hand over things, kill people, and destroy traces.

The item was taken by a peripheral member, and then handed over to Saki Midorikawa who was watching from a distance along the road. Saki Midorikawa confirmed that the item was in his hands, and Saki Midorikawa set off to bring it back to Tokyo.

The killing operation is to let Mizuru Nai stare at him, confirming that the other party has boarded the train as agreed, sat in the designated position, and then let Cohen snipe and kill him remotely.

To destroy the traces, he and vodka will come over, search the target's studio, blow it up if it needs to be blown up, and burn it up if it needs to be burned. After leaving, go to the platform by the way, stare at the movement of the platform, and confirm the target's death.

Ten minutes later, Vodka drove to the studio located in a residential area. After parking the car nearby, he turned his head to look, got out of the car and followed Chi Feichi into the door, looking at the narrow room, "Lake, there is Many people live there. If the fire is not too big for a while, it will be discovered soon. If the fire is extinguished when the fire is not exhausted, the police will investigate. I am afraid that the things in the house will be found. Take the bomb off the car?"

"No need," Chi Feichi glanced across the room full of servers, computers, and scattered files, walked to the computer, put on gloves, turned on the computer, and checked the operation records, "It seems that guy is quite honest. There is nothing suspicious left in the house, except for some traces in these computers and servers, I will eliminate these traces, the fire only needs to be able to cover the traces of our presence."

Honest people die badly.

Although forced to work in this kind of place where the organization is full of eyeliner, if you are dishonest, you will die earlier and worse...

Vodka dangling aside, flipped through the documents on the table, looked at the corners of the table, and waited for Chi Feichi to stop before turning his head to look over.


Chi Feichi greeted him and went out. After Vodka followed and left the house, he turned around and threw a ball of fire into the house.

After the fireball flew into the house, the windows shattered in the gushing flames.

Vodka was taken aback, and after regaining his senses, he quickly followed Chi Feichi, got into the car, drove away from the spot, and looked at the house engulfed in flames from the rearview mirror, "Is this magic? Lark, it really is!" It's like magic..."

Chi Feichi gave a 'huh', acquiesced that this was the magic theory, took out the phone that had been vibrating for a while, looked down at the caller number, and answered the call, "What's the matter?"

On the other side of the phone, Gin said in a deep voice, "I have just arrived near the laboratory, and I have already contacted Chianti, who arrived around early, and she confirmed that there is nothing abnormal. I will take over the matter here, and I will contact you in 20 minutes."


Chi Feichi understood. After hanging up the phone, he checked the time and set an alarm to remind him in 20 minutes.

This is the agreed 'signal'.

If there was no trouble, Gin would definitely call in twenty minutes.

Conversely, if Gin didn't call, he would have to consider the situation where Gin, Chianti, and the people over there were wiped out, and send a message to that one.

But if this matter is taken over by Gin Jiu, it means that Gin Jiu was in Tokyo before. Then, Gin Jiu left the work at hand to him and the manpower of the operation team to him, what did he go to do?

Why did he feel that Gin was just being lazy before?

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