Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1829 Life is really not easy

Gin could guess the vodka when he saw it, and laughed inwardly, "Hmph... other than this, I really can't think of a reason for Lark to run to the police station at this time."

Chi Feichi glanced at Qinjiu, put away his phone, "I encountered an interesting murder today."

In his previous life, he felt that in today's incident, Mihiro Kase, who was killed, was very possessive.

A possessive person who goes crazy over someone's time, energy, life, and everything else,

Just like Mihiro Kase, I hope that friends will always put themselves first, and others, whether it is work, colleagues, friends, or boyfriends, have to stand aside. Once you see a friend talking and laughing with another person, you will feel very sad. It is an eyesore, as if you have been abandoned. Once a friend does for others what he did for himself before, he will also feel betrayed.

There is no shortage of possessive people in the world, but many people understand that their thoughts are wrong, know how to regulate themselves, and will not use disgraceful means to hurt each other again and again like Mihiro Kase.

And what is often mentioned together with "possessiveness" is "controlling desire".

People with a strong need for control will want to control every bit of someone's life, including but not limited to who the other party contacts, time arrangements, and even thoughts.

There are differences between the two, but they often appear in the same person at the same time, and the motivation to make a certain choice is often affected by both.

He is such a person.

When Feimo decided to stay away from him temporarily and went to England where he could not control the situation, he felt restless and unhappy. The essence was that Feimo no longer devoted all his energy to him, because he felt that Feimo's departure was out of control; Feichi who always stays by his side will make him feel much more at ease, but he is also used to arranging Feichi's life and giving Feichi some freedom of choice within his control; as for people like Conan, he never He didn't think about telling these people's lives, because he knew these people from the beginning and lost the idea of ​​possession or control. Similarly, it might be difficult for these people to really enter his heart.

This is a very sad thing, but his nature is hard to change, even if he consciously restrains his behavior, he still can't guarantee that he won't get out of control.

Gin is actually the same as him.

In the past contact, Gin was dissatisfied with a certain part of Vodka's appreciation to the outside world, and sometimes he would not appear irritable because of Vodka's appreciation for someone, because Gin forcibly delineated what Vodka should appreciate and not Vodka can object to things that should be appreciated, should get along with, and shouldn't get along with, but the sense of loss of control of gin will be stronger, and if it is more serious, it will be so strong that it will consider killing vodka directly.

When he knew that he was taking a group of children out camping and cooking for a group of children, Gin liked to harass him one after another, because in Gin's heart, those children were outsiders, and how could they compare to the relationship between them? To put it bluntly, Gin regards the dishes he cooks as 'our own privilege', and those who Gin thinks are 'outsiders' are not worthy of enjoying them.

He thinks children are not outsiders? If he said this to Qin Jiu, Qin Jiu would have the feeling of "you betrayed the group" in his heart, and he would 100% shake his face, and then mock him in a weird way.

It's very unreasonable, but at the same time, Gin is actually controlling himself consciously.

Otherwise, Gin would not have done such a cute thing as telephone harassment. The psychological process is probably 'I don't like your behavior, I think you are very unconscious, but I also know that I am actually unconscious, and I also feel that It’s wrong to get angry because of this kind of thing, but if I don’t do something, I’m so upset that I’m going to get internal injuries, I don’t want to bear it anymore, so I have to do something’…

Because he can understand this kind of psychology, he also knows how to solve the problem of finding ingredients for Gin to make something on the spot, so that Gin can have a reason of "Luck went there to help us find ingredients" to balance his mentality, even if this reason Even children can't be persuaded, but in fact, as long as there is a little comforting effect, it is enough. Afterwards, it is not one's own privilege to wait for Gin to adapt to his cooking. If he is used to cooking so casually, Gin will not do it again. Confused about who he cooks for.

Encountering this incident today, he was thinking that Gin, just like him, had a hard life.

Think maliciously, before getting lung cancer, Gin might be entangled to death by himself first.

"Oh?" Vodka expressed interest in Chi Feichi's topic, "Luck, it shouldn't be easy for you to find something interesting, right? What murder did you encounter today?"

"A woman killed her friend."

Chi Feichi felt that vodka was incomprehensible, so he changed the subject after saying something, "If you have nothing to do tonight, would you two have a drink?"

"Huh?" Vodka was still thinking about how interesting this case is, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the bar, "We really didn't do anything tonight..."

Behind the bar, the male bartender was taken aback when he saw Vodka's movements. After confirming that Vodka was looking at him, he walked forward.

"Then let's have a drink together. I seem to have received two bottles of the batch of raki that entered the country recently..." Gin held a cigarette in his mouth, stretched out his hand to move the orange juice in front of him, and waited for the bartender to approach him. To the bartender, "Give me a Deathleaf."

Vodka felt that the atmosphere was much more relaxed tonight, and said with a smile, "Then I want a rattlesnake!"

"Mockingbird." Chi Feichi hissed to the bartender.

Whether it is 'Death Leaf' or 'Rattlesnake', they all need ouzo. The general anise liqueur has too low alcohol content and lacks a bursting taste. However, among the ouzo currently available on the market, there are more alcoholic ouzos Drinking raki is a better choice, but the best choice is the raki that has disappeared from the market and is made of repeatedly distilled fennel oil from baijiu. Make up for the monotonous taste brought by the simple formula of drinks.

These two people really know how to order, and it reminded him of the raki wine that was severely restricted in production and sales.

"Okay, three please wait a moment."

In addition to the tasks of helping the organization defend the stronghold, collecting intelligence, and relaying news, the bartender also had to work part-time as a service boss. As a bartender, he even took over the job of a waiter.

After the cocktails were served, Vodka tried to find a topic to chat with, but found that the other two had no desire to chat and gave up communicating.

After the 'group distraction and a drink' party was over, when the three of them went out, they had a brief exchange of the next investigation mission and separated.


The next morning, at the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Morning, brother Feichi, morning, sister Nanatsuki!"

Hui Yuanai greeted and walked to the door, and looked at Conan who was coming from another direction, "Where are sister Xiaolan and the others? Aren't you going to take notes?"

"Sister Xiaolan promised the juniors of the Didan High School Karate Club a few days ago that she will go to school to help them with pre-competition training today," Conan walked closer with his hands in his pockets, and said with half-moon eyes, "Yuanzi My sister also went to school with her. As for Uncle Kogoro, he said he had an appointment with someone and he had something to do, so he couldn’t come to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes. However, he was watching the latest horse race schedule in the morning, I think it should be It's time to gamble on the horses."

"It doesn't matter, the police will also ask the clerk of the coffee shop yesterday and the clerk who sold the western clothes to take notes. I think we should be enough..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, looking at Takagi Tsutomu who was running in a hurry .

Takagi greeted a group of people, and led a group of people into the police station. After the group of people skillfully received the visitor badges and put them on, he first asked his colleagues to take Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Conan to a lounge, and then prepared to take them to the police station. Chi Feichi went to the other side.

To be precise, Chi Fei's belated arrival at the Police Department was not to make a record of the murder of a gothic lolita, but to deal with the incident of hurting people in the street yesterday.

"Yesterday's homicide record, you can just do it." Hui Yuanai yawned, and followed Chi Feichi resolutely. "I'm here to see how this matter will be handled on behalf of the godmother."

Chi Feichi nodded towards Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and after Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Conan entered the lounge, he brought Huihara Ai to follow Takagi She, and asked in a low voice, "Have you told your mother?"

"I didn't want her to worry, but don't you know? Yesterday's Akihabara incident has been spread in online forums. Many people who discussed it didn't know that those two people were thieves yesterday. They only heard the news that there was Two foreigners were beaten on the street, and some people speculated whether it was a vicious incident such as retaliation against the society." A trace of helplessness flashed in Hui Yuanai's eyes, feeling that he had broken his heart, "I told my godmother before, We went shopping in Akihabara yesterday, and we will play in Akihabara all day. She saw the news on the forum, but she didn’t know the truth. She was worried that we would be injured, so she called me at night, and I had to tell her the truth , 'Instead of worrying about us getting hurt, why not worry about those two people who were hurt by Brother Feichi'..."

Chi Feichi ignored the malicious complaints from his own sister, and turned to Gao Mushe, "How are you going to deal with the matter?"

"Actually, a lawyer from the Maike Group came this morning," Takagi said with a smile, "They are thieves who have committed many crimes in Tokyo. Ambulance, the lawyer thinks that you did not intentionally injure others, and you have practiced fighting, so when you are in a hurry, it is inevitable that you will not be able to control your strength. The lawyer will negotiate with the other party and you will be responsible for the medical expenses. Relatively, We, the police, will not record this call."

Chi Feichi understood.

To put it simply, this is "private". The lawyer should have already negotiated with the other party, but he still needs to find some reasons to communicate with the police. people' records.

The lawyer is worried about this matter. In addition, he believes that entering and exiting the police station so many times is not excessive, and the police from the violent search department will cooperate. background.

"Then, brother Feichi shouldn't need to take notes on this matter, right?" Hui Yuanai confirmed.

"Yes," Takagi She nodded, leading the way, and smiled at Hui Yuanai, "Actually, I asked Mr. Chi to come here today, just to tell him the solution to the matter, and I have something to think about in the forensics class. Looking for him, so..."

At the corner of the stairs, two policemen came chatting in low voices, and what they said caught Chi Feichi's attention.

"In Jiang Shenyuan's case, the deceased were all Japanese..."

"Yes, but he is also a fugitive of European nationality. Many countries have his records. Now the consulate is putting a lot of pressure on us. I think it will be 80% to send him back..."

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