Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1831 You don't need to be so realistic

Chi Feichi began to explain with a calm face, "Different ingredients will undergo some subtle changes in different hot and cold environments, such as after leaving a high-temperature environment suddenly..."

This is the inspiration he got from the laughing bun.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the change of the ingredients from hot to cold to let the prepared sauce flow out of the pumpkin hole, and after the sauce is almost flowed out, the food on the upper layer will slowly expand as it continues to cool down. The knife marks on both sides of the pumpkin's mouth were torn open, and when the air touched the ingredients that were originally pressed below and blocked by the side of the pumpkin, the slight sound combined with the sound of the pumpkin cracking became a strange laughter.

The ingredients are all natural, without adding any chemicals, mechanical products or pigments. It is not metaphysical, but very scientific.

After Hui Yuanai listened, she didn't feel that the funny pumpkin painting style was wrong for a moment, so she picked up the chopsticks and poked the edge of the pumpkin.

Pumpkin: "Jie..."

Conan, who had just picked up the chopsticks, trembled and almost dropped the chopsticks on the table.

Haibara Ai:"……"

No, she was wrong, this pumpkin who suddenly laughed strangely when poked by chopsticks, still has a strange style of painting!

"It's the first time I tried to do it, and the knife marks weren't cut to the best degree." Chi Feichi poked the pumpkin with his chopsticks calmly, "Just now the pumpkin didn't completely split to the edge of the reserved knife marks."

The pumpkin poked by chopsticks: "Jie... Jie... Jie..."

The other three: "..."

Poke it and call it, it's... very strange.

Chi Feichi waited until the pumpkin stopped screaming, then retracted his chopsticks, "It's ready to eat."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched slightly, looked at the bright green mushroom soup, and tried to confirm the situation with Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, you never add food dye to your cooking, right?"

"It's purple cabbage," Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained with a smile after regaining consciousness, "Add a little soda water and it will turn green."

"The purple eyeballs should also be dyed with purple cabbage, right?"

Ai Huihara stretched out his chopsticks to pick up an eyeball, and found that the end of the eyeball was still stuck with a thin band like a nerve. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he tried to put it in his mouth to taste. He found that the white part of the eye seemed to be tofu, tender and smooth. It is soft and has the aroma of some nutty food. After eating it silently, I took another one.

Let’s not talk about the style of the dishes on this table, her brother’s cooking level has not declined, and the taste is superb!

After tasting the dishes with the others, Chi Feichi put down the bowl, picked up the knife and cut open the 'heart' on the table, ignoring the maroon sauce flowing out of it, and cut a 'heart' along the meridian Big pieces, then cut into small pieces, "The heart must be cut when you plan to eat it, and it will taste better when you eat it with a blood-like sauce."

Conan: "..."

Chi Feichi cooked such a table of dishes, it really... really took a lot of trouble.

In fact, it is not necessary to be so realistic when cooking horror-style cooking.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Conan, and Haibara Ai, with the mood of "I look like an ogre but the food tastes really good, I can't help but eat it but I'm a little worried that I will get a strange habit in the future", cooperate with Chi Feichi to put The food on the table was swept away, drinking the green mushroom soup, and looking at the blood-spotted sauce left on the plate, my mood was still complicated.

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and finished the soup in his bowl. After thinking about it, he made sure that each dish did not have the slightest uncoordinated taste that spoiled the taste. Then he put down the bowl, "I'm going out for a trip in the afternoon."

Subtext: So I don't have time to play with these three people.

"Huh?" Hui Yuanai drank the mushroom soup, feeling in his heart that the soup was delicious and at the same time felt that the sauce on the plate was weird. Hearing this, he asked curiously, "Is there a job?"

Chi Feichi said vaguely, "Going to visit a friend."

"I don't have anything to do in the afternoon, so leave the table to me to clean up." Koshimizu Nanatsuki put down the soup bowl, looked at Conan and Haibara Ai, "As for Conan and Xiao Ai, you can stay here to play in the afternoon. Come and take care of them, if they want to go to Dr. Ali, I will send them there."

"Then I will trouble you."

Chi Feichi didn't refuse, went out and drove away from Mihua Town, bought a set of drawing tools on the way, went all the way to Shibuya District, went to a newly built apartment, and rang the doorbell of a family on the second floor.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

After waiting for a long time, the door was opened.

Behind the door, Saito Hiroshi carefully opened only one gap, frowning and looked at Chi Feichi who was at the door vigilantly, "How did you find me here?"

Chi Feichi didn't answer, but asked straight to the point, "I have an entrustment for you, do you accept it?"

After Hiroshi Saito left yesterday, he carefully detoured a lot, changed two sets of clothes, went to a nearby shelter to see rogue cats and dogs, and went to a commercial street not far away to buy a bunch of snacks before returning to come here.

For the non-Mexican army, which can monitor at high altitude and has a large number of birds, it is not difficult to track Saito Hiroshi, and even checked the situation near Saito Hiroshi's foothold.

He even knew that the living room and bedroom here have always drawn the curtains, with only a very small gap. Last night at 10:31, the living room lights were turned off, and at 12:06 midnight, the bedroom lights were turned off, and Hiroshi Saito was in the bedroom After staring at the computer for about two hours, I got up and went to the bathroom in the dark, and then started poking the newspaper with a knife for more than ten minutes before I stopped and went to wash in the dark...

Because Hiroshi Saito's expression was too ferocious when he poked the newspaper, which was too different from the innocent and harmless look he saw yesterday, Feimo specially used a miniature camera to get close to the gap in the curtain, and recorded that passage and passed it to him.

Of course, in addition to this video, there are also many similar videos of Hiroshi Saito in the Ark, which shamefully does not leave privacy to anyone.

Saito Hiroshi looked at the drawing tools in Chi Feichi's hand, hesitated for a moment, and opened the door sideways, "Come in and talk."

After Chi Feichi entered the door, he subconsciously observed the environment.

There is a silk thread at the door, which should be used to prevent others from sneaking in.

The furniture is complete, there are feminine stickers at the entrance, and there are pillows of different colors and styles on the sofa. There are no traces of kidnapping or traveling. This should be the temporary residence that Hiroshi Saito rented after fooling the original owner.

The original owner was a couple or lovers in their thirties, with a harmonious relationship and no children...

"You can sit whatever you want," Saito Hiroshi closed the door, turned on the light in the living room, and then walked back to the living room, "How long do you plan to stay? If you leave after more than ten minutes, I won't boil water and make tea. "

Chi Feichi glanced at the unpacked desserts on the table, and ate a lot of desserts. He was a little disgusted with the rich sweetness that was much worse than his own food, so he pulled up a chair and sat by the window, "Go boil water and make tea. .”

"How long do you plan to stay..." Hiroshi Saito turned to boil hot water speechlessly, "If you want to bask in the sun, open the curtains, I'm not used to opening the curtains, by the way, don't forget to turn off the lights , the electricity bill here is still very expensive.”

Chi Feichi didn't open the curtains, nor did he get up to turn off the lights. After taking out the painting tools from the bag, he put the canvas on the drawing board and started to color.

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't respond, Saito Hiroshi went to the living room to check the situation, and then stayed behind Chi Feichi to watch, "I thought you had some famous paintings that you wanted me to appraise..."

"I want you to send something." Chi Feichi didn't intend to draw a draft with a pencil at all, and started to paint on the canvas after adjusting the color.

Even treasure hunters are also bounty hunters. As long as the price is right or they are interested in it, they will also play errand bounties.

In other words, whether it is a scavenger, a treasure hunter, or an assassin, sending things is a common and easy-to-maintain bounty, which is the first choice for hunters outside of their main business.

It's just that there won't be any big movement when sending things. Many things involve secrets that the entrusting party is unwilling to disclose. Few errand bounties can attract attention.

"Send what?"

"This is the painting."

"That is to say, do I still have to wait for you to finish painting? Are you too hasty in preparing?"

"The decision was made this morning."

"Is it on a whim? Isn't it too willful?"

After the water was boiled, Hiroshi Saito turned around to make tea, "Let me tell you first, my charge is very expensive, even if you deliver things like a TA-Q-BIN delivery person, it will be much more expensive than TA-Q-BIN, but for For a young master like you, that little expense shouldn't be a big deal."

Chi Feichi suspected that Saito Hiroshi had a schizophrenia, and his usual state was indeed like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid, completely different from when he poked a newspaper with a knife, without raising his head, he said, "I know, I want to send the painting over The place is quite special, and the difficulty is not low."


Hiroshi Saito took two cups of tea on a tray and went out. After putting them on the table, he also pulled up a chair and sat down near Chi Feichi.

In just two minutes after he went to make tea, the contents of the painting had already taken some shape.

The combination of red and orange soaring into the sky, the figure in the fire...

At present, it is still a rough color block, and Chi Feichi uses rich black to smudge the corners of the canvas, making him not sure whether Chi Feichi intends to create a strange abstract painting, but what shocked him was the strong contrast of colors In the middle of the night, he looked at the slender figure in the fire, and could feel the figure's hands and feet twisted tightly, as if it was really being burned by the fire.

Chi Feichi's way of painting is very rough and sloppy. First, he uses various colors of paint to paint slices and strips of color, regardless of the technique.

After the fire, the silhouette, and the night, there are more patches of earth color combinations, which are connected together, so that people can tell at a glance that it is a room.

After that, there are some color blocks spread randomly, slowly filling in, and people can tell that they are the onlookers beside the fire.

"The way you draw is really weird."

Hiro Saito said something in a low voice, and didn't continue to disturb Chi Feichi. He focused on watching the brush quickly and scribbled across the canvas, and began to feel that this way of writing was free and unrestrained.

After the canvas was filled with color, Chi Feichi changed to a thinner brush and continued to fill in the details at an exaggerated speed.

The boundary between the thatched cottage and the earthen cottage was outlined, and the night near the fire was filled with a transitional warm color illuminated by the fire. The crowd of onlookers was added with slightly different clothing, appearance features, and three or two strokes. The expression of fear comes alive in simple thin lines.

In front of the flames, a strong man in armor and his entourage shouted ferociously, but their respective characteristics were clear at a glance. Behind, two missionaries in white robes lowered their eyes in compassion...

After the two missionaries finished drawing, Chi Feichi temporarily stopped.

"Is the painting finished?" Hiroshi Saito looked at the different characteristics of the many characters in the painting, studied the demeanor portrayed by the simple lines carefully, and said with emotion, "It's really amazing..."

"It's not over yet." Chi Feichi got up, walked to the table to serve the cold tea, "I want to rest for a while."

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