Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1848 What kind of strange question is this?

Night, half past ten.

The black car drove through the empty street and entered the Tokyo area.

On the passenger seat, the young man looked sideways out of the car window and was distracted. The black hooded jacket was zipped up high, and the brim of the hat on the neck made his face paler.

Rena Mizumusa sat in the back seat, paying attention to the face reflected in the window glass in front of her for the fifth time from the corner of her eyes.

The car was speeding, and the light and shadow were constantly interlacing on the man's three-dimensional facial features, passing by the fine freckles on that face.

The man's eyes under the blond hair stared out of the window, but his indifferent gaze didn't seem to stay on anything, so deep that one couldn't guess what was going on in his heart.

Rucker has been in this state since she got in the car, and even when she greeted her in the car, Rucker only responded with a faint nasal sound.

Is something wrong?

"That is to say, you don't plan to return to Nichibu TV in the future?" Takatori Yannan drove the car, and continued to chat with Rena Mizumu with his throat down.

Since joining the Cold Butterfly Club, he found that he has become more and more used to chatting with the opposite sex.

There is no way, who made his boss look cold and distracted from the moment he got in the car.

He knew that his boss could stay silent for a few days if he was autistic, but it was impossible for all three of them to be bored after driving for such a long time along the road, right?

Keir doesn't know the true identity of the boss, so he has to help distract Keel, lest Kiel suspect the identity of his boss from the point of 'intermittent autism'.

Fortunately, he had already prepared for his boss to get sick from time to time, and he also sent an email to tell that person before departure.

It didn't take long to send Kiel back to Tokyo. His boss didn't speak for a while, or he might be thinking about something. Kiel probably wouldn't doubt it.

Shui Wurena came back to her senses, pretending to be nonchalant and smiled, "Who can tell what will happen in the future, but until those cowards are completely resolved, I don't think I will go back to the TV station..."

"It's really a pity. I have watched your show before. You are a very good host."

"I'm very happy to be praised by you...but I hope you will affirm my ability to work in the organization."

"Hahaha... We don't have that much contact. I don't know your ability, so I don't want to say things against my will to make you happy..."

Chi Feichi listened to the back and forth chat between the two, and continued to stare at the car window distracted.

Speaking of Higo accumulating three yellow cards and unable to participate in tomorrow's final, let's calculate the time...

Something will happen tomorrow.

This matter has something to do with him, and he probably wants to get involved, that is to say, he will continue to work on the organization tomorrow.

No, if he doesn't send Shui Wurenai to the place as soon as possible, and say 'see you another day' to Shui Wurenai earlier, he won't be able to rest tonight.

I don't know if Yueshui's wrist is seriously injured or if it will swell into a pig's trotter...

The others expressed concern and condolences one after another, but there was no movement from him, and he couldn't even go to have a look, would it be too much...

If Yue Shui felt disappointed in him, would he be abducted by some bad boy...

The mood is bad instantly!

He needs a question worth thinking about to adjust his mood.

The car gradually approached Shinagawa District.

Takatori Takeo and Mizumu Rena have already chatted about the latest weather from Nikkei TV.

"The weather in the next few days seems to be very hot."

"Yeah, after finishing this trip, let's see if I can rest for a while..."

"But it's much better to act at night."

Both of them had smiles on their faces and tears in their hearts.

They can't talk too much about the organization, so as not to leak things that shouldn't be leaked from their own mouths, and they must avoid talking about their personal interests and habits, so as not to be used in the future. They are not very familiar with each other, and there are really not many topics to talk about.

They can ramble so far that there is no silence, they have tried their best.

Chi Feichi, who had been petrified all the way, finally moved, took out the cigarette case from his pocket, pulled out a cigarette, bit it, and reached out for the cigarette lighter to light the cigarette.

"Luck, you seem to have something on your mind today..."

Shui Wurennai asked with a smile, but she was very helpless in her heart.

After chatting all the way, she found that the bearded Srivova looked easy to talk, but she was very vigilant, and she never missed a word that should not be said, so it was difficult for her to get any information.

But she didn't want to give up this opportunity to build a relationship.

No matter what, it's always good to have a relationship first, but if the conversation continues like this, she will almost have nothing to talk about, so she can only try to attract a certain Lark who has been deep all the way.

Chi Feichi looked up at Rena Mizumu's smiling face from the rearview mirror, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you want to know?"

Shui Wurenai felt uncomfortable at that cold and strange glance, but without much hesitation, she said with a smile, "I'm just curious, if it's not convenient for you to tell me, just pretend I didn't ask."

Chi Feichi still looked out the car window smoking, and said hoarsely, "There is nothing inconvenient to say."

When Reina Mizumura heard that Lak didn't seem to intend to hide from her, she was very excited, and kept a curious smile on her face, "Oh?"

"I'm just thinking about a question, Keir, our car is driving on the road," Chi Feichi hissed, "but how do we judge whether this is a dream or something that really happened? What is the basis for the judgment?"

Mizuruna: "???"

What is this strange question?

They are sitting here, how could it be a dream?

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Excuse me, is his boss still mentally normal now?

Chi Feichi continued hissing, "To put it simply, the question is how can you be sure that you are not in a dream? The basis for your judgment is just the touch around us and our current feelings, but when you are in a dream, You may also have extremely real feelings, and even believe that you are living in reality, and you will not suspect that you are just dreaming..."

"Everything in the dream is the processing of things you see in reality. You remember me, the car, and the scenery on the road. Even if you have never taken my car from Nishitama City to Tokyo before, your dreams can still be woven. Come up with a reasonable scene..."

In the car, the hoarse voice was calm and cold, and in the silence, it made people have to listen to it completely.

Shui Wurena recalled that she had dreamed about being discovered by the organization as an undercover agent. In the dream, she was scared to death, and in the dream, she would not question that she was just dreaming. On the other hand, even if she was dreaming now, she couldn't be sure of herself. not in a dream...

Could she be in a dream now?

"Your sense of touch can deceive you, and so can your sense of smell. Even if it's pain, people can get a similar experience in dreams, so at this moment, how do you prove to yourself that you..."

"Jingle Bell!"

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted the hoarse and deep man's voice in the car.

Takatori Yan Nan heaved a sigh of relief, took out his phone and glanced at it, said 'Gin' to Chi Feichi in a muffled voice, and answered the phone, "Gin?"

Fortunately, there was this call, otherwise he was worried that his boss would become abnormal as he pondered over it, so he tried to shoot them twice to see if it was a dream.

Chi Feichi put out the cigarette butt by his hand, leaned back in the chair, and closed his eyes.

In ten minutes at most, he could send Shui Wurenai to the destination, but he still didn't escape the 'tribulation'.

Shuiwurenai suddenly woke up from the trance, and became vigilant in addition to being afraid.

Why did she follow Lak's train of thought just now, thinking about questions like 'Is she in a dream', 'How to prove that she is in a dream or not'?

Whether it was in a dream or not, she knew her identity, knew that the guy in front of her needed to be careful, and tried her best to complete her task, and that was enough.

The reason is very simple, but she just followed her thinking without knowing it, and her whole body fell into a state of confusion and relaxation. Her body was completely relaxed, and even the defensive heart she had always insisted on was gradually eliminated. It seemed that she only wanted to listen to the car at night. Hearing the sound of tires rolling across the ground, listening to that hoarse, deep and calm male voice, I relaxed my body and mind thinking about this boring question, just like that...slowly fell asleep!

It's a dire situation.

Not long after she joined ia, she had undergone a so-called hypnosis test. At that time, she also felt vaguely in a trance and relaxed feeling, but she firmly believed in "following the steps of her father", and soon broke free by herself, and pretended I was hypnotized and gave the wrong information to the hypnotist.

And just now...

She wasn't sure she would have fallen asleep without the phone ringing to wake her up.

In the past, ia's hypnotist repeatedly assisted her in psychological suggestion. When encountering hypnosis, once the other party touched her psychological barrier, such as asking "are you working for ia?", she would be strongly attacked feeling and wake up.

But if Lark himself is a more capable hypnotist, she is not sure whether that barrier will be bypassed.

Why? Why did Rucker suddenly want to hypnotize her?

"Yes... we are all... know."

Takatori Yannan responded a few times, and when the phone was hung up, he explained, "Luck, Gin said that the itinerary will be changed temporarily. The three of us will first go to the Chengnan Bridge near the Wild Bird Park. He and Vodka will meet us there. .”


Chi Feichi responded hoarsely, and continued to relax with his eyes closed.

Rena Mizumusi tried to soothe the most tense nerves in an instant, to calm down her reaction, and asked in a puzzled tone, "Is there any emergency?"

"I don't know," Yan Nan Takatori turned the car around and drove towards the port area, "Gin just said that we will talk about it when we arrive."

"Okay," Mizuruna looked at the face vaguely reflected on the front window glass, and decided to test it out, "So, Lark...are you going to hypnotize me just now?"

"Do you think it's hypnosis?" Chi Feichi hissed back.

Shui Wurena smiled and threw the question back, "Isn't it?"

Chi Feichi didn't say any more, opened his eyes, and stared at the road scene outside the car window again.

I don't want to explain, so Rena Mizumu can think whatever she wants.

How to judge whether the environment you are in is real, whether human consciousness has been deceiving the self, what the world and the self are like, whether there is an intersection between the virtual and the real...

This is obviously a philosophical question worth thinking about, and what does it have to do with hypnosis.

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