Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1856 Feichi is too nervous

"No, it's about the red Siamese cat," Gin said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's a criminal organization targeting rich people, and it has planned more than one attack and kidnapping on rich people in Japan and even around the world Incident, although they should have been caught and sent to prison, but no matter whether the person who acted this time imitated the red Siamese cat, or the people who escaped from the hunt made the red Siamese cat revive. Siamese cat’s name issued a crime notice, then they are likely to continue to carry out operations against the rich, and Lak’s identity... is within their target of action.”

Chi Feichi remained expressionless, "Crow's mouth."

Thinking of the previous tragedy of 'Lack wine was brutally restricted', Gin felt inexplicably guilty, and affirmed a certain Lak's ability, "I just said casually, with your ability, those guys still worry about whether they will be kidnapped by you. "

Vodka smiled and admitted, "That's right, if they were met by Lak, there is a high probability that they would be put into the TA-Q-Bin box."


In the evening, the sky is full of red clouds.

Chi Feichi parked the car next to the wooden signboard of Seventh Detective Agency, got out of the car with ingredients and heat preservation boxes, entered through the entrance door on the first floor, listened to the movement on the second floor, and went upstairs all the way.

The lights in the living room on the second floor have been turned on, and the weather forecast is playing on the TV.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki is standing in the open kitchen with his back facing the stairs. The waist of his white loose T-shirt is fastened by an apron belt and tied with a skewed knot. Take a spoon and taste the food in the pot.

Chi Feichi stood at the edge of the living room, watching Koshimizu Nanatsuki's back in silence.

It was such a scene full of life that made his heart no longer just calm, but also had a trace of peace and warmth that could not be described.

But Yue Shui is right-handed, his right wrist is injured, it is inconvenient to do anything, and there is no one to take care of him these two days, I don't know if life has been messed up these two days...


Yue Shui Nanatsuki didn't know that Chi Feichi had already made up the "history of a girl's difficult survival after losing the ability to live", murmured and turned around, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a black-clothed figure standing quietly in the living room from the corner of her vision, and was startled. Jumping, turned around in panic, and after seeing clearly that it was Chi Feichi, he leaned his back against the refrigerator and let out a long sigh of relief, "Chi, Mr. Chi, it's you, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I'm sorry, I saw that you were so busy just now that you forgot to say hello," Chi Feichi stepped forward with his things in his hands, observed Koshimizu Nanatsuki's expression, and made sure that the situation had not developed to the point of "the girl's depression after losing the ability to live." Desperate', "Your hands are all hurt, why don't you go out to eat?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's eyes were subtle for a moment, feeling concern, but seeing Chi Feichi's calm expression, he was not sure. Ingredients, try to maintain a natural look, "Yesterday I went to the restaurant for lunch and dinner, and it was the same this morning. I don't want to go out tonight, so I just make curry beef rice at home... By the way, have you had dinner yet?" ? I didn't cook too much, if you haven't eaten dinner, you should cook a little more, but it seems that there are not many ingredients..."

"I've already eaten, and I brought you a coconut stewed chicken and tofu and shrimp balls." Chi Feichi put the insulated box on the table, turned around and opened the refrigerator, and put the ingredients in. "There are also some ingredients and fruits. .”

"It's really helpful, I'm still thinking, I have to go out to buy some ingredients tomorrow..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki bent over and opened the lid of the heat preservation box with one hand with his left hand. After smelling the fresh fragrance of the food, he was bewitched by the fragrance of the food, and instantly rolled his eyes with a smile.

Chi Feichi closed the refrigerator door, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Yueshui Nanatsuki's messy apron tied around his waist was an eyesore, so he stretched out his hand to untie the tie, "Go and eat something to pad your belly, and I'll help you stare at the curry beef."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki not only froze the smile on his face, but also went into a state of stiffness all over his body. His cheeks turned red and quickly reached the base of his ears.

Chi Feichi noticed the stiffness under his fingers, and raised his eyes to see Nanatsuki Koshimizu entering the state of 'petrochemical + blushing'. He paused for a moment, leaned his head close to Nanatsuki Koshimizu's ear, and poked Nanatsuki Koshimizu viciously. lower back, lowered his voice, "Yue Shui..."


After Yueshui Nanatsuki suddenly regained consciousness, she stood up straight with a 'whoosh', backed away, and didn't care if her flushed face was not intimidating, she warned angrily, "Don't make such strange behaviors all of a sudden!"

"You were in a strange state just now."

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki calmly, his eyes focused on Yueshui Nanatsuki's face, "It's the same now."

"I..." Yueshui Nanatsuki blushed even more, turned around and picked up the heat preservation box, and avoided Chi Feichi's probing eyes with a guilty conscience, and walked out of the kitchen holding the heat preservation box with one hand, "I'm not surprised Yes, I just want to taste the dishes you brought me, so I won't tell you..."

Feichi poked his head from Chi Feichi's collar, looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki's back, sighed lowly, and retracted his head again.

It's clearly the owner of the owner who deliberately teased Detective Yueshui, but in the end he bullied others with an innocent look of 'I don't know what you're talking about' or 'You have plans for me'.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and asked in a low voice, "Feichi, why are you sighing?"

"Uh," Feichi choked, and replied in a serious tone, "Looking at Detective Yueshui's injured right hand, I suddenly wanted to feel that she was too careless. Human hands are very important. No matter which one is injured, it will It made it inconvenient to move around, and I remembered that my master had injured his shoulder before, and it took a lot of time to get dressed, so everyone must take good care of their hands in the future..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

What's the matter with the déjà vu of this small composition? Feichi is too nervous.


Five minutes later, the curry beef rice was served.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat at the dining table, lowered his head and ate tofu and shrimp balls with a spoon, pretending that he was serious about eating.

Chi Feichi didn't continue his mischief, and put the plate of curry beef and rice on the table, "Eat slowly, I'll go wash up."

"Yeah!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded again and again, and after the slight sound of footsteps sounded in the stairwell, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked up and saw Feichi lying on the table staring at him curiously, and didn't care, looked at the stairs, After hesitating for a while, he dug out a tofu and shrimp ball with a spoon and put it in the soup bowl next to him, "It shouldn't matter if Feichi eats one..."

Feichi: "..."

It's not trying to eat...

Forget it, since there is something to eat, let's eat it.

Yueshui Nanatsuki felt more at ease, and took advantage of Chi Feichi's time to wash up, and finished eating the things on the table bit by bit.

When Yueshui Nanatsuki got up and was about to clean up the table, Chi Feichi seemed to come back with a pinch, and took over the cleaning work, "I'll do it."

"Ah good……"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi, feeling a little dazed.

Mr. Chi seemed to have just washed and dried his hair, and just now he said he was going to wash up, so he didn't plan to go back to Kabado-cho tonight?

After she moved in here, Mr. Chi would return to Kabado-cho no matter how late except when Xiaoshu was around. She also knew that Mr. Chi was thinking that it was not good for lonely men and widows to live together, and the neighbors would misunderstand him, so he didn't say anything. It would be inconvenient, but...

What's going on tonight? Something is wrong.

Chi Feichi washed the dishes, dried his hands and left the kitchen, only to find Koshimizu Nanatsuki sitting on the sofa staring at the TV, distracted, watching the apartment agency advertisement on the TV, "Do you want to move?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki regained consciousness, watched the commercial on TV, and then thought about what Chi Feichi said just now, and felt that Chi Feichi's question was chilling, and hurriedly said, "No, it's not... I'm waiting to see The new TV series released recently, that..."

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki, quietly waiting for the next sentence.

Yueshui better not be thinking about moving!

Yueshui Nanatsuki thought that this was Chi Feichi's house, and she asked, "Are you planning to live here tonight?" It seemed a bit like a dove occupying a magpie's nest and driving someone away, and then said, "I'm free this afternoon. , went to clean the attic... Why did you leave 'Midnight Jackdaw' on the ground next to the bookshelf? That is the largest black diamond in the world, or something left by your grandmother, what should I do if I accidentally lost it?"

Chi Feichi recalled, "The last time Xiao Shu played with 'Midnight Jackdaw', he just dropped it on the ground."

"No one would think that a black lump thrown on the ground is a real diamond," Yue Shui Nanatsuki was a little bit dumbfounded, she felt that as long as she had the heart, she could make a fortune by cleaning Chi Feichi, "In short, I have put it in the drawer of the cabinet in the attic, because I was worried that it would be inconvenient for you to take it, so I just found a box and put it in it, without putting a lock on the drawer..."

Chi Feichi walked to the bedroom on the second floor, "That's all right."

"That..." Yue Shui Nanatsuki saw that Chi Feichi really planned to stay, but couldn't help asking, "Are you planning to live here tonight?"

"I'm sleepy and it's not safe to drive back."

Chi Feichi turned his head to explain, and closed the door after entering the room.

Now he just wants to find a dark room to lie flat and sleep, the darker and quieter the better.

In the living room, Koshimizu Nanatsuki was stunned, picked up the remote control on the sofa, turned down the volume of the TV, but couldn't watch the TV series that started playing on the TV at all.

Before, the children agreed that Mr. Chi was in a bad mood because Bihu couldn't participate in the finals, so he went out secretly to relax.

She had thought about whether Mr. Chi might be busy with something that she couldn't tell everyone, but she wasn't sure.

If you are in a bad mood, it is possible to go out alone to relax.


At around 6:00 tonight, Mr. Chi brought over Chinese food, saying that he had already eaten, and the time for eating would be around four or five o'clock in the afternoon. It would be too early for dinner at this time. Don't rush to eat so early.

And now it's only 7:30 in the evening, and Mr. Chi is so sleepy that he has washed up and just wants to go to sleep right away, even to the point of 'it's not safe to drive back'.

From this point of view, Mr. Chi was really busy with things that he couldn't tell everyone, and he didn't have lunch until four or five in the afternoon. He was so busy that he didn't sleep at all last night. No wonder Mr. Chi chose to stay here.

Moreover, after Mr. Chi finished his work, he brought the dishes he made to see her without a break, and helped her wash the dishes while staying sleepy.

Why... why do you take care of her so much?

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