Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1859 The big case behind the zoo

Seeing that Chi Feichi nodded, Conan quickly asked, "Brother Chi, do you have those photos here? Can you let me see them?"

Chi Feichi handed the stack of documents beside him to Conan, "It's all inside."

Conan took the document and found that Haibara Ai and the three children had gathered together, so he put the document on his lap and opened it page by page.

On the page are photocopied photos one by one.

In the first few pages, the background is all dark alleys in the middle of the night. The photos should have been taken with a night vision camera, and the sneaky two people were taken fairly clearly.

One is a man wearing a hat and mask, and the other is a tall young woman.

There are a total of 17 photos, which clearly captured the process of the two sneaking around and looking around, the man handing money, the woman handing the box, and the two inspecting the goods.

In one of them, it seems that the photographer climbed to the wall of the alley and photographed the test tubes in the box from a height.

In these photos, some have a high angle of view and some have a low angle, some have problems with focus, and some do not take the two people in the middle of the photo.

Looking at the photo, Conan couldn't quite imagine how the investigator took the photo, but he also imagined a detective's frightening secret investigation operation, and unconsciously remembered the scene where he saw the vodka blackmailer's transaction. He held his breath unconsciously.

If he had managed to capture the scene of the vodka trade and escaped, this would probably have been the picture he got.

The date and time when those photos were taken are also marked on the file.

On the next page, there are informational photos of the young woman on the keeper's work column at Mihua Zoo, and some daily photos of women working at the zoo.

Further on, there are photos of the woman and the director entering and leaving the office late at night. These photos were taken on more than one day. From more than two months ago to the present, some are separated by two days, and some are separated by a week, but the time is all in the early morning Before and after, and looking at the time and appearance of the two people coming in and out, it doesn't look like an affair, but like they are discussing something in secret.

And in some of the photos, the woman came in and out of the office late at night with mysterious boxes or jars covered with cloth. Stuff out.

This also made him understand where Chi Feichi's suspicion came from.

That director is really suspicious.

Judging from these photos, the director of the garden is likely to be behind the scenes. It can be said that these photos were taken at a relatively far distance. One photo seemed to be taken through the gap in the office curtains, but it failed to capture the two people in the room together. A silhouette of a woman standing at a desk. These photos alone cannot prove that the principal was involved in an illegal transaction.

If you really want to call the police, the two of you can be shameless and say that they are having an affair, and that the things they brought in or out were gifts or the like.

At the same time, he was a little worried about the person who investigated this matter. The angles of these photos were the same, and many of them had traces of afterimages and shaking.

He could imagine the hardships and dangers during the investigation.

Without knowing how crazy the criminal is, it is really dangerous to investigate this kind of thing, and you may die if you are not careful.

Chi Feichi was very relieved to ask Conan to look through those photos. These photos are all intercepted from the video, and will not reveal the information that "the photographer is not a human being". They are all photos of "human shooting rules". The photos were intercepted to keep a trump card for myself.

Judging from the information obtained during the investigation, the head of the garden may be a little cautious about the dumpling, and he had better not borrow the dumpling to avoid trouble.

He never thought that Conan would get involved before, and planned to study these materials on the way to the Mihua Zoo to see if he could find any breakthroughs.

As a last resort, he would send part of the photos to the director by anonymous email to force the director to give up borrowing dumplings to participate in the midsummer festival.

But now, he has a better way - let Conan know about it, and Conan will not ignore it, then he can use the aura of a detective to expose the crime of the director. If the director goes to jail at this time, The midsummer festival might be cancelled, and the dumplings would no longer need to be borrowed.

And what he rejected was not the Mihua Zoo, but he was worried that the director would mess around. If the director and his accomplices were arrested, it wouldn't matter if they borrowed the dumpling to participate in the Midsummer Festival.

Not long ago, when Feimo found out that the director was acting abnormally, he sent a message in the UL group to tease Tuanzi to be careful, and Tuanzi even replied to Feimo with his hidden mobile phone.

‘If he dares to kidnap me, I will shoot him to death. 【Giant Panda Roaring.jpg】’

Cough, looking at Tuanzi’s attitude, I’m still looking forward to having some fun. Not only do I not reject the Mihua Zoo’s midsummer festival, but I’m also eager to try it, but Tuanzi doesn’t know that sometimes, animals are hard to resist under the weapons made by humans. Opportunity.

What if the dumpling falls into the opponent's hands, and the opponent is cornered, and the dumpling collapses with one shot?

He prefers to solve the danger in his infancy.

Conan continued to flip through the files, frowning and asked, "Didn't the investigator record the recording?"

"They talk in whispers, unless they are very close, otherwise they won't be able to record the conversation, and the investigators can't get that close." Chi Feichi explained.

Conan nodded. After reading a photo of a lizard trade that belonged to rare and protected animals abroad, he was about to turn back, but a big hand with slender fingers held the page, and he couldn't help but look up at Chi Feichi in doubt, "Brother Chi , what's wrong?"

"The next few pages are about the trade of black bear bile and animal parts. It's not suitable for children." Chi Feichi looked at his three children in surprise without looking further. "Skip it and start from the tenth page from the bottom."

Conan wanted to say that he was not afraid, but considering the three real children, he obediently closed the file and started to flip through it.

Ayumi's face turned pale, "Could it be that they killed the little bear?"

"No, if it's a bear bile trade, it's probably more cruel than killing a bear," Hui Yuanai said with a serious expression, "Some people will raise bears, extract their bile from time to time, and use them as a tool to make bear bile , even if they cause harm to their bodies, we must try our best to make them produce more bile until they are tortured to death, and then sell other valuable parts of their bodies separately."

Yuan Tai's expression was shocked and terrified, but also with unspeakable anger, "It's really disgusting!"

"It is not sure whether the bile they illegally traded was taken from the bears in the Mihua Zoo. The investigators have not found any traces of bile taken from the two black bears in the zoo, but there is no doubt that they are engaged in this kind of trade," Chi said. Feichi looked at Conan with an ugly face, and continued in a calm tone, "And they also concealed the number of newborn animals. The investigators and I investigated some of the director's overseas capital transactions and contacts. People, he probably deliberately concealed the report after the animals gave birth to cubs, and sold some cubs secretly. Also, animals that died in zoos need to report and apply for an autopsy to study the cause of the disease, and the death of the animal needs to be announced The reason is that the number of animals that died in the Mihua Zoo in the past three years is not too many to attract others’ attention, but it is not too small. During the process of autopsy and etiology research, some parts of the animals may have been sold by him.”

Conan's face became more and more serious.

He has seen it.

The tenth and ninth pages from the bottom of the data are the investigators' annotation and summary of the investigation.

From when and when the transaction was discovered, which page of photos, to when the follow-up was started, what was found, and which page of photos corresponded, the entire investigation was clearly organized and lasted for more than three months. .

It's like a diary of investigative operations, but without some of the personal perspective, it's more like a report.

He could even imagine that the other party was a logical, serious and meticulous detective.

And after this summary, it is related to the suspicions that Chi Feichi said, some are subtle clues about the director's foreign capital flow, and some are clues about the suspected contact between the director and some foreign criminals...

From a detective's point of view, these clues point to the fact that the head of the park may have actually sold animal cubs and some parts of dead animals, but these clues are not clear and cannot be evidence at all.

In terms of making friends, although those people have illegal crimes of illegal animal trafficking, they are also foreign gangs. The head of the group can say that he met people inadvertently. He only occasionally met for a drink and did not know that the other party was carrying out illegal activities. .

The problem of money flow can also be explained away.

The director is a businessman who runs other businesses at home and abroad, and the funds have been transferred many hands cunningly. The clues are intermittent, which can only prove that there is a problem with the director's funds, and it vaguely corresponds to several sneaky behaviors, but it is still easy. Be sophistry in the past.

Hui Yuanai focused on the sorted out clues, frowned and said softly, "It's really hard to use these as evidence."

"Then, can we give these materials to the police and let the police investigate him?" Guangyan suggested solemnly, "As long as the police investigate, they will definitely find out more clues!"

"No, these things can only prove that the female breeder committed a crime. The police can take the female breeder away for investigation, but if the female breeder doesn't tell the director, the police will not be able to investigate, and will instead scare the snake away," Conan said. Turning over another page of information, he was silent for a moment, looked up at Chi Feichi seriously and asked, "Brother Chi, that investigator should be a very good person for keeping track of them for so long and finding so much information. A capable and careful detective, right? It seems that he will not give up the investigation of this matter easily, but according to these materials, the last time he recorded the investigation clues was three days ago... The last time you contacted him was at when?"

Chi Feichi understood what Conan was worried about, "Don't worry, he was still in contact with me yesterday, but he didn't have any new clues, so he didn't pass on the investigation records. Although he is not sure where he is now, I can be sure that he is safe. "

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the content on the last page.

On the last page, it was investigated that a foreign criminal group had sneaked into the country and secretly met with the director of the zoo.

That group is wanted internationally for theft and kidnapping. Its specialty is creating turmoil and kidnapping targets. There are three people in total who sneaked into the country within half a month, and they all had contact with the director...

Seeing that Conan finally saw this page, Chi Feichi said, "I suspect that the entry of these three people has something to do with Shengxia Jituanzi being a guest."

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