Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1889 listen to my arrangement

The car drove out of the park parking lot and headed for thk company.

Jiu Songshi felt uneasy, constantly thinking about what kind of storm will come next, and thinking about how to express his thoughts clearly.

Shirakawa Jiro also sat aside cautiously, hesitating whether he should confess here.

He originally wanted to hide it from everyone and propose to Asako Fujimori on her birthday to surprise Fujimori Asako, but now that the company president and consultant had misunderstood, he wanted to confess.

It takes a lot of money to treat Asako Fujimori's heart disease. After Asako Fujimori quits the show business and rests at home, he needs a lot of money to support his family and bear the medical expenses of Asako Fujimori, so that he cannot be cut by the company and cannot leave the company. .

In Japan, thk company is the best development platform, and he doesn't want to give up.

In fact, after the marriage proposal, all misunderstandings will be resolved, and the president will no longer doubt his character, but he is also worried that the president is too concerned about this matter and will not give him that time.

It's just that no one in the car spoke. He felt that the atmosphere was too heavy, and he had to organize his words in his heart.

Oda Kiritoshi also sat silently at the side, took out a cigarette, and just raised his hand to put it to his mouth, he caught a glimpse of Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Ike Feichi who immediately opened the car window when he smoked before, and put the cigarette back into the cigarette case , "Feichi, have you quit smoking?"

"No," Chi Feichi paused, "Smoking is rare in such a narrow space."

Let it be that he was poisoned by the second-hand smoke of gin and vodka, but he didn't want Nanatsuki Koshimizu to be poisoned by his second-hand smoke.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Oda Kirito also responded lazily, putting the cigarette case in his pocket.

Shirakawa Jiro felt that it would be even more difficult for him to speak if he didn't speak again. The entanglement on his face gradually disappeared, and he said softly and positively, "President, consultant, Mr. Hisamatsu, Asako has a bad heart, and she has made several mistakes in performances recently. It's because her heart is uncomfortable, and with her physical condition, she is not suitable to continue acting, so I hope she can leave the showbiz."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't rule out the possibility that Shirakawa Jiro was making excuses, but thinking of Odagiri Toshiya's previous evaluation, he didn't want to think of the bad, and asked aloud, "Then, Mr. Shirakawa said before that he wanted to disband the group because of Miss Asako. Considering her body, right? But in this case, you should be able to tell her the reason directly and persuade her to put her body first, right? There is no need to use that bad attitude to force her to leave."

Oda Kiritoshi also heard the words, and looked up at Shirakawa Jiro beside him.

As expected of a detective, Miss Yue Shui found out the unreasonable part of Bai Chuan's words so quickly.

Jiro Shirakawa took a deep breath, he was not nervous anymore, he was just a little embarrassed, and his expression became awkward, "Her birthday is coming soon, I am going to end the relationship with her boyfriend and girlfriend, propose to her formally, and give her a surprise... "

"Hey?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki whispered with a dazed expression on his face, "Please, propose?"

Shirakawa Jiro nodded, with a smile in his eyes, "I hope she can rest at home, and I will be responsible for her future."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

This sweet and sour dog food.

"Jiro, you..." Hisamatsumi was also surprised, looked at Shirakawa Jiro, and then pretended to be annoyed, "You really are, I even kept this kind of thing from me, and I have been worrying about you all this time!"

"Mr. Hisamatsu, I'm really sorry. I was worried that someone else would leak the news in advance, and Asako would know my plan, so I didn't even keep it from you." Jiro Shirakawa apologized, then looked at Oda Kirito and said, "I'm really sorry, President."

Oda Kirito also felt better, and stopped thinking about smoking, and waved his hand with a smile, "Okay, you don't want to betray the company, what can you say sorry to me?"

"That's right, I'm the one who should say I'm sorry," Hisamatsu felt guilty, looked at Oda Kiritoshi and said, "President, I've been hiding the mistakes I made in Asako's performance..."

"Only this time, this is not an example." Oda Kirito also looked more serious, "Hisatsu, I understand how you think about the artist, but I also hope that you can abide by the company's regulations and report it in time when the artist has an abnormality. If the body drags even worse, or there are some major mistakes because of it, your concealment will actually harm her, and she will be in even greater trouble."

Hisamatsumi bowed his head deeply, "I'm sorry, President!"

"You really should apologize," Oda Kirito leaned back, staring at Hisamatsu Mito with resentment and said, "An artist makes mistakes one after another, either because of physical problems or emotional problems. If it is a physical problem, the reason why the company persuaded her to quit For her sake, it is not impossible for her to come back when she recovers. If there is an emotional problem, it means that she has encountered some trouble or distress. The company will understand the situation in time, and maybe it can help her. Reflecting on the situation of the artists, is it to give up on them in the first place or what?"

His heart was full of guilt, his head drooped even lower, "I'm really sorry!"

Oda Qiemin also continued to complain, "The last guy who concealed his situation was foolishly threatened and blackmailed, and even got involved in a murder case, but Fei Chixun cried..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki immediately understood, and said emotionally, "It was the incident with Ms. Kulala, right? Mr. Chi looked really angry that day."

Chi Feichi couldn't say that he didn't scold anyone that time, he did scold him, 'she didn't cry because I scolded her', no one would believe her, and he wondered if he was too aggressive that day , really frightened Kulara Midorikawa, so she stopped talking and turned back to the previous topic, "Shirakawa, regarding Fujimori Asako's withdrawal from the showbiz, after you have successfully confessed and persuaded her, she will report to the company submit application."

"Before then, we will keep it a secret for you," Oda Kiritoshi also folded his hands in front of his body, and said generously, "If you need a vacation to prepare for a marriage proposal these days, let Mr. Hisamatsu help you adjust the schedule."

"Thank you!" Shirakawa Jiro's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "Thank you, Consultant Chi, thank you, President! But whether it's a ring or a cake gift box, I've already ordered it."

"There is a condition." Chi Feichi raised his eyes and stared at Shirakawa Jiro and said, "I want to participate in your marriage proposal, and you must tell me the time in advance, and then follow my arrangement."

Shirakawa Jiro: "..."

The consultant's gaze was so serious that no one dared to refuse, but the proposal was arranged by others...

"Feichi, why are you joining in other people's marriage proposals?" Oda Qiemin also complained directly, "Let's leave this kind of matter to the two of them. It's no problem to participate in it. I just work in the company where Yoko works, and after the merger of the two companies, I can be regarded as an old employee of the company, so it would be nice for us to join in the fun together!"

Shirakawa Jiro: "..."

Flattered, does he have to re-prepare to make the ceremony more grand, so that he can be worthy of the president and consultants attending his marriage proposal in person?

"I have other information about Ms. Fujimori," Chi Feichi looked back at Shirakawa Jiro, "I won't harm Shirakawa, it would be better to listen to my arrangement."

"What information do you have?" Oda Kiritoshi also acted more expectant and gossip than Koshimizu Nanatsuki. Seeing Shirakawa Jiro was also surprised and curious, and couldn't help teasing Chi Feichi, "This kind of thing shouldn't be hidden from Shirakawa, right? ?”

"I will tell him in advance when the time comes," Chi Feichi glanced at Oda Kirito, "but you don't want to know in advance."

Hisamatsumi feels that the atmosphere of "one family in the company" is back, but it is difficult for him to do such things as teasing his boss, so he can only show a gratified and touched smile.

Jiro Shirakawa hurriedly asked, "Consultant Chi, do I need to make any more preparations?"

"No, just follow your plan," Chi Feichi said, "Remember to let me know when the morning of the action arrives, and I'll prepare with you then."

Jiro Shirakawa thought it would be good if he thought about it, it didn't disrupt his plan, and it wasn't such a strange thing as 'marriage proposal is still arranged', "Okay, consultant, I will tell you in advance when the time comes, please help me Worry about it!"


After the car arrived at thk company, Toshi Odagiri was going to take Hisamatsumi and Jiro Shirakawa to the office, and Chi Feichi was going to show Nanatsuki Koshimizu around.

"Feichi, why don't you come and take a look with us?" Oda Kirito also approached Chi Feichi, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to let Bai Chuan audition, is he suitable to play Ampere Seimei..."

"You are the president, you have to solve these things yourself."

Chi Feichi left the matter to Toshiya Odagiri with a salty attitude, turned around and took Koshimizu Nanatsuki to the elevator, "Where do you want to go first?"

"Let me think about it..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a while, then smiled slyly, "Which part of the company is most familiar to you, let's go there first."

Chi Feichi reached out and pressed the elevator button, and commented, "It's really cunning."

In this way, where he will go and what he will do when he comes to thk company, won't it all be figured out?

"What are you cunning?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki pretended to have an innocent expression on his face, "Isn't it more convenient for you to start visiting from the place you are most familiar with? It would be embarrassing for you to take me to a place you are not familiar with. Bar?"

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense."

"What I said made sense..."


The elevator arrived at the first floor. After the two entered, Chi Feichi immediately pressed the floor button, leaving the door open for Oda Kirito and the three of them.

Oda Kirito also took a step slower, staring blankly at the elevator door closing in front of him, then raised his eyes to Kaichi Feichi's calm and calm gaze, and was stunned for a while, after the elevator door closed, he pressed the button in a fit of anger, but Another step slower, the number displayed on the elevator had already reached the second floor, and he raised his head even more angrily and shouted, "Bastard, I'm the president, what's going on without waiting for me to take the elevator!"

Hisamatsumi and Shirakawa Jiro sweated, looked at each other, and silently lowered their heads.

Oda Kiritoshi was also screened by the word "emphasis on sex over friends" in his mind, and he vowed viciously that in the future, when Chi Feichi confessed his love and couples quarreled and asked for help, he would definitely make fun of Chi Feichi, glanced at Shirakawa Jiro and said, "Shirakawa, Be careful, as far as I know, that guy Feichi has never been in a relationship, and he has no experience in helping people prepare for a marriage proposal..."

Jiro Shirakawa's face froze, he could only scratch his head and said with a dry smile, "I don't think the consultant will make me look ugly, so it's good to have more people to help, maybe the consultant can give novel suggestions, which can just make my marriage proposal stand out from the crowd." different?"

Oda Kirito also nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Then I'll go help too, and don't forget to let me know when you're ready to propose."

Shirakawa Jiro: "..."

Can he say that he wants to propose marriage according to his own ideas, is not very happy to propose marriage, and is being directed by the bosses?

The future is held in the hands of others. It seems that this cannot be said directly. I can only hope that the bosses will respect the idea of ​​​​his client. (to be continued)

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