Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1914 It's time to flip the table


Hot tea and fruit juices were quickly placed on the table.

Chi Feichi took the initiative to choose the most peripheral location, leaving space for the people involved in the incident and the interested Yueshui Nanatsuki.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang got into work and got serious, confirmed the situation with Kobayashi Chengko and the children, and put a photo on the table, "Let me confirm again, when you saw the person lying on the ground, This Sumida Akira...isn't it?"

Xiaolin Chengzi confirmed that what she saw was the person in the photo, and said seriously, "Although the sound of fireworks was loud, I couldn't hear the content of the dispute in the alley, but the prisoner is a woman! So I think it's the person who ran around recently. The female robber who committed the crime..."

"No, the robber was caught yesterday evening," Shiratori Ren Saburo said softly, "so it can't be her, but why are you sure the prisoner is a woman?"

"Because I heard a female voice yell at that time, saying, 'Give it to me quickly, or I will kill you', and I saw the shadow of the murderer running away," Xiaolin Chengzi recalled, "The breasts are big, Long hair tied in a bunch at the back, and a hat..."

Next, Shiratori Ren Sanlang asked the five children if they had seen any suspicious people or things, but he probably felt that it was useless for the children to ask, and he also asked last night, so his attitude was a lot more perfunctory.

Instead, Xiaolin Chengzi provided another clue: when the murderer ran away, a van was parked on the street behind him, which was largely blocked by the walls on both sides, but there was a big '09' written on the compartment.

While talking, Xiaolin Chengzi stood up with a face of embarrassment, stammering and not being able to speak clearly.

Seeing that Kobayashi Chengko wanted to go to the bathroom, Ayumi invited Kobayashi Chengko to go with her.

Together with Hui Yuanai, the three of them went to the bathroom first.

"It seems that our police are going to investigate the truck with '09' in the compartment. If the driver is there, maybe we will see the murderer..." Shiratori Ren Sanlang stroked his chin to sort out his thoughts, and saw Chi Feichi who was playing with a teacup with his head down. He asked aloud, "Mr. Chi, did you and Miss Yue Shui discover anything?"

"Officer Shiratori, the victim..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the photo on the table and asked uncertainly, "Is it a woman?"

The person in the photo has short hair, a round face with a double chin, dull eyes under glasses, some pimples on the cheeks, and a very serious expression, with vertical eyebrows, and the corners of the mouth are drawn down tightly. He has a thick build and is wearing a suit. At first glance, he looks like a man who is not good at talking.

"Ah?" Yuantai and Mitsuhiko were stunned.

"Look at the button direction of the shirt on her body, it's a women's shirt," Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared at the photo, "but I'm not sure..."

"It is indeed a woman," Shiratori Ren Saburo said with a helpless smile, "We have investigated and found out that she herself seems to be angry because she is often mistaken for a man."

"Ms. Xiao Lin entered the alley when she heard the quarrel, but she didn't see the scene of the quarrel. Then, it might be her who heard the female voice in the quarrel, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked.

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at Yueshui Nanatsuki.

Yue Shui hit the point this time.

He remembered the truth of the case. The female voice heard by Xiaolin Chengzi was indeed the victim's, while the murderer was a man. The reason why he saw the shadow of "big breasts" was because the murderer held his left shoulder with his right hand when he fled. With her elbows in front of her body and the dim light, Xiaolin Chengzi thought about the female robber who committed the crime recently, and subconsciously determined that the murderer should be a woman.

"This..." Shiratori Ren Sanlang thought for a while, "That's right, the female voice Mr. Xiao Lin heard may come from the murderer or the victim. This needs to be confirmed."

"What does the victim do?" Conan asked.

"She opened a pawn shop," Shiratori Ren Sanlang said, "because of improper management methods, it seems to have caused dissatisfaction among many people. The three suspects currently locked by the police all have conflicts with her, and no one can Someone who did an alibi for them."

"Can you tell me about the situation of those three people in detail?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked again.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang still did not hide anything, and told the situation of the three suspects.

Kikuna Kashitani, a woman in her twenties, with short, shoulder-length hair dyed yellow, heard from the staff working in the pawnshop that she once went to the pawnshop to pawn a ring. More than one dispute, often going to the store to quarrel, watching TV alone at home last night, no one can testify.

The two sons of Takimoto, who are also young women, have long black hair. When they arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department in the morning, they put their hair up in a bun. They said that they usually dress like this. The family seems to be rich. There was a quarrel with the deceased because of the authenticity of the antiques, and because of a recent cold, I rested at home alone last night.

Kodama Ryusuke, a young man with shoulder-length black hair, once borrowed 5 million yen from the deceased. It seems that he has not paid back the money, and was chased by the deceased to ask for the debt. The day before yesterday, the deceased went to Kodama Ryusuke's apartment to quarrel , And last night, Kodama Ryusuke said that he was drinking alone at home and got drunk, and no one could prove it.

"That's all we know now. Those three people have already arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department. Officer Megure and Takagi are still conducting further interviews with them," Shiratori Rensaburo said, "The entire interview will be recorded. Send it here, let Teacher Xiaolin listen to it, can you recognize the female voice heard last night, if you want to know more details, you can listen to the recording then."

"Could it be Miss Takimoto?" Yuantai thought, "Out of the three people, she is the only one with long hair. Although she had her hair up in a bun when she came to the Metropolitan Police Department, she might have tied her hair up when she killed someone last night. behind."

"It's also possible that it's Ms. Jiangu." Mitsuhiko touched his chin and said seriously, "She can cut off her long hair after killing people, can't she?"

"In that case, Mr. Kodama is also possible. He can wear a wig, or grow long hair and cut it off after committing the crime. Of course, he is not a woman, which seems to be inconsistent with Mr. Kobayashi's testimony," Yue Shui Nanatsuki thought for a while, then raised her eyes and asked Ren Saburo Shiratori, "What are the three of them's body types?"

Shiratori Rensaburo was startled, knowing that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was confirming the feature of 'the suspect has big breasts', recalled trying to be as detailed as possible, "Ms. Ketani and Ms. Takimoto are about the same height, and they are considered to be above-average height for women. , should be a little bit taller than Ms. Yueshui, and she is also on the thinner side, as far as breasts...well, I look similar, and it's hard to tell what level of 'big' Teacher Kobayashi said."

Yueshui Nanatsuki became more and more embarrassed when Shiratori Ren Sanlang said more and more, "Yes, that's right, only Mr. Kobayashi knows the details, but since the two female suspects are similar, I don't think there is any need to delve into this aspect. "

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to look at the two of them, and continued to stare down at the tea in the cup.

Now, how can you feel ashamed of this difference in the characteristics of men and women?

Shouldn't all information be treated as data and analyzed rationally and fairly?

Shiratori is so unprofessional.

If you want to analyze, the 'degree' Mr. Xiaolin saw should be D.

To make a judgment, we must consider the situation of the witness Mr. Kobayashi.

Mr. Kobayashi wears loose clothes and looks similar to Yueshui. The initial estimate should be B.

Based on the thoughts of the person concerned, if it is A, with dim light and clothes, it may be difficult for Mr. Kobayashi to determine whether it is a woman. If it is in the range of B-C, Mr. Kobayashi’s testimony will probably be 'the murderer is a woman, I see breasts', if it's EFG, then the testimony will probably add the description of 'surprisingly big', and if Mr. Kobayashi says 'big', it should be D.

If the testimony comes from Belmode, then maybe you have to reconsider.

Therefore, if this type of testimony is the testimony of men, then it should be considered with the cognition of most men, and if it is the testimony of women, it should be judged in light of the women's own situation.

But since these people felt embarrassed, there was no need for him to say that anyway, big breasts and small breasts had nothing to do with the truth of this incident.

"The voice Mr. Xiao Lin heard may be the victim's. The hair can be cut with a wig or cut off afterwards. In addition, there is not much difference in the shape of the two female suspects. That is to say, Mr. Xiao Lin's current testimony is not enough to screen Here comes the prisoner..." Conan thought about it, then looked at Ren Saburo Shiratori, "Officer Shiratori, what are the occupations of the three of them?"

"The three of them are pretty famous," Shiratori Rensaburo recalled, "Mr. Kodama used to be a very promising young baseball player in Koshien, but unfortunately he injured his shoulder afterwards and was not selected as a professional player. I work in a club, and I heard from my neighbors that I have not given up on my baseball dream, and occasionally go to a baseball club, but recently my shoulders seem to be completely unable to let him swing; Ms. Takimoto runs a small restaurant by herself, but she is the daughter of a rich family. That's why I bought the antiques mentioned by the victim without looking for an appraisal; Ms. Jiangu is a freelancer, but she is also the former leader of the Ladies drag racing group. She was revoked because of a car accident not long ago. drving license."

"The leader of the Ladies..." Mitsuhiko sweated.

"Yeah, she used to be able to summon hundreds of people casually, but now she is no longer the leader." Shiratori Ren Sanlang smiled and comforted him.

Yuan Tai brain made up the silhouette of a ferocious woman furious, "However, after such a person is provoked, he should really want to teach the other party a lesson, right?"

"Probably so," Shiratori Ren Saburo smiled helplessly, "She heard that Miss Sumida died, and she said she was very relieved."

Conan saw Chi Feichi sitting in the corner with the appearance of an autistic patient, and asked aloud, "Brother Chi, where are you? Did you think of anything?"

When Chi Feichi saw other people looking over, he felt that it was time to lift the table. He looked up at Shiratori Ren Saburo and said, "First of all, call the landline at Miss Sumida's shop or at home, maybe there will be a phone answering tape to record her Listen to Mr. Kobayashi's voice together, and confirm whether the voice Mr. Kobayashi heard belongs to the victim or the murderer."

Shiratori Ren Saburo nodded solemnly, "I'll try to make a call in a while. If there is an answering machine to record, I will transcribe the voice. Even if there is no one, our police will look for Miss Sumida's usual recordings. Let Teacher Kobayashi listen to it."

"Secondly, don't ignore the male suspect. As you said, the hair can be worn with a wig or cut off afterwards," Chi Feichi sat on the chair and turned slightly sideways, raised his right hand to press on his left shoulder, and said calmly, "If the pain is in the shoulder, put your hand on the shoulder. In a dimly lit environment, Mr. Xiaolin may misread it."

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