Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1922 Still don't understand gin?

The next day, after dinner.

Reiko Shimizu ate dinner, reached out to catch water in front of the water supply pipe, and washed her face.


In the projection of the evening scenery, there was another slight sound.

Shimizu Reiko immediately raised her eyes to look over, seeing the man walking out of the projection, she felt joyful in her heart.

Lak was still wearing the depressing black clothes, and his eyes were still cold and sharp, making her confused, but Lak appeared again. Does it mean that her confession yesterday was effective?

She was waiting after lunch in the morning, and when it was dinner time, she thought that she had no hope of going out.

Chi Feichi did not approach Reiko Shimizu this time, and stopped at a distance, and asked calmly in a hoarse voice, "How is your acting skills?"

"I have participated in dramas in school since I was a child, and I often perform," Shimizu Reiko worried that she would say something wrong and be locked here endlessly. She kept thinking in her mind, thinking of Lak asking her how her driving skills were yesterday, and suddenly reacted. , eyes lit up, "After I went to high school, I was also very good at acting like people like me in my life, you have seen it too, right? I can do better, no matter who I am close to, I I can do it all, even if the other party knows that I am a wanted criminal, I still have a way to stabilize the other party!"

"What a smart kid..."

Amidst the hoarse voice, Chi Feichi smiled, looked at Shimizu Reiko and asked, "Is there anything you want to say to me today?"

Reiko Shimizu was stunned, looking back at those blue eyes with serious eyes, and resisted the cold and weird emotion in those eyes, "I can help you, give me another chance, this time I won't fail again !"

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes and looked back, turned and walked out, "Come with me, I'll take you to a place."

Shimizu Reiko hurriedly followed out of the closed room, and when she saw the corridor outside, she couldn't help but look greedily a second time, but seeing that Chi Feichi didn't stop, she could only follow quickly.

At the end of the corridor, the elevator hidden behind the wall took the two of them from the second floor to the first floor.

This laboratory is still hidden in a residential building, a two-story one-family building.

The first floor has the garage, living room, bathroom and a room, and there is a small yard outside.

The elevator entrance is hidden behind the wall of the room. As the wall opened to both sides, Reiko Shimizu stepped out of the elevator, looked at the empty room, and turned to look at the window. The fresh air of the blades of grass made her greedy as if she couldn't get enough of it, and her hands hanging by her sides were trembling slightly.

Seeing Shimizu Reiko's restrained appearance, Chi Feichi didn't urge her, and waited for Shimizu Reiko to stand for a while before leading the way out of the room, "Go take a bath first, there are clothes prepared for you in the bathroom, I will Waiting for you in the living room, you have twenty minutes."

He had no sympathy for Shimizu Reiko, but he also had no intention of mocking her.

He has also been lying in this kind of laboratory, and it was earlier than Reiko Shimizu, and it is not certain who will lie in the laboratory in the future, so there is no need to laugh at anyone.

He just didn't want to be criticized for his misjudgment, and he didn't want to be stabbed in the back by Reiko Shimizu.

It seems that the end result is the same when he proposes "I let you out and you do things for me" and Reiko Shimizu herself proposes "let me out and I do things for you", but there are still some differences on the psychological level.

The former will make Shimizu Reiko feel his "needs". When facing a person who needs them, people will often think that this is a transaction, and their gratitude will naturally decrease.

The latter makes Reiko Shimizu think that this is an opportunity she has won, she will cherish it more and work harder, and she will also think that performing the task is the result she wants. At the same time, he is the one who agrees to the request instead of making a request People who are also more likely to occupy a dominant position.

Reiko Shimizu didn't keep Chi Fei waiting for a long time. She washed her hair, took a bath, and changed her clothes within 20 minutes. Go out late.

According to the agreed plan, Chi Feichi drove Shimizu Reiko to a training ground for peripheral members, let Shimizu Reiko reacquainted with the use of firearms, and after handing over the people, he drove back to his underground training ground.

He only went to see Reiko Shimizu in the evening, besides wanting to sharpen Reiko Shimizu's mind, the main reason was that the one dragged him to class all night, he overslept...

For the next three days, Chi Feichi completely became a night owl.

Wake up in the afternoon, get up and eat something, go to the underground training room to exercise and shoot guns, use the mobile phone to chat with people from the outside world, and wait for that person's small class.

The class lasted until midnight, and that one rested. Chi Feichi continued to stay at home and read drug research materials. When he was hungry, he went upstairs to make some food by himself, and went to bed until dawn.

During this period, whether it was strange invitations to catch Kidd or pick vegetables, they were all rejected, and even ingredients and fruits were delivered to the door by Takatori Geno.

That one lectured enough, only to find out that a young man in his youth had stayed at home for three days, spinning around in the hut all day, as if he didn’t feel uncomfortable even if he didn’t go out to breathe. Finally, he realized that this was not going to work, so he ended the project. Xiao Zao, tell Chi Feichi not to disappear in the outside social circle for too long, pack up and go back to live a normal life.

On the evening when Chi Feichi was about to end his teaching career, Gin seemed to be calculated. At three o'clock in the morning, when Chi Feichi was about to cook noodles, he arrived in front of No. 119 door.

As soon as the door was opened, Gin walked straight in unceremoniously, passing Chi Feichi with a smell of cigarettes all over his body, "I just returned to Tokyo, and the izakaya outside have basically closed down, and the food in the 24-hour convenience store is too much." It's unpalatable... What are you going to cook?"

"Cook noodles."

Chi Feichi closed the door expressionlessly, suspecting that it was Qin Jiu who told the person that he missed the meal at work, and that person provided Qin Jiu with information about the meal, "What a coincidence you came."

"The one said that your work and rest have been upside down recently, and I was thinking that you must not have slept yet." Gin Jiu consciously walked to the cooking counter to look, then turned to open the refrigerator, "Is there anything to drink?"

"There are drinks and wine, you can take them yourself." Chi Fei arrived at the cooking counter late, squatted down and rummaged through the ingredients from the cabinet, "If you want to drink, I will add two appetizers for you. It is not troublesome to prepare the appetizers. There is some beef sauce..."

Qin Jiu looked back at Chi Feichi who had no face.

When he came over, he was ready to be crazily disgusted by Lak and all kinds of ridicule, but the result was just a "what a coincidence" and it was over? Lak is still going to add food to him?

Can I have this meal tonight?

Chi Feichi dug out the sauced beef and some nuts, got up in no hurry, and looked up at the gin.

So, would you like a snack?

"sorry to bother you."

Gin felt that something was wrong, but he didn't reject Chi Feichi's proposal. He turned to look at the refrigerator, and found a row of seasoning bottles in the refrigerator, and reached out to grab a bottle in doubt.

The cold ceramic bottle, the tightly screwed metal lid...

When I unscrewed it and smelled it, a bloody smell came to my nostrils.

Chi Feichi stewed the sauced beef in the pot, poured the nuts into the plate, looked at the gin in his small bottle, and said, "Don't look, the seasoning bottle is full of blood."

The gin can't be smelled differently, so let's smell it bottle by bottle, so don't freeze his blood.

Gin covered the small bottle of blood, couldn't help but took another one, unscrewed the cap again, raised the bottle and looked at the light, "What's the blood?"

"you guess."

Chi Feichi turned around and went to the table with the plate.

Qin Jiu really wanted to say that this kind of answer was very embarrassing, but when he turned his head and saw the sauced beef stewed in the pot, he decided not to care about the face of the sauced beef, "You haven't left here for the past few days, have you? I asked Silva to send it over. Generally, fresh animal blood will not be sold in stores that sell ingredients. Recently, Handie Society has some internal troubles. He has no time to buy animal blood for you, and you will not specify anything specifically. Please let people buy the ingredients, probably you eat whatever he buys, and the place you have been to recently, there seems to be a lot of human blood in the laboratory that studies AHTX-2001... If it is animal blood, You don’t have to use anticoagulant means to sub-package and store in such delicate small bottles. Fresh blood can be made into easy-to-preserve food, so it’s human blood, and it’s more than one human blood. You bring this kind of blood What are things coming back for?"

Chi Feichi had already turned back to the refrigerator, reached out to take the small bottle in Gin's hand, and picked up an empty glass turned upside down on the cooking table with the other hand.

Add an appropriate amount of ice cubes to the glass, add blood, add the out-of-print rake wine sent by the organization, and stir it with a bar spoon...

Gin: "..."

Not sure if this counts as a strong cocktail.

Chi Feichi sniffed it, and found that the bottle of blood held by Gin exuded an overly sweet smell, which was too fused with the original aniseed flavor of raki. Considering the layering that the cocktail should have, he added a little more to it. Pepper, handing over the gin, "I named it 'brain', it will be more like it later, do you want to try it?"

Thinking of the dangers around Gin, he felt that it would be okay to cook two meals for Gin, and he was willing to share the cocktails he had researched with Gin.

After many experiments, he has mastered the recipe of how to combine blood and raki to have a good taste.

He has such a good attitude tonight, doesn't he understand Gin?

To sum it up in one sentence - Dad loves you.

In the glass, the ice cubes were slowly melting, and the clear and colorless raki fused with the ice water turned into strands of milky white intertwined with bright red blood.

Gin always felt that there was a strange kindness in Chi Feichi's eyes. He looked down at the glass handed to him, turned around and went to the wine cabinet, and refused decisively, "I won't taste it."

It's not that he has never seen blood, nor has he tasted the blood that accidentally splashed into his mouth, but he thinks that drinking blood like this is a bit abnormal. In addition, he is not sure if there are any strange additives in this thing, whether it can be drunk, and it can be drunk. Will you die...

Chi Feichi didn't force it, put the glass of wine aside, put noodles into the pot, and took out two soup bowls from the cabinet, "There are lemons and oranges in the refrigerator, if you want to add juice, you can make it yourself."

Gin Jiu looked back at Chi Feichi again.

There was something really wrong with Rucker's attitude tonight.

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