Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1966 The Case Far Away in Tokyo

On the other end of the phone, Oda Kirito was also silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly, "Really, I wanted to wait until after your vacation is over, but I didn't expect that, you and I just had dinner with Mr. Zenan a few days ago , I didn't expect this to happen suddenly..."

Chi Feichi listened silently to Oda Kirito and was also moved.

A few days ago, he helped to read some scripts at THK company, Oda Kiritoshi also made appointments with those editors and screenwriters, and we all got together for dinner. I didn't expect Zenan Youhui to be killed last night.

In terms of time, he had a meeting with those people two days ago. Yesterday he received a mission from the organization and started arranging the sale of medicines. Until the end of the mission early this morning, if Zenan Youhui followed him, he might find out that he was following behind him. Some suspicious people come and go.

However, he absolutely didn't have time to commit the crime, and he was sure that no one could follow him yesterday, and Qin Jiu confirmed that this was not the work of the organization, so what does the 'KIRA' message left by Zenan Youhui mean?

Now the organization is worried that he missed the bottom line. Even if he firmly believes that it has nothing to do with him, there must be an investigation result. If you want to know the relevant information, you can ask Oda Kiritoshi.

As the president of THK, its editors were murdered and trainees were frightened, Oda Kiritoshi would definitely use his father's relationship to inquire about the investigation.

Odagiri Toshi also said: "But if you think about it carefully, it's not very strange. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken you to that party..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Minya, what does that mean?

"I'm really worried that something will happen to other people," Oda Kiritoshi also thought about the people who were "buried" by Chi Feichi, whether it was a promising artist, a promising editor, or Haga Kyousuke, who was once acquainted, and sighed sadly, "If my dad hadn't said that it is unlikely that someone targeted THK, I would have hired bodyguards for everyone. Now I hope that the police will find out the murderer as soon as possible, but I am also a little worried. After all, there are many people who have been jailed around you." , if the murderer is someone from our company, he still has a good relationship with us..."

"Can you give me enough time?" Chi Feichi said in a deep voice.


The five little ghosts behind the door were frightened by Chi Feichi's cold voice, Yuan Tai accidentally opened the door, and five small figures fell into the corridor.

Conan gritted his teeth from being thrown, looked up and saw Chi Feichi was facing the door, staring at them indifferently, turned his head to look at the wooden door where the shadow would be cast, raised his head and smiled awkwardly at Chi Feichi.

He thought they were eavesdropping without anyone noticing, but Chi Feichi had been watching their shadows cast on the door...

"Huh?" Oda Kirito also heard the sound of "crash, clatter, ouch", and was taken aback for a moment, "What's wrong with you? I just complained about you by the way, you won't be really angry enough to throw things?"

Chi Feichi looked at the five children who got up from the ground, "Five kids fell down."

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

The image of Feichi throwing the child angrily came to mind... Hey, the voice just now really matched.

"Just kidding," Chi Feichi said blankly, "how is the current investigation going?"

"You were really joking just now, right?" Oda Kiritoshi also asked worriedly, "You didn't really throw the child, did you?"

"They eavesdropped and fell down." Chi Feichi squatted down when he saw Conan stepping forward and tugging at the corner of his clothes.

Conan put his head close to the back of the phone, and began to listen with a serious face.

Now that you've been discovered, let's just listen, or his friends understand him.

People from THK company have an accident, so they are not at ease.

Oda Kirimi also listened to Chi Feichi's explanation, thought for a while, and believed it temporarily, and got back to business, "I received the news last night. After Ge Cang found the body and called the police, he was very scared and called his agent again. Man, the agent called me to inform me. When I arrived, the police had already arrived. Fortunately, the guy in charge of this case was Shiratori, who just let me confirm the identity of the deceased and let me go to the scene to see... You also know that I am not a detective or a policeman, and I found nothing when I entered the scene. As reported in the report, Mr. Zenan was stabbed to death with a knife and fell not far from the entrance. I remember the investigating police officer said , Mr. Zenan was stabbed a total of three times, one of which was on the right arm, and the remaining two were stabbed in the heart of the back."

"Is there anything missing in the house?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Not at all," Oda Kirito revealed the investigation results to Chi Feichi very knowledgeably, "His family belongings are all there, and the USB flash drive used for work is in the company, and it has not been lost, so the police judged that it was not robbery and murder."

"Are there any signs of damage to the doors and windows?" Chi Feichi continued to ask.

"The police have also confirmed that the doors and windows are locked intact," Odagiri Mino also said, "That is to say, the murderer is someone known to Mr. Zenan. Last night, the murderer asked Mr. Zenan to open the door by knocking on the door. When Mr. Zenan led the way to the living room, the murderer suddenly took out a knife and attacked Mr. Zenan. At first, Mr. Zenan blocked the knife with his right hand, and then felt scared, so he turned his back to the murderer and fled into the house, but was chased by the murderer. , and stabbed him twice at the heart from the rear. In addition, next to the place where Mr. Zenan fell to the ground, that is, where the head of his corpse was, two katanas were left with blood, which is the reported KIRA..."

Chi Feichi listened silently, thinking in his heart.

Was it the katakana 'キテ'?

Since it is not in English, it is even more impossible to imply 'RAKI'.

"Mr. Zenan's left index finger was stained with blood, which belonged to him like the blood on the ground, and the thickness of the strokes in the message was also consistent with his fingers," Odagiri Mino also said, "So the police judged that after the murderer committed the crime, he immediately closed the door. Fleeing from the scene, when Ge Cang found the body, the living room door was not locked, which can also prove this point, but the murderer did not expect that Mr. Zenan did not die on the spot, and after the murderer left, he left a pre-death message to testify against the murderer. "

Conan listened, and couldn't help asking, "Brother Minya, has the police found anyone suspicious about that 'キテ'?"

"Not yet," Oda Kirito said helplessly, "At present, everyone that Mr. Zenan knows is cooperating with the police in investigating this case. I also provided the police with a list of company employees who had contact with Mr. Zenan, but there is no news yet. , I originally wanted to spend money to entrust all the detectives in Tokyo to participate in the investigation, at least I could invite the famous detective Mr. Mori, but my father told me not to mess around, saying that this matter should be handled by the police.”

"Then what do you think?" Chi Feichi asked.

"You must not listen to my old man." Oda Kirito didn't take his father's advice to heart at all. "He thinks that the involvement of many detectives will affect the police investigation and the reputation of the police. It's like I don't trust him as his son. The police hope that I can understand this, but I also told him that I am the president of the company, and an editor who has a close cooperative relationship with the company has an accident, so it is impossible for me to do nothing? In the end, he also compromised Now, let me not find too many detectives to affect the police investigation, but I can find Mr. Maori and you, I am planning to go to Maori Detective Agency tomorrow..."

"Is the company not affected?" Chi Feichi asked again.

"Fortunately, except for some people who need to assist the police in the investigation, the others have not been affected. It doesn't matter if some things are postponed, and it is also necessary to cooperate with the police investigation," Oda Kirito said lazily, "Someone is discussing this matter today , It is estimated that it will continue in the next few days, but there is not much panic. I also remind everyone to pay attention to going home together recently. In the next two days, some drills on burglary and earthquake avoidance will be arranged. You don’t have to worry, rest assured Even if you want to investigate the hot springs on vacation, you can wait until you come back."

"Understood, you should also pay attention to safety." Chi Feichi said.

"Hiss..." Oda Kirito also took an exaggerated breath, "Are you caring about me? Feichi, I'm so touched..."


The call was hung up by Chi Feichi.

Hui Yuanai, who was standing next to her, said, "..."

Her brother is really... Forget it, my brother, don't dislike her.

After the three children came back to their senses, they sighed in unison.

"I'm not in the mood to take a hot spring at all." Yuan Tai sighed.

Ayumi looked worried, and turned her head to suggest, "Why don't we go back early when the doctor fixes the machine tomorrow?"

Mitsuhiko nodded solemnly, "As members of the Boy Detective Team, we also have the responsibility to help the police catch that vicious murderer!"

"Sorry, you don't have that kind of responsibility." Chi Feichi got up, put the phone back in his pocket, and walked into the house, "Go to bed early, I will take you to the hot spring tomorrow morning."

The three children suddenly looked disappointed, "Ah..."

Hui Yuanai didn't want the three children to run off to take risks, so she pretended to be a salted fish and followed Chi Feichi, "With the police and Mr. Mao Li involved, we probably don't need our help."

Conan smiled at the three children, "Since we have all come to Hakone Onsen, wouldn't it be a pity not to try the sunrise hot spring? Anyway, one morning is enough, and it won't be too late for us to go back then."

The three children were soothed, and not long after returning to the room, they turned off the TV and lay down, chatted with each other, and soon fell asleep.

In the small room, Dr. Ali was still lighting up the lamp to fight at night, and the light from the thin paper on the door shone dimly in the dimly lit living room.

Chi Fei stayed in the living room, sitting on the ground with his back against the window, staring down at the bright screen of the mobile phone, with a pour of Scotch whiskey in hand.

[Scarecrow: [Screenshot][Screenshot][Screenshot]]

[Scarecrow: Someone on the Internet forum said that that キテ is related to the female artist who died a year ago. It is not clear whether the female artist is related or not. I am going to tell the police the news and let the police investigate along this line. 】

"Ding dong!"

[Fate Master: Are you going to use the police to investigate? Then the rest of us will not get involved in this matter. We need the staff to arrange it ourselves, and contact me if we need support. I am currently contacting the staff in Canada, and I don’t have much time to deal with the Tokyo matter. 】

[Scarecrow: OK, you are busy with your work. 】

After replying, Chi Feichi returned to the contact list of UL software, found the account of Shiratori Ren Sanlang, and sent the screenshot to Shiratori Ren Sanlang.

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