Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1969 Henggou's macho gentleness

While Henggou was asking again, he caught a glimpse of someone crossing the trestle from the corner of his line of sight, paused the questioning, and shouted to the three of Conan who got together, "Hey, little devils, how did Mr. Chi go?"

Conan looked back with a puzzled expression, "Brother Chi should have nothing to do with this case, right? When we saw Mr. Tieshan coming here, he was sleeping in the room. We followed Mr. Tieshan over here, and soon The body of Mr. Iron Mountain was found..."

"It's impossible for him to commit the crime," Mitsuhiko said solemnly, "I won't have any clues!"

Yuan Tai looked at Henggou Zhongwu with scrutiny, "Officer Henggou, you don't suspect Brother Chi, do you?"

"No, but..." Henggou Chongwu looked at the back of Chi Feichi who was walking across the suspension bridge, and said with black hair, "As the apprentice who is intoxicated with Maoli, he didn't wander around the scene like his teacher , or suddenly said who the murderer was, and just left like that, it really surprised me, and those two girls were the first to discover the crime scene, right? Shouldn’t they say hello to me before leaving?”

Something was wrong, he suspected that Chi Feichi had gone to investigate something, but there was no evidence.

Mitsuhiko sighed with regret, "Under special circumstances, Police Officer Henggou, please don't take it too seriously."

Henggou realized again: "Special circumstances?"

"Haibara and Ayumi should be back soon," Motota glanced at Henggou and said again, "Compared to that, you should solve the case quickly!"

Henggou realized again: "!"

This kid's gaze and tone really make people... uncomfortable!

"When Police Officer Henggou went to Tokyo to participate in the search meeting last time, didn't you hear it from other police officers?" Conan looked up at Henggou and reminded, "Brother Chi has schizophrenia and has had depression before. and multiple personalities, not sure when to strike..."

"In that case, I heard my brother mention it, and Police Officer Megure of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department also said that it's a pity that Mr. Chi's condition cannot apply for the police academy," Henggou Shigeno felt regretful when he thought about it. Come over, "The special circumstances you mentioned, don't you mean that Mr. Chi's illness has flared up?"

Natori Fukao looked at Tanzawa Junsaku, and said, "When Mr. Chi first arrived here, we greeted him, and he was in a bit of a bad state at that time. He heard that Mr. Tieshan died, and he just nodded. Nodding, looking indifferent and perfunctory."

"Yeah," Sitang Yunping added, "We still think it's weird."

"It's just because of illness," Yuantai once again stared at Henggou Chongwu, "so please investigate it quickly, the police officer!"

"I know, that's my job as a policeman, so I don't need you to remind me!" Henggou Shigeno looked at Yuantai strangely, and the kid next to the detective asked him to investigate quickly, which made him feel inexplicably satisfied, "However, Is this how Mr. Chi is sick? It's not much different from usual..."

Conan: "..."

Hey, what's the matter with that feeling of 'I really want to study it'?


On the other side, Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to go back to the room, and took the two girls and Feichi to the restaurant for breakfast.

The little girl couldn't be more hungry.

Hui Yuanai and Ayumi looked up at Chi Feichi while they were eating. Seeing Chi Feichi eating without saying a word, they looked at each other and chatted with each other, trying to bring up the topic.

Chi Feichi didn't show any face, and responded with "uh huh huh" from time to time. Most of the time, he lowered his eyes and ate quietly. After eating, he stared at the piano being played in the corner of the restaurant.

If you don't want to get involved in the case, and don't want to go back to take medicine, why not spend some time here.

He didn't want to play the classical piano. He watched the two little girls worry for a long time, and the piano that was too sad could also be ruled out.

Try a fast-paced piano piece?

He hasn't played the piano very much recently, in order to avoid finger cramps, it's better to move his fingers first...

"The doctor said he would take us to the park when we go back, but Tsuburaya and Kojima want to go to the game. I heard that there is a baseball game between Mihua Town and Kudodo Town recently. Brother Feichi, are you interested?" Hui Yuanai tried hard to talk to Ayumi brought up the topic, and she didn't forget to pull Chi Feichi to ask. When she raised her eyes to look at Chi Feichi, she froze for an instant.

"It's all right," Chi Feichi clasped the back of his left hand with his right hand, moved his fingers one by one, and replied without raising his head, "As long as I have time, I can do anything."

Haibara Ai:"……"

After the tea time for breakfast, Brother Feichi suddenly lowered his head and quietly moved his hands with a gloomy expression. What... what is he trying to do?

Ayumi took a sip of milk and was still in her mouth. She looked up blankly at Chi Feichi after she finished her activities and switched from left to right, taking a long time to swallow the milk.

Brother Chi seems to want to beat someone very much, but now it's like trying hard to endure before the outbreak...

"Brother Fei, Feichi, what are you doing?" Hui Yuan asked, turning his head to look at the other guests and staff in the restaurant.

The murder case just happened, and the people who went to watch the excitement early in the morning arrived at the restaurant one step earlier than them. After breakfast, they stayed here drinking tea and chatting, discussing the case on the other side of the suspension bridge. If Brother Feichi suddenly went crazy at this time, That……

Please don't scare her, she already wants to contact Edogawa urgently to come over for an anesthesia injection.

Chi Feichi stood up, looked up at the two girls who stood up nervously, and felt that the reaction of the two was inexplicable, and explained, "It's okay to sit, I'll play two piano pieces for you."

Hui Yuanai was taken aback for a moment, and instead of sitting down in a hurry, she looked at Chi Feichi's hands, "Then you just now..."

"It's been a long time since I played the piano, stretch your fingers first," Chi Feichi looked down at his right hand, "What strange things are you thinking?"

Hui Yuanai firmly denied, "No..."

"Yes, yes," Ayumi also said hastily, "I didn't think of anything strange either."

There is no silver three hundred taels here.

Chi Feichi commented in his heart, did not pursue it, and went forward to negotiate with the piano player.

"Hello, can I try the piano?"

The staff member was a little surprised, so he stood up quickly and stepped aside with a smile, "Please feel free."

Haibara Ai and Ayumi were still worried, and followed to the side, watching Chi Feichi simply tuned the sound critically.

After Chi Feichi sat down, he recalled the score and put his hands on the piano.


The crisp sound of the piano with a brisk sense of rhythm quickly spread throughout the restaurant.

Hui Yuanai and Ayumi were startled, and looked up at Chi Feichi's profile.

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"?

In the restaurant, the other staff and guests didn't pay attention to the situation here. After hearing the melody, they all turned their heads to look in front of the piano.

They are familiar with this...

Sorry, I already have cute girls dancing in my head...

Chi Feichi sat behind the piano, half of his body was covered by the piano, and his hands moved and tapped on the keys quickly, playing a strong rhythmic piece of music.

Let the pianist on the side sigh softly, "Okay, that's amazing..."

Haibara Ai:"……"


All kinds of organic things danced in her mind, and her heart suddenly became happy.

The guests were immersed in the brainwashing melody, and did not suddenly regain their senses until a song was played from beginning to end.

Someone forgot that there was still a crime scene on the opposite side of the suspension bridge, and couldn't help but lead the applause.

Amidst the sparse applause, Chi Feichi just paused, and then continued playing the piano at a faster speed.

The guests who hadn't had time to unify the rhythm of applause stopped quickly and listened to the fast melody.

Hui Yuanai silently stared at Chi Feichi's finger that knocked out the afterimage.

No wonder Brother Feichi wants to move his fingers, but is this an impromptu performance after playing?

It sounded like another song, but she was sure she hadn't heard it.

Chi Feichi began to play the "Loser" mode with his bare hands, moving his ten fingers on the keys to produce afterimages, often before the people standing next to him could see clearly, it was several notes behind.

Next to him, the pianist looked at the white fingers jumping on the keys, and then raised his eyes to Chi Feichi who looked calm.

How is this gentleman's hand?


On the trestle bridge, Henggou Zhongwu was about to ask the two security guards guarding the entrance of the trestle bridge. He had just led a group of people to the middle of the bridge when he heard the brisk piano sound from the end, his face darkened, and he walked faster.

A trestle bridge connects the main house and the open-air hot spring bath, on one side is the crime scene of the newly dead person and the busy police, on the other side is...

The guests and staff sat in the restaurant behind the corner, quietly listening to the fast-paced and strong-paced piano music, with a concentrated appearance, just like watching a performance.

Even the two security guards guarding the entrance of the trestle bridge went to the entrance of the restaurant!

Conan followed Henggou to the door again. He didn't see the person playing the piano yet, but he already had a vague guess in his heart.

A song that I have never heard before, like pop music, could it be...


Henggou Chongwu stretched out his hand and opened the door, and roared with a sullen face, "I'm talking about you, can you pay attention to me!"


The sound of the piano stopped, and Chi Feichi, who was sitting behind the piano, turned his head to look at Henggou Chongwu who was at the door with a vicious look.

Others in the restaurant also turned their heads to look over, recognized that this was a police officer in charge of the case, and remained silent.

"Officer Henggou, did it affect your investigation?" Chi Feichi asked aloud.

"At least you should pay attention! Someone died over there just now! I said..." Henggou Chongwu looked at Chi Feichi's calm and indifferent face, and remembered that he was a mentally ill patient, and he might still be suffering from it. I felt that I should be tolerant and gentle, and tried to squeeze out a smile, "Of course, playing the piano doesn't seem to be too much."

All the guests looked at Henggou's distorted smile, and the restaurant was still silent.

Is the officer on the point of losing his temper?

"Cough," Henggou Chongwu coughed dryly, maintained an awkward smile, and slowed down his tone towards Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, I didn't target you just now."

Conan shuddered, and looked up at Henggou's reawakening.

Macho tenderness... scary.

"Anyway, anyway, go ahead, I'm going to continue the investigation." Henggou Shigeno tried his best to maintain a gentle tone, feeling extremely tormented.

He has to admit that in terms of affinity, his coral-headed brother may be better. If his brother was there, he probably wouldn't have to work so hard...

Chi Feichi nodded, thinking that the song just now was almost finished, and said to Haibara Ai and Ayumi, "It was interrupted, I will change it."

Henggou realized again: "..."


Sure enough, did he still bother?

Haibara Ai:"……"

It's not another new song, is it?

Chi Feichi recalled the piano score of "KING" and continued in the "hands-free mode".

The same fast pace, but this time the sense of rhythm is more crisp and clear.

The crowd in the restaurant turned their attention back to the piano piece again.

Henggou looked at Chi Feichi's fingers moving into afterimages on the keys, and forgot to close the door to go out for a moment. He stared wide-eyed, saw Chi Feichi's profile from his fingers along his arms, shoulders, and neck, and then from Chi Feichi's face. Feichi's side face, fingers along his arm.

I've made sure, that's right, this is Mr. Chi's finger, not some strange piano-playing machine.

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