Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2010 Conan: It seems that there is an extra person

"My name is Tachihara Fuyumi," Tachihara Fuyumi introduced herself with a smile, "Please give me your advice."

"I'm Nanatsuki Koshimizu, please give me your advice." Nanatsuki Koshimizu found that there were not many people in the hall, and Mao Lilan's group was not there, so she asked, "Miss Liyuan, did you see our other companions?" Is it? Just now Mr. Chi and I walked in the street outside, so we separated from them temporarily, I wonder if they have gone back to the room?"

"I've only been here for a few minutes. When I got here, I didn't see anyone else," Tachihara Fuyumi looked at Mizuki Tono, "But Mizuki has been at the front desk before, right?"

Tono Mizuki recalled, "I haven't seen those five children for a while, the middle-aged gentleman hasn't come back, and the old man and the two young ladies seemed to be looking for those five children before. A few minutes ago, the long-haired lady seemed to have received a call from the children, and after going out to make a call, she asked two other people to go out, and I think she was going to pick up the children."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Was the front desk of the villa also 'bought' by Mr. Chi?

They can even keep a close eye on who they are in and what they are doing separately.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but also to help keep an eye on them." Chi Feichi said politely.

"It's nothing," Tono Mizuki said with a smile, "Anyway, I stay at the front desk all day, just to check if the guests have gone out, it's not a troublesome thing."

Tachihara Fuyumi also smiled, "Those kids are a bit naughty, even if it's for their safety, we should help a lot."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki quietly glanced at Chi Feichi.

It is true that the children are naughty, but it is also true that Mr. Chi is playing tricks on them.

"Hey, Mizuki, Fuyumi, why don't you introduce these two to us?"

The two men sitting opposite Tono Mizuki looked at Chi Feichi and Koshimi Nanatsuki. Among them, the man who laughed out loud wore a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, slightly curly short hair with bangs parted in the middle, and a brown windbreaker. A white shirt looks elegant and fashionable.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Tono Mizuki introduced with a smile, "This is Mr. Chi. He traveled from Tokyo to Kitazawa Village and is currently living in Kitazawa Villa. Thanks to him, he drove the medicine needed by Fuyumi to the infirmary yesterday. Send it over, this lady is his friend."

Tachihara Fuyumi also introduced the two male companions to Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, they are the two friends I said to gather together today. This is Glacier."

The man wearing glasses smiled kindly, "Hi, my name is Shogo Hikawa."


"This is Shanwei..."



When greeting each other, Chi Feichi didn't look at Keisuke Yamao much, and didn't need to.

He has seen the photos and surveillance videos of Keisuke Yamao many times.

After Hikawa Shogo greeted him, he raised his hand and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki with a smile, "If I'm not mistaken, this Miss Koshimizu should be the famous female detective in Tokyo recently. ?”

Keisuke Yamao looked at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, with a flash of defense in his eyes.

How did the detective get here?

"Huh?" Tachihara Fuyumi looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki in surprise, "Is Miss Koshimizu actually a detective?"

"I work in Tokyo, so I have heard a lot about it. Ms. Koshimizu seems to have solved some animal smuggling and murder cases, and they have been reported," Shogo Hikawa explained to the three companions with a smile, "Although she Young, but this time is the Tokyo detective who is second only to the famous detective Mori Kogoro, and many of my colleagues say that Miss Koshimizu is cute and powerful, and both male and female colleagues like her very much!"

Chi Feichi analyzed the authenticity of Bingchuan Shangwu's words.

This sentence may be suspected of flattery, for example, "the limelight is second only to Mori Kogoro", Yue Shui's current reputation is not so great, but Yue Shui already has fans, this is true.

He felt as if he had many potential enemies.

"Where?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki hurriedly said after being embarrassed by the praise, "I just solved a few cases just in time, and I'm still far behind the big detective like Mr. Mori."

"Oh, Nanatsuki, you are too polite! Hahaha..."

Hearing the sound from the door, a group of people turned their heads to look.

Kogoro Mori and Yoshi Uemura entered the door with their shoulders crossed, and they walked towards the sofa, with an uncontrollable smile on their faces, "As a junior, you are already very powerful, and you are so humble. Can become a world-renowned great detective!"

Yamao Keisuke couldn't laugh.

He was released from prison for about a month, and there were too many new things to learn and adapt to, so he failed to recognize the female detective Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

But he stayed in Tokyo for a month anyway, and Kogoro Mori could still recognize him.

Mori Kogoro has appeared in many TV news and newspaper reports. He is said to be very powerful. He is currently the most famous detective in Tokyo. It is difficult for him not to recognize this face.

Hikawa Shogo couldn't laugh either.

He had just threatened Shanwei and wanted to join Shanwei, but after discussing it for a while, he found a bunch of dangerous people around him.

One detective, two detectives...

Why did these detectives organize a group to come to Kitazawa Village?

"Huh?" Mizuki Tono then looked at Kogoro Mori seriously, "Could it be that you are..."

"Hahaha! That's right," Mori Kogoro tried his best to support Uemura Yo to stand upright, "I am Mori Kogoro!"

When Chi Feichi saw Mori Kogoro's flushed face, he knew that his teacher was not fully awake from the alcohol, so he stepped forward and Uemura Yang helped him onto the sofa next to him.

"Mr. Chi, I can help you send him back." Uemura Yang saw Mori Kogoro slumped on the sofa, wiped the sweat from his head, and smiled at Chi Feichi, "I have to go back and take care of him." My dad, he also drank a lot tonight, so he won't chat with you here, let's have a drink together some other day when he is free!"

Keisuke Yamao: "..."

No, no, Yang Yi misunderstood, he didn't want to chat with this group of people at all.

Hikawa Shogo: "..."

No, no, Yang Yi misunderstood, he didn't want to chat with this group of people at all.

"Thank you for your hard work tonight." Chi Feichi said to Shangcunyang.

"It's nothing, it's my honor to be able to sit and drink with a famous detective like Mr. Mori!" Uemura Yang waved his hand and left, and when he walked towards the door, he was still excited, "No wonder Mr. Talking about the murder case, it turns out that he is that famous detective..."

"Yang Yi?"

A group of people came in at the door, the leader was a middle-aged man wearing a thick dark gray coat, with unmelted snow still falling on his shoulders, he said hello to Uemura Yangyi who came to the door, "Why did you come to the villa tonight?"

Behind the man, Mao Lilan, Dr. Ali, Suzuki Sonoko and five children followed the door one by one.

Conan looked at Uemura Yoichi warily.

This is the staff member in the duty room of the ski resort? How did you come to Beize Villa?

"It's Brother Yue Yan," Uemura Yangyi still had a smile on his face, and looked back to the sofa, "I'll send Mr. Mori back..."

Mao Lilan, Dr. Ali, Suzuki Sonoko and the five children immediately looked over.

There are a lot of sofas in the rest area of ​​the hall, and they are separated into areas for people to rest and communicate with the arrangement of "three double sofas and a round wooden table".

Mori Kogoro sat slumped on the sofa facing the door. Seeing a group of people watching, he raised his hand and waved with a smile, "Xiaolan! Where did you go just now?"

Mourilan's eyes skipped Mori Kogoro, looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki standing beside the sofa, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It's okay, okay, Nanatsuki-san is fine.

Conan silently counted the number of people.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and the doctor have been working in a group in the villa. He, Huiyuan, and the three children have returned, and now the uncle, sister Nanatsuki, and brother Chi are also here...

Um? Wait, is there an extra person?

Dr. A Li stared at Chi Feichi, who was standing beside Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who was also looking in their direction, "No...not..."

"Sister Nanatsuki, are you alright?"

"Great, Sister Xiaolan said that you couldn't get through on the phone, we were very worried about you just now!"

"I didn't expect you to come back first..."

The three children had already happily ran towards Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

Nanatsuki Koshimi smiled and leaned over to the three children, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know when the power off button was pressed on the phone, and it was accidentally turned off."

"You're fine..."

The three children breathed a sigh of relief, and then they noticed the figure standing beside Yueshui Nanatsuki, looked up and saw Chi Feichi's indifferent face and downcast eyes looking at them.



"Chi, Brother Chi?!"

"Why are you here?"

Conan had already recovered from his surprise. He watched the three children step back, sit down on the ground, and walked forward with a speechless expression, "You guys are too slow to react."

The Empress Dowager Yuan sat on the ground with her back leaning against the foot of the sofa, looked at Conan and the others who came forward, then pointed at Chi Feichi, and said with horror, "But, but..."

"It's impolite to point your finger at someone when talking." Chi Feichi reminded calmly.

"Uh, it's..." Yuan Tai put down her hands obediently, with a low eyebrow, "I'm sorry."

Conan couldn't help but cast Yuantai a weird look of "You don't live up to your expectations", walked up to Chi Feichi, raised his head and asked speechlessly, "But I also want to know, why is Brother Chi here?"

"It's really, really shocking!" Suzuki Sonoko shrank behind Mao Lilan, sizing Chi Feichi unscrupulously with the eyes of "I suspect you are a fake".

"I will do whatever you come here for," Chi Feichi said.

Conan thought of Chi Feichi's reasoning ability, and instantly understood.

It was normal for Chi Feichi to think of everything he could think of.

"Don't say hello to us, come here alone," Hui Yuanai walked to the sofa, chose a seat and sat down, looked up at Chi Feichi for half a moon, "What do you think?"

Mizuki Tono, who was sitting next door, smiled and poked his head, "Mr. Chi said that you would secretly travel here together without telling him, so he didn't tell you, and came alone earlier."

Haibara Ai:"……"

guilty conscience.

Conan: "..."

This is the receptionist lady at the front desk of the villa?

Tachihara Fuyumi also poked her head out of the sofa, looking at a group of people in doubt, "But why? Why don't you call Mr. Kamichi? I thought he was isolated by his friends."

Ayumi recognized Tachihara Fuyumi, her eyes lit up, "It's the big sister in the infirmary!"

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