Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2022 Little Black on the Dam

Kitazawa Dam.

The staff went out one after another, greeted each other, smiled and chatted about today's village building celebration, and walked to the restaurant without noticing the figure in the reservoir.

Chi Feichi was soaking in the water near the outer dam, clutching a faded travel bag with his left hand, and when the staff almost arrived at the restaurant, he stretched out a sharp claw between the fingers of his right hand, and nailed it into the wall with the help of the claw The support point, quickly climbed up the dam.

At the same time, he took out a little bit of fire from his abdomen to raise the temperature of his body to bake his clothes, so that the clothes would be completely dry before climbing up the dam.

He asked Tachihara Fuyumi before—when the village was relocated and the land for building houses in the new village was allocated, was it allocated according to the original living location?

Tachihara Fuyumi's answer at the time was that, except for a few villagers who had a bad relationship with their neighbors and chose to change their land, the others did live in the same location as their previous residences.

When the village was relocated that year, Keisuke Yamao had already been imprisoned, and his only grandmother couldn't bear the blow and died. No one in the family could ask for a land exchange.

He had wandered around the village, and the house assigned to the Yamao family was in the middle of the village on the east side, and it didn't look like it was crowded out by neighbors.

Therefore, the Yamao family should not have moved to another part of the village. Where is the Yamao family in the new village, the Yamao family under the water will also be in the same area, that is, in the middle of the village to the east.

Then, he only needs to dive into the bottom of the water, find the intersection to enter the village, and then locate the area where the Yamao house is located. come out.

It’s just that the reservoir is too big, and not only the old village is sunk under the reservoir, but also a large area of ​​open space near the old village. It took him about an hour to find the entrance of the village, and then locked the location of the Yamao’s house. The oxygen supply of the dimensional lungs was insufficient. Had to float to the surface for air.

It is not easy to dig in the ruins of a residential house. He almost turned over the ruins, and the excavation marks should not be too deliberate, and the excavation speed cannot be fast.

In short, he changed his air twice and stayed underwater for more than five hours. He found the travel bag containing the jewelry, and he was exhausted.

Without the Dimensional Lung and Fire, it would be impossible for him to dive into the reservoir for too long, let alone find the former residence of the Yamao family at the bottom of the water for an hour or two.

If his arm strength hadn't been strengthened, and he didn't have the hot eyes provided by the snake slough, it would have been difficult for him to dig the Shanwei house three feet under the water in just two hours, and recover a little bit, covering up the excavation marks.

He used to think that Koizumi Hongko likes to use magic to do some boring things, but now he understands Koizumi Hongko a little bit.

In this era of astonishing development of hot weapon technology, people with special abilities will be beaten to death, so keep a low profile, and more often, those abilities are simply useless...

Anyway, convenient life is good.


six o'clock in the morning.

Chi Fei left less than an hour late.

Two people stayed behind at the dam, and the rest went down the mountain to participate in the founding ceremony of Beizawa Village.

seven in the morning.

Keisuke Yamao drove to the dam, stunned Takehiko Muto and two staff members of the dam in the nearby workshop, and began to install the bomb.

At the same time, Chi Fei arrived late in the forest, found the sweater and mobile phone he had left in the forest, met the swans who had agreed to meet in the forest, and asked a group of swans to work together to send the jewelry bag down the mountain.

Eight in the morning.

The police in Xinmao County searched in the snow field near the highway to no avail. Mori Kogoro contacted Mu Mushisan and asked the police to send a helicopter to Xinmao County to participate in the search and rescue.

nine in the morning.

Conan finds Mizuki Tono and confronts him.

While on the road, he found that the tires of the car were worn out, but he was not sure what role Tono Mizuki played in the attack on Chi Feichi, whether he was an accomplice to the gangster with the shotgun, and the identity of the gunman. After confirming , he had to talk to Tono Mizuki to find out Tono Mizuki's thoughts.

After Chi Feichi's disappearance, Tono Mizuki has been feeling guilty and restless, and dare not confess to Kogoro Mori. When Conan asked him, he admitted that he had tampered with the tires of the car, and also expressed his thoughts.

While the two were talking, an explosion occurred at the venue where the celebration was held in the village. The police and Kogoro Mori had to stop the search and rushed to the venue to maintain order.

Conan went up the mountain instead.

Tono Mizuki heard that Conan said that the man's goal was to blow up the dam, so he immediately borrowed a car and drove Conan to the dam to see the situation. At the same time, he also wanted to see if Chi Feichi would be caught by the gangster. He could save people by the way, or inquire about Chi Feichi's whereabouts.

What the two of them didn't expect was that the three children sneaked into the car, and Hui Yuanai and Yueshui Nanatsuki went directly to the village entrance to stop the car.

The number of people going to the dam has increased a lot, and the car is full.

On the way, Conan said his reasoning——

It was Keisuke Yamao who killed Shogo Hikawa.

Eight years ago, Keisuke Yamao robbed a jewelry store, and when he was driving back to the village with the jewelry, he bumped into Tono Natsuki. After driving home and hiding the jewelry, he surrendered himself to the police, intending to get out of prison and take out the jewelry for money.

Eight years later, Keisuke Yamao was released from prison and learned that his home had sunk under the reservoir. He planned to blow up the dam, drain the water in the reservoir, and take away the jewelry left at home.

But blowing up the dam is not easy, so Yamao Keisuke sent a threatening letter to the mayor of Asakura, and also blew up the Toto Metro Line, making people mistakenly believe that it was a terrorist attack against Asakura, making it impossible for Asakura to come Participating in the village building celebration can avoid overly strict security forces on the village or the dam.

The time Yamao Keisuke chose was the day of the village building celebration, because on this day, most of the dam staff will go to the village to participate in the celebration, and there are not many people on duty.

On this day, Keisuke Yamao detonated a small bomb casually at the venue, so that he could draw other people's attention to the venue and go to the dam to blow up the dam by himself.

However, on the way, Hikawa Shogo somehow discovered the robbery of Yamao Keisuke eight years ago, and the newspaper clippings left in his wallet threatened Yamao Keisuke, wanting to join the action and get a share of the action, but was killed by Yamao.

ten o'clock in the morning.

In the village at the foot of the mountain, the staff who participated in the celebration felt uneasy and worried about the accident of the dam, so they found a car and planned to go back to the dam in advance to have a look.

On the mountain, Conan and others rushed to the dam, and separately found Muto Yueyan and two staff members who were knocked out and tied up.

"That is to say, you pushed your sister into the driveway below?"

In the workshop, Haibara Ai checked the situation of Takehiko Muto, and after confirming that he was in a coma, he turned around and found Mizuki Tono with an anxious expression on his face, and comforted him, "You didn't mean it, don't think about it now, Mr. Muto, you don't have to worry about Muto Sir's safety, he is just unconscious."

Tono Mizuki was anxious to go up and shake Takehiko Muto, "I was thinking, if Muto is still awake, maybe he will see Mr. Chi..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was about to go out to meet Conan at the dam, when he heard this, he stopped and looked back at Mizuki Tono, "Mr. Chi? He really didn't send the injured to the hospital at the foot of the mountain, did he?"

Haibara thought for a while, "He couldn't have discussed it with Edogawa. Edogawa went to you to confirm the car accident eight years ago. He was responsible for following Yamao, right? If that's the case, Yamao will definitely be right and wrong. My brother's opponent might have already been dealt with..."


In the detective armband, Conan's voice came out, "Brother Chi and Miss Shuishu drove out of the village last night, and were chased and attacked by Shanwei with a shotgun on the road. In order to lure Shanwei away, he entered the snow field. I was still thinking, he should be able to I found out that Yamao's goal is the dam, so I came to the dam first..."

"Hey, wait!" Hui Yuanai's expression changed, "You mean, you didn't get in touch with Brother Feichi last night, and you came here to look for him, right? Such a big incident happened What, you actually..."

"Calm down, even if Brother Chi didn't come to the dam, Shanwei must know where Brother Chi went last night and where he is now, as long as you find him..."

With a strange sound that seemed to be an impact, there was no sound over there.

"Edogawa?" Hui Yuanai frowned twice, "Edogawa, what's wrong with you?"

Conan didn't respond.

But Ayumi's voice came out, "Xiao, Xiaoai..."

"We all heard it," Mitsuhiko also said, "We are in Dam's room, and now we are going to find Conan, and of course, we will also find Brother Chi by the way..."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki hurriedly stopped, "Don't run around, hide with Dongma, and wait for us to meet up in the past."

"I knew, I should have gone with them!" Tono Mizuki saw the shotgun in the house, stepped forward to pick it up, and walked quickly into the house while skillfully loading the bullets.

On the dam, Conan was caught, brought out of the house, and pushed into the snow.

A pure black man walked forward with a shotgun, with a ferocious smile on his lips, "Stupid boy, why don't you enjoy the celebration obediently below? That way you can die more comfortably..."

Conan sat up in the snow, looking up at the people who walked in with a look of astonishment.

There it was again, the black man.

The last time he was in the tunnel, he wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes, but now, under the sunlight near noon, the person in front of him still looks like a three-dimensional shadow standing up from the ground.

The man's body seemed to be absorbed by the skin when the light was not bright, so that he could see the man's clothes and the shotgun in his hand clearly, but he couldn't even see the outline of the man's face.

Keisuke Yamao... Could it be that he has supernatural powers?

"Are you surprised?" Yamao Keisuke sneered, and deliberately lowered his voice, "Little devil, if you don't want to die, just tell the truth where your companion is!"

"Tell me first, where is Brother Chi!" Conan stared at Xiao Hei in front of him, "You attacked him and Miss Mizuki last night, right? Why?"

"He is a guy who is in the way, just like you, if he has a chance to get rid of it, of course it's better to get rid of it," Yamao Keisuke said maliciously, "Do you want to see him? If you don't tell the truth, I will send you off soon." Go see him!"

"I have no companion!"

Conan replied loudly.

"It seems that if you don't let you suffer, you won't..."

Keisuke Yamao raised the shotgun, but Conan also touched the skateboard that fell in the snow when he was thrown out, turned over and lay down on the skateboard, and started the skateboard.

The wheels of the skateboard turned at high speed, rolled up the snow, and made Yamao Keisuke face.

"Damn brat!"

Keisuke Yamao cursed angrily, pointed his gun at Conan, and shot Conan's skateboard in the snow.

Conan fell to the ground, not forgetting to turn his head and look at Keisuke Yamao who was walking towards him.

Even if the face is covered with snow, it won't fade. Isn't it painted, painted or something like that...

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