Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2028 The Killing Action on the Cliff

After seeing Kogoro Mori off, Chi Feichi walked Koshimizu Nanatsuki back on foot.

Probably because of the cold weather, there were no pedestrians on the street from Maori Detective Agency to Seven Detective Office. The two of them walked under the street lights, and the surroundings still seemed empty and quiet.

"Since just now, you have been a little absent-minded," Chi Feichi asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"There are a lot of things," Yueshui Nanatsuki quickened his pace, and when he reached the front, he turned to face Chi Feichi, and walked back step by step, watching Chi Feichi's facial contour softened a lot under the streetlight, feeling Chi Feichi wasn't under so much pressure anymore, "Think about your accomplices, think about what role you play in it, you are not the leader of all this, right? So I also think, are you being threatened or something? ..."

Chi Feichi reached out and grabbed Yueshui Nanatsuki's arm, pulling him back to his side, "Keep an eye on the road, no one is threatening me."

"Really..." Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi's expression from the side, and after finding that he still couldn't see anything, he gave up observing and looked ahead at a small building standing in the dark, "The matter of the black monster... it really all right?"

"There are many excellent pharmacologists in the world, and the police also have a lot of means to obtain drugs. As long as they get the drugs, they will be able to develop drugs to counteract this change in a short time," Chi Feichi said in a low voice, "Then This kind of drug is special, so it is also easy to be targeted. As long as a targeted drug is developed, and without the public's knowledge, countries organize people to inject it immediately, so that people can no longer use this drug. The so-called crime A New World Era is simply not going to happen."

"No wonder... I didn't think about spreading the drug," Koshimizu Nanatsuki paused, and then explained, "I'm not worried about this... I mean, it doesn't matter if the police intervene in the investigation, right?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen," Chi Feichi turned to ask Koshimizu Nanatsuki, "Do you feel nervous when you go to the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow?"

"No, just tell me what happened. The children and I have told the Xingao County police before," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm not so easy to be stereotyped, and I can Put on a show and make sure they don't see what I know."

After Chi Feichi drank and sent Koshimizu Nanatsuki into the house, he didn't stay at the accommodation, but went out and stopped a taxi. After seeing Lak's face, he got into a black car on the side of the road.


In the middle of the night, a car chase took place on the way to the Tokyo Coast Pier.

In the blue car ahead, the man driving frantically accelerated and accelerated again, almost gnashing his teeth. The other two hid behind the back seat, checking the pistol in their hands with annoyed expressions.

"It doesn't look like a policeman, who could it be..."

"Damn bastard, why don't you fight them directly!"

"Now is not the time," the man driving looked up at the rearview mirror, staring at the black car closely behind, and gritted his teeth, "When we get to a secluded place, we'll get rid of them!"

In the black car behind, Chianti drove after the car not too far away, and from time to time deliberately accelerated to tease the other party.

"If they were driving my car, they would have been smashed into a pile of scrap metal!"

"Gin said to force it to a secluded place," Cohen reminded in a muffled voice as he sat aside, "it's best to create an accident."

Behind the two people's car, the black Porsche 356A followed far away without haste.

Gin was sitting on the passenger seat, with a lit cigarette in his mouth, and was holding a mobile phone to make a call with someone, "That sleeping detective is not completely useless, he got information from the police before the public security police intervened It's fast enough..."

The voice on the other end of the phone was hoarse and unpleasant, "He won't let it go, and tomorrow he will take the child to the police station to make a record, and then inquire about the situation."

Vodka was driving with headphones on. Hearing the conversation between the two people in the headphones, he couldn't help but say, "After the police intervene, it will be difficult for him to find out any news, right?"

"Don't worry about that much, anyway, Shanwei has been dealt with, and he can't cooperate with the police to draw a portrait. At most, he can only reveal two characteristics that can't lock the specific target. As long as the three guys are found by the police, they will become helpless. The ghost who opened his mouth, the police will not be able to investigate us!" Qin Jiu looked at the road ahead darkly, and seemed to have seen the death of the three people in the car at the intersection ahead, across the long road and the car body, " There was too much movement when clearing the end of the mountain, and we can only invite them to die under the cliff!"

A hoarse voice said abruptly, "We're here."

At the intersection ahead, the blue car being chased was about to turn into the side road to the warehouse, but a black car suddenly rushed out of the side road and approached brutally, forcing the blue car to continue driving.

Vodka grinned, "The time is just right, brother!"

There was also a sneer at the corner of Gin Jiu's mouth, "I'll leave it to you, Srivova, and force them a few more times before reaching that intersection."

"no problem."

After Takatori Yannan responded, he deliberately drove the car very fast, clinging to the blue car, pretending to try to overtake and form a front-to-back attack with the Chianti car behind.

In the blue car, the man driving the accelerator stepped on the accelerator and kept turning the steering wheel, causing the car to run out of an 'S' shape, preventing Yan Nan Takatori from overtaking.

"Damn it!" The short man who was hiding in the back seat gritted his teeth, "I don't want to bear it anymore!"

"It's almost here? Although it didn't lead people to the abandoned warehouse area as planned, this coastal road is clean enough," the fierce-looking woman lowered the rear window of the car, and quickly poked out the pistol tightly in her right hand. , aiming at the black car that was driving close to their car, "Kill them now, also..."


A bullet flew out of a narrow gap in the window of the black car, pierced through the woman's wrist, brought up bright red blood and the woman's exclamation, pierced through the window on the other side, and flew into the night sky.

In the black car, Takatori Yannan held the steering wheel with one hand in his left hand, and stuffed the pistol he just took out with his right hand back under his jacket, "It seems that I am still a step too late."

"I can guarantee that the bullets will not stay in the car, you concentrate on driving." Chi Feichi hissed, and put down the gun aimed at the gap in the car window.

"Then I'll scare them again."

Takatori Yannan smiled, and while the driver of the blue car was panicking, he put on a posture of trying to overtake.

"How are you..." The driver of the blue car paid attention to his companion's injuries, and when he noticed that the car next to him was speeding up again, he immediately focused on getting out of the car, with cold sweat on his forehead, "Why do they have guns in their hands... "

None of the three would have imagined that a small black square was installed on the brake of their car. When the car was driving at high speed, the black square was heated and ignited a hot flame.

The woman held on to the gunshot wound on her wrist, gritted her teeth and tore off a piece of fabric, and looked up to see the black car approaching and then gradually slowed down, with doubts in her eyes, "They slowed down!"

"What?" The man driving the car glanced sideways in surprise. When he came back to his senses, he found that there was a big curve ahead, and there was a big gap in the cement guardrail on the side of the road. He slammed on the brakes frantically in a cold sweat, "The brakes failed!"


The blue car rushed out of the gap in the concrete guardrail. Because it was too fast, it didn't fall down for a while, but the car was not a beast that could cross the chasm.


After the car fell to the bottom of the cliff, an explosion occurred. The rising flames illuminated the bottom of the cliff, and then slowly dimmed.

The black car drove through the curve without stopping.

In the car, Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "We're going to get the jewels, and I'll leave the rest to you for a while."

"Then, Vodka and I will go get the money they hid later." Gin said.


After Chi Feichi responded, he cut off the communication.

Whether those three people are still alive or not, and what to do if they are not dead is Gin's business. He and Takatori Yannan's assistance work has been completed. Next, they will go to fetch the swan that he sent down the mountain. That batch of jewelry worth a billion yen.

The batch of jewels stolen by Shanwei Xisuke is definitely inconvenient to sell in the open, but they can sell the jewels on the black market, and they can also keep some of them to catch some greedy fish, which has many uses.

Takatori Yannan drove straight along the road, prepared to get off the expressway and then turned to Xingao County, and asked aloud, "Luck, I'm not sure if Shanwei said anything before he died. Do I need to avoid the limelight recently?"

"No need," Chi Feichi took out his phone and answered the chat message of UL software without raising his head, "Handiehui is also under the high attention of the police, your bearded face has already been added to the file, if you At this time, you are hiding, which proves that you are the seller. There may be plainclothes police who secretly contact you recently, so you should be careful."

Toru Amuro knows "black humor" and knows that drugs will not be spread, but the Japanese police need to make enough noise to avoid abnormal situations that will cause them to be suspected.

According to his estimation, the investigation will be gradually transferred to the Ministry of Public Security, first to the Ministry of Public Security of the Metropolitan Police Department, then to the Ministry of Public Security of the Police Department, and finally the Police Department to seal up the relevant incidents.


The next day, at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Conan came out of the Metropolitan Police Department after finishing his notes, and got into Dr. Ali's car under the pretext of 'going to the doctor's house to repair the skateboard'.

The three children were sent home by Dr. Ali. After Hui Yuanai returned to Dr. Ali's house, he was not in a hurry to go to the basement to study the medicine. He poured himself a cup of tea and sat on the sofa with the teacup in his hands. The attitude of waiting to hear the news.

Seeing that Haibara Ai was determined to listen to the progress of the investigation, Dr. Ali had no choice but to say it bluntly, "When you were taking notes, Mori did ask Police Officer Meguro, but Police Officer Meguro kept secret about the bank robbery, including The investigation of Yamao's experience after he was released from prison also didn't mention a word..."

"Sure enough," Conan sighed, not surprised, and sat on the sofa opposite Haibara Ai, "The public security police are involved in the investigation, so it's really inconvenient for Officer Megure to say more."

Dr. Ari sat down next to Conan, with a hesitant look on his face, "However, Mouri asked who killed Yamao, and Officer Meguro said that there were not too many people on the road outside the police station at that time. The monitoring was also destroyed in advance. I asked pedestrians on the road afterwards. At the time of the incident, it seemed that someone saw a suspicious man nearby. He got into a car driving to the side of the road and left quickly. The shooting was frightening, so I couldn't see the suspicious man's appearance clearly, and only said that he was a man in black clothes and a green baseball cap, about 1.7 meters tall..."

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