Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2039 Xiao Ai's cuteness is dead

Mumu Shisan frowned again and asked Izumi Maho, "Why didn't you call the police to deal with this matter? Did Mr. Hirasaka say something to you?"

"No...I just don't want to believe it, I don't want to believe that Miss Xiaohuang just died...Miss Xiaohuang is the spiritual pillar of my life!" Maho Izumi closed his eyes in pain, "When I was in middle and high school in our country, I always It was because I was bullied and stayed at home when I grew up. The reason why I can live a normal life is thanks to Miss Xiaohuang. Ms. Huang, maybe you think that role-playing is just a game, but it allows me to become a character in the dream world for a short moment, to forget the difficulties and pains in real life... Miss Xiaohuang taught me this!"

As he said that, Izumi Maho knelt down on the ground with tears streaming down his face, holding his head in his hands and shouting, "How I wish that none of this happened, it was just a dream, if after calling the police, the truth would come to light, and I would have to I don’t accept that Miss Xiaohuang is really dead! I’m afraid... I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!..."

"It's you..." Mifune Ryuichi looked at Izumi Maho in a daze, his whole body went limp, he knelt down on the ground, looked at the floor, and hit the floor with his head suddenly, "What did I do... What did I do? ah!"

In three or two strokes, bloodstains appeared on the floor.

Takagi Tsutomu hurried forward to hold Mifune Ryuichi.

Conan looked at the two wailing in pain, sighed, and walked out behind Mori Kogoro.

He still has the evidence left by Ryuichi Mifune last night when he committed the crime, but let's use the uncle's mobile phone to send it to Police Officer Megure later.

Although, looking at Ryuichi Mifune's remorseful appearance, he should not deny that he was wrong to kill those three people...


the next day.

Polo Cafe.

Yueshui Nanatsu heard Mao Lilan finished talking about Mifune Ryuichi's murder case, "It turns out that you have encountered such incidents."

"Yeah," Mao Lilan sighed, looking at the sunny street outside the window, feeling sentimental, "I really don't understand why Ms. Akiko didn't resist, shouldn't she try to resist and wake up Mr. Mifune with her fist? If Mr. Mifune did that, if Miss Xiaohuang had a soul, she might feel sad for his choice."

Conan lowered his head and drank the juice through a straw, laughing dryly in his heart.

He has imagined Xiaolan's elbows, throws over his shoulders, and kicks with his legs. After all, not everyone can knock down a grown man like Mr. Mifune like Xiaolan, right?

"Miss Jingzi was very sad at that time." Koshimizu Nanatsuki tried to imagine the image of Chi Feichi strangling her neck with a rope, shuddered, and quickly drove the image out of her mind, "Maybe there is also a kind of helplessness. Chengquan, Xiaolan, you are so decisive, but if it were Kudou and you, you would probably find it impossible to understand his behavior, and you would even forget to resist, right?"

"Xinyi wouldn't do that kind of thing..." Mao Lilan said with a smile, and soon blushed again, "However, I didn't say that I like Xinyi!"

Hui Yuanai drank the juice leisurely for a long time, and felt that he should say something, "However, this incident also shows a reason? If you like it, you should say it quickly, otherwise you may miss the opportunity and become a lifetime regret for the two of you."

Mao Lilan and Yueshui Nanatsuki thought deeply.

Makes sense!

Mori Kogoro felt uneasy that his daughter was about to be abducted by a bastard, so he quickly said with a speechless expression, "Don't be in a hurry to confess this kind of thing, you girls, what are you girls in a hurry for? In my opinion, even if If you are being confessed, you have to think about it slowly, and don't be fooled by some brats."

Chi Feichi took a sip of his coffee and put down his cup.

His teacher is a traitor to the men's camp!

"Father, what about you?" Mao Lilan gossiped about Kogoro Moori enthusiastically, "How were you and your mother?"

Mori Kogoro had a proud face, "Hmph, Eri liked me a long time ago, I'm different from her..."

Conan didn't listen to Mori Kogoro's bragging, stretched out his hand to pull the corner of Chi Feichi's clothes, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, you haven't talked all this time, are you still in a bad mood?"

"No." Chi Feichi replied truthfully.

Conan himself felt melancholy first, sighed, and said in a very soft voice, "I thought about it last night, if I knew that Mr. Mifune was suspected of murder, if I could do something, would it be possible to prevent this from happening? The night before yesterday, Mr. Yachuan told us that there were rumors outside that Miss Xiaohuang was killed by Mr. Hirasaka, but Mr. Yachuan also said that those rumors might have been spread by Mr. Ke Erfeng, and Mr. Ke Erfeng He was nagging, I always felt that he was very neurotic, so I forgot to ask other people about their relationship with Miss Xiao Huang..."

Chi Feichi listened silently to Conan's chatter.

It seems that this incident has given the detective some psychological pressure.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, we don't know that Mr. Mifune is going to kill people, let alone when and in what way he will do it. There is no way to stop him." Conan looked at Chi Feichi, "Although we couldn't stop him in advance. It's a pity that the tragedy happened, but don't think too much about it."

Chi Feichi let out a casual 'hmm'.

He didn't think much of it, and he had no intention of preventing any tragedy from happening.

And this time, after verification, even if he leaked some information to Conan in advance, it seems that Conan can't easily change the plot.

Over there, Mori Kogoro bragged, finished the story that he knew that Eri liked him, and then went back to the case, "Officer Megure called me in the morning and said thank you for the evidence I provided, but it is no longer needed... ..."

Conan recalled that he once sent an email with Mori Kogoro's mobile phone, telling Mu Mushisan where the evidence of the crime was, and sweating, he couldn't care less about the melancholy, so he said quickly, "Why can't it be used? Mr. Mifune has already Did you tell the truth about your crimes?"

Mori Kogoro resolutely didn't think about when he provided the evidence, and immediately said speechlessly, "Yes, I heard that after Mr. Mifune calmed down, he truthfully explained his crime, and he brought back the knife that killed Mr. Zenan Although he cleaned his home, he did not dare to throw it away, but hid it in the cabinet. Officer Takagi had already searched his house in the morning, and he should be able to find the knife soon, but Officer Meguro said that he was in a bad mood. It's too good, he still had self-injury behavior when cooperating with the investigation, he was severely scolded by police officer Mumu, and he decided to accept the reality and take the responsibility for the crime he needs to bear..."

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. He must be in pain thinking that he actually killed Miss Akiko who liked him by mistake."

"Speaking of being in a bad mood..." Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi who was sitting across from him, "Brother Feichi, Edogawa said that you didn't feel well the night before yesterday, and you kept feeling sleepy after taking the medicine until you told Mr. Mifune It was only when Miss Akiko got over it, so how do you feel now? Do you want to postpone the arrangement to go to London until you calm down?"

"No need," Chi Feichi said, "It wasn't serious at first, but it's all right now."

"By the way, Feichi, what time does your plane leave?" Mori Kogoro said, looking down at his watch, "It's already past one o'clock in the afternoon, although it is a special passenger plane, the departure time has been determined in advance, right? Don't delay the time to go to the airport because of chatting."

"Three o'clock in the afternoon..." Chi Feichi looked at the wall clock on the wall, "There is still time to go after drinking coffee."

At 1:30 in the afternoon, a group of people left the Polo Cafe.

Mori Kogoro rented a car and specially took Mao Lilan, Conan, and Yueshui Nanatsuki to see off Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai.

When they arrived at the airport, Dr. Ali also drove there and prepared two bags of snacks for the two of them.

Chi Feichi asked the others if they wanted to go together.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Dr. Ali replied that they would wait until the eve of the award ceremony or after the end to congratulate them.

Mori Kogoro helped Mao Lilan and Conan to make decisions, and also said that he would not go there ahead of time, and planned to let Chi Feichi and Haibara go first. They stayed in Tokyo for a few days and waited for Chi Feichi to contact them before deciding whether to travel or not. Go do something to help.

In the airport hall, Dr. A Li handed two bags of snacks to Chi Feichi. When he realized that we were going to part, he felt the reluctance and melancholy of separation in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. Xiao Ai, remember to send us a message when you arrive!"

"I'll send you a message when I get off the plane, but doctor, when I'm not around, don't steal high-calorie food." Hui Yuanai raised his head and said to Dr. Ali, "I will ask everyone to help supervise you of."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Xiao Ai's cuteness died.

However, as long as it is not non-late supervision, other people will not be so strict, right?

"I may also make a video call with you at any time to check, please Nanatsuki-san to take care of it too." Haibara Ai looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki again, with seriousness in her eyes, "Don't be soft-hearted."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Xiao Ai's cuteness is completely dead.

"Don't worry," Koshimizu Nanatsuki responded with a smile, "I will take good care of the doctor!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane departed from Narita Airport.

Standing in the open-air parking lot outside the airport, Dr. Ali sighed when he saw the plane with the Umbrella pattern on the tail, "This is the first time Xiao Ai has traveled so far..."

Conan: "..."

He wanted to remind the doctor that Huiyuan had gone to the United States to study alone long before he met them.

But seeing the melancholy look on the doctor's face, let's forget it, he won't say anything.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked up at the plane gradually turning into small dots in the blue sky, with reluctance in his eyes.

When Mr. Chi left, they hadn't seen each other for more than ten years. Thinking of those years of searching, and seeing the plane leaving again, she felt unspeakable fear and uneasiness in her heart.

However, if she follows now, she is not yet mentally prepared.

She will meet Mr. Chi's parents when she goes to London. She wants to prepare well and try to make a good impression on Mr. Chi's parents when they meet for the first time.

Not to mention how good it can be, at least you can't make yourself look out of tune, right?

Anxious about how to make a good impression, she became less and less aware of how to prepare herself, and it did take some time to adjust her mentality.

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