Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2048 Hui Yuan Ai: I'm in a hurry

"I'm still not sure who it is," Haibara Ai recalled the servants who entered the door. "There are too many people. Among them, Lydia, Emma, ​​and two young male servants have been to Japan with my godmother last time. Except for them In addition to the four people, there are two young maids that I have never seen before, and Ms. Jian who used to be Fei Chi's housekeeper in Japan."

While the two were chatting, Dr. Ali also recovered from the shock and asked aloud, "Xiao Ai, you have seen Lydia, Emma and the two young male servants before, and you didn't learn from them at that time. Feel the aura of those people, so the suspicious ones are the three people I met for the first time today, right?"

"The three of them are most likely," Hui Yuan said, "but not necessarily. If that woman also came to the UK, she can pretend to be anyone, and she can also help others pretend to be someone."

"Lydia should be fine," Conan thought, "the last time you saw Lydia, she didn't smell like those guys, and she was a personal maid who accompanied many people to Mrs. Kanai. If she was dropped Yes, Mrs. Ganai can easily detect the abnormality, the risk of impersonating her is too great, those guys should not make this choice, as for that Ms. Jane..."

"After Feichi went to high school, he moved to an apartment in Kabadocho by himself. Before I went upstairs to make a phone call, Feichi and Jane were still chatting about the old days. Jane said that she had been traveling in various countries in the past few years," Haibara Ai Calmly analyzed, "Since I have traveled in various countries before, it is not surprising that the accent has changed a little. Brother Fuchi has not met her again for about four years, and it is not surprising that some small habits have changed. In addition, she has I am about fifty years old. If I am asked about some things in the past, I can use "my memory has deteriorated in the past two years, and I can't remember clearly." That is to say, we cannot exclude it like Lydia. her suspicions."

"Yeah," Conan said, "Also, even if she is not replaced, she who met you for the first time today is also suspected, and the situation is a bit troublesome..."

"There is another piece of news that can't be considered troublesome or good." Hui Yuanai said firmly, thinking of the gaze on his back when he went upstairs, "the other party has already spotted me and became suspicious! When I was on the first floor just now Godmother asked Jane to help us take family photos. Those servants were also in the living room. At that time, I could feel a dangerous gaze staying on me from time to time. When I made an excuse to go back to the room to put the camera and go upstairs, The other party also stared at my back for a while."

Hearing what Hui Yuan Ai said, Conan broke into a cold sweat for Hui Yuan Ai, "Recognized...recognized? Has that person seen you in the organization before?"

"This is the key point," Haibara Ai said, "The photos I left in the organization were taken after I became an adult. If the other party sees that photo, only the same hair color, eye color, etc. characteristics, it should be hard to think that I would be Sherry, the person who can recognize me at once, there was one before..."

"Pisco!" Conan took the words in a deep voice, "I remember you said that Pisco knew your parents and what you looked like when you were a child. If the person you met in England is like Pisco, please let me know Then, the other party should have been in the organization when you were very young, at least thirteen years in the organization, in this case, the other party's age will not be too young..."

"However, it's also possible that it's the same as Xiao Ai. The other party grew up in that organization, isn't it?" Dr. A Li said, "In that case, the other party may also be about the same age as Xiao Ai."

Conan was a little worried, "That's right..."

"No, doctor," Hui Yuanai decisively denied Dr. A Li's guess, "I grew up in an organization, but I don't know or meet many core members, if it is not necessary to contact Under the circumstances, everyone would not communicate at all, even if they contacted, it would be through e-mail instead of meeting in person. When I was seven or eight years old, although I was not an official member of the organization, because my parents were once important members of the organization Scientists, I also showed my talents in drug research, so there were not many members of the organization who could meet me at that time and know my background. A person who has certain rights here, such a person, more than ten years ago, must have been at least twenty years old."

"Then, the member of the organization you met should be over thirty-five years old," Conan asked hastily, "How many candidates meet this requirement?"

"If you exclude Lydia, there will be only Jane. Of course, the premise is that none of them will be replaced," Haibara said, "That's why I said this is a troublesome discovery. People who have lived for many years are very dangerous, but relatively speaking, this is also a good thing. I only need to separate other people from contacting Jane, and I can rule out many situations. If I don’t feel the breath of organization in Jane , there is no person of the same age here, which means that the other party sneaked in here by replacing someone. After Lydia who is unlikely to be replaced, and Jane who has been confirmed by me, the others are all suspects, and if I If you feel the breath of organization in Jane, you can lock the other party at once."

"Wait, wait..." Dr. A Li hurriedly said, "Xiao Ai, you want to get in touch with Jian Jian? If she is the companion of those people, isn't your situation very dangerous?"

Conan also felt strange, "Yeah, Haibara Ai, what's going on with you today? Isn't it too late to hide from those guys? Why did you..."

"Today's situation is different. They didn't find us before. I don't want you to catch up, but to attract their attention," Hui Yuanai said, holding the phone sideways, freeing his hands, and standing upside down in front of the closet and unzipped the suitcase, "But today is different, they have already come to the door, and they are downstairs now, with Brother Feichi, my godmother, and Mr. Shinosuke, if I don't do something, everyone will be dangerous.”

Conan was silent for a while, " don't want to lure that person away, do you?"

"Are you worried that I will go to die?" Hui Yuanai flipped through the things in the suitcase, "If the fact that I am Shirley is exposed, no one who is close to me will be able to escape, including those from the Chi family. People, including the doctor who took me in, and you who have a good relationship with me, even if I go to die by myself, it will not help, it will only speed up everyone's death, not to mention, even if the other party thinks that Shirley and I are very similar when we were young, it may not necessarily Thinking of Shirley as a child, right?"

Conan heaved a sigh of relief, but still found it strange that Haibara Ai was so calm and optimistic today, "Uh, that's true..."

"Don't worry, I won't be so stupid. The most important thing now is to confirm the situation first." Hui Yuan Ai put the small object he found on the floor, "Who is the other party and what is the purpose of coming to us?" , What degree of judgment do I have on the fact that I am Shirley... I forgot to bring my household registration certificate, but my passport is legal. In addition, I used medicine to preserve a few hairs of Grace last time, because I was thinking When you come to the UK, you may not be able to meet an institution that can test, so I brought it here... In short, I will quietly understand the situation and try to dispel the other party's suspicion of me. You also pay attention to whether there are any People surveillance, especially near the doctor's house, if the organization has determined that I am Sherry, I don't think they will only act in the UK. At the same time, the doctor's house where I lived for a while, they will also arrange people to monitor, I will leave it to you to investigate the matter of the doctor’s house, and you can find a way to find out the surrounding situation, and then tell me your answer, which will help me judge my situation and make corresponding preparations.”

"Ah..." Conan was in a daze, and quickly said with a smile, "Got it, Haibara, you are really amazing... You who have overcome your fear of those guys."

"Thank you for your compliment, but this time I was pushed into a hurry." Hui Yuan Ai looked at the things on the floor, and then got back to the topic, "It should be troublesome to wear a dress for the dinner after meeting the queen. , I will also choose the most difficult one to wear. When the time comes, I will find a way to ask Jane to follow me to the room to help me put on the dress. Within two hours, I will try on the dress and send her away. I will contact you again You, tell you the answer from my side, and if I don't contact you after two hours... Edogawa, please call Brother Feichi and find a way for him to take my godmother and Mr. Shinosuke to the safe places, such as the police station.”

"Xiao Ai, do you want Feichi to help?" Dr. A Li couldn't help but said, "It's still too dangerous for you to act alone, and if Feichi and the others don't know the situation, they won't be prepared for the coming danger. just in case……"

"Absolutely not," Huiyuan said, "Don't you understand? The only ones who need to be cleaned up in the organization are me, a traitor, and people who may know about the organization. The Chi family is the power holder of two groups and a large company. They will cause trouble, so the organization should hesitate for a while, if they investigate and confirm that they don’t know my identity, the organization won’t attack them, they don’t know the situation, but it’s safer.”

Dr. A Li is still hesitating, "But in this case, you..."

"Doctor, at least you have more confidence in me. If they have already been targeted by them, maybe there are already sniper rifles pointed at this place outside, and the skills can no longer play much role. Now the important thing is the mind," Hui Yuan Ai deliberately did not mention Chi Feichi's mind, just like the firm tone of saying 'the organization will not attack them' before, it is all to reassure Dr. Brother Chi and the others explained how I became smaller and the troubles behind me. It was difficult for them to understand for a while. They may not know that those people are in danger. Edogawa fought so many times with the people in the organization that he became Be cautious, I'm also worried that Brother Feichi underestimated their danger... At this critical juncture, follow my plan, okay?"

"I see." Conan sighed, and his tone quickly became firm, "Just follow your plan. I will be responsible for observing the situation near the doctor's house in a while. After two hours, I should be able to initially confirm whether there are any suspicious people nearby. , we will contact again at that time, and after confirming the situation, we will decide what to do next."

"Then I'll hang up first."

" careful yourself!"

"I will."

After hanging up the phone, Huiyuan Ai tidied up the things on the floor, stuffed some into his pockets, and put some in a hidden and convenient place in the room. After zipping the suitcase, he opened the door and left the room.

Thanks to Brother Feichi's "preparation education", she also brought some emergency things this time, such as bottled chili powder and the like...

Although beating someone with chili powder sounds naive, Brother Feichi also said at the beginning that the weapon that suits you is the best. For this child's body, if you can't get a gun, you can use a knife , Using a stick is far less good than using bottled chili powder.

And a few other things.

As long as they see the right time and make good use of it, even if they are surrounded, they might be able to find a way out.

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