Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2050 Jane: Will I be very long-winded?

The comb combed Hui Yuan Ai's hair slowly, no matter it was Jane who was helping to comb the hair, or Hui Yuan Ai who was sitting on the stool felt very tormented.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Did Jane pull out her hair?

It doesn't seem to be, so when does Jane want to do it?


Hold back, hold back, and wait for an opportunity that won't be discovered.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Is Jane going to pull her hair?

Could it be that it has already been pulled out?


What about timing? If you don't hurry up, your hair is almost done.


The sound of heels touching the ground came from the corridor outside, as if walking in a hurry.


The opportunity has come.

Haibara Ai:"……"

This is the last chance. If Jane doesn't get her hair by hand, she must consider the possibility that 'Jane has already pulled it out secretly', and it is best to take the initiative.

After a click, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Jane shook her hand intentionally, wrapping two strands of hair around the teeth of the wooden comb, and quickly snapped them off.

Holding three coats in her arms, the young maid walked quickly through the door.

Jane frowned, "What do you look like in a panic?"

The young maid hurriedly stood aside, "Hold, I'm sorry..."

"Forget it," Jane looked at the coat in the arms of the young maid, lowered her head and took off the two brown hairs on the comb teeth, and put them in the front pocket of the apron before putting the comb back on the dressing table Come on, leaning over and mourning to Haibara, "Miss Alice, shall we try on the coat?"

The big pocket in front of the maid’s apron was originally designed to hold things. In addition to storing things that may be used in the pocket, it can also be like Jane’s, to put away some scattered hair first to ensure that the room is clean enough, so Jane The movements are reasonable and natural.

"Okay..." Hui Yuanai pretended not to see Jane's actions, and stretched out his arms to Jane again.

Jane smiled again, bent down to hug Hui Yuanai.

She suspected that she was overthinking, how could Shirley make such a cute and dependent move?

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Jane hugged her, Hui Yuanai touched the adhesive tape under the stool with her right hand fingers, tore it off lightly, removed a few hairs stuck on it, sandwiched it between the middle finger and ring finger, and quickly used the adhesive tape to With the smooth side facing inward, wrapped around the index finger, and then quietly inserted the right hand into Jane's apron pocket.

Shake her hands in the large apron pocket, especially the bottom, so that her hair is stuck by the tape on the index finger, and then put the hair of Grace Alhara, which is sandwiched between the middle finger and the ring finger...

After hesitating for a moment, Hui Yuanai also threw in the cuff button bug hidden in his sleeve.

All the actions were completed within two seconds. When Hui Yuanai retracted his right hand, he felt a few hairs on the tape of his index finger, and he was relieved.

It wasn't foolproof, and if the tape didn't take all her hair away, Jane would be skeptical after she'd checked all the hair.

However, sticking her hair with tape is already the most practical method. As long as God doesn't deliberately make things difficult for her, she shouldn't leave a strand of her hair in Jane's apron pocket.

Jane didn't notice the abnormality, and when she put Hui Yuan Ai on the ground, she said with emotion, "Master Feichi won't do this kind of behavior to others after he is six years old, no matter how troublesome the dress is and how high the chair is, he will I will insist on coming by myself, and I don’t want Mr. Zhikang or the servant to hug him..."

"Did this cause you trouble?" Hui Yuan Ai asked pretending to be entangled.

If it wasn't for changing her hair, she didn't think she would make such a move.

"No..." Jane raised her eyes to look at Hui Yuanai, and said with a smile, "It's good to be relied on, it makes me feel...a bit indescribable."

Hui Yuan mourned when she thought that Jane was the housekeeper who had taken care of Chi Feichi for many years, and her mood became a little subtle.

She hoped that the real Jane would be replaced, and the Jane in front of her was just acting with her.

If this is not the case, it means that her opponent will be someone who has taken care of Brother Feichi for many years, and Brother Feichi may also be attached to him.

"However, this is also my duty. You need me, so I can play a role," Jane said, straightened up, and turned her head to look at the shopping suit in the young maid's arms. "A white skirt is a white short coat. Well, although you have to take it off before entering the room, the color should not be too abrupt, and the long coat may wrinkle the skirt...Sorry, am I being too wordy?"

"No, your proposal is very good." Hui Yuanai paused, trying to figure out whether the relationship between Jane and Chi Feichi was considered close, "Godmother said, you have been taking care of Brother Feichi in Japan for a few years ago , did he say that you are long-winded?"

"I've said it more than once." Jane took the white coat from the young maid, squatted down to help Hui Yuanai wear it, and looked a little helpless, "Madam also said when I was young, I always like to talk about her, Fei Chi The young master said it many times when he was a child, but when he grew up, he began to treat me as if I didn't talk too much, and could ignore me as if nothing had happened."

"You two have been together for so many years, so the relationship should be very good?" Hui Yuanai asked again.

"The maid can't have a good relationship with the young master, especially when the wife and Mr. Shinnosuke are away and the young master is still young, I need to keep a proper distance from him to prevent him from becoming more attached to me than to his family. After all , Madam is his mother, and..."

Jane began to talk about what she had said to Chi Feichi again, but the topic changed slightly, and became "Can the lady at home fall in love with the male servant?"

Halfway through the talk, Jane asked the young maid to call for Chi Kana, and after Chi Kana confirmed that Hui Yuan Ai's suit was suitable, she helped Hui Yuan Ai change back to her original casual clothes and continued talking.

"If it's in the manor, you and Master Feichi will live on different floors, so as to avoid both male and female servants coming to the third floor, but there are few rooms here, and we don't come here often, so that's the only way..."

"If you meet such a stinky boy, don't believe his sweet words, and don't hide it from your family. Please tell me... No, tell the young master, madam or Mr. Shinosuke directly..."

"Do you need to rehearse the relevant etiquette? If there are other people present at that time, you still have to pay attention, there will always be some annoying guys who will use these as an argument..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Going back to the previous question—would Jane appear long-winded?

This time, her answer was - yes, and she was really good at talking.

Under Jane's insistence, Hui Yuanai learned the relevant etiquette from Jane in a decent manner, and was praised by Jane "you are so smart", and heard Jane say a lot of assumptions about how to deal with a certain situation.

"the last point……"

Hearing what Jane said, Hui Yuanai perked up.

Is it finally over?

"You have done a good job," Jane squatted in front of Hui Yuanai with sincere eyes, "If you meet someone you hate, don't take the other person's words to heart, and if the other person keeps pestering you, you should also maintain your demeanor. If you can, remember to smile, and then tell the other person directly——You are really annoying, you must be so hard on a child, you must have had a hard time at ordinary times... Eyes can be disgusting, but it’s best when others don’t see it Angle, that's it!"

Hui Yuanai nodded speechlessly, "Yes..."

Jane is teaching her how to smile and say hurtful things, right?

"Okay," Jane stood up, "Let's do this for now. I'm going to prepare lunch with Lydia and the others. Are you going downstairs now?"

"I want to stay in the room for a while," Hui Yuanai looked at the camera on the table, "From the window of my room, I can see Baker Street, I want to take two photos in the room and bring them back to my classmates Let's share."

"Then I won't bother you."

Jane smiled slightly, exited the room, and closed the door for Hui Yuanai.

Hui Yuanai breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward to stick it on the door. After confirming that Jane's footsteps had left, she started to lock the door, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the landline number of Dr. Ali's house.


The phone rang twice and was answered.

On the other side, Dr. Ali lowered his voice, "Xiao Ai?"

Hui Yuanai felt his brain was still rumbling, so he slowed down, "It's me."

Dr. Ali let out a long sigh of relief, "It's only a few tens of seconds before the two hours we agreed on. Xinyi and I are worried that something happened to you..."

"Sorry," Haibara said sadly, "I made a mistake in my prediction."

"Does it take two hours to try on the dress?" Conan's voice came over, "Is something wrong?"

"Because I was worried about getting my clothes dirty during lunch, I changed them after I tried them on," Haibara Ai explained, "But it only took about an hour, and I spent the rest of the hour listening to Jane Talk about etiquette and how to deal with various possible situations..."

Yes, she was correct in her estimation of 'it will be over in two hours', and trying on the clothes would not take two hours, but she just didn't expect that Jane would drag her to talk about it for so long.

"Uh, is that so..." Conan quickly realized that he was not speechless, and asked solemnly, "The result? Did you get the answer?"

"It's already confirmed," Huiyuan Aifang said softly, "The person with the aura of organization is Jane. When she and I were alone in the room, the aura was very strong, and she secretly pulled me out. hair, but don’t worry, I’ve secretly replaced it with Grace’s hair.”

"Ju, could it be Jane?" Dr. Ali asked in surprise, "You guys chatted for nearly an hour, and I thought it couldn't be her..."

"To be precise, she guided me for nearly an hour," Haibara Ai corrected, thinking again, "But because of this, I don't think she is sure about my true identity. At that time, I could feel that she was staring at me, but she didn't have too much malice, and since she would pull out my hair, then she probably wasn't very sure of my identity, she just saw my appearance and had doubts. "

"I went to see the doctor's house just now, and it doesn't look like anyone is watching. I also secretly found out that there should be no suspicious people around here recently," Conan said, thinking that his anxious appearance just now was a bit funny, There is a "housekeeper" god next door, he went to ask, and got a surprised expression on Akai Shuichi's pink-haired disguised face. After that, he was worried, and went to observe and investigate nearby. There is indeed no suspicious person recently. Haunted, "Judging from the circumstances, your thoughts are correct. The people from that organization didn't confirm your identity. When they appeared there, they probably didn't come for you. They just saw your face and thought of Xue Li, that's why I have doubts, since you have a legal identity and have changed your hair, I think it will be absolutely fine to deal with it..."

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