Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2059 Watching and Learning Yin-Yang Strange Qi

"I'm really sorry," Ralph looked at Chi Kanai and Yan Qiufu with a guilty face, and sighed deeply, "I was too reckless."

"It's okay, Ralph, you didn't mean it, so don't blame yourself so much," Chi Kane said with a gentle smile on his face, "Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for more than five years, right? I heard that you went to the United States to study University, how do you feel? Does it feel hard to live there?"

Chi Feichi saw that Hui Yuan Ai was paying attention to Chi Kana, took the plate handed over by the male waiter, said "thank you", hugged Hui Yuan Ai in one hand, and carried the plate to Chi Kana not far away with the other. At the same time, he said in a low voice, "Ralph failed to get into a top-ranked university in the UK, so he spent money to study in the United States."

Hui Yuanai blinked his eyes, and understood in his heart.

Her godmother was smiling and stabbing someone in the heart.

"Yes, ma'am, I just came back from the United States not long ago," Ralph also smiled back, "It is a vibrant country, and I have adapted well to living there. I originally wanted to stay in the United States and establish a new life there. Branch office, but my parents insisted that I come back and plan to let me go to the United States in a few years. They are always so worried about me, and sometimes it really makes me feel very distressed. They should learn from you, and occasionally Children need to be given freedom."

This sentence didn't need to be said by Chi Feichi, Hui Yuan Ai also understood it.

This means that her godmother left Brother Feichi when he was very young, saying that she wanted her parents to learn from her, but she was actually saying that her godmother had not fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother!

Before her godmother poked Ralph's heart with words, she didn't feel it too clearly, but now when it was her godmother, she felt how hard the two stabbed each other.

Chi Kanai still had a smile on his face, "Your father is indeed a bit stubborn. I don't think I should say that. He is actually a very shrewd businessman. I hope you won't tell him. By the way, how is your mother recently? ? I heard that she went to the hospital with a cold some time ago, is she much better now?"

Chi Feichi put the dinner plate on the table, and when he leaned over to put Hui Yuanai down, he whispered in Hui Yuanai's ear, "Ralph's father married his mother because his uncle owns the Field Group. shares, and took advantage of the development momentum of the Field Group to establish its own company, but that company did not develop well.”

Hui Yuanai understood, Chi Feichi was explaining to her the origin of the 'smart' evaluation, and asked in a low voice, "Then why did you ask about his mother's health? Is his mother not in good health?"

"Mother won't use other people's illnesses to attack others," Chi Feichi said in a low voice. "Some time ago, my mother did something to make others think that she wanted to sacrifice the Field Group to feed the Zhenchi Group. Many businesses of the Field Group were given over to Machi and Umbrella. After recovering part of the shares, they also used their rights and decision-making power to invest a large amount of money in the Machi Group, which would almost affect the Field Group. For the investment in the fund pool, Ralph's uncle couldn't hold his breath, and with the instigation of some people, he sold the shares to others. Of course, the person who bought the shares in his hand was arranged by his mother. From then on, Rael Husband’s family has no contact with the Field Group, and unfortunately, his uncle’s business still hasn’t improved, and he lost a lot of money from the sale of the shares. My mother also said it before, Ralph His father is a shrewd man, recently because his wife's natal family has become more and more troublesome, he has quarreled with his wife several times, and Ralph's mother was annoyed when she went to the hospital..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

I understand, the godmother is concerned about Ralph's mother's health on the surface, but she is actually saying that Ralph's parents are not on good terms, reminding Ralph to think about the bad things in his family.

Ralph was still young, not as calm as Chi Kanai, the smile on his face froze, and he said, "Thank you for your concern, she is much better now, after all, she is already in her fifties. Your health is indeed not very good, unlike you, madam, as if you have the magic of eternal youth, no matter you are thirty or forty years old, you will always look so young and beautiful."

Chi Fei came late to the table and took a glass of wine, and brought a glass of fruit juice to Hui Yuan Ai, and watched with Hui Yuan Ai, learning the yin and yang of the British.

Huihara Ai looked down at the mango juice in the glass, lowered his head and bit the straw, but his eyes remained on Chikana and Ralph.

She also understood this sentence, which meant that her godmother was a witch.

"Relph, if your mother knows that you talk about her youth in front of other women and say that she is not young anymore, she might be angry. I am not much younger than her, and I have the same concerns as hers. "Ike Kana looked at Ike Shinosuke, his tone was a little helpless, but his eyes were full of attachment, "I am getting older year by year, and when my husband is more and more attractive to a mature man, sometimes it is inevitable to worry that my husband will be more energetic. of women are attracted to..."

Ralph's face turned cold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I promise not that we won't have that day." Ike Shinosuke stared at Ike Kana and said.

"I trust you, Shinnosuke, I hope you won't let me one day be ashamed to see others because of the trust I have today," Chikana smiled, and the smile was still a little helpless, "I also hope you can understand me, as a mother, In addition to worrying about being hurt, I also worry about my children being hurt..."

Chi Shinosuke looked at Chi Kanai solemnly, "You know, as a husband, as a father, I have many things that I am not good at, and all the hard work I have done so far is for our family, and this is the only thing I do .”

Chi Feichi took a sip of his wine.

On this big night, he can actually eat wine-flavored dog food.

Haibara drank the juice through a straw, and looked at Ikekana's slightly reddened eye sockets.

On this big night, she can actually eat mango-flavored dog food, and it's even delicious.

Mr. Shinosuke expressed his heart so solemnly, not to mention the godmother, even she felt a little moved.

"You're fine," Ike Kana smiled at Ike Shinosuke softly, "It's like this in my heart, and it will always be like this."

"Holding, I'm sorry," Ralph put away the expression on his face that was about to collapse, smiled at the two, and looked at the crowd next to him, "My female companion seems to be back, I think I should go to accompany her, first Excuse me."

Chikana smiled at Ralph and nodded lightly.

Chi Feichi watched Ralph leave, and walked to Chi Ganai's side, "Did his father cheat in marriage? It seems that the situation in his family is worse than I imagined."

"Everyone will have bad things. The bad things in his family originated earlier. In fact, his father had an illegitimate child who entered his father's company a few years ago. The matter was exposed not long ago. It was when he When his parents were quarreling, his father made a slip of the tongue and said it, it was really too bad, he rushed back from the United States, maybe it has something to do with this matter..." Chi Kanai went to the table and took a glass of wine, handed it to Chi Shinosuke, lightly Sighing lightly, "My expression just now may have been a bit exaggerated, but occasionally I worry about such bad things happening at home."

Ike Shinosuke raised his glass to Ike Kana, "I dare not do that."

"I hope so," Chi Ganai laughed out loud, looked at Chi Feichi again, and said softly, "I still care about the silver medal, maybe he lost it and can't get it back..."

"Silver medals can still be made, at least we are all here, we can make a lot of silver medals with good meaning," Ike Shinosuke enlightened, "or other souvenirs, I think such things are more worthy of collection."

"That's right," Chi Kane said with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I almost got into a dead end again."

"If you hate Ralph, use a more direct method to solve it, such as letting him leave here and never appear around you again," said Chi Shinosuke, looking at Chi Feichi, "and then focus on Elsewhere, instead of staring at him all the time, there are other things waiting for us to do."

"I understand." Chi Feichi replied.

If he wanted to have fun, he wouldn’t provoke Ralph with his eyes outside. It’s been less than two hours now, after Xiao Ai fucked his cheap mom, he’d watched enough of the show and didn’t bother to talk to Ralph. say.

And knowing that Ralph is in a difficult situation now, he seems to be prosperous, but in fact he is strong on the outside, and he suddenly loses interest in doing something about Ralph.

If Ralph is a threat to his interests, his emotions, or his family harmony, then simply make Ralph disappear.

On this point, he agreed with Lao Chi.

However, what Lao Chi thought might be to make Ralph lose everything and never turn over again, but what he thought was that since he knew that he would be in a hurry, he had to be on guard against them and learn how to jump over the wall. It's a good time to let the threat disappear from the world forever.

There is no way to prevent thieves from going wrong for a thousand days, but you can get rid of thieves as soon as possible.

"Of course, this is my idea," Chi Shinosuke took another sip of his wine, and complained to Chi Feichi, "I really can't get used to their English speaking..."

Ikekana cast a concerned look.

Chi Feichi silently added in his heart—hypocrisy, smiling face, and yin and yang.

Ike Shinosuke paused, and changed his words, "In my opinion, it's a waste of time. We still have more things to do, such as the integration of the group, which must be done before the award."

"Is it finally decided before awarding the honor?" Chi Feichi asked.

"Your Majesty Isabella will have the confidence to support us," Ike Shinosuke said formally, his eyes gradually becoming serious, "Everything is ready, but before the ceremony starts next Monday, we still have three days to do the final Check, it’s not too late, let’s say hello to the guests who will be attending the ceremony, Xiao Ai will be taken care of by your mother first, if possible, we will settle the work-related matters before we go back, so when we return home, We can talk about light things."

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