Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2062 Huiyuan Ai: I hope to get away with it

"Have you seen her?"

In the room on the third floor, Chi Feichi stood by the window and was on the phone with Jane.

"She came to London a week before you... blah... we've already met... blah..."

"Wait," Chi Feichi interrupted listening to the noise in the call, "From just now, what's the sound on your side?"

"Is it my side?" Jane wondered, "I... 呵... thought it was your side..."

"Master, the temperature of your cufflinks is not right," Feichi reminded, lying under Chi Feichi's clothes, "The temperature seems to be a little higher than before."

Chi Feichi glanced down at the black cuff buttons on his sleeves, closed his eyes, and said to Jane on the phone, "I see, she said that she can help is mostly a polite word, we'll talk about it when we meet."

"Okay, you... huh... rest early."


The phone hangs up.

Chi Feichi put down his phone and looked down at the cufflinks on his sleeve.

When changing clothes in the afternoon, Jane sent the cufflinks to the door of his room, refused the help of the maid, and put the cufflinks on him by herself. When he saw the cufflinks, he would think of Dr. Ali's cufflink bug , but he just thought about it at the time, because he had this kind of cufflinks at home, and because he didn't think Jane would have a bug made by Dr. A Li in his hand.

After putting on the cufflinks, he didn't look carefully at what was wrong with the cufflinks. In fact, after he returned to the room, he checked the room after he entered the door, checked the pockets of his clothes, and tried to make an insignificant phone call , to determine whether there is a bug in the house, and there was no noise on the phone, which meant that there was no abnormal radio wave interference in the room, so there could be no bugs. Unexpectedly...

The noise started about half a minute ago. Before that, Feichi didn't notice that the temperature of the cufflinks had risen. That is to say, the wiretapping started half a minute ago, not more than a minute, not a long time.

The doctor's cufflink bug can receive signals within ten meters. Conan and the doctor are far away in Japan. It is impossible to monitor his voice and make the bug hot. There is only one person who can do it... ...his sister!

Feichi got out of Chi Feichi's collar, looked down at Chi Feichi's cufflinks, "Master?"


Chi Feichi put the phone into his pants pocket, took off his coat, and started to unbutton the cuffs.

I don't know how much Xiao Ai has heard, but...

Is it better to check it out?


In the room diagonally opposite, Hui Yuanai's heartbeat accelerated after it stopped, and the words Chi Feichi just heard rang in his mind repeatedly.

‘Bermod has her mission... Did she tell you that she can help? '

'Have you seen her? '

'Wait, from just now, what's the sound on your side? '

"I see, she said that she can help is mostly a polite word, we will talk about it when we meet..."

Undoubtedly, the 'she' in these words refers to Belmode.

Brother Feichi knew the code name of that woman in the organization, not only was he not hunted down because of knowing this, but he also knew that Belmode had a mission. There is only one possibility—Brother Feichi is also a member of that organization. Possibly a core member too!

As for the people in the organization, Brother Feichi knows or is familiar with at least two, one is Belmode mentioned on the phone, and the other is the person on the other side of the phone. Could that person be Jane?

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the day when she first met Brother Feichi.

The street was drenched by the rain. The young man walked through the crowd in black, his calm eyes fixed on her, and he walked towards her step by step. The expression on his handsome face was indifferent, with a sense of oppression that made her heart palpitate, making her feel that she was trapped Dangerous people are watching, and they are even ready to be captured and brought back to the organization.

Now that she knew that Brother Feichi belonged to that organization, she couldn't be sure whether her fear at that time was because she felt the aura of that organization from Brother Feichi, or because she had just escaped from the organization, and she didn't like wearing black clothes and his expression. Someone who doesn't sound too friendly is overly sensitive.

After all, in the subsequent relationship, she never felt the aura of that organization in Brother Feichi, and she was used to ignoring Brother Feichi's usual indifferent expression...


There was a rustling sound from the receiver of the glasses, followed by the sound of the doorknob being twisted, which also woke Hui Yuan Ai from his memories.

From what Brother Feichi said before, you should have heard the noise of radio interference in the call. Once you find out that there is something wrong with the cufflinks, you will know that she is the only one with this cufflink bug here...

Is Brother Feichi planning to come and look for her?

Hui Yuanai immediately reached out and pressed the power of the spare glasses, put the spare glasses in the drawer, closed the drawer gently, and quickly got into the bed.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a knock on the door of the room almost at the same time.

There was silence outside the door, and Chi Feichi's voice came out.

"Xiao Ai, are you asleep?"

Hui Yuanai's heart jumped out of her throat, and she deliberately shouted in a sleepy voice, "I've already fallen asleep, what's the matter?"

"Open the door," Chi Feichi said from outside, "I want to talk to you."

Huiyuan mourned the shortness of breath due to tension, "Can we talk about it tomorrow morning?"

"Right now." Chi Feichi's tone was very decisive.

"Understood..." Hui Yuanai crawled out of the bed, stood by the bed to calm down, made his expression look more natural, walked to the door, opened the locked door, and turned the doorknob.


The door hinges rattled at night due to age.

Hui Yuanai wore a long white cotton nightdress and slippers on his feet, pushed the heavy door halfway, lowered his head and rubbed his eyes with his hands, pretending to be not fully awake, and asked as naturally as possible, "It's so late, what's the matter?"

Chi Feichi looked at Huiyuan Ai standing behind the door, squatted down, raised his right hand, put it on Huiyuan Ai's shoulder, and stretched his left hand between the two of them, so that Huiyuan Ai could see the pair of hands in his palm. Black cufflinks, "About this..."

In the corridor, the lighting wall lamp continued to work, and the dim light cast a layer of warm color on Chi Feichi's white shirt and black trousers, and also cast a layer of dim yellow on the cuff buttons.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Chi Feichi asked, looking at the top of Hui Yuanai's head.

Hui Yuanai looked down at the pair of cufflinks, her heart stopped beating for two beats, she didn't know how to get it back, her mind was in a mess, "This is"

Chi Feichi put down his right hand on Hui Yuanai's shoulder, stood up and said, "We seem to need to find a place to talk, why don't you invite me in for a while?"

Hui Yuanai made way sideways, looked down at Chi Feichi's legs stepping into the door, until he found that Chi Feichi was going straight to her bed, and hurriedly looked up in panic.


She got into the bed and came out immediately. The bed should be cold, which is enough to prove that she is lying - she didn't sleep at all before.

It's not that there are no chairs in the room, Brother Feichi walked directly to her bed, probably just to make sure...

Chi Feichi turned around and sat down on the edge of the bed. He didn't reach out to explore the quilt. He raised his eyes to see Hui Yuanai's dazed expression. He felt that he hadn't come here in vain tonight. A smile flashed in his eyes, "Why? Worry about me Touch your quilt with your hand to confirm if you really fell asleep before?"

Hui Yuanai turned around to avoid Chi Feichi's gaze, and reached out to close the door with a guilty conscience, "No..."

"Since I'm in England, I think I should be a gentleman and don't do such impolite things." Chi Feichi paused, "It's not necessary."

The breath that Hui Yuanai was about to exhale stopped in his throat, and he turned his back against the door, looking up at Chi Feichi.

"Your nightgown, your shoulders are cold," Chi Feichi said calmly, looking at Hui Yuanai's shoulders and at the place where he had put his hands on just now, "If you lie under the covers for less than a minute, the nightgown It's impossible to cover your shoulders with heat, so..."

So when he put his hand on Hui Yuan Ai's shoulder, he had already confirmed that Hui Yuan Ai was lying.

The bug only started to work in the middle of the conversation between him and Jane. It was already certain that Huiyuan Ai hadn't slept before. He didn't think that the spare glasses would break down in the middle of the night and accidentally connect to his cufflink bug.

The most important thing is the attitude that Haibara Ai tried to hide.

If Hui Yuan Ai didn't hear anything, such as what happened to Belmode, he shouldn't be so nervous.

Just tell him 'accidentally left the bug in your place', this is not something to make a fuss about, at least they have always been a good brother and sister, as the younger sister, I apologize and explain, this matter passed.

Hui Yuanai was in a panic trying to cover up the eavesdropping, so he should have heard him say 'Bermode' and thought that he was a member of the organization.

For him, this is actually not a big deal.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.

Since it is a fact that he works for the organization, there will be times when he will reveal his secrets, it is only a matter of time.

Without this kind of psychological accuracy, he would have been terrified as early as when Gin Jiu occasionally convulsed and gave him a series of calls... Maybe, maybe he could experience the feeling of being terrified.

Before entering the door, he had already confirmed whether Hui Yuan Ai had heard anything, and walked towards the bed when he came in, just to scare Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai knew his secret just like that, and it wasn't in his plan. Isn't it too much for him to satisfy his evil taste a little bit?

At least he was satisfied with that panicked expression.

Hui Yuanai didn't know that Chi Feichi was full of evil intentions, but after hearing what Chi Feichi said, he also understood that he couldn't hide the eavesdropping before, so he put away the astonishment on his face and explained bravely, " That seems to be a bug made by the doctor. I didn't know where it fell before. I was on the way back and found that your cufflinks looked like that bug, but I wasn't sure. I wanted to talk to you when I came back. You said it, but you went to the study with Mr. Shinosuke again, and I fell asleep after I came back, and I just woke up, so... I tried the spare glasses with the spare glasses when I woke up..."

She remembered that brother Feichi told her some lying techniques, such as nine truths and one falsehood.

She felt sorry for using what Brother Feichi taught to Brother Feichi, but she really hoped that she could get away with it.

"So," Chi Feichi observed Hui Yuanai's reaction, and asked softly, "What did you hear?"

Hui Yuanai's expression had regained his composure, he looked straight at Chi Feichi and said, "You seem to be on the phone with someone, what kind of voice did you say, her help is probably a polite word, let's talk about it when we meet..."

Yes, calm down, she heard nothing.

If she didn't know what Brother Feichi meant when he said 'Belmode', it was just that she accidentally heard Brother Feichi calling.

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, patted the bed beside him, "Come and sit."

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