Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2070 sorry, he ran away

Kudo Yukiko took a step back quietly, leaned over behind Huibara's ear and asked in a low voice, "Is that them?"

Hui Yuanai shook his head and said softly, "It's not like that, but it's really dangerous."

Kudo Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief, straightened up, and did not lower her voice, "But, who could that be?"

Chi Feichi looked at the newspaper in Yusaku Kudo's hand.

Yusaku Kudo looked down at the newspaper reports, nodded and said, "It's probably him."

Hades Sabara!

"He should have no reason to keep an eye on us," Chi Kanai recalled Hades' past, "The company he worked for did cooperate with the Field Group, but he is just an ordinary employee, and it is impossible to blame us for the reason, other than that Besides, Machi Group, Field Group, and Umbrella have no contact with him, if he has to say, he may also use Umbrella's chat software or forum..."

"Or he has played Umbrella games, such as Magic Continent," Kudo Yukiko added seriously, and touched his chin again, "Although I believe he is just passing by, he doesn't necessarily need a motive to stare at someone , it’s not the first time he’s hurt innocent people, is it?”

"Anyway, he must have heard it," Chi Feichi said hoarsely, "Mr. You Zuo was invited by the police to help crack the crime notice."

"That's why he made that disdainful sneer," Haibara Ai looked up at Yusaku Kudo, "If the police deciphered his crime notice in time and prevented him from committing the crime, then he will definitely remember what happened on the street today." The Yusaku-san I met might be angry..."

"I don't mind that he will blame me in the police station. The other party has already provoked me with a sneer. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he dared not fight?" Kudo Yusaku smiled confidently, put away the newspaper, and took out Looking at Chi Feichi on his mobile phone, "I asked my police friend to send him the crime notice."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Why look at him and say? Is Kudo Yusaku trying to pull him to solve some code?

He's really bad at deciphering codes.

Kudo Yusaku called his friend energetically, told him about meeting Hades, and asked his friend to send him the password.

He had heard from Xinyi a long time ago that Mr. Chi was very good at solving codes, and he had heard the same thing from the doctor.

No, since there is Mr. Chi's father in London, let's call him 'Feichi', which makes it easier to distinguish and get closer.

In fact, he and Feichi had been together for a while in the United States, and since Shinichi was also taken care of by Feichi in Japan, they should have been closer.

In short, Feichi remained silent. He wasn't sure if it was because of Feichi's sore throat or because of his acquiescence, but since Feichi didn't refuse, he assumed that Chi Feichi was acquiescing in solving the code.

He had long wanted to have a riddle-solving competition with Fei Chilai, and he was a little excited when he thought about it...

After a while, the London police took pictures of both sides of the coded paper and sent it to Yusaku Kudo using the UL chat software, and also called Yusaku Kudo to say a few words of thanks.

After Yusaku Kudo hung up the phone, he forwarded the two photos to Chi Feichi, "Feichi, I sent the photo of the notice letter to your UL account, and Hades sent the same notice letter to different The London police have found four of them so far, and they have taken photos of both sides and sent them to me..."

Chi Feichi thought about it, and took out his phone to look at the photos.

Forget it, just take a look.

The photos capture the front and back of the four teaser letters.

The reverse side is blank, some are folded with a cross, and some are folded more. Considering that the notice letter is given to passers-by, and passers-by will fold the letter paper according to their own habits, Hades should not put it away. Information stays in such an easily destroyed place.

The content on the front side is exactly the same. On a completely white paper, the English is printed out with a printer, and the English lines are aligned in the center.

【Giant Fights Death

two small people jumping on the table

The poor queen was imprisoned in the tower by the king

The dead prince has a rose in one hand and a lily in the other

Man Killed by Brothers Turned to Bone

And I am the poet and musician persecuted by sailors, preferring to drown in a sea sprinkled with golden rosemary]

Hui Yuanai raised his hand and tugged at the corner of La Chi Feichi's clothes, signaling that he wanted to see it too.

Chi Feichi squatted down so that Hui Yuanai could easily see the content of the photos on the phone.

Chi Kanai leaned over beside Chi Feichi, watching the content together with Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai.

Yukiko Kudo leaned next to Yusaku Kudo, and read the content silently, a little confused, "Is this... poetry?"

Kudo Yusaku stared at the content, his fighting spirit was high, "The information he wants to give us is hidden in..."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "The 1971 British remake of the Grimm's Fairy Tales."

Yusaku Kudo: "?"

He hasn't started yet, Feichi has already solved it? Is this speed too outrageous?

"In that version of the Grimm's fairy tales, there were not many illustrations. There were only one or two illustrations in a story," Chi Feichi sucked throat lozenges for a long time, and his voice was not as hoarse as before. In the story of "The Messenger", the illustration shows a giant fighting with death; in "Two Mysterious Little Shoemakers", the illustration shows two villains jumping on the table; in "The Wolf and the Fox", the illustration shows the queen being imprisoned by the king. The tower..."

Chi Kanai also recalled the illustrations of the Grimm's fairy tales, "In the story of "Poverty and Humility Guiding the Road to Heaven", the illustration shows the prince holding a rose in one hand and a lily in the other after his death. In The Singing Bones, the illustration shows the half-baked body of a man on the river bank..."

"Is that so?" Kudo Yukiko wanted to say that she had never read that version of the Grimm's fairy tales, and confirmed with some surprise, "Do the illustrations in the fairy tales have corpses?"

Chi Kane nodded, with an indescribable expression on his face, "It's because the illustrations in that edition of the book were very...very strange, I remembered it all at once, and because the illustrations were weird, so the One edition of the collection was stopped shortly after it was released, and there are not many circulating in the world now. I think it can be collected, so I kept it all the time, and even brought it to Japan..."

"In the old house," Chi Feichi said, "I flipped through it when I was in the study a few years ago, and the content of the illustration matches the description in the first five sentences of the crime notice."

It was because of the classic style of illustrations in that book that the original consciousness almost left a psychological shadow after reading it. When he saw the first five paragraphs of the crime notice, he suddenly remembered that book.

I'm a little sorry for Kudo Yusaku, he ran away.

Kudo Yukiko was thoughtful, "When it comes to 'the dead prince has a rose in his hand and a lily in his hand', it seems that only the story of 'poverty and humility guides the road to heaven' in the Grimm's fairy tale is mentioned."

Yusaku Kudo nodded, "The queen was imprisoned in the tower by the king, and the younger brother was killed by his elder brother and turned into bones. These are also the storylines in the Grimm's fairy tales, but the poet and musician persecuted by the the Grimm's fairy tales It seems that there is no such story?"

"And the five stories of 'Death Messenger', 'Two Mysterious Little Shoemakers', 'Wolf and Fox', 'Poverty and Humility Guide the Road to Heaven', and 'Singing Bones' seem to have nothing to do with each other. Huiyuan Ai continued to think, "However, the illustrations of fairy tales are different in each edition. If the content of the illustrations exactly matches the description, it means that the information is probably hidden in that edition of the fairy tale book."

Yusaku Kudo affirmed, "Hades is British and grew up in England since he was a child. He may also have the Grimm's fairy tale book at home, so that he can use it to set up secret codes."

Chi Feichi recalled those illustrations, looked at Yusaku Kudo, and he was about to run away again, "There will be one or two lines of English content under those illustrations, and the printing of that book is really not good, some letters are printed like Slight ghosting."

"I remember the illustration of the giant fighting the god of death, there are c and h," Chi Kanai recalled, "because in the illustration, the giant and the god of death are covered with injuries, and I remember that the double shadow part of c and h looks like dripping blood, I specially looked at it twice, and I remember it more clearly, the other... I can't remember it for the time being..."

Chi Feichi flipped through the memory of the original consciousness, and could easily see the content on those pages, "The villain jumping on the table, the letters with double shadows under the illustration are a and r, the queen was imprisoned by the king The illustration of the tower, the doubled letter is ing, which is the ing of the king 'king', under the illustration of the dead prince, the doubled letters are c and r, under the illustration of the half-skeletal corpse, there is a double The letters are o and s."

I'm sorry, but he seems to have snatched it up again.

Yusaku Kudo had already taken out a pen and wrote down the letters on the newspaper when Chi Kana and Chi Feichi were talking, "If you arrange them in order, it's charing... cros..."

As a person who is familiar with London, Chi Kanai immediately popped up a place in his mind, "Charing Cross Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital."

"So the last sentence, 'And I am a poet and musician persecuted by sailors, I would rather drown in the sea sprinkled with golden rosemary' is the meaning of s hospital? Or..." Yusaku Kudo thought, Subconsciously looked at Chi Feichi who was squatting beside Hui Yuanai, and found that Chi Feichi was looking at him with a strange look in his calm eyes, his eyelids twitched, "Feichi, what do you think about the last sentence?" Did you find it?"

Feichi already knew?

No way.

I won’t talk about the storybook version of "The Grimm's Fairy Tales", he has never read it, and because of the strange style of the illustrations, Feichi and Mrs. Kanai both remember it clearly. It is not surprising that Feichi discovered the key sooner, but the last sentence is not like It's the content of a fairy tale, it's impossible for Feichi to think of the key so quickly...

"It's still an illustration," Chi Feichi looked at Yusaku Kudo, who repeatedly rushed away, which made him feel delicate, "In the "Complete Tragedy and Comedy of Shakespeare" published by the same publishing house in the same year, the second scene of the first act of "Twelfth Night" , there is a note under the illustration, Arion, a famous Greek poet and musician, it is said that he was persecuted by sailors on a boat from Sicily to Corinth, jumped into the sea, and was carried to the shore by dolphins.”

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

Being distracted by the previous "Grimm's Fairy Tales", he kept wondering if this was the plot of a certain story, but forgot to think about it in combination with reality.

If he recalled "poets and musicians who were persecuted by sailors" in reality, he would definitely be able to think of Arion.

"But Xiao Chi," Kudo Yukiko asked curiously, "There are quite a few books that mention Arion, how can you be sure which one it is?"

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