Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2072 Explosion in the middle of the night

Haibara Ai didn't expect Yukiko Kudo to have such a teasing mentality, and she mourned for a certain detective for a second in her heart, "He knows, he heard that there is a shepherd dog named Conan, and he was stunned for a moment."

"Oh, I think it's cute when I think about it," Kudo Yukiko was full of maternal love in her heart. She smiled at the Ghana photo in front of her, looked at the little paparazzi at Gana photo's feet, and said with a smile, "Then, these puppies are Ghana After Mr. came to England..."

"It seems that the mixed breed of Shiba Inu and Shepherd Dog...are all Arthur's children?" Hui Yuanai bent down to look at the four puppies, and then explained to Chi Kanai and Kudo Yukiko, "Arthur and Mr. Garner went to England When I came here, I had a shepherd dog named Christine as my girlfriend in Japan. Christine’s owner, Ms. Hasaki Shino, and Mr. Garner liked each other. Christine was still pregnant at the time, so they discussed the matter first. Let Mr. Garner bring Arthur to England, wait for Christine to give birth to the puppies, and then Miss Lianmu will bring Christine and the puppies over."

Ghana also saw Hui Yuan Ai introduce his relationship with Lianki Shino in a calm tone, and he felt a little embarrassed, raised his hand and scratched his head with a smile, "Yes, because the puppies were too young before, and Shino took the dog with him again. They stayed in Japan for an extra month and brought them to London the day before yesterday. Shino was too tired from the plane and wanted to rest at home. Christine stayed with her at home. I rested this afternoon, so I brought Arthur and the puppies The task of going out for a stroll fell on me, I didn't expect to meet Dr. Chi here, what a coincidence..."

Arthur squatted beside Karna Teruya, with his head lowered, only his eyes quickly raised to look at Chi Feichi, and then quickly retracted his gaze to stare at the ground.

It was happy to see Christine, but it didn't expect to see the scary doctor again so soon...

The lingering doctor...

"That's great." Chi Kanai squatted down, "Can I pet the puppy? Will Arthur be too protective of the child?"

"Of course, Arthur won't mind." Garner smiled from ear to ear seeing Arthur's loveless appearance, "It's just not in the mood to mind."

Like Chikana, Kudo Yukiko squatted down to pet the puppy, and looked at the listless Arthur, "What's going on with it? Is it not feeling well?"

Chi Feichi leaned over and stretched out his hand, and looked at Arthur's ears, "It's afraid that I'd recommend Mr. Garner to sterilize it."

Arthur swished his head up and looked at Chi Feichi in horror.

Ikekana, Kudo Yukiko and Haibara Ai were amused by Arthur's reaction.

Kudo Yukiko smiled and said, "Xiao Chi, don't scare it anymore..."

"It has been getting along very well with Dr. Chi. In the past, apart from me, only Dr. Chi could calm it down. Of course, that was before Dr. Chi mentioned sterilization. In fact, when I came to the UK this time, I considered neutering it. , if it and Christine have more children in the future, Zhi Nai and I may not be able to take care of so many dogs..." Garner Zhao also heard Arthur whimper, and quickly laughed, "But it is 'neutered' now. This word is very sensitive, anyone who mentions it will make it look pitiful, and I really can't bear it, so I discussed it with Zhi Nao, let's wait two years, if I have a puppy, I will give it to someone else, these four The puppies are being given away one after another, and I've posted on the forums looking for adopters."

Chi Kanai found that Hui Yuan Ai became more active after seeing the puppies, so he turned to ask Hui Yuan Ai, "Does Xiao Ai like puppies? If Mr. Garner hasn't given away all the puppies, should we adopt one?" ?”

Huihara Ai hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head, "No need, there are Feichi, Feimo and Wuming, and now there are dumplings, and I also raised horses in the Japanese horse farm, I think there are already many animals in the house , if I get another puppy, I worry that I won’t be able to take care of it.”

Seeing Feichi who put his head on Chi Feichi's collar, Chi Kanai laughed and said, "That's right, take care of the pets at home first, if you change your mind, we can get another puppy, and we can ask about it when the time comes." When I ask Mr. Garner, I think there are puppies that need to be adopted in his place for the past two years."

Garner smiled embarrassedly and said, "I hope I can bear it."

"The puppy is really cute." Yukiko Kudo looked at Yusaku Kudo who came over after making a phone call, stood up, and said with some regret, "It's a pity that my husband and I often travel around the world, and I'm not sure if I can take care of it." dog."

Kudo Yusaku approached and looked at Karna Photoya suspiciously, "Are you planning to buy a puppy?"

"No, this is Mr. Teruya Kano, a friend Xiao Chi and Xiao Ai met in Japan," Yukiko Kudo said with a smile, "These dogs belong to him, and he said he planned to give away the puppies, so I said a few words with emotion .”

Chi Kanai also stood up, and smiled apologetically at Garner's photo, "Mr. Garner, I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself..."

"You are Mrs. Ganai, right?" Garner paused, scratching his head and said, "The company I work for happens to be a financial company under the Field Group. I have heard of you, maybe I should call you Boss..."

Chi Kanai was a little surprised, but still smiled and replied, "Since we are not in the company, let's call each other casually."

"What a coincidence, Kana," Kudo Yukiko said, smiling at Kana, "Kana is Xiaochi's mother."

"I've heard from Dr. Ali..." Garner photo also looked at Kudo Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku, and said with a smile, "I can also recognize the female star Fujimine Yukiko and her husband, the mystery novelist Mr. Kudo Yusaku .”

"Hello," Yusaku Kudo greeted with a smile, "Nice to meet you."

A group of people stood on the street chatting for a while, and after making an appointment to go to the park to walk their pets tomorrow, Garner Zhao also left with his dog team.

Yusaku Kudo then talked about the result of calling the police.

The police have already dispatched personnel to Charing Cross Hospital, and they will sneak into the hospital in disguise. They will guard and investigate there in shifts until tomorrow afternoon.

But Yusaku Kudo was still worried, and after having dinner with Chi Feichi and others nearby, he hitchhiked to Charing Cross Hospital.

Kudo Yukiko followed the Chi family back to the retro building by car. After learning that Kudo Yusaku wanted to help guard in the hospital, it was logical that Chi Kana stayed overnight.

At twelve o'clock at night, there was a huge explosion at Charing Cross Hospital.

On the main street, fire trucks and police cars sped past, awakening many people who were already asleep.

The Chi family and Yukiko Kudo were also awakened by the movement outside, standing in the attic, watching the police cars passing by on the main street from the window.

Chi Shinosuke called the security base at the intersection, and found out that the turmoil came from the explosion at Charing Cross Hospital, and arranged for two teams to come over to guard.

Kudo Yukiko called Kudo Yusaku nervously, and after hanging up the phone, saw Ike Kana cast a questioning look at herself, and sighed, "Before Yusaku stayed in the security room to watch the surveillance, he was just hit by the aftermath of the explosion , was not injured, but he said that explosions occurred on many floors of the hospital. They found many injured people outside, and the plainclothes police patrolling some floors were also injured. "

Chi Feichi was not surprised.

If it was Hades they met during the day, with the kind of "I want to destroy the world" hostility in his body, it would not be surprising to do crazy things.

Ike Shinosuke put away his mobile phone, "The hospital building was bombed, and the police didn't find it?"

"Yusaku said that they watched the surveillance video of the last two or three days, and they didn't find any man suspected of Hades appearing in the surveillance," Yukiko Kudo frowned slightly, "The police also checked in the building, but..."

"Somewhat careless," Chi Feichi said, "I didn't expect that Hades didn't use a knife to kill people this time, but chose bombs, or a large-scale explosion."

Kudo Yukiko nodded, and sighed again, "They didn't pay much attention to suspicious items. There may be many bombs placed in some hidden corners, and the same is true for Yusaku. I didn't expect to be more vigilant about the inspection of items..."

"Even if it is thought that Hades might use a bomb, call the police all over London, and search around the hospital from five o'clock in the afternoon to twelve o'clock at night, there is no guarantee that all the bombs in the building will be removed. Find out, what's more, Hades will definitely camouflage the bomb or place it in a hidden place, such as in the ventilation duct, or use some method to temporarily transport the bomb there," Chi Kanai looked at the chaos outside the window, but Calmly comforting Kudo Yukiko in a gentle tone, "Hades did it on purpose. It takes time to decipher the code and search. It only took more than two days from yesterday's crime notice to the explosion. In addition, he changed the way he committed crimes." , No matter who it is, it is difficult to prevent the explosion from happening."

"Yeah," Kudo Yukiko was still a little worried, "Because I didn't expect him to use a bomb, so I didn't expect to evacuate the crowd in time..."

Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi's calm face.

Even if the facts were in front of her, even if Brother Feichi always looked indifferent, it was still hard for her to believe that Brother Feichi would be a member of the organization.

All along, she felt that Brother Feichi should be the same person as Edogawa.

When encountering an incident, Brother Feichi will help the police find the criminal; when encountering a criminal with a bad attitude, Brother Feichi will knock him down; when encountering danger, Brother Feichi will choose to protect them, on a corner of the rock, because protecting them, As a result, the murderer cut himself on the shoulder with a knife; a bomb was installed in the car, and Brother Feichi would choose Mr. Mao Li to stay in the car until the last escape together...

And in unknown places, Brother Feichi is also a road hunter who has caught countless criminals.

She remembered that Brother Feichi also said things like 'there is no perfect crime in the world', and he also had such a hidden feeling of tenderness towards others that 'evil words hurt others'. Will Brother Chi feel sad, unbearable and frustrated?

She also thought a lot before going to bed tonight, and every time she thought of what Brother Feichi had done and said, she couldn't connect Brother Feichi with a criminal organization. The strong sense of separation made her Both brains seemed to be split in half.

However, she also thought of a possibility——

The organization used despicable means to force Brother Feichi to join them!

She knew how terrifying the organization was. Once trapped, the tentacle-like black shadow would wrap the person layer by layer, and the only way to get out was death.

It may kill the people around you, and it will also become a bondage that makes people unable to let go.

If it wasn't for the death of the only sister she cared about in the world, she probably wouldn't have been able to make the decision to leave the organization, and she wouldn't have been determined to take the potentially fatal drug and finally successfully leave the organization.

Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that Brother Feichi would be trapped in the organization.

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