Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2080 This girl is so difficult to communicate

After hearing the words 'Giotto' and '14th century' clearly, the others immediately gathered around the painting and began to look closely at the whispers.

"This, is this Giotto's work?"

"If it's really from the fourteenth century, it's probably a Giotto painting..."

Naoto Asayama looked at the painting and was silent for a while, then turned his head and asked the person next to him curiously, "Who is Giotto you are talking about? Is this painting very valuable?"

The person who was talking was speechless, and looked at Naoto Asayama speechlessly.

There is a strange flower that is out of place here, but if it is Chaoshan, it doesn't seem so strange...

"Don't look at me like that. I have never been interested in history and art. In my eyes, it is not as worthy of attention as new agricultural planting techniques. I used to take art appreciation classes when I was in school, but I only remember Da Finch, Monet, etc." Naoto Asayama spread his hands loosely towards the others, looking at the painting, "This painting seems to make people feel happy, so it is a good painting, that's why I'm asking you guys, Otherwise, even if you drag me to appreciate it, I won’t be able to appreciate it.”

The man beside Naoto Asayama sighed helplessly, and explained patiently, "To put it simply, before the 14th century, most of the paintings were religious paintings left on the walls of churches. Inlaid with gemstones, it looks luxurious and cold, but Giotto will use real people as models. The saints in his works are full of vitality, and have various vivid expressions and emotions. For example, his work "Escape to Egypt" is a biblical In the story, the news that Mary gave birth to Jesus was leaked, and she fled to Egypt in the pursuit of King Herod. The background of the painting is rolling hills and trees. Under the guidance of angels, the Virgin Mary and Jesus are just ordinary. The image of mother and child, Maria's skirt was even stained. This kind of painting that is close to reality makes people have a different view on the painting. Even after seeing his works, many people are very fond of the gorgeous Byzantine painting has lost its zest..."

"Realism..." Naoto Asayama paused, "No, in painting, it should be called realism, then he is the founder of this style."

"That's right, he started the realism of Renaissance art," the man nodded, and joked again, "The Da Vinci you mentioned was born more than a hundred years after him, and he also attaches great importance to learning from him."

"Although it is realistic, it is inevitable that there was a religious color in that period," said Chi Shinosuke, expressing that he is different from his old friend. Although he has no interest in art, he is a person who has been influenced by his wife. "Like this Behind the girl in the painting is the figure of an angel made of whirlwinds."

"Yeah, the seller at that time seemed to call this painting "Asylum". As for how long the painting has been circulating and how it came about, he couldn't tell," Chi Kanai looked at the painting, "But the strange thing is that at that , There are not many cases where paintings are painted on canvas, and they all have religious significance. This painting is not only painted on canvas, but there is no way to check which scene in the Bible story it is..."

One of the elderly men thought about it seriously, "There seems to be no similar story in the Bible."

Chi Feichi just looked at the painting without making a sound.

Of course.

This is not the story in the Bible at all.

When Diana was a girl, she packed a bag at random and wandered around when she was away from home. One day, she was sitting on a grain pile outside the city singing and was seen by an old man passing by in a carriage.

He still remembers that day.

The missionary-like old man was sitting on the carriage, staring straight at Diana, his gaze was so focused that he immediately 'sounded his bones for warning'.

After seeing the carriage, Diana jumped off the grain pile and walked over, "Hey! If you want to rob, I'm penniless, and I may not be as rich as you."

The old man looked at Diana's smiling face and asked seriously, "Happy girl, I just want to know what makes you so happy."

"I'm always so happy. Occasionally, when I'm unhappy, I tell my bones, or help others, so that I will be happy again."

"I was wondering if... could I draw a picture for you?"

"For me? I'm not a Madonna and Child or something, how can you paint for me?"

"I don't know, but you are like a girl protected by an angel. I suddenly want more people to see your happiness. This may be the meaning of painting."

"Well, you're an interesting person, I promise you!"

This painting has been painted for more than a month. Giotto lived in that city, and Diana temporarily settled down in one place, but she was still restless.

Giotto's coachman fell ill. Giotto watched Diana pinch the coachman's chin and poured medicine, and looked down at the image of a girl with a bright smile on the canvas who was still a little bit ladylike. He probably understood that Diana was helping others. How did Wei Le help, with hesitation in his eyes.

When Giotto's neighbors had a quarrel, Diana climbed up to the fence and sat down, watching with relish for a while, until the other couple felt embarrassed to continue the quarrel, and then smiled and persuaded them to make peace.

No matter what happens in the city, Diana will not let it go, sometimes she is like a cute pistachio, sometimes she is like a violent ghost doctor, and more often, Diana likes to run wild outside the city , or only knocked on the door of Giotto’s temporary residence late at night, or ran out for several days after leaving a letter, Giotto’s face was often red and white with anger.

At that time, Diana was a freak, and those restrictions on women were never seen by Diana. He believed that during that time, Giotto's blood pressure had been at its peak.

And Diana also has a habit of checking the progress from time to time while Giotto is painting, and pointing fingers at the side.

"Draw on my bones, the one I'm's been with me, and it doesn't feel right to leave it like this, and I'm the only one drawing it, and doesn't it make me look lonely ?”

Even though Giotto was already a famous painter at that time, he was still so entangled that he could only explain.

"I will draw a huge angel behind you, it will accompany you and protect you behind you, you will not be alone..."

Diana's brain was wide open, "Can you draw a huge bone behind me?"

Giotto: "..."

Huge bones? ? ?

Chi Feichi: "..."

Even if Giotto dared to draw it, later generations would not believe that it was Giotto's painting. If they didn't know it, they would think it was a funny painting drawn by later generations as a prank.

Diana insisted: "Bones are with me, and bones are protecting me. You can't be dishonest! Even if it's painting."

Giotto couldn't bear it anymore, "I have never painted any huge bones!"

Diana: "Can't you?"

Giotto: "..."

Diana: "I heard people in the city say that you are a kind and creative person. You don't know how to try new things, do you dare?"

Giotto: "Creation is an indispensable thing for human beings, but sometimes, new things can be poisonous, which must be accompanied by thinking, serious consideration, and judgment whether it is suitable for you..."

Diana: "It's so troublesome. I've tried many new and unknown herbs. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have found some beneficial herbs. Of course it is necessary to think about it, but if everyone is worried that it is a poisonous herb, what else can I do?" Who will discover the treasure in them?"

Giotto: "..."

It's so unreasonable.

Why hasn't this girl been poisoned yet... No, this girl is so difficult to communicate with.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Diana still twitching? Without him, he would have died hundreds of times earlier.

In short, at that time, Diana was very skinny, like a runaway crazy horse, far less stable than she was later, and Giotto was also miserable, but he liked the vitality and unbridled bigness of Diana. laugh.

Diana wanted to add bones to the painting, but Giotto reluctantly added Diana holding the necklace pendant in the painting, and coaxed Diana: Bones are such a good thing, if someone else sees them and wants to keep them for themselves what to do? I paint like this, the bone is in the painting, and it can prevent people from watching it, isn't it better?

The old man was so bad that he almost aroused Diana's possessiveness. During that time, he hid the bones under his clothes all day long, so that he was covered in dark cloth for a while.

As for the angel behind them, the two have always had a dispute. In order to add the angel, the old man Giotto covered his heart and pretended to be pissed off during the argument. When he saw Diana running to choose herbs, he quickly said that he was fine.

After that, Giotto was still fed two bowls of medicine. He wanted to lie on the bed with a face full of love, but seeing Diana's attitude of "you must be sick when you lie down, and you have to drink medicine when you are sick" , sat up quickly, and continued to discuss with Diana.

Diana was not unreasonable. After hearing Giotto talk about her religious beliefs, she still allowed Giotto to draw the shadow of an angel behind the girl in the painting, which was just a shadow without a specific appearance.

The old and the young had a rare peaceful conversation.

Giotto: "That bone of yours, like an angel, accompanies you and protects you..."

Subtext: There is nothing wrong with my painting like this.

Diana: "Okay, but you don't use someone else's face to draw an angel, a bone doesn't have a face, it's just a bone."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Hehe, who has no face?

Giotto: "I think we should try to make the image of an angel in the shape of a baby..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Forget it, let these two people toss, he is tired.

Diana: "Do you think the bones could be babies? I don't think it's that childish."

Giotto: "Just because of the innocence of the baby."

Diana: "But..."

Giotto: "Then use shadows, just draw a vague shadow of an angel behind you..."

Diana: "This...seems pretty good."

Giotto: "Diana, it's been a long time since anyone told me what to do when I was painting."

Diana: "Now again."

Giotto: "..."

nothing wrong.

Chi Feichi: "..."

He applauded blankly.

The painting was finally completed after stumbling.

Giotto will continue to set off home and take the painting away. He wants to share with his family the happy girl he met on the road, and discusses with Diana to set off together, or agree to meet again somewhere. When the time comes, He then gave the painting to Diana.

However, Diana unscrupulously left the sentence "The painting you drew is yours, don't give it to me", and embarked on a journey of wandering around again.

In that era, sometimes a separation was a farewell, especially when Giotto was not young at that time. When Diana saw the painting again, Giotto had passed away for several years.

He had thought that Diana joined the school later and was keen to communicate with many thoughtful and creative people. Apart from the influence of the times and personality, could there be reasons for Giotto?

Although Giotto is very persistent in painting angels, it is also because of faith. In addition, Giotto is also an out-and-out pioneer, and his ability to accept and tolerate is stronger than many people at that time.

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