Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2084 Sealed in the underground laboratory

"Oh my god, master, I miscalculated!" Feichi groaned, hid under Chi Feichi's clothes, and coiled the back half of his body around Chi Feichi's heart, "I tried my best to block it, but the arrow You are fatter than me, and you will definitely be nailed through!"

Chi Feichi didn't panic, and yelled to Chi Shinosuke and Chi Kanai, "Lean against the wall", leaning on the rope in his right hand, turned over and fell over, stepped on the ceiling with both feet, and bowed his head.


An arrow flew past Chi Feichi's head, and the sharp arrow cut off a few hairs.

The first round of arrows had already been nailed to the wall opposite the window sill, and the second round of arrows had also been nailed into the ceiling and the floor one after another. The arrows barely penetrated into the stone wall under the wallpaper. One could imagine that those arrows could definitely be nailed into the human body easily.

Chi Zhenzhisuke held Chi Kanai's shoulders and retreated to the wall of the bed, sweating coldly for Chi Feichi in his heart, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another soft sound from the window sill.


The originally long copper plate slid away, revealing three rows of silver arrowheads behind it.

Chi Feichi: "..."

There is something in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not.

Ike Kana and Ike Shinosuke: "..."

Is this... endless?

Without giving the three of them too much time to curse in their hearts, three rows of arrows were shot out quickly, covering all the space around the wall lamp.

In the sleeve of Chi Feichi's left hand, the black stick quickly slipped down into the palm of his hand, and he pressed the mechanism.

The black sickle popped out quickly, and the handle was stretched to a certain extent, dancing in a circle by Chi Feichi, who was squatting upside down on the ceiling.


The arrowhead of the arrow was hit, deviated from the original flight path, and was nailed to other places on the ceiling one after another.

After the sound of arrows being nailed into the wall, the room finally quieted down, and the wooden board under the window frame moved to block the dangerous copper board again.

"Master, be careful, there is still an arrow," Fei Chi hurriedly reminded, "It's on the side of the window sill, and it should be related to the floor in front of the wall lamp!"

Hearing this, Chi Feichi pressed the hook switch and fell from the ceiling to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the ground, an arrow flew from the window sill, and Chi Feichi quickly reached out and caught it in his hand.

Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana who didn't react: "..."

This room is dangerous.

"Okay, Master," Feichi heaved a sigh of relief, "It's gone."

Just as Feichi finished speaking, there was a slight sound from the ceiling and walls of the room. The arrows nailed into the stone layer seemed to be unstable, and fell to the ground with a crackling sound. They all fell down.

Chi Feichi looked down at the arrow in his hand, and found that the arrow that could be nailed into the stone layer seemed to have softened. He raised the arrow slightly, smelled a pungent smell, and immediately threw the arrow to the ground.

The arrow that fell on the ground melted silently, and the metal arrowhead and arrow body disappeared little by little under the light of the flashlight.

Chi Kanai stared blankly at the ground and murmured, "Feichi..."

"It's all right." Chi Fei came back to the bedside table and took back the flashlight. He squatted down where the arrows were piled up and looked at the black liquid on the ground. "There is some kind of liquid inside the arrow. After the arrow is shot, the liquid is inside the arrow." It is mixed into a liquid such as a strong acid, which melts the metal, and then makes the liquid dilute or lose its corrosiveness due to chemical reactions. As long as the arrow is inside the body, when the arrow melts, it may cause secondary damage to the inside of the human body."

Seeing that Chi Feichi was fine and that the mechanism had indeed stopped, Chi Zhenzhi breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and said to Chi Kanai who was in his arms, "I didn't know before that your house is so dangerous."

Chi Feichi looked up at the two hugging each other and remained silent.

Always feel that you are out of place here, even a little in the way?

"I... I didn't know before," Chi Kane looked at the black liquid that gradually seeped into the carpet, and recalled, "Brother Rhodes seems to have told me about some chemistry problems, but because he has porphyria, he didn't I can't go to school, and I haven't hired a chemistry teacher at home, and I don't know why there is such a thing in his room..."

"Didn't grandma invest in a drug research institute?" Chi Feichi stood up and reached out to press the wall lamp socket. "Maybe it's a product of the research institute, or..."

"Feichi." Chi Shinosuke frowned slightly as he stared at the wall lamp under Chi Feichi's right palm.

"It'll be fine."

As Chi Feichi said, he turned the lamp base of the wall lamp to the left twice, pressed it down, and turned it to the right again.


There was a light sound from the wall, and a square stone on the wall slowly turned, forming a 90-degree angle with the wall as a whole, and then stopped, revealing the dark space behind.

The rolled up dust settled little by little, and a more decadent aura came out from the darkness.

Chi Feichi took a photo with a flashlight, and found that there was only a platform inside, and on the side of the platform, there were stairs extending down, "It's a secret passage, I want to see it, do you want to go?"

"Of course we're going," Chikana said in a gentle but firm tone, "This may be connected to a secret escape route. You don't know the terrain, and it's easy to run into danger if you go down alone. I'll go with you. If we get lost, I will Might be able to help find the way."

"Even if there is no escape route, this place is dangerous enough," Chi Shinosuke walked towards the entrance, looked up at Chi Feichi and said, "Let's go and have a look, I'll open the way, and you and your mother will follow behind."

Chi Feichi was closer to the entrance, and walked in first, "You may not be as good at facing these things as I am."

Ike Shinosuke was silent for a while, without any objection, "Be careful with the mechanism, don't get lost, I have satellite positioning in my watch, even if I can't get out, Noah can send people to rescue us."

The three of them entered the space behind the wall and walked down the only staircase.

The stairs going down are convoluted, and it is easy for people to lose their sense of direction if they turn round and round inside. At the end of the stairs, there are three forks leading to three different directions.

Feichi tried his best to observe the surroundings with his hot eyes, "Master, there is no mechanism here, but my hot eyes can't detect too far, I don't know what the three roads are..."

"Choose one at random."

As Chi Feichi said, he had already walked towards the far right path.

He said he chose one at random, but he wasn't that 'casual' either.

The stairs just now made people feel dizzy, but he has been identifying the direction. Walking from the left is the direction of the back hill of the castle, walking from the right can lead back to the underground of the castle, and the road in the middle points to the direction outside the castle. forest.

If you want to go outside, you can try the two paths on the left and the middle, but if you want to discover more secrets, you should take the one on the right and go down to the castle grounds.


After Chi Feichi made his choice, Chi Shinosuke did not object, and when he and Chi Kanai followed, they took out a pen and drew shallow symbols along the stone wall as marks.

The next road is indeed much more complicated, with secret doors leading to other roads in the middle, and a dead end at the end.

When walking back, Chi Feichi tried to open the secret door under Feichi's reminder, and after Chi Kanai's confirmation, he learned that one of them was a secret escape route.

The three of them chose a road that Chi Jianai was not familiar with, and made choices at the fork in the roundabout staircase. With Feichi's reminder, Chi Feichi avoided some traps and finally arrived in an open underground hall.

In the hall, there are bookshelves comparable to a large library. The bookshelves are full of thick and thin books. There are tables and chairs in the corners, as well as experimental operating tables and old test tubes that seem to be broken if touched. There was a thick layer of dust.

Whether it was the tables, chairs or test tubes, there were no other stains except dust. The books on the bookshelves were more or less traces of being turned over, but they were all neatly arranged, so clean and tidy that there was no trace of human activity.

After looking around, Chi Feichi could tell that someone had cleaned this place before it was abandoned.

Behind the rows of bookshelves, there is a hollow iron door with an old-fashioned padlock hanging on it.

It's not too late for this kind of lock to fail, but because the inside of the lock is already rusted, it took him a lot of effort to open it.

The iron door is thick and makes a creaking sound when it is pushed open. Behind it is a large room with iron chains hanging on the walls, and an iron cage in the corner. The innermost part is the space separated by a screen, and there are two operating beds in it. .

Although it has been cleaned here, there are still black blood stains on the iron chains with rust marks, the seams of the iron bars of the cage, and the foot of the operating bed.

Seeing that Chi Feichi was checking the iron chain on the wall, Chi Jiana went up to have a look, and saw that there was also a black stain on the inside of a link of the iron chain, and asked aloud, "Feichi, is it still blood?"

Chi Feichi sprayed a little of the luminol reagent on his body, stretched out his hand to block the light of the flashlight, looked at the fluorescence on the chain rings, and confirmed, "That's right."

"Was anyone imprisoned here?" Chi Kanai looked around, "Or, is this... a laboratory?"

"Look at the distribution of the chains and the height above the ground. These are the chains used to control the actions of adults," Ike Shinosuke shined a flashlight on the chains hanging on the wall, and said firmly, "It should be a laboratory, and it was made with living things." A lab where people come to experiment and imprison more than one person."

Chi Feichi checked the operating bed again, turned around and led the way back to the hall, looking at the spine of a book on the shelf along the way, "There are no surgical instruments in it, the things may still be in the hall, or they may have been taken away, but There is no place to put these things inside, which shows that the other party is a very cautious person. Even when facing people imprisoned by him, he is worried that dangerous items such as knives will be taken by those people, so every time he goes in, he will bring equipment and come out. time to take it away."

"I didn't expect there to be such a place underground in Field's house," Chi Kanai also glanced at a book on the other side of the bookshelf, and sighed, "It's like the one who imprisoned girls underground as blood sheep in order to keep himself young forever." Like a noble lady, if this place is discovered, it will definitely cause a sensation."

Ike Shinosuke did not follow up to discuss the dark secret room of Field's house, "The collection of books here is also amazing, and there are almost all types of books."

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