Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2088 Who is the problem?

"During the years when she made money to pay off her debts, I was studying in London, and she occasionally came to visit me in London. Once she told me that she insisted on paying off her debts, perhaps because she rebelled against her mother, who believed that debts were her future. Trouble, she just wanted to get into trouble, maybe she also wanted to use this ridiculous behavior to try to prove that she didn't abandon her father's idea. I asked her if it was too hard, she said no, she tried to do it in the way of her father. To make money, I found a suitable investment project and invested with the capital I saved, and I am about to be freed from debt," Ike Kana looked at Ike Shinosuke, "The year we were going to get married, she settled all the debts It’s gone, I asked her if she wanted to leave the Field’s house and become an investor, it’s better to say that than to be a maid, and she will probably be able to find a good man to marry in the future..."

"But she refused." Chi Zhenzhisuke said.

"She said that her dream is to become a housekeeper." Chi Kanai laughed dumbly, looking towards the secret passage illuminated by the flashlight, "I almost forgot, when she came to Field's house, she told me very seriously that she Sooner or later, she will become the housekeeper at home, the kind of housekeeper who keeps an eye on the kitchen every day and doesn’t allow me to steal food from the kitchen.”

Chi Shinosuke subconsciously looked at Chi Feichi.

Speaking of which, Jane is indeed very strict about things like living habits.

If Jane is staring at the kitchen, there should be someone present who understands well...

"Don't look at me like that," Chi Feichi said speechlessly, "I never do such things as stealing food in the kitchen."

"Anyway, she and Lydia followed me to Japan. Lydia knew that we had such an agreement, and originally wanted her to be the housekeeper, but she said that her qualifications were not as good as Lydia's, and she would assist Lydia. It's alright," Chi Kana said with emotion, "She didn't realize her wish until we left Japan, but it's not too late, I wonder if she will find a man she likes to start a family after realizing this obsession , but I have never heard such news. When she came to me with Feichi a few years ago, I found that her personality was much colder. She suddenly said that people always seem to live in a way that I hate, and she is the same Now, when she looks at herself in the mirror, she always feels more and more like her mother, and what's even more frightening is that she actually understands and begins to recognize her mother's choice back then, and even feels a sense of her mother's calmness at that time. admiration……"

"Has she visited her mother since then?" asked Ike Shinosuke.

"It seems to have been there once. Her mother has married that man in the United States and has two children. She met and chatted with her mother and said that she was relieved," Chi Kanai recalled, "She came this time. In London, I also asked her. Her mother seemed to have passed away two years ago, and she went to the funeral. The man knew that she had never married and wanted to ask her to stay, as if he was his child, but she refused. It's..."

"Have you told Sister Youxizi about this?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I didn't make it so specific. She asked about Jane's family situation. I said that Jane's father committed suicide in debt in his early years, and his mother married to the United States and passed away a few years ago. That's all," Chi Kanai looked ahead and led the way. Chi Feichi said, "I want to ask Feichi what he thinks, and then consider whether to tell You Xizi about Jane in detail..."

Chi Feichi slowed down, walked alongside the Chi family and his wife, and confessed calmly, "The Kudos and his wife really came for Jane, and Jane is from that organization."

"That organization?" Chi Kanai was taken aback, unable to hide the surprise on his face, "When will Jane..."

"It seems that she has been working for the organization for a long time. I found out when I was a child, but... because of my problem, that period of memory is lost. I only remembered it after recovering from schizophrenia not long ago," Chi Feichi looked back at Chi Kana, "You should know when I first had that symptom..."

Seeing the two people stop and look at each other, Chi Zhenzhisuke also stopped, his eyes wandering around the two, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Ike Kanai glanced at Ike Shinosuke with a guilty conscience, and his eyes drifted away, "The time when Feichi was almost kidnapped when he was a child, someone broke into the ward. I found the scissors and wanted to fight back. The other party seemed to put hypnotic gas into the ward. Feeling drowsy, I fell asleep. I remember that before I passed out, I held the scissors tightly in my hand and pressed them on Feichi's body. But when I woke up, the scissors were no longer in my hand, and Feichi was still asleep. On the hospital bed, but the position is obviously different from before, and the quilt has been pulled back. I also saw scratches from scissors on the back of his hand. After he woke up, he didn't seem to remember anything..."

"So you didn't say anything?" Chi Shinosuke raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, "That's... Feichi is three years old, if you start to interfere with the treatment at that time, maybe the situation will be better..."

"I can't help it. After I woke up, the ward was clean, there was no blood on the scissors, and there was no sign of being broken into. If it wasn't for the injury on the back of Feichi's hand, even I would have doubted that night. Did I have a nightmare, in fact no one broke into the ward at all..." Chi Kanai looked at Chi Feichi, "I was even thinking, could it be was me because of Feichi's illness during that time , the turbulence of the Machi Group and being too nervous, mentally troubled, imagining that someone broke into the ward, and I accidentally injured Feichi with scissors..."

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

Considering the precedent of the Field family, it is no wonder that his wife suspected that something was wrong with her.

"Afterwards, I paid attention to whether I had any problems, and Feichi didn't remember anything about that night at all. It seemed that he even forgot the fact that someone broke into the ward. He was only three years old at that time. No matter if someone broke into the ward, Or if my mother suddenly went crazy and picked up the scissors, I think he would be very frightened," Chi Kanai looked up at Chi Shinosuke, his eyes were a little red, "How can I bear to mention something that will scare him again?"

Ike Shinosuke was silent for a while, "I'm sorry, it's my fault for making you guys face that."

"It''s okay, you tried your best, those people are too cunning," Chi Kanai calmed down, and returned to the previous topic, "If Feichi didn't talk about it tonight, I still can't be sure about that Is it because I have a mental problem, or he can't remember what he did..."

Chi Feichi wondered if he had been stuffed with dog food again, and continued to walk aside to lead the way.

Chi Zhenzhisuke looked at Chi Feichi again, "Feichi, what did you do that night?"

"Maybe he took the scissors from mother and stabbed the person who broke into the ward..." Chi Feichi said.

Chi Zhenzhisuke looked at Chi Feichi, "Maybe?"

Chi Feichi glanced at Qiaozhen Chi Shinosuke, "Ok, it's impossible, it did stab someone."

"If you can be sure, you must be sure that there are no outsiders here," Chi Zhenzhisuke twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "only in this way can we be sure which of you had a problem at that time, after all, if you are not sure whether the memory is true or not , that may also be your memory deceiving you."

"My memory is true," Chi Feichi gave an affirmative answer, "After my mother passed out, I took the scissors in her hand and stabbed the person who broke in. Maybe someone died...I'm not sure. , There was a lot of blood on the ground, my thinking at that time was a bit wrong, what I thought of was to throw those people out of the window, and then clean up the blood, so as not to keep the ward dirty..."

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

Is this 'something wrong'? This is 'so wrong'!

"I don't think it's right," Chi Kanai looked thoughtful and somewhat puzzled, "Feichi was only three years old at the time, it would be nice to be able to resist for a while, how could he stab the vicious kidnapper?"

"They probably didn't expect that I would attack again suddenly," Chi Feichi tried to hide it, and he couldn't possibly say that he was already a Lianjiazi at that time, "For some reason, I succeeded."

"What happened after that?" Chi Kanai still suspected that there was something wrong with his own memory, maybe it was something wrong with his own memory and that of his son, "Did you throw the kidnapper out of the window? With your physical strength, it is impossible to do it." Afterwards, no one found a dead body outside the window, or blood on the floor, and no police came to find them, and even the people in the hospital were active as usual..."

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

The analysis makes sense.

But he started to have a headache, wife and son, who was abnormal that night?

"I was going to throw them out, but I couldn't move them, and I climbed onto the iron frame outside the window. Then a man in black came into the ward and carried me back. After that, I fell asleep. I don’t remember anything when I wake up,” Chi Feichi said, “It’s people from that organization. They dealt with the kidnappers and cleaned up the blood. I got confirmation from the leader of that organization, so my memory is Really, there's no doubt about that."

"If there is a third person who knows what happened that night, then the truth should be like this," Chi Zhenzhisuke confirmed to Chi Feichi, "Is that the first time? You have that kind of situation..."

Chi Feichi nodded, and said frankly, "There will be a few more times after that, and it's the same when I found out that Jane's behavior was suspicious. I snatched the mission given to her by the organization and killed her mission target."

Chi Zhenzhisuke raised his hand and rubbed his throbbing temples. He always felt that his son's crimes started this year, but he didn't expect it to be so early. He was no different from his three brothers-in-law. He just forced himself not to think about Chi Feichi's scourge. "That is to say, this is the first time Feichi has experienced such a situation, and the trigger may be because of fright..."

"I think so," Chi Kanai admitted, "Brother Rhodes and the others started to make some dangerous actions because of physical problems and mental stimulation. It’s not likely to develop the disease at the age of three.”

Although Chi Feichi felt that Chi Ganai's words helped him to shirk his responsibility, but if the original conscious body hadn't been frightened and stimulated that day, he might not be able to control his body from the dream. All this is really uncertain.

"In short, the leader of that organization has been paying attention to our family, or in other words, the Field family. In your lineage, Feichi also suspects that the organization has a connection with the Field family," Chi Shinosuke sorted out his thoughts, "Jane is too The members of that organization probably have the task of monitoring or observing Feichi at home..."

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