On the other side of the black car, Chi Feichi opened the envelope, took out the inspection report inside, glanced at it, handed it to Jane, and took out the CD in the envelope, put it into a laptop, and checked the inspection report inside. content.

He can't confirm whether the research data is correct for a while, but he can randomly check some of the data to confirm whether the other party is fooling them.

It would be better for him to complete this kind of task.

Looking at the appraisal report in her hand, Jane asked aloud, "Is there any problem with the blood type of the appraisal result?"

"Of course not. The hair follicles you gave me are still intact. In order not to make mistakes, I tested every single hair. The result is just like this, and there will be no problems," Bartley flipped through the documents. The things in the bag were found to be the screenshots of the video he stole from the laboratory, and a CD. After confirming that the CD contained the video of him stealing the data, he was relieved, but he was still not at ease. Looking at the two people in the car next to him, he said, "I have already done what I promised you, please don't come to me again in the future!"

Chi Feichi glanced at the information and hissed, "It looks like there's nothing wrong with it."

"Ok, Mr. Bartley, you are free," Jane smiled at Bartley, the smile lacking in warmth, "Please go back to the laboratory tonight and pack up your things. We will take back the temporarily loaned item tomorrow morning." The research place, of course, we will keep our promise and will not look for you again, even if we meet you in the future, we will be just strangers."

"I hope you will keep your promise!"

Bartley dropped a sentence, started the car, and drove towards the excuse.

Jane watched Bartley's car leave, took out her mobile phone and sent an email, and said in a low voice, "Miss and Shirley's blood types don't match, I investigated the hospital where she was born before, and she has a twin sister, who is the famous American child star Lace-Ahla, that little girl also looks a lot like Shirley, it seems that they just happen to look alike, but are you worried? Worried that she will go back to her sister?"

Chi Feichi listened to the melody of the nursery rhyme "Seven Children" in his ear, looked up at the approaching motorcycle and the figure riding it in the rearview mirror, and said in a hoarse voice, "A little bit."

"Why is that woman here..." Jane noticed the person coming from behind, muttered, and then whispered, "You and your wife are very attentive to the lady, so I thought, if she chooses to leave..."

"If she chooses to leave, I will probably kill her," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice, "before I feel sorry for her choice."

Jane snapped her fingers and sent the email.

The brain circuit of the young master of snake spirit disease is really incomprehensible, forget it, she doesn't worry about it anymore.

The motorcycle stopped next to the window of the passenger seat, Belmode supported the motorcycle with one foot, looked around, and sighed with a half-smile, "It seems that I came a step late, what a pity, I couldn't See that boy one last time."

Jane had already put away her mobile phone, and turned her head to Belmod, "Bermod, is it important to you to see him for the last time?"

"Don't be so serious, Margot," Belmode smiled indifferently, "After all, Lark intends to let the boy fall into the hands of Hades. I think he will die a terrible death. I heard that he is a very handsome man. Young man, it’s just that his face will be distorted by death. It’s a pity that I missed the last one, but Luke, can this guarantee that Hades will help us kill him? Now, you can Tell me all about your plans?"

"Hades' face has been locked by the police," Chi Feichi said in a hoarse and calm voice, "He is undergoing plastic surgery, and he has an accomplice. This afternoon, his face has also been disclosed by the police..."


late at night.

Bartley drove to the temporary laboratory.

He didn't want to go back to that place at first, but he has lived there for the past few years, and there are traces of his life there. He didn't want the police to track down that private laboratory after those guys had an accident, and finally find him.

Moreover, he has no money on him, and he needs to take away the money that those guys gave him and put in the laboratory, to spend some time and think about his future life plan.

Yeah, that's all going to pass, he just went back there one last time...

At the intersection ahead, a car parked on the side of the road somewhat blocked the road.

Next to the car, there were three men and a woman standing together, their bodies blocked by the car, doing something furtively.

Bartley didn't want to meddle in other people's business. He was also a person who sneaked around late at night and dealt with people. He could probably guess that the four people on the side of the road would not be good people, but since the car was completely black and two of them He was also wearing black sunglasses, which reminded him of those guys, and he couldn't help but glance over vigilantly, but he was startled by this look.

On the side of the street, two men in sunglasses standing beside the car turned their heads to look at the passing car.

The woman opposite the two was wearing a baseball cap and a short-sleeved sports T-shirt, showing her muscular and lean arms. When she also raised her eyes to look at him, he saw a familiar face on the other side.

This woman, he seems to have seen somewhere, belongs to those guys...

No, not those guys, he remembered, on the news this evening!

The recent hospital bombing has caused a sensation in London, so he naturally has to pay attention to it, so as not to be affected by the disaster at any time.

In the news this evening, the police released the latest investigation progress:

Hades, who is on the run, has associates, a veteran, a woman who is good at making bombs!

At the same time, the police also released the photo of the other party, and played it in a loop with Hades's photo, reminding the public to pay attention to safety, and hope that the public can provide clues to the police under the condition of their own safety.

The woman in front of her looks very similar to the photo in the news report.

He remembered the woman's name, Hestia.

Then, the man next to the other party, could it be...

There are always some surprises or shocks on the streets with few people in the city at night, and the inertia of subconsciously wanting to confirm when people think of something is enough to get people into trouble.

Bartley looked at the man beside Hestia, met the cold gaze, looked back palely, and pulled the steering wheel in a panic to prevent the car from crashing into the mailbox on the side of the road.

The man's chin was wrapped in gauze, and his eyes were different from Hades's original appearance, but they were still somewhat similar.

Is Hades doing plastic surgery to avoid police pursuit...

That doesn't seem to be surprising.

He was just passing by, I hope there will be no more trouble finding him!


When the car drove through the corner, the tires that rubbed against the ground made screeching sounds due to the driver's panic.

A man in sunglasses who was staring at the car driving away withdrew his gaze, and teased in a leisurely tone, "As expected of Hades, the shadow of London, that man was so scared out of his wits when he saw you!"

"Hmph..." Hestia snorted coldly, took out the mask and put it on, and then zipped up the handbag on his right hand, "He recognized Hades! Although Hades' face hasn't completely subsided yet, But he almost also saw Hades's appearance after plastic surgery, maybe it will cause us trouble!"

Another man in sunglasses said with a cold face, "The place of the transaction is agreed by you. I said that there will be no problem with the raw materials of the bomb. It is you who insist on taking off the mask to inspect the goods. Even if you get into trouble and are caught by the police, It has nothing to do with us."

"I didn't bring testing equipment here, so I can only identify the quality by smell," Hestia said unhappily, "Who would have thought that this kind of road that few people usually pass by will still drive by at such a late hour..."

"It's that guy's fault, just pass by, why do you keep looking at us curiously..." Hades stared at the intersection, with a ferocious smile on his lips, "Don't worry, there won't be any trouble .”

The two men in sunglasses looked at each other and opened the car door.

"This is your trouble, you can solve it yourself, but I believe this is not difficult for Hades..."

"I hope you can abide by the agreement. If you are caught by the police, don't tell the person who helped you. Recently, the police are also stepping up investigations into explosives smuggling. At this time, we will provide you with bomb raw materials. We have also taken a big risk. oh!"


Hades responded, his eyes still staring at the intersection coldly, and he didn't pay much attention to the two men who got in the car and left.

Hestia watched the car leave, and then murmured, "I wanted to get rid of them after getting the explosives, but... at this time, there are not many people who can provide remote control electronic lighters. There should be other people, it’s good not to cause trouble, but the problem now is that the person just now seems to be different from us and them..."

"It's okay," Hades said with a cold smile, "I've written down his license plate number and appearance, so we can catch up carefully."


It was past three in the morning.

Hades reached the door of the private laboratory and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

There was no response from behind the door, but the light was still on behind the window with the anti-theft bar.

"He's too vigilant," Hestia whispered, "Hurry up, Hades, I'm worried he'll call the police."

"It's not too late, this is a very clean and good place."

Hades murmured softly, and set off to climb onto the roof.

Two minutes later, there were sounds of fighting in the room, and the sound of Bartley panicking.

"No, wait...I promise I won't say it...ah——!"

The screams stopped abruptly as soon as they started, and the bright red blood spilled on the laboratory equipment, the computer, and the camera attached to the computer, covering the images transmitted nearby with a layer of bright red.

In a car in a nearby street, Chi Feichi watched the killing video received in real time on his laptop, his blue eyes were calm and deep.

Members of the organization are still bound by the rule of 'don't cause trouble for the organization', and Hades is completely red-eyed and completely out of control.

This kind of person doesn't care about killing one more person, nor does he care about whether the person killed is innocent or not.

No matter how much Bartley promised that he would not speak out, Hades would not listen, and this was within his expectation.

In fact, before coming here, he thought about whether he should save Bartley again and prepare for his future cleansing, but after he arrived, there were too many things around him, so he gave up this idea.

When he comes to London this time, he has Umbrella's affairs involved, and he wants to take the opportunity to let the organization completely dispel the suspicion of Haibara Ai. Looking at the past secrets of the Field family, I really don't have the energy to think about how to save people, how to find a suitable corpse to replace, what method to kill to make other members believe that Bartley is dead, and how to arrange Bartley.

If it was in Japan, he could still tell Amuro Toru to find a way to arrange it, but this is in the UK, and the Japanese police do not have many people. Head, has temporarily left London.

Well, most importantly, he really didn't have the energy to 'arrange' Bartley away.

Not to mention energy, he is almost running out of time, and he hasn't slept more than six hours in the past few days. After staying up all night tonight, he will play around the castle with his guests as if nothing had happened, until tomorrow night To have a good sleep.

Reluctantly managing Bartley would easily cause other things to go wrong. Compared with the life and death of a person he just met, he would rather take care of himself and the people around him.

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