Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2093 Sneaking in to watch a good show

Morton smiled nonchalantly, "I have no reason to refuse the credit given to me, but is this the only mission? Do I need to do anything else?"

The scientist, he knew who it was.

In the police investigation afterward, there was only one crime scene that looked like a laboratory, and it was an unlicensed laboratory. The young man who died there was called Bartley. He was indeed an outstanding scientist. He also disappeared after leaving school in recent years. .

If it was said that the organization pursued the murderer to avenge the scientist, then he would never believe it.

Judging from the information left by the seniors, the organization never cared about those who were used. If someone was killed, the first thought was to take the organization out.

Only when the organization suspected that the murderer had some information about the organization when he killed the scientist would he pursue it so persistently.

It was only two days since Bartley was killed, and the police had just confirmed from the traces left at the scene that Hades was the one who did it. The organization had already found Hades' traces, and it was Lak who investigated it himself. He suspected Hades Get or know something that is also important to the organization.

So, is his task only to exchange credit for Hades? There should be something else, right?

For example, make Hades unable to confide something to the police, or take something from Hades before the police...

"If you can, pay attention to the progress of the police's investigation into Bartley's murder case, that's all." The man stopped in the alley for a while, "Maybe Lark will send you an email later, I'm just in charge to confirm your attitude .”

"Then you go with the answer."

Morton said something with a smile, separated from the man at the alley, and walked in different directions.

Keep an eye on the progress of the investigation into the Bartley case...

What do you mean? Did the police find any clues about the organization from Bartley or the laboratory?

Could it be that the thing that attracted Lak's attention, Lak is not sure whether it fell into the hands of Hades or was hidden in the laboratory by Bartley?

He suddenly had a bold idea.


In the afternoon of the same day, the police received a message from the MI6 intelligence service and surrounded a warehouse in an abandoned factory area.

After receiving the news, Yusaku Kudo also rushed to the nearby area to help.

Considering that Hades and his accomplice Hestia had a bomb in their hands and had blown up the hospital without any scruples, the police did not rush in rashly, and began to shout after surrounding them.

"Put down your weapons, don't struggle anymore, the special forces are coming soon..."

Later, people in the warehouse detonated the bomb, and the explosion almost destroyed half of the warehouse.

The people present were shocked and quickly contacted the fire brigade to put out the fire.

No one can survive this kind of explosion, but they are also worried that this is Hades and Hestia's golden cicada's plan to escape. Even if someone dies inside, they have to confirm whether the body belongs to those two people...

Meanwhile, the banks of the Thames.

Belmode received the information on Akai Marie's whereabouts, and with Akai Wuwu's face on his face, he stepped forward to meet Akai Marie who was standing by the bridge of the Sixth Intelligence Bureau headquarters.

Akai Marie was wearing sunglasses and a hat, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand and lying on the side of the railing looking at the river. When she heard footsteps, she turned her head to look at the people who came, "You are late, Wuwu."

"I'm sorry, Mary," Belmode walked forward calmly, with the tenderness and apology that a husband should have in his eyes, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, I can't remember where our old date is Oh, right in front of the headquarters, right here on the railing of the Vauxhall Bridge... I forgot all about it."

"How is it?" Marie Akai turned to look at her husband in front of her, "Have you found out who killed Koji Haneda?"

"Not yet, I only know that it was done by a very large organization," Belmode stepped forward, looked at Akai Marie, and said helplessly, "I was targeted by them, so I had to run away desperately."

"Then why haven't you contacted me for more than ten years?" Akai Marie said with a bit of reproach.

"The time I met you by chance on the street before, didn't I already tell you? When I escaped from those guys, I suffered a serious head injury, lost my memory for a while, and wandered for a long time. "Bermod said in Akai Wuwu's slow male voice, and looked at Akai Marie affectionately, "Thanks to meeting you, I regained my memory and returned to MI6 after a year. By the way, my sons also Are you in London?"

"No," Akai Marie also looked up at the person in front of her, her tone softened a lot, "I came with my daughter."

"Daughter?" Belmode repeated, quickly searching for relevant information in his mind.

"Oh, have you forgotten about the daughter you hugged yourself?" Marie Akai asked pretending to be relaxed.

Belmode smiled with a fake face, "Ah, that child...has he grown up now?"

Akai Marie stared blankly at the familiar face in front of her. After a while, two tears flowed down her cheeks under the sunglasses.

"Mary, what's wrong?" Belmode pretended to be anxious and concerned, "Why are you crying..."


Low laughter came from the two of them.

Before the two of them could react, the young man who had arrived at the side at some point had already taken two steps forward, grabbed Akai Marie's wrist that was about to be raised with his right hand, and stuck the cold leather glove on Akai Marie's wrist, pushing hard Pressing down, Marie Akai retracted the gun in her hand to her side.

"Of course it's because... was seen through."

The hoarse and unpleasant voice sounded beside Akai Marie, which also made Akai Marie feel cold all over, and looked sideways at the man standing beside her.

The man was dressed in black casual clothes, had soft light blond hair, and had childish freckles on his young face, but he looked at her with indifference, which made her feel full of malice.

This man is in the top secret information.

But when did the other party come to them, she didn't notice it at all!

Even if she was a little distracted just now because of sadness, she shouldn't be so dull...

Seeing Chi Feichi's disguised face, Belmode was also a little surprised. He was stunned for a moment, smiled and said back to his own voice, "Luck, I thought you weren't coming."

While the two were talking, the big men in black who were ambushing all around also surrounded them. The pistol in their hand avoided the sight of passers-by from time to time. Using their body as a cover, they pointed the gun at Akai Marie.

"I happened to be hanging out nearby," Chi Feichi whispered in a hoarse voice, "I sneaked here to watch a good show."

Bullying Akai Shuichi's mother is such a fun thing, if there is a chance to come, of course he has to join in the fun.

"I didn't expect you to be curious." Belmode reached out and tore off the fake face of Wuwu Akai on his face, and smiled at Marie Akai who was pointed at the gun and dared not move. "I don't understand." Where did I expose it, can you tell me the answer?"

"Hmph..." Marie Akai sneered coldly, "Why should I tell you...or what about you?"

"The only one you want to tell is her," Chi Feichi looked down at Akai Marie beside him, and hissed, "The organization has not obtained any information about Akai Wuwu's daughter, and about the daughter Akai Wuwu held in his arms It turned out that when Akai Wuwu was here, he never saw his daughter, right...that child is still in your stomach..."

Akai Marie's complexion changed, she didn't have time to think about whether there were loopholes in this speculation, she thought it was influenced by intuition, and she was only surprised at being hit by the rake next to her.

This really scary!

"It seems that Lak is right." Belmode looked at the changing face of Akai Marie, but she felt unhappy in her heart. She felt that Lak was bullying her by showing off her IQ. I've come to see you, as long as Luke can perform a scene of affection between husband and wife, I'd be more than happy to stand aside and watch the show."

"I don't care." Chi Feichi said calmly.

At this time, he was still caught and said.

This is Belmode's task, why did he come to act?

"Stop dreaming," Akai Marie held back the fear in her heart and her fear of a certain Lak, pretending that she still had the confidence, and kept thinking about how to escape, "It doesn't matter who you come from, I know Wuwu too well, yes Impossible to admit that your purpose is to use Wuwu's identity to infiltrate MI6, right? For this day, you pretended to be Wuwu wandering in the streets, let my colleagues see it, and notified me to come back to confirm, and you didn't hesitate It took me three years to do all of this, really well-intentioned, but you should also know that if you want to return to MI6 as a military officer, you must first pass the test of me as his wife..."

"It's the same when you're dead." Belmode looked at Akai Marie with a smile. "As long as there is an accident, I will become the tragic man who met his wife after a long time, but his wife passed away suddenly. With his wife's faith , go back to MI6 together."

"That's really a pity," Akai Marie also showed a smile on her face, "I have already told my colleagues that if I don't go back when the time comes, Akai Wuwu is a fake, and I also told my daughter to let her leave immediately London."

"Then, how about I pretend to be you and go see your daughter?" Belmode threatened with a smile.

"Hmph, make it sound like you know where she is," Akai Marie sneered, "You don't even know her situation."

Belmode looked up at Chi Feichi.

Trying to save a moment from Rucker...

Thinking of the fear of the man beside her, Akai Marie felt a little bit in her heart, but her face remained calm, "Your accomplice doesn't know, either. Everything he said just now is just speculation."

Seeing Chi Fei's silence, Belmode also knew the answer. He took out the medicine box from his coat pocket, opened it and took out the APTX-4869 inside, and smiled at Akai Marie, "It seems that sneaking into MI6 will take a while." I’ll talk about it next time I have a chance, I’ll complete another goal first.”

With his right hand, Chi Feichi snatched the gun from Akai Marie and threw it into the river outside the railing. He took a step back and prepared to watch Belmod's performance.

Hurry up, he slipped out of the toilet, time is limited, he has to go back in ten minutes.

Belmode glanced at Chi Feichi, feeling as if he was being looked at as a monkey. After biting the medicine with his teeth, he leaned closer and pressed it against Marie Akai's lips.

Anderberg on the side: "..."


This is what he can see? They won't be silenced afterwards, right?

Well, probably not, he is the one holding Lak's thigh.

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