Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2095 Isabella: Murderous!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki reached out and took the chocolate with only a bite, as if he had taken a cactus with poisonous thorns, and immediately put it in his pocket, thinking that it was not a good behavior for him to send a gift and take it back, and said, " I'll give you something else next time."

"Next time I want dark chocolate." Chi Feichi asked rudely.

Next time chocolates should be booked first.

"Chocolate with less sugar? The taste will be bitter, but as long as it's not too sweet, you seem to be fine..." Nanatsuki Koshimizu pondered and nodded, worried that the taste of chocolate this time would not suit Chi Feichi's wishes, and tried He asked, "This chocolate...does it taste alright?"

"It's like the non-alcoholic version of the Golden Dream cocktail, with a drop of bitters added," Chi Feichi commented. "It doesn't have the clear breath of bitters, but it has a mellower aroma than bitters, and it tastes good."

Yueshui Nanatsuki knew that Chi Feichi's evaluation of "not bad" was really good, so he breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as the taste isn't weird..."

She originally wanted to test Chi Feichi to see if she knew the reason why she gave the chocolate, but if she gave this kind of chocolate that was involved in the murder of her husband, it's better to forget it and choose a gift next time.

After knowing that Chi Feichi was a member of the organization, Huiyuan Ai became more sensitive to alcoholic drinks, looked down at the magazine, and asked nonchalantly, "Brother Feichi, do you have any alcohol that you particularly like or dislike?"

Trying to find out the code name of Brother Feichi, or the core members of Brother Feichi who are friends and enemies in the organization.

"I'm picky about wine," Chi Feichi said with a change of face, "As long as the wine with the meal is suitable, it doesn't matter whether it's spirits or wine. Of course, I don't care about the difference between dry and sweet. If I drink it alone, I think whiskey will be fine. more suitable."

Haibara Ai:"……"

That's right, it wasn't Wu Lan who drank a certain kind of wine alone. She had encountered it several times, and it was basically whiskey.

Scotch Whiskey, Bourbon, White Malt Whiskey, Irish Whiskey, Blended Whiskey...

There is no notable preference bias at all.

As for the table wine, I have some preferences. Recently, I always eat western food. Philip knows that he has drunk table wine, but there is no sherry wine the day after tomorrow. In Japan, Philip and uncle will also drink I've drank sake, beer, and liquor, and I'm all picks.

Attempts to snoop intelligence win.


Half an hour ago, two teams of guards walked up the low steps and lined up on both sides of the small gate. No one brought the carriage yet.

As soon as the signal for the start of the knighting ceremony was sent out, the people waiting inside also got into the carriage one after another, put on their hats, went up to meet their family members, and watched Yisha Chi, Fei Wulan and others get off the carriage.

In the crowd, Yisha Wulan led Fei Beila out of the first carriage, but slowly got into it, and found Chi Feichi in the crowd beside him, and said with a smile, "Feichi, come with me." Going with Fabera?"

The two officials in charge of etiquette looked at each other, nodded, called the person in charge of the live broadcast commentary, and whispered loudly.

Chi Feichi is the teacher of Prince Fei Wulan, his father is the new earl, who is now the person in charge and the smallest shareholder of Umbrella, which is considered to be small in the world, and his mother is also the uncle of the later king, so he is the same as the male king. It's a 'family', so it's reasonable to invite family members to ride together!

Anyway, the relationship between the characters must be vague to the media. They want to see the news that "the male king loses his manners and invites the opposite sex to share a ride" tomorrow. road.

What? Does Prince Fei Wulan have any other teachers? Yes, yes, that is important, they can make a fuss from Chi Feichi's family relationship and friendship with the prince.

Isa Wu Lan, has the male prince ever been to Japan in the future? I heard that Chi Feichi was also the receptionist, and there is something wrong with the male prince's courtesy.

They were also worried about Brother Yishachi's sudden willful behavior.

"my pleasure."

Being watched by such a person, Chi Feichi took off Yishachi's face, took off his hat, took the opportunity to push the brim of his hat up a little, and let his bangs cover his eyes, so that it was difficult for the camera to capture his pupils clearly. He calmly got out of the carriage.

Thanks to the British for their infatuation with hats, and to his mother's obsession with being tolerant and abiding by dress etiquette in formal occasions, allowing him to bring his hat and put it on just as he got on the bus.

Now that Umbrella has developed, the Chi family always needs to keep a low profile a few times, but he really hates being recognized when he walks inside.

Fortunately, for this kind of live broadcast, less attention has been paid to it in Europe and the United States, and many people forget it after watching it.

As long as his pupil color is caught by the camera, and Fang Zhou pays attention to screening the accounts on the Internet, only with the common white hair and a side face of Asians, he suspects that there is no one who can go on the street before. The son recognized him.


The wooden carriage has no rough carvings, and the inside is painted with gold and blue paint, with transparent windows on the right and left.

Chi Feichi took off his hat before getting out of the carriage, and sat opposite Yisha Chi, mother and son, trying his best to look sideways into the window, silently staring at Yisha Wulan.

Isa Chi: "..."

No killing intent.

Beside the carriage, the guard vaguely felt that the atmosphere was not right, but it was too late to think about it. He reached out and closed the door according to the procedure, took a step forward, raised his hand in salute, and watched the carriage leave in a hurry.

Brother Yishachi looked at Chi Feichi's hot face and felt that the weather in spring was as hot as winter, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he had to maintain a dignified and calm appearance as a male king, "Feichi, in the face of a malicious gang You, the male king of the Chi family, must be a little irritable."

You can be guilty, but you can lose face.

"Because the teacher hates being reported occasionally," Fabera said the truth in a low voice, looking at the live broadcast of the TV station in the car window and the passers-by watching, "It is because of the teacher's ability that everyone knows him little celebrity."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It's a shame that with such an exaggerated rainbow fart, Fabera can deceive herself, but he deceived himself.

Fei Wulan took a peek at Chi Feichi's still-hot face, "Yes, Teacher, Your Majesty is indeed full of malice. In the past, even if Teacher met someone with a lower title than Mr. Shinnosuke, they would give the teacher face and talk a little bit. You will be angry because the teacher is older than them, and you will act like an old junior..."

Chi Feichi looked at Fei Wulan's pitiful and restrained appearance, and calmed down anxiously, "What's the matter, just let me tell you if your Majesty has a hand, and doing this suddenly makes me feel uncomfortable and doubts His Majesty's intentions." The ceremonial officers are equally troubled by this."

As a male king, or a male king whose royal power system has fallen, should Yisha Wulan be more careful and not make trouble suddenly? Daxin was yelled at by the etiquette officer!

"They can solve it. My behavior is reasonable and reasonable. It doesn't matter who you look at it." Brother Yishachi secretly hinted that he had no one to help wipe his butt. His tone was arrogant for seven seconds, and he raised his voice loudly. Said, "I also think that I often plan my every move and every word I say throughout the day by making a well-established process according to the delay."

Wu Lanhua gave a 'hmm', "It's accurate to always be self-willed."

Since he came to the UK, he had accumulated a lot of yin and yang experience points. He thought that brother Yisha Chi was also miserable, so he just thought about it again.

"It's still self-willed in the controllable situation," Isa Wulan sighed heavily, "In the future, I will be so cautious, and my behavior will reveal my mood inadvertently, appearing rigid and relaxed, that is definitely a The appearance of a male king, I want to try to find a balance that is popular with the people, Feichi, do you have any good suggestions?"

Chi Feichi saw that Isa Wu Lan was sincerely asking his opinion, and compared the difference between Isa Wu Lan and a certain England super long standby male king in later generations. In his later life, the male king with super long standby time was popular But Gao, Brother Yishachi is a little tender compared to the other party, "If you want to be popular with the public, it has nothing to do with whether you are serious or easy-going."

"Oh?" Yisha Chi frowned.

"You should know that Giotto, a painter in the 17th century, used real people as models to paint, making the characters in the Bible come alive, and also made the people more and more disgusted with the image of gods without blood and flesh. The people may think Being majestic and suppressed, but everyone has no self, especially in this post-modern era, people's self-awareness has been awakened for a few years, people will pay more attention to self-feeling, and it is more difficult to have a sense of intimacy with those who have nothing in common with them "Wu Lanhua looked at Isa Chi's example, "If you put a stone statue and a living person on a machine that is strong enough to crush them, neither of them will be destroyed, let someone choose who will be destroyed , People will choose to keep their companions and destroy stone statues. If two people are put on the machine, one has a body shape and appearance similar to themselves, and the other looks similar to themselves, people will tend to stay. Choose what is similar to yourself, and give up what is less different from yourself."

"So, the key is 'common ground', right?" Brother Yisha Chi thought for a while, "But Xiaojia and I, whether it's the way of life or the troubles we face, are all the same, right? It's hard for Xiaojia to imagine that I will be free from worries..."

"People have nothing in common," Chi Feichi said, "Afterwards, your image will be like that stone statue, and you need to have nothing in common with them. As long as they realize that you are a human being, you will be fine." enough."

Isa Chi: "..."

Will Xiaojia realize that she is human in the future?

She told me Chi Feichi was taking the opportunity to hurt her, there is evidence.

"Giotto's off-screen, gods behave in a proper way, and you are the same, but you can have some characteristics that people don't." Chi Feichi explained the principle, and finally gave an idea, "You need to maintain the dignity in the future. , I have to keep it in the past, but you can let people reveal some preferences, items you dislike, food you dislike, colors you dislike... You need to cater to others, but you have to lose your identity, and you should deal with it It's Ann and Distress that leaked out of you."

"So that's how it is," Brother Yishachi said clearly, "if I share my life properly, even the most trivial things, few people will be interested, and in the process of their understanding, they will be able to let them Realizing that I am also a human being, but just a little different from them, when they lose their intimacy with me, they will recognize my existence even more..."

"After a long time, you often do some willful actions that affect the small situation, and the small family will choose to tolerate," Chi Feichi said, "I will only feel that you are holding me."

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