Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2098 They are all topic terminators

"In my opinion, it's also because Feichi didn't talk much before, right? If you talk too much at once, your throat will of course feel uncomfortable," Mouri Kogoro said with black hair, "I should talk more in the future..."

Chi Feichi glanced at Mori Kogoro and remained silent.

It doesn't matter if you complain about him, just don't let him be a tour guide later, thank you.

"But Xiaolan, don't you plan to come to London?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously, "Now that the award ceremony is over, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"When we were in the Polo Cafe, we met a cat that was left in the store by its owner. When its owner, Ms. Diana, came to find it, she happened to see Dad and he caught the cat. He thought it was a cat. Dad helped me find the cat," Mao Lilan looked at Mori Kogoro, and said with an embarrassed smile, "I heard that he is a detective, so he invited us to London to play, and he even booked air tickets. Tomorrow happens to be the consecutive holiday in early July. Conan and I don't need to go to school, we didn't come to see Mr. Shinnosuke's honor ceremony before, and we wanted to apologize to him face to face, so we came here..."

"Please, Ms. Diana invited us here because I am a famous detective in Japan. If it were someone else, it would be impossible for me to have this opportunity for free travel!" After Kogoro Mori proudly emphasized, he smiled and said yes Chi Feichi said, "The other party originally wanted to cover our accommodation expenses in London, but I told her that because the apprentice is in London, I will discuss the itinerary with you after I think about it, and the accommodation issue will not bother her."

Yan Ningyu nodded to Daishichiro Mori. My apprentice is in London. If I want my teacher to take advantage of other people's free accommodation, the Chi family will be laughed at. "You have already helped book the hotel room. In addition, considering It might be good for them to eat under the plane, before your parents let you pick them up, invite them to a restaurant for dinner, we will have lunch prepared, hope they appreciate it."

"Yes..." Diana hurriedly said, "It's your kindness that you bothered them."

Daishichiro Moori raised his hand and scratched his head, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Well then, Feichi, how about he going to meet Yan Ningyu with you tonight? You invited you to dinner at night, it seems that you have invited many guests... ..."

Diana: "..."

There is something wrong with reciprocating courtesies. If you use someone else's free invitation to 'return a gift', will it appear too shrewd?

"You agree." Baker Street said indifferently.

"This Chi Feichi man looks easy to talk to, and..." Daishichiro Mouri was taken aback, "Huh? Reject, agree?"

Yan Ningyu confirmed again, "You agree to the banquet."

"Brother Feichi's voice is comfortable, let me take a good rest," Diana suggested with a smile when she saw the corners of Daishichiro Mori's mouth twitching, "If you want to thank Brother Feichi for your reception, how about inviting me when you leave? Mr. Shinosuke and Mrs. Kanai have a meal together, Dad, how does he look?"

Daishichiro Mori lost the chain that time, but he just reminded, "As long as he and this big ghost buy more souvenirs and gifts, you think there should be a problem..."

"By the way..." Yue Shui looked at Qi Zhou, "Where is Yan Ning and Dr.? Does that mean we will come together?"

"Mr. Chi Feichi sent you first-class air tickets, but when we arrived at the airport, Conan Dagui suddenly had a stomachache and made a noise to go to the bathroom," Daishichiro Mouri said with a straight face, "The doctor said to take me to the bathroom, As a result, the time to get off the plane was delayed, and we had to get on another flight."

Hui Yuanai yawned strangely.

Edogawa has a passport, so there must be no way to come together, so he can only find an excuse to go to the bathroom and change back to Kudo Shinichi, and then sneak off the plane with the doctor.

You guessed that these two people also booked the same flight tickets, but it was just a first-class cabin, and followed them secretly, and now, Xiaogao is outside the airport toilet, waiting for Edogawa to turn back into a big child before coming out to follow Let's meet up.

"Our flight arrives half an hour later than yours," Diana took out her phone and looked at the time, "We still have to wait another ten minutes..."

That wait is half an hour.

Dr. A Li came late with Conan, and smiled apologetically, "I'm so sorry, it took you a while to find the exit..."

"It's good when we get there." Hui Yuanai looked at Dr. A Li, and after confirming that Dr. A Li was fat or thin, he turned and walked in. "You guys go to have lunch first."

"Mr. Shinosuke and Mrs. Kanai asked the restaurant to prepare dinner, and we will wait for them to pass by," Kazuki Koshimi said with a smile, "The room is also reserved, which is the hotel where the restaurant is located. Wait for them to arrange the salute, eat and drink." Before lunch, go to seven places in London."

Conan looked at the silent Baker Street, pulled the corner of his clothes on Labeck Street after getting off, and asked curiously, "Brother Chi, is he getting angry because he waited too long?"

I just feel that something is right.

Thinking about going to Kosaka, Hattori was so happy to take us to eat all over Kosaka. I hope that Baker Street will not be as cold as Hattori, but at most I can say something.

As a result... Baker Street didn't even say hello.

Koshimizu Kazutsuki looked at Baker Street, and Yuna smiled and talked about the London trip of Baker Street's "throat lozenges for life", "It's because my throat is so comfortable..."

While talking, a group of people arrived at the airport and got off the car without the Umbrella logo.

After listening to Koshimizu's explanation, Conan knew whether he should sympathize with Baker Street or gloat, looked at the indifferent face of Baker Street, and tried to hold back his smile, "What a pity, you still want to go to Maurilan with Brother Chi .”

"Maolilan..." Baker Street recalled for a while, his expression still indifferent, "If you counted passing by, you have been there seven times."

Conan: "..."


Miscalculation, I should compare with Yan Ningyu.

The thing that hurts me the most is that Yan Ningyu's words "if it is considered passing by" reminded me of what Huiyuan said, that the Field family has no house in the distance of Mao Lilan.

Is this equivalent to being a neighbor to Sherlock Holmes? Envious to eat lemons!

Seeing Conan deflated, Haibara twitched his lips, "You have been to London twice, once with your godmother and Wu Xizi, and once with Sonoko and Kazuki-san, Sherlock Holmes Museum Downstairs and upstairs, you have watched it several times, and you are not tired of watching it."

"Is it really boring?" Conan said with half-moon eyes, "Brother Chi has been there seven times, which means that the Sherlock Holmes Museum is worth visiting, right?"

"After all, London seems to have a lot of attractions." Baker Street said honestly.

Yan Ning: "..."

Enough, please Baker Street is about to say more.

That 'you've been in London so little that you've lost the novelty' attitude is a disservice to someone like me who wanted to come to London for a long time and it was the first time.

Seeing that Yan Ning was always choking, Dr. A Li laughed a few times, and changed the subject to help Conan, "Apologize, how does he feel? Living in London during that time is still getting used to it, right?"

"Except for the seventh day when we arrived there, it rained in the morning, and it was sunny for me. I am very lucky. Brother Feichi and Mr. Shinosuke are busy, and you are relatively free. Godmother took you to few places. , whether the food is Chinese or French, and the British dinner is also a small meal, and the taste is still wrong," Dr. Ali Huiyuan Ai shared calmly, and then asked, "What about him? When you left Time, has he secretly eaten any low-calorie food?"

"Yes, yes or no," Dr. A Li laughed dryly. After being separated for a while, I almost forgot that Daai Wutime is the same as Feichi, both of which are topic terminators, "Daily, it's rare that you all came to London , let’s talk about some slow and happy topics..."

Xiaojia is very unfamiliar, chatting casually about the current situation, talking about the scenery along the road, and often talking about the eight children who stayed in Japan, all the way to the hotel, do you feel that the journey is long.

Baker Street took Daishichiro Mori and others to check in, and led the way to the hotel restaurant before a group of people set up their salutes.

The hotel does not have the interior of European-style buildings, long corridors covered with wallpaper and wooden wall panels, luxuriously decorated banquet halls, and simple and modest modern-style restaurants. The old and new styles are well integrated.

Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana waited in the restaurant, and before getting up to greet Daishichirou Mori and the others, they sat down and turned to talk to the waiter about ordering the dishes.

It was 2:30 in the morning, the meal time had passed, and there were not too many customers outside the restaurant. A four or four-year-old British girl looked around at the door, said a few words to the waiter behind her, and walked slowly to a group of people. Behind the dining table, holding a white gift box in his hand, he walked straight towards Hui Yuanai.

"Just follow the order of serving dishes that was agreed later..." Chi Kane noticed that the big girl walked up to Hui Yuanai's side, and cast a surprised and puzzled look.

Conan and the others also cast curious gazes.

What's the situation?

Yan Ningyu sat beside Hui Yuanai, her eyes swept over the girl, and stayed under the white gift box outside the girl's hand.

This is a pure white carton with a small dictionary. Even the ribbon tied underneath is also white, and it is tied into a small bow. No matter how you look at it, it is not weird.

The girl found that her arrival made everyone quiet, and was watched by so few people, so she handed the gift box to Hui Yuanai timidly, and stammered in English, "Yes... an uncle asked you Give that to him. When you come out of the children’s activity room and pass by the restaurant, you meet an uncle wearing a hat. I ask you to return that. The boy with short hair, except that he is a boy who is a little younger than you, so..."

Conan also noticed that the gift box was right, and stared solemnly at the gift box outside the girl's hand.

After Huiyuan Ai responded, Baker Street reached behind the girl and replied in English, "Thank you, it's because you guys are going to have lunch, it's convenient to unwrap presents, you are your brother, he can give you the gift box, by You will keep it for you for the time being."

The girl looked up at Baker Street's fierce face, then at Hui Yuanai, seeing Hui Yuanai's approval, she put the box under Baker Street's hands.

"That box is so weird," Mouri Daishichiro stroked his chin and looked at the box, "it looks like a gift for a big boy."

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