Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2100 Let's play a game

Chi Feichi said nothing, with his right hand stuck in his pants pocket, staring at the elevator door indifferently.

It's a pity that the gun ban in the UK is also very strict. If he was in the US, he should be able to get a gun license and a gun, and it is much easier to deal with now.



The elevator doors slammed open.

Behind the door, a tall man was wearing the clothes of a cleaning staff, with a mop in his left hand and a bucket in his right hand. He was standing in the elevator with his head down, his blue cleaning hat was lowered to cover his face, but suddenly he seemed to feel something. Looking up hastily, seeing Chi Feichi walking towards the elevator quickly, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he quickly reached out, and pressed the number for the 27th floor of the elevator and the door close button almost simultaneously.

The two employees saw the elevator door open, and one of them stepped into the elevator, which just stopped the process of the elevator preparing to close the door.


There is something in his heart that he really wants to say!

When Chi Feichi walked towards the elevator, he had already taken out his mobile phone with his left hand and dialed Kogoro Mouri's number. While waiting for the call to connect, he continued to stare at the man retreating to the corner of the elevator. Seeing that the other party was not going to come out, he thought about it quickly , or walked into the elevator.

There was no one else outside the elevator. A female employee turned her head to look at Chi Feichi, who was walking towards the man in cleaning clothes. She hesitated for a while, probably thinking that there would be no serious danger in broad daylight and public places, so she pressed the close button and the 21st floor. Floor, and asked tentatively, "Sir, you look very unfamiliar and you don't wear work clothes. You don't work in this building, do you?"

The man in the cleaning suit stretched his right hand forward, and the knife hidden in his right hand was already across the neck of another female employee, forcing the female employee to stick to the elevator and stiffen, the corner of her mouth under the brim curled up nervously. With a smile, he said in a low voice, "He is here to catch me."

"Hello, Feichi?" Mouri Kogoro's voice came from the cell phone in Chi Feichi's hand, "You now..."

Chi Feichi stared at the man, put the phone to his ear, "I'm in the elevator of the office building, and I've found him."

"Huh? Why are you so fast? The kid and I just arrived downstairs at the restaurant!" Mori Kogoro asked in surprise, and then asked, "Did you catch him?"

Chi Feichi looked at the knife in the man's right hand, "Not yet, he took hostages."


The female employee who closed the elevator door had already discovered that her companion was being held hostage, and she wasn't sure who Chi Feichi was, so she could only shrink in a corner by herself, startled by Kogoro Mori's yell, and continued to tremble.

"What's the situation on your side?" Mori Kogoro asked anxiously, "The kid and I have arrived at the elevator, and the elevator is going up. You are in the elevator..."

"Hang up the phone," the man interrupted in a deep voice, raised his head slightly, leaving a pair of gloomy eyes under the brim of his hat, and the knife in his right hand has already pressed a bloodstain on the neck of the female staff member, "If you don't want her to die !"

Chi Feichi looked at the man, slowly put down the phone in his left hand, moved his thumb, and pressed the end button.

"Right? When will the elevator go..."

As the phone was hung up, Mori Kogoro's anxious words disappeared in the elevator.

"Tch...haha..." The man laughed out loud after chuckling in a low voice, but the next second, the laughter got stuck in his throat, and the pride on his face disappeared in an instant.

On the opposite side, Chi Feichi's left hand holding the phone had already dropped to his side, his deep purple eyes were still staring at the man, and the corners of his lips curled up in a playful arc.

He recognized it.

It turned out to be Hades, Hades after plastic surgery.

"What are you laughing at?" Hades was inexplicably upset, and his tone was a little impatient. He glanced at Chi Feichi's right hand in his pants pocket, and was caught off guard twice by Chi Feichi. , I seriously doubt that it is a very dangerous thing, "Take your right hand out of your pocket, or I..."

"Kill her?"

Chi Feichi looked at the female employee who was held hostage by Hades and was so frightened that she burst into tears, the smile deepened at the corner of her mouth, and she walked towards Hades.

"Let me warn you one last time, don't come here!" Hades leaned back against the elevator, the knife in his hand stuck tightly to the wound on the female employee's neck, smelling the bloody smell that pervaded wantonly in the small space, his heart rose. Killing intent.

Kill one, he still has another hostage...

There was a sudden gust of cool wind in his ears, and Hades froze all over. He felt that in addition to the smell of blood in his nasal cavity, there was also a cool scent of cedar, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

That's the smell of the aromatherapy used in the restaurant opposite...

He was only distracted for a moment, and the young man with purple pupils who was three steps away from him actually came to him, standing close to him, and at the same time he smelled the cedar fragrance, the cold and sharp thing was gone. stuck to his waist.

How can this be? How could someone have such terrifying speed?

Chi Feichi leaned over slightly, looked sideways at Hades' stiff side face, the smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold and there was a trace of fanaticism, he clung to Hades' ear, and said in a very soft voice, "Okay Now, no one will hear our conversation, you go ahead, cut that girl's throat, and kill another..."

Hades rolled his eyes and stared at the pair of eyes staring at him from the corner of his vision, and the chill rushed to the top of his head.

He once saw himself in the mirror with similar eyes, and he also understood what kind of mentality it was - the hunter stared at the prey, and had full confidence in killing the prey, just out of the twisted evil taste in his heart , I want to play with my prey first.

Moreover, the pair of purple eyes staring at him seemed to have a bottomless darkness in the depths, which was a darkness that he had never had before and would make his hair stand on end.

Umbrella has been in the limelight recently, and it is not difficult to investigate Chi Feichi's identity, but unfortunately there is not much information, but as the young master of a rich family, how can there be such distorted emotions hidden in his eyes?

With just one glance, he can be sure that Chi Feichi doesn't care about the life or death of the other two!

"Then I will kill you," Chi Feichi said softly in English, "After I get out, I will tell everyone that you went crazy and killed two girls, so I can only take the opportunity to stab you to death."

Hades' eyelids twitched, knowing that the key point of this sentence was "stabbing to death with random knives". When Chi Feichi said this sentence, he could feel the crazy murderous intent in that line of sight, and the other party seemed to have imagined a knife The scene where the knife stabbed him to death, "That's not good, what if you are the one who died?"

Hold on, don't lose momentum at critical moments.

Once he loses his fighting spirit, he will die, think about how he stabbed Chi Feichi to death...

The corner of Chi Feichi's mouth curled up into a faint smile again, and he stared at Hades with cold eyes, without answering the question.

Hades, who was just an ordinary employee, still thought he could kill him?

He had a hundred ways to kill Hades that Hades didn't want to imagine, if he wanted to.

Hades thought of Chi Feichi approaching like a wind, but he couldn't mobilize his killing intent to fight against Chi Feichi after all, but he was not willing to just admit defeat, and with the mentality of dying, he tentatively asked, "Let me go!" Come on, what's your condition?"

"Don't show such a tragic expression, Hades, I just want to play a game with you," Chi Feichi stared at Hades' sideways eyes, and whispered softly, "It's an interesting game, look at you guys How's the luck of the three of you, if you don't die, I'll let you go, don't come to me in the future, and I'll treat you as if I don't know you."

"Luck?" Hades murmured puzzled.

Chi Feichi took two steps back, stretched out his right hand from his pocket, shot the suction cup with the rope towards the top of the elevator, and pressed the mechanism.

The rope was quickly tightened, and Chi Feichi was hung upside down on the elevator.

Before Hades could react, Chi Feichi put away the knife in his left hand, opened the lid on the top of the elevator, turned over, took out a pen, pressed the cap of the pen, and a two-centimeter line appeared at the end of the pen barrel. When the red rays are left and right, bring the red rays closer to the steel rope that pulls the elevator up and down.

The elevator has passed the 21st floor and is still going up. After the top cover was opened, a slight rumbling sound came out of the elevator.

After the red rays emitted by the pen approached the steel rope, a gap appeared in the steel rope like ice and snow melted by the hot flame.

Hades instantly understood what Chi Feichi wanted to do, and stared at the jumping numbers above the elevator control panel.

That lunatic wants to cut the steel rope that controls the elevator's up and down!

Once the steel rope is cut, the elevator will fall straight down in the elevator shaft, from a height of more than 20 floors, falling at a terrifying speed, the elevator will be completely destroyed, and the four of them will have no bones left...

No, wait, Chi Feichi is now at the top of the elevator, and there is a suction cup hook rope on his body. After cutting all the ropes, Chi Feichi can use the suction cup to hang himself on the inner wall of the elevator shaft, watching the elevator that trapped them fall all the way , Falling to the ground into a cake.

Yes, there were four people participating in the game, but only he and the two unlucky women were in danger of dying, and Chi Feichi was the one playing the game.

The so-called game is that Chi Feichi wants to see whether the elevator arrives first and the door opens, or he cuts all the ropes first.

If the elevator reaches the 27th floor where he pressed the button before all the ropes are cut, and the elevator door opens in time, they can still live.

And if the rope broke before reaching the 27th floor, then all three of their toys would die.

Now it is the 23rd floor, there are 4 floors left, it should be possible...


A steel rope was completely cut by Chi Feichi and bounced upwards.

The elevator tilted, and a corner hit the wall of the elevator shaft, making a loud bang, and the lights in the elevator flickered.

The two female employees had been frightened by Hades for a long time. One was held hostage and stood close to the elevator, and the other shrank in the corner, blankly.

Until the elevator swayed, the female employee who was held hostage by Hades with a knife couldn't stand still, and her figure swayed for a while.

Fortunately, Hades couldn't stand still, and his reaction was a little faster than the female staff. When the elevator started to shake, he grabbed the guardrail in the elevator with one hand, and leaned on his knee with the other hand, and retracted the knife attached to the female staff's neck. , so that the female staff was not cut open.

Chi Feichi held the raised rail above the elevator with one hand, stabilized his figure, and cut the second steel rope expressionlessly.


Three seconds later, the elevator reached the 25th floor, and the second steel rope was cut by the laser pointer.

The elevator made a fault-like sound again, and one side was already skewed badly.

The two female employees rolled to a corner, hugging each other and shivering.

Hades clung to the guardrail with his right hand, staring palely at the number of floors displayed on the elevator.

Is this crazy batch coming for real?

According to Chi Feichi's speed, one steel rope can be cut when the elevator goes up two floors. There are four steel ropes in the elevator, and there are still two left. If you want to finish cutting, it will be almost when the elevator goes up to the 29th floor.

And they can get off the elevator on the 27th floor. Based on this calculation, when the elevator reaches the 27th floor, Chi Feichi should be just about to cut the fourth rope.

The idea is good, but after the elevator lost two ropes, its ascent speed slowed down, and one side tilted and rubbed against the inner wall of the elevator shaft from time to time. The friction also affected the ascent speed. Can the elevator ascent speed catch up with Chi Feichi who cut the ropes? Speed, but also a question mark.

In the worst case, the elevator detects a malfunction and stops before reaching the 27th floor...

He can't die now!

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